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Messages - Not Comms Officer

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 158
The Flood / Re: Yet another shooting in the US.
« on: May 17, 2015, 07:32:55 PM »
I hope you're not indirectly implying that gun control would've prevented this.

It wouldn't have.
Guns should have never been legal in the first place in the US. Gun control won't fix the massive mistake that was made when the 2nd Amendment was made, and now the only solution is going to be some crazy, outside-the-box sort of thing.

So no, gun control isn't an effective solution to gun crime.

The Flood / Yet another shooting in the US.
« on: May 17, 2015, 07:24:25 PM »
Le linky xdddd

But I swear to fucking god, this shit happens like literally every day. 9 people dead, and 16 injured this time around, and nobody will ever learn.

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:50:57 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.
Oh, right, this is 2015. I forgot that hunting isn't allowed to be fun anymore.
Damn straight. She's a coward. Nothing more.
This is where you pull some "go hunting with a spear if you want to be a man" bullshit, isn't it?
Huh? No, hunting for fun is stupid in general.
The anticipation, the waiting in nature, the moments of pure zen as you steady yourself as you aim your shot, the thrill of tracking and the kill... I don't see how it can't be fun.
If there's a positive use of the animal's body then who cares if someone enjoys their hunts?
The animals they kill.
Fuck out of here with that shit unless you're a vegan yourself.
I am. Lol.
Then fuck out of here with your preachy bullshit.
hurr murica hurr

Get schooled, hadji.
Flag-burning laws are fucking stupid. Unfortunately, most other countries have laws against flag-burning as well...

Serious / Re: Cameron renews his NHS pledges [TW: UK Politics]
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:50:07 PM »
Anything that doesn't privatize the health system in health care-related things is good in my book. :)

What else do you expect me to say?

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:42:26 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.
Oh, right, this is 2015. I forgot that hunting isn't allowed to be fun anymore.
Damn straight. She's a coward. Nothing more.
This is where you pull some "go hunting with a spear if you want to be a man" bullshit, isn't it?
Huh? No, hunting for fun is stupid in general.
The anticipation, the waiting in nature, the moments of pure zen as you steady yourself as you aim your shot, the thrill of tracking and the kill... I don't see how it can't be fun.
If there's a positive use of the animal's body then who cares if someone enjoys their hunts?
The animals they kill.
Fuck out of here with that shit unless you're a vegan yourself.
I am. Lol.
Then fuck out of here with your preachy bullshit.
hurr murica hurr

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:38:16 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.
Oh, right, this is 2015. I forgot that hunting isn't allowed to be fun anymore.
Damn straight. She's a coward. Nothing more.
This is where you pull some "go hunting with a spear if you want to be a man" bullshit, isn't it?
Huh? No, hunting for fun is stupid in general.
The anticipation, the waiting in nature, the moments of pure zen as you steady yourself as you aim your shot, the thrill of tracking and the kill... I don't see how it can't be fun.
If there's a positive use of the animal's body then who cares if someone enjoys their hunts?
The animals they kill.
Fuck out of here with that shit unless you're a vegan yourself.
I am. Lol.

The Flood / Re: Wowwww this place is pretty dead
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:35:02 PM »
Dunno, it's slowing down overall.
I guess we're really feeling it now.

61% decline in activity since January.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:39:29 PM »
lel, it is just my luck that as I just started driving to meet her I get a text saying her car isn't working and she can't today
Oh shizzzz!

Abandon ship!!!!

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:37:26 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.
Oh, right, this is 2015. I forgot that hunting isn't allowed to be fun anymore.
Damn straight. She's a coward. Nothing more.
This is where you pull some "go hunting with a spear if you want to be a man" bullshit, isn't it?
Huh? No, hunting for fun is stupid in general.
The anticipation, the waiting in nature, the moments of pure zen as you steady yourself as you aim your shot, the thrill of tracking and the kill... I don't see how it can't be fun.
If there's a positive use of the animal's body then who cares if someone enjoys their hunts?
The animals they kill.

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:25:40 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.
Oh, right, this is 2015. I forgot that hunting isn't allowed to be fun anymore.
Damn straight. She's a coward. Nothing more.
This is where you pull some "go hunting with a spear if you want to be a man" bullshit, isn't it?
Huh? No, hunting for fun is stupid in general.

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:19:19 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.
Oh, right, this is 2015. I forgot that hunting isn't allowed to be fun anymore.
Damn straight. She's a coward. Nothing more.

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:10:16 PM »
I hope you pussies verbally abusing this girl have never eaten meat in your entire lives, if not, you're all hypocrites.

There is nothing wrong with killing an animal for food (which is what happened here).
No, she was killing them for fun, and posing with their corpses. That's the problem.

Serious / Re: Should the UN have an army?
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:53:39 PM »
They already have an army, sort of. Their peacekeeping force (pretty much a UN Army) is like 100,000 men or something, but it consists of volunteers from other countries.

The Flood / Re: Loli is legal according to US law.
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:51:59 PM »
Drawings should never be illegal.

"oh but it normalizes child porn"

No, it gives pedophiles a safe outlet for their desires. Without that, their sexual repression would just build up and build up until they actually act on their urges in a harmful way. Pedophilia is like homosexuality or any fetish. You're born that way. You have no control over feeling that urge; all that matters is whether or not you act on it. And you're far more likely to go out and molest kids if you have no other option for release.

And just like gays, pedophiles also go to Hell.

I am the leader of Fedayeen goots
pm for invite

The Flood / Re: Loli is legal according to US law.
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:26:54 AM »
Drawings should never be illegal.

"oh but it normalizes child porn"

No, it gives pedophiles a safe outlet for their desires. Without that, their sexual repression would just build up and build up until they actually act on their urges in a harmful way. Pedophilia is like homosexuality or any fetish. You're born that way. You have no control over feeling that urge; all that matters is whether or not you act on it. And you're far more likely to go out and molest kids if you have no other option for release.
I actually agree with this, I think Lolicon is disgusting, but hell it's like a chew toy, call it what you will. If its an avenue to divert those types of people, then that's good. everything that isn't real this could more then likely fuel their desire to try it in real's a very touchy two edged ethical sword.

I have no empathy for paedophiles though, I don't know if they're born that way, but I don't accept it.

*sips tea*
They are born that way in the same way that homosexuals and heterosexuals are born they ways they are. So that makes it an even touchier issue...

You have shed our blood. By the Qu'ran, you should be dead already. But ḵalīfatu ʾibrāhīm, the Caliph of Caliphs, has ordered you be given leave to flee and spread the message of our coming. If you walk away now, you can tell your children that you saw the the Meme Army before our caliphate conquers the entire forum. You think Cheat and his Jews are impressive? They are pitiful. ḵalīfatu ʾibrāhīm will destroy them!

Flee will make me into a moderator, and the Meme Army will spread across Sep7agon in a sea of spam! You understand nothing! You have not seen the piles of spam threads that were never unlocked! The spammers were wronged! We will make it right, and then we will have our revenge! We have the spammers, and we have Flee! When our army numbers in the dozens, we will not need support. When I become a moderator, ḵalīfatu ʾibrāhīm will rule all spammers! The Meme Army will become the Islamic Army!

The surviving members will frighten their children with tales of what the Meme Army did to Cheat! Demonic Chronic will scream as his stash of drugs plunges into the sun! We will keep Isara as a slave, and treat her boobs as a delicacy! If you lack the wisdom to Flee, then you will be the first of hundreds to be crushed beneath our might!

The Flood / Re: Loli is legal according to US law.
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:01:26 AM »
It's legality depends on your state.

For example California believes that the time, money, and effort spent going after people who indulge in sexualizing fictional little girls would be better spent going after people who who sexually abuse real children.
Shut up nigger. I will create Martyrs for this site, and then they will join the Islamic Army of Sep7agon. After that, they will overthrow the kuffār who run this site!

The Flood / Re: lol
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:59:54 AM »
Israel = Nazis #confirmed

But anyways, doesn't something like this have to go through the Knesset first?

The Flood / Re: Loli is legal according to US law.
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:12:08 AM »
It's not legal in all of the US, nor is it allowed in plenty of other first world countries such as the UK.

Seeing how we're an open website welcoming people from anywhere in the world, we've already decided that we don't want them to run the risk of having the legal equivalent of child porn on their PC.
Totally unfair. This site is based in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, and we shouldn't have to cater to damn foreigners.

The Flood / Loli is legal according to US law.
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:37:06 AM »
So now we all have the right to spam loli all over Sep7agon and we have always had the right to do so. Cheat has been lying to us!!!

Discuss what you think about this.

The Flood / Re: No you're a coon.
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:19:49 AM »

The Flood / No you're a coon.
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:16:50 AM »


Serious / Re: The UK fox hunting ban
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:07:49 AM »
You understand how dogs kill things right? You might as well tell me a crocodile is a pleasant way to go.

But spinning round and round in the dishwasher and getting dizzy while drowning while simultaneously mangling all extremeties if fun!

They should make a kids ride out of it. Or a rollar coaster.

Call it "Ride the Nile."
On the bright side, if a croc bites your arm, bye bye arm. If a pack of dogs bite your arm, prepare to dance!
Now there's a species of animals who should be converted into food. Same with hippos.
How about no?
Hippos are abominations and crocs are niggers.

Serious / Re: The UK fox hunting ban
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:48:45 PM »
You understand how dogs kill things right? You might as well tell me a crocodile is a pleasant way to go.

But spinning round and round in the dishwasher and getting dizzy while drowning while simultaneously mangling all extremeties if fun!

They should make a kids ride out of it. Or a rollar coaster.

Call it "Ride the Nile."
On the bright side, if a croc bites your arm, bye bye arm. If a pack of dogs bite your arm, prepare to dance!
Now there's a species of animals who should be converted into food. Same with hippos.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:46:44 PM »
make sure she doesn't flatten you
She's not that big, maybe around this size

That's.... pretty big.

The Flood / Re: So I just wandered back onto
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:31:16 PM »
I can't sign in anymore, because I don't have a Shitbox Live account.
You need an Xbox Live account to sign into now?

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