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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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People who use Adblock are the very reason why people are doing this. I'm glad you support the channels you watch through donations, but I mean, who the fuck else does that? Adblock is still retarded, and wrong.

You can install adblock and ever have to worry about 90% of your ad problems ever again.

But you're Verbatim. Why should I think you'll ever listen to anything sensical.
AdBlock does cause huge problems for content creators.  For people whose livelihoods rely on ad revenue (a lot of fucking people) having a huge chunk of that potential revenue washed away because someone doesn't want to watch a 30-second ad probably hurts.

That said, many channels are now incorporating ads into the videos themselves.  Like Roosterteeth's or LinusTechTips' endorsement of products at the beginning of their shows.  I think we'll see a transition to that type of advertising exclusively in the coming years.
Well, I'm just one person with Adblock, so what difference do I make?


You can install adblock and ever have to worry about 90% of your ad problems ever again.

That's fucking retarded and only serves to kill the Internet. Ads provide revenue.
By not viewing ads, you're taking away revenue.

Fuck you.

People who use Adblock are the very reason why people are doing this. I'm glad you support the channels you watch through donations, but I mean, who the fuck else does that? Adblock is still retarded, and wrong.

You can install adblock and ever have to worry about 90% of your ad problems ever again.

But you're Verbatim. Why should I think you'll ever listen to anything sensical.

>Google adblock
>Install extension/add-on

Well shit, all that money spent.
You actually spent money on that?


Serious / International Jihadist groups before the 80's.
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:33:28 PM »
Does anyone know whether there were any Jihadi groups (by modern definition) before the 80's? Since it really seems like Islamic Terrorism as we know it today really set up its roots in Afghanistan during the Soviet war there. Namely because that's the period of time when al-Qaeda and the Taliban really set up their recruitment base and multi-national infrastructure.

Also, al-Qaeda's traditional core areas have been around Afghanistan, and the Taliban is also based in Afghanistan.

I hardly watch Youtube to begin with. And I have adblock.

But come on, let's not pretend like they weren't going to do this at one point or another....

Serious / Re: The reason that Republicans are against gays.
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:26:53 PM »
But I'm not in the closet?
What do?
Then you aren't a Republican.

The Flood / Re: What is this guy supposed to be?
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:23:02 PM »
A normal Weeb.

Serious / Re: The reason that Republicans are against gays.
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:15:13 PM »
>being a communist
>being a closet-homosexual in denial

убить себя

Yay, I remember enough Russian to know what that means. :33333333

Serious / The reason that Republicans are against gays.
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:02:36 PM »
It's because most of them are actually closet-homosexuals, and they deny it by buying fatass gas guzzlers and being against giving gays rights.

The Flood / Re: No wonder he was only president for one term
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:01:38 PM »
And he's a Republican.

The Flood / Re: "I just noticed you guys got this car, who's is it?"
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:01:06 PM »
The fuck is the point of this thread?

The Flood / Re: Man kills self after losing buffet privileges...
« on: April 08, 2015, 09:55:45 PM »

I can understand wanting society to be more tolerant, but some people don't even try to live in the real world.
Thankfully these are only a very small minority of people.

To answer your question, nothing would have changed because homosexuality/gender dysphoria isn't carried through genes. It just randomly appears in some people.

The Flood / Re: Does this thread look serious to you?
« on: April 08, 2015, 08:33:54 PM »
omg repooted

« on: April 08, 2015, 08:06:08 PM »

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 08:04:18 PM »
I really hope that Greece stays in the EU and Eurozone because they are literally helpless without them.

Okay, you tell me how Greece would benefit without them.

Nobody here has stated even once how Greece would do any better without the EU.
Apologies. I thought you were referring to how the EU couldn't survive without Greece.
Oh wow.

That is a funny thought.


Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:58:50 PM »
I really hope that Greece stays in the EU and Eurozone because they are literally helpless without them.

Okay, you tell me how Greece would benefit without them.

Nobody here has stated even once how Greece would do any better without the EU.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy a used dirt bike?
« on: April 08, 2015, 06:09:08 PM »
What's the quality of the roads in London? In terms of bumpiness and potholes.

I'm pretty experienced in terms of bicycles, you I can help you quite a bit.
Well it wouldn't be street legal either way. I remember reading somewhere there's a way to make t street legal but I can't remember exactly what.

What qualifies as street legal/illegal up there?
Scooters, motorcycles, cars, trucks.

Just not dirt bikes for some reason.
Then why not ride a road bike?

That's what I use.
With pedals?

You weren't talking about a bicycle.



Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 06:05:59 PM »
I think you're too biased because of your family.
I won't even argue with this since it's true. But it seems that you're biased as well, namely since I am getting the impression that you didn't really get the choice to leave the US, and that you wanted to continue living here.

I mean the money tou can make in America
We've both seen first-hand on how true that is. You grew up in a shitty part of LA from the sounds of it. And I live in a family who makes over 200k per year, yet we can barely afford shit since the cost of living is so damn high here.

life style
Yeah, I'd really enjoy working like a dog for my entire life. And while I'd make money, I'd have no time to even enjoy it. I don't want that for myself. The work culture in the US is so prevalent, that it practically consumes you.

Probably the #1 reason I'm leaving. I could go on paragraphs about this, but I'll just sum it like this. I don't hate American people and I don't even have any contempt for them (unless they're being nationalist retards of course), but I just can't really relate to the people living here.

Yet, I can relate to European people and get along with them really well.

I dunno. It's just not really what I want.

There's no place like America.
There isn't, I can agree with that. And I can understand why most people who live here like it.

You really should think long and hard before you move to a part of the world that is facing serious economic trouble and the possibility of the EU dying a slow and painful death.
I'm not stupid. I have thought very long, and very hard (about 10 years) about this.

69th response

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:50:30 PM »
"what about the countries doing great with the Euro"

1 EUR = 1.08 USD

I don't really know what to say, honestly.

The main reason that I support the EU honestly is because of the EU citizenship that any citizen of a member state is given. And if the EU falls apart like that, I'd be stuck here in a country that I've always hated living in for the rest of my life. Unless Greece really starts to see some serious recovery.
The free movement of peoples would've been fine if it was West Europe and the UK. But otherwise, no.
It also affects other members of my family, since many of them are living in other Western European countries solely on their Greek citizenship...
I know it would suck, but Greece should at the least leave the Euro.
No, I wouldn't be willing to support jeopardizing mine and my family's future over this. I think that leaving the Eurozone should only be seriously considered once every single other alternative has been exhausted. Because this would cause a lot of repercussions around the rest of Europe in a time when they don't need them. Greece can't just walk out of it all and expect nothing to happen as a result.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:45:01 PM »
"what about the countries doing great with the Euro"

1 EUR = 1.08 USD

I don't really know what to say, honestly.

The main reason that I support the EU honestly is because of the EU citizenship that any citizen of a member state is given. And if the EU falls apart like that, I'd be stuck here in a country that I've always hated living in for the rest of my life. Unless Greece really starts to see some serious recovery.
The free movement of peoples would've been fine if it was West Europe and the UK. But otherwise, no.
It also affects other members of my family, since many of them are living in other Western European countries solely on their Greek citizenship...

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:42:04 PM »
"what about the countries doing great with the Euro"

1 EUR = 1.08 USD

I don't really know what to say, honestly.

The main reason that I support the EU honestly is because of the EU citizenship that any citizen of a member state is given. And if the EU falls apart like that, I'd be stuck here in a country that I've always hated living in for the rest of my life. Unless Greece really starts to see some serious recovery.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:38:52 PM »
They are not. We are at the center of the typhoon, when it's calm, and it stagnates. At least, for Greece.

The worst days of the crisis are over now.

I don't know why my relatives there would say it is then, given the fact that they're very well-informed people.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:35:21 PM »
Old already going down the shitter now.
Not really. Greece has already bottomed out, and the other Mediterranean countries have also bottomed out or are damn near bottoming out. The worst days of the crisis are over now.

Cutting up the EU would undo all of the recovery that has happened in the Mediterranean countries.

It's not really 1st world.

I wouldn't have admitted it into the EU.
Which is why Romania, Bulgaria and Poland were admitted into the EU, right?

I'd be for the EU if there was no Euro and no Eastern European nations in it. But to say not getting rid of the euro is a good idea is plain wrong.
I also think that the EU shouldn't have admitted the majority of Eastern Europe over the course of 3 years. And when the Euro came out, there was no way that anyone could have guessed that this crisis would happen.

And what about those countries who are doing great with the Euro? It seems like what you're suggesting for the most part is either all or nothing in terms of which countries would be affected.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:32:07 PM »
Either way it's a bureaucratic mess to go through. It's not as simply going "kthx bye" and everyone walks out of the union. Yet, this kind of conflict in interests could lead to it crashing quite well. (Which it should deserve if it gets any more out of hand)

That is a major flaw with it. Which is that the people really have no voice in what the EU itself does as an organization. But would it really be better to dismantle the entire union because of that?
You probably have more personal experience with the EU's bureaucracy than me, honestly. Have you ever had any experiences with it?

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:29:31 PM »
Which is why all the Mediterranean countries in the Eurozone are doing fucking terrible and can't afford the cost of living?
They haven't done great historically by any means, and these are problems that wouldn't be helped even remotely by dismantling the EU and its institutions. Maybe I'd be willing to compromise on the Euro somewhat.

Greece hasn't been a great country for a long time. But the point is the EU and the Euro make life in Mediterranean countries considerably worse.
And it will go down the shitter if the EU is dismantled.

But I'm talking about 1st world Mediterranean countries. Spain, Italy, France. People can barely afford rent because of the Euro.
Hey! Greece is a first world country too!! But I'm not too sure what to say about this. My concern about removing the Euro is that it'd make a huge symbolic impact (a negative one) on the EU, and it could end up being a first step to dismantling the union.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:26:33 PM »
The EU is not innocent since it seems to exist only to serve the needs of specific nations in the union, and not the general well-being of the whole union. The EU president is also not democratically elected by the people of the EU. What sort of democratic union doesn't let the people choose their president?

I know. I really have no idea why people are blaming the EU for this crisis.

Though the EU really shouldn't be admitting any new countries until this crisis passes through (Croatia)....
That is a major flaw with it. Which is that the people really have no voice in what the EU itself does as an organization. But would it really be better to dismantle the entire union because of that?

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