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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:17:51 PM »
It's my advice.
Thank you for the input.

No, that's a fact. Sticking with the international crowd in a country like Germany will have you feel like an outsider the whole time.
We'll see once I get there.

But you think things you hate about "Americans" are things Germans or Europeans is general don't have.
No, not really. I'm expecting most Germans or Europeans I meet to be like the Americans I've met.

LOL It's ducking freezing in Germany compared to California.
Depends which part you're in.

I'd love to hear what else they have.

Lidl? LOL

I said name a country that has things better than America. Don't list countries, list what you perceive to actually be better.
Far less wealth inequality, higher GDP per capita, better education systems. You know. The same generic crap you keep on hearing about Scandinavia.

You don't seem to have a reason to do it.
Because I have the right to find a place I'm actually happy living in?

This debate is honestly starting to become more and more pointless. It's pretty clear that neither of us are going to convince each other of what we think.

Maybe we should continue it on PM?

Serious / Re: Southern EU states convinced they can survive a Grexit
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:12:51 PM »
inb4 post-Grexit " 'ts only a flesh wound"

The Flood / Re: Do you THINK in the second language you speak?
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:07:37 PM »
I had this conversation with my japanese teacher 6-7 years ago, my friend brought it up with the question. She said that she thinks in English when talking to people in English but in her native tongue (Japanese) when thinking in general.

Which is something of the mirror for me, I always think in english except when I'm considering something in another language. So when I'm typing out moonrunes I'm thinking in runes. I'm not quite bilingual yet though, and only borderline fluent >_>

I expect there are a few people on here that are bilingual, mostly those from non anglophone countries >_>

^Bloody belgians putting the rest of us to shame <_<
Is your other language Weeabo language?
Yesu Desu

The languages I can speak go as follows
1. English
2. Japanese (But not at a very proficient level, kind of like middleschooler ability)
3. French (Been HonHonHoning since I was 5 but the last 4 years I haven't used it at all so atrophy)
4. Spanish (Did it for a few years at school, not much though)
5. German/Dutch Cognatefrenzy >.>


Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:06:36 PM »
So have I, but I still wouldn't go to live in Germany.
Then that's your opinion.

Which will always make you feel like an outsider.
We'll see when I get there.

"Probably" is not a good way to live.
"Definitely not" (being able to relate to people here) is a worse way to live.

See, you're bullshitting yourself. You have no idea how many times I've heard people say this and then a mere 3 months later tell me how they can't wait to get back to the sun.
Okay. I don't really know what to say to this one, since I've never lived for a long period of time in cold weather. But it's not that much colder than here honestly. Like 10-15 degrees in Fahrenheit compared to here.

Its Germany bro. There's nazi shit and museums and beer.

Oh, and sausages.
That's hardly the entire country...

Name a country that has several things better than America.
Uh. Norway, Sweden, and Finland. LOL

That's why I asked you. You said happiness, but it seems like you're just escaping and trying to see if you'll be happier somewhere else.
That's pretty much why I'm doing it. But I really have no reason not to do so.

Lol prepare your anus for some freedom britbongs.

This Summer on Fox

The Colonies Strike Back


You win the thread!

The Flood / Re: Do you THINK in the second language you speak?
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:58:13 PM »
I had this conversation with my japanese teacher 6-7 years ago, my friend brought it up with the question. She said that she thinks in English when talking to people in English but in her native tongue (Japanese) when thinking in general.

Which is something of the mirror for me, I always think in english except when I'm considering something in another language. So when I'm typing out moonrunes I'm thinking in runes. I'm not quite bilingual yet though, and only borderline fluent >_>

I expect there are a few people on here that are bilingual, mostly those from non anglophone countries >_>

^Bloody belgians putting the rest of us to shame <_<
Is your other language Weeabo language?

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:55:55 PM »
Because you don't seem stupid enough to do that. Moving into the collapsing EU, in the capital of the EU empire is a bad move based just on economics. Factor in shitty weather, boring people, shitty food, and not much to do or see and I can't really fathom what attracts you.
I think you're selling Germany a bit short. Berlin is a lovely city.

Although I certainly couldn't live there, not even for a year. But I guess that's why I'm going to America for a year, instead of Germany.
Yeah, but moving to Berlin is retarded unless you're moving there because you already have a high paying job waiting for you there.

And I wouldn't say it's all that great. It's decent from what I've seen and heard.
I know people who have worked/will work in the universities there. And several other people who have high-paying jobs. I'm not going there with only the clothes on my back.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:54:19 PM »
America is the best country in the world.
I have to agree with you, really.

The US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are the best countries on the planet and pretty much in that order.
100% opinion.

There is no best country in the world, since the best country doesn't exist.
Not really. There are objective measures of "good" provided you actually have a rational basis for goodness, even if you still have leeway. Like, you might prefer the sun over snow, so you go to Australia over Canada.

What you don't do is go to Afghanistan. Unless your definition of "good" is a war-torn, misogynistic society with high infant mortality rate. But at that point, you're an idiot for defining "good" that way.
You got me! How did you know that my long-term living destination was Syria! Damn!!

What I'm saying is that different people have different basis for goodness, so you'll get the same 50 or so countries being listed as the "best".

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:52:48 PM »
Because you don't seem stupid enough to do that. Moving into the collapsing EU, in the capital of the EU empire is a bad move based just on economics. Factor in shitty weather, boring people, shitty food, and not much to do or see and I can't really fathom what attracts you.
I've gotten along really well with Germans (and there's a big international community in Berlin). Probably better than other people I talk to in all honesty. I like cold weather a lot. I don't even have to like German food (which isn't a problem since I already like it) since there's a really diverse range in food. And if you think there's not much to do/see, you really aren't looking in the right areas.

I just said. America has it all. And it has the most opportunities.
I don't believe that it has it all. Though the opportunities part is arguably true.

I don't see how that matters.
Because how can you know what people want out of life if you don't even know them?

The Flood / Re: Do you THINK in the second language you speak?
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:47:49 PM »
I do it fairly often, yeah. Between English and German. But it's mainly because I'm not quite fluent in German, so thinking in it helps with the fluidity.

The Flood / Re: I am now the admin of a Sonic FB page with 13k likes
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:43:32 PM »

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:43:13 PM »
America is the best country in the world.
I have to agree with you, really.

The US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are the best countries on the planet and pretty much in that order.
100% opinion.

There is no best country in the world, since the best country doesn't exist.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:42:37 PM »
I'm not getting why you don't want me to leave the US so badly. Everyone else I know thinks that what I'm doing is a good idea except for you.
Maybe because I know better. Or maybe I'm wrong and you'll be happier in Europe. But I highly doubt it.

The only thing in Europe that's actually different is Spain. It's so fucking laidback you can't believe it. But while that's nice, at the same time that's what makes it a shithole.

America is the best country in the world. It has everything. Leaving just doesn't make any sense to me.
I can get what you're saying. Really.

But there's nothing here that makes me want to stay. And it's not like I'm the only one who has ever left the US. Close to 100,000 Americans are living in Germany right now as a matter of fact. So why shouldn't I be one of them? And literally all of the arguments I've seen from people against me leaving is about why I shouldn't go to Europe rather than why I should stay here.

I don't think we know each other well for what we're trying to convince each other of. Since we both come from very different backgrounds and we haven't exactly been open about them to each other.

The Flood / Re: Now YOUR honest opinion of ME
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:30:45 PM »
You're really weird. Like, a mom fetish? Never even heard of that shit before.

I can't put enough emphasis on how fucking weird that is though.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:27:10 PM »
True. But having lived in Europe, Africa, and now London, it's only reinforced me wanting to go back home.
Then that's your opinion. Not everyone is going to think the same way as you do.

And I'd rather be poor there than rich anywhere else.
Then that's your case.

The cost of living is really high, but if you're making over 200,000 and you're struggling to get by I don't know what to tell you. Maybe your family isn't handling the money as well as you think they are, or you live in a rich area and you have a lot of expenses.
You're living in London which has a reputation for being the most expensive cities in Europe to live in. And I've been looking for some of the cheapest areas in Europe to live in. I'm not gonna go straight into goddamn London or Paris. It's a both of those cases (parents not spending money well and living in an expensive area)

It's exactly the same here in Europe. That'll never change pretty much anywhere you go.
My relatives there do work extremely hard, but this is something I'll need to find out for myself.

I can't relate to anybody outside of America part from two people.
From the sounds of it, you never wanted to leave the US in the first place and you got along fine with Americans. It's obviously that we think differently and we have different priorities.

Ok. I'm telling you right now you're making a mistake but you'll have to go through this yourself to understand.

What is it you want?

It's not that Europe is bad, I just don't like it. Especially the way I've been forced to experience it.
I want to be happy. But given how I'm not happy in the area that I live, and that on the other hand, I'd be far happier here than in most other parts of the US, I can do better than where I'm at. It'd be extremely stupid for me not to find out what Europe is like to live in, especially since I have relatives there and I'm a European citizen.

But you don't. And you think universal things that you dislike will somehow change by moving to Europe. Doesn't make sense.
No, I don't. I'm expecting many of the same problems I am facing here. Hell, I'm not even expecting for my life to be easier there. If anything, it will be harder since I have to adapt to a new society and all of that fun stuff. But there is literally nothing keeping me here.

No, you're not. But I can tell about the way you talk that you think the grass is much greener on the other side. I'm just telling you it's pretty god damn brown.
I know it's brown. My family isn't having the time of their lives there themselves. They have to deal with all sorts of their own crazy shit. If I thought that Europe was oh so green, I'd just jump right into Greece like an idiot and get sucked into the unemployment clusterfuck.

I'm not getting why you don't want me to leave the US so badly. Everyone else I know thinks that what I'm doing is a good idea except for you.

« on: April 09, 2015, 02:17:28 AM »







The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:09:37 AM »
cheat get off your alt
I'm not a mOD.
Ah, so you're Rocketman's alt.

The Flood / Re: #COMMSFORCALIPH2015
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:07:32 AM »
Kill yourself
Not before you make me into a moderator of Sep7agon.

#COMMSFORMOD2015 always comes before #COMMSFORCALIPH2015

« on: April 09, 2015, 02:04:56 AM »
Caliph of the Islamic State that is.

The Flood / Re: Is autism a Sexually Transmitted Disease?
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:04:32 AM »

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Massacre
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:57:31 AM »
That story was fucking retarded.


The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:55:28 AM »
Yo, make me into a moderator. I'd do an awesome job. I have numerous credentials.
Provide proof.
Allah has sent me down here as an emissary to expand the Islamic Caliphate.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:50:47 AM »
Yo, make me into a moderator. I'd do an awesome job. I have numerous credentials.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:47:10 AM »

The Flood / Re: Wow Jim
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:05:29 AM »

The Flood / Re: Post ITT for my opinion of you
« on: April 09, 2015, 12:34:18 AM »
I think it'd be a better idea if you asked us to give our opinion of you.

And then you'd probably kill yourself after reading the responses.

The Flood / Re: Hey hey, what's the deal with sporks?
« on: April 09, 2015, 12:32:08 AM »
Too bad they fucking fail at being forks, and they are like spoons with holes in them.

Serious / Re: International Jihadist groups before the 80's.
« on: April 09, 2015, 12:13:56 AM »
there were some islamic nationalist groups who used terrorist tactics against the ottomans in the late 1800s.  there's also the hashashins from the 11th century, who used "terrorist" tactics against persian provinces.other than that, there isnt much that i can find with cursory research. the geopolitical shakeup caused by western intervention in the middle east is the primary catalyst for all the strife right now, and the advent of the information age has allowed fundamentalist ideology to spread around the world, so thats why the islamic coalition groups that we know are a modern phenomena. they really started sprouting after the iranian revolution in 1979. lots of disillusioned muslims empathized with the ayatollah khomeini's anti-western philosophy, emphasis on the virtues of the jihad, and perhaps these groups feel that they must mirror the ayatollah's revolution in other parts of the world.

my understanding of middle eastern history is EXTREMELY rudimentary, so you'll have to forgive errors. there have most certainly been islamic fringe groups which threaten central authority in the middle east as far back as the beginning of the islamic empire, but the nature of our industrialized and ever-advancing global society is what allowed groups like ISIL and al Qaeda to exist in this capacity.
So what I'm saying is pretty much confirmed..

Which is that Islamic terrorism wasn't really a major problem until the 80's. Lots of what you were mentioning sounded like political terrorism with a bit of religion, while today's Islamic terrorism is largely religion-motivated.
well, we dont have all of the necessary contextual information, so id tread lightly, but id say youre on the right track. groups like the hashashins were heavily steeped in religious conflict/ideology, tracing their origins to the first crusade, but ultimately existed to serve some political purpose. its said that the leader of the hashinshins gave his followers hashish and polluted their minds, promising that he would be the harbinger of their salvation. this inspired a fanatical devotion to the cause, which isnt dissimilar to the fanatical devotion we see in our modern terrorist groups.

historical precedent dictates that religious militarism almost always masks a more complex political purpose, so im reluctant to say that these militant islamic organizations exist to deliver the world to paradise. that is to say, the religious aspect of this may be a facade, and the leaders are brainwashing their followers to serve their own agendas.

of course, there's much more nuance to this than i understand right now, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Yeah, both al-Qaeda and the Taliban originated from the same ideals at the time, which were to resist the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. And IS rooted from (at least during its independent phase) as a resistance group against the tyrannical Syrian and Iraqi governments.

Serious / Re: International Jihadist groups before the 80's.
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:49:07 PM »
there were some islamic nationalist groups who used terrorist tactics against the ottomans in the late 1800s.  there's also the hashashins from the 11th century, who used "terrorist" tactics against persian provinces.other than that, there isnt much that i can find with cursory research. the geopolitical shakeup caused by western intervention in the middle east is the primary catalyst for all the strife right now, and the advent of the information age has allowed fundamentalist ideology to spread around the world, so thats why the islamic coalition groups that we know are a modern phenomena. they really started sprouting after the iranian revolution in 1979. lots of disillusioned muslims empathized with the ayatollah khomeini's anti-western philosophy, emphasis on the virtues of the jihad, and perhaps these groups feel that they must mirror the ayatollah's revolution in other parts of the world.

my understanding of middle eastern history is EXTREMELY rudimentary, so you'll have to forgive errors. there have most certainly been islamic fringe groups which threaten central authority in the middle east as far back as the beginning of the islamic empire, but the nature of our industrialized and ever-advancing global society is what allowed groups like ISIL and al Qaeda to exist in this capacity.
So what I'm saying is pretty much confirmed..

Which is that Islamic terrorism wasn't really a major problem until the 80's. Lots of what you were mentioning sounded like political terrorism with a bit of religion, while today's Islamic terrorism is largely religion-motivated.

The Flood / Re: Favorite commercial?
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:56:05 PM »
I don't watch TV.

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