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The Flood / Re: What did Noelle get blacklisted for?
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:44:55 PM »
I was disappointed it was her of all people.  But it's better than nothing.


The Flood / Re: What did Noelle get blacklisted for?
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:44:35 PM »
Probably for being a bag of shit.
Well. Yeah.

But I wanna know specifically.

The Flood / What did Noelle get blacklisted for?
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:43:34 PM »

Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:39:30 PM »
Thanks for reminding me how retarded American politics are. Not that UK politics aren't stupid, but they're lightyears ahead of American politics.
>Republicans constantly accusing Obama of not loving America because he's not a hawk

Yeah. They are extremely retarded.

Hell, the Republicans even having any seats makes American politics retarded.
>not a hawk
Libya was the only thing remotely hawkish he did, and that was because most of the world was already doing it. Are you fucking stupid?

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:43:21 AM »
Also, if we're going to discuss anything personal here let's dispense with the pleasantries, and skip the formalities and long winded talks. I don't remember when, but I know it was recent. I realized something important about myself and reached a conclusion. Now I'm here.

A state of grey. Not happy. Not sad. I know what it means. But I've no hand to play against it. But it is, very tranquil. It's a state of plain clarity. But I'll not bog this thread down with points of self statements.

If you had to wager on moving anywhere, where do you think you'd go?
Well, I'm moving to Berlin, Germany next year as a matter of fact. So there's my wager. :P

Best outcome is I find where I want to live for the rest of my life, and worst outcome is that I don't like it and I either come back here or I find somewhere else to live, but then I have that much more experience. It's a win-win either way.

Not many wagers exist where you can only get a positive outcome.

You'd damn well better intergrate into German culture then. Potential game plan for you though. Find a nice spot. Make it yours. Go traveling. Come back home when you're tired.

Unless I already said that in here, which I think I did. Seems like a solid plan to stave off environmental stagnation.

Fuck. Got it. That was it. Environmental Stagnation.

Stagnation in general. People do badly with standing still.
I have several friends from Germany who are helping me get there, I'm an EU citizen, and I know German pretty well already so it'd just be a matter of brushing up on some vocabulary. And I'm going there to continue my University studies primarily, so I'll have *something* to do while I adjust there. Not planning on returning to live in the US though. Ever. Also, most of my family lives in Europe as well..

So yeah, it's a pretty solid plan. I can pretty much get into university there any time I want, but I'm waiting to get my AA degree from Community College first so I can attempt to apply for one of the better Universities there.

Hope things go well then. Anywho. Sleep is a very real thing still. So I go to sleep. Have a good night.
I should look into that myself. You're probably one time zone ahead of me. I have a sort of busy day tomorrow so yeah.........

The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:34:16 AM »

Mine is Political Science.
Try a real science.
I'm studying engineering.
It is a real science.

Social science.

That's a good joke, tell another.

"Political science is a social science discipline that deals with systems of government and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.[1] It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as the determining of the distribution of power and resources. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works."[2] Political science draws upon the fields of economics, law, sociology, history, anthropology, public administration, public policy, national politics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, political organization, and political theory. Although it was codified in the 19th century, when all the social sciences were established, the study of political science has ancient roots that can be traced back to the works of Plato and Aristotle which were written nearly 2,500 years ago.[3]"
That doesn't make it any more than a children's science degree :^)
Well, it's a subject I actually like and want to get into so I don't see the harm in taking it.

The Flood / Re: The winner of the final duel
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:33:30 AM »
Alright, well let this be the final duel thread to end all other final duels.
It would have been better to stop it at the tenth rather than the hundredth, but at least it's stopping.


There are going to be a lot more Apostate final duels before the real final duel happens.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:32:29 AM »
Ask you anything you anything?

AMA me anything.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:31:50 AM »
Also, if we're going to discuss anything personal here let's dispense with the pleasantries, and skip the formalities and long winded talks. I don't remember when, but I know it was recent. I realized something important about myself and reached a conclusion. Now I'm here.

A state of grey. Not happy. Not sad. I know what it means. But I've no hand to play against it. But it is, very tranquil. It's a state of plain clarity. But I'll not bog this thread down with points of self statements.

If you had to wager on moving anywhere, where do you think you'd go?
Well, I'm moving to Berlin, Germany next year as a matter of fact. So there's my wager. :P

Best outcome is I find where I want to live for the rest of my life, and worst outcome is that I don't like it and I either come back here or I find somewhere else to live, but then I have that much more experience. It's a win-win either way.

Not many wagers exist where you can only get a positive outcome.

You'd damn well better intergrate into German culture then. Potential game plan for you though. Find a nice spot. Make it yours. Go traveling. Come back home when you're tired.

Unless I already said that in here, which I think I did. Seems like a solid plan to stave off environmental stagnation.

Fuck. Got it. That was it. Environmental Stagnation.

Stagnation in general. People do badly with standing still.
I have several friends from Germany who are helping me get there, I'm an EU citizen, and I know German pretty well already so it'd just be a matter of brushing up on some vocabulary. And I'm going there to continue my University studies primarily, so I'll have *something* to do while I adjust there. Not planning on returning to live in the US though. Ever. Also, most of my family lives in Europe as well..

So yeah, it's a pretty solid plan. I can pretty much get into university there any time I want, but I'm waiting to get my AA degree from Community College first so I can attempt to apply for one of the better Universities there.

The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:30:13 AM »

Mine is Political Science.
Try a real science.
I'm studying engineering.
It is a real science.

Social science.

That's a good joke, tell another.

"Political science is a social science discipline that deals with systems of government and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.[1] It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as the determining of the distribution of power and resources. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works."[2] Political science draws upon the fields of economics, law, sociology, history, anthropology, public administration, public policy, national politics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, political organization, and political theory. Although it was codified in the 19th century, when all the social sciences were established, the study of political science has ancient roots that can be traced back to the works of Plato and Aristotle which were written nearly 2,500 years ago.[3]"

The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:26:07 AM »

Mine is Political Science.
Try a real science.
I'm studying engineering.
It is a real science.

Social science.


The Flood / Re: The winner of the final duel
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:24:12 AM »
Alright, well let this be the final duel thread to end all other final duels.



This final duel is also between Lol and Memes anyways.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:23:18 AM »
Also, if we're going to discuss anything personal here let's dispense with the pleasantries, and skip the formalities and long winded talks. I don't remember when, but I know it was recent. I realized something important about myself and reached a conclusion. Now I'm here.

A state of grey. Not happy. Not sad. I know what it means. But I've no hand to play against it. But it is, very tranquil. It's a state of plain clarity. But I'll not bog this thread down with points of self statements.

If you had to wager on moving anywhere, where do you think you'd go?
Well, I'm moving to Berlin, Germany next year as a matter of fact. So there's my wager. :P

Best outcome is I find where I want to live for the rest of my life, and worst outcome is that I don't like it and I either come back here or I find somewhere else to live, but then I have that much more experience. It's a win-win either way.

Not many wagers exist where you can only get a positive outcome.

The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:20:34 AM »
Law, representing yo.
You'll get to be my private lawyer!!!

The Flood / Re: Putrefaction
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:19:48 AM »
Wow, you're really a pansy. It's not that bad, I'm looking through all the images now.

The Flood / The winner of the final duel
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:10:24 AM »
We all know now who will win the final duel.

"Behold, the spark has been lit in Iraq and its flames will blaze, Allah willing, until they consume the Armies of the Cross in Dabiq…"
-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

So the Islamic State will win the final duel, and the final duel will take place in Dabiq. It is just a matter of when.....

The Flood / Re: Is sep7agon podcast a thing?
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:08:24 AM »
Who will win this final duel?

The Flood / Re: I've found the Central Core of Sep7agon!!
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:07:50 AM »
You wouldn't dare.
we have Spartan units operating in your area.
And I'd have verti-assault teams dispatched to your locations.

The Flood / Re: I've found the Central Core of Sep7agon!!
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:07:29 AM »
Your act of destruction cannot destroy the Central Core because it is protected by our bonds of comradeship and noble, pure hearts
Sep7agon has any one of those 2 things?

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:06:51 AM »
The doc got flustered with me. Very, very insistently insisted that I get some rest and take things slow. Breathing exercises help slow things down. But if I push too hard the strain becomes apparent.
Did he give any sort of diagnosis on what condition you had, or was it just nothing in particular?

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:01:46 AM »
How's the weather, wherever the hell you live?
Well, the weather in Los Gatos, California currently is.....

It's night, no clouds outside, 55 degrees Fahrenheit (about 13 Celcius), and it's a pretty typical night here. Well, it's honestly kind of warm, it usually dips down to around 45 Fahrenheit (about 7 Celcius), but that hasn't happened today.

Hey we're on par. We're reaching temperatures of 13 celcius in the daytime now. Currently -5c tonight. Saw some strange ass northern lights last night on my walk round town.

I can't tell you how nice it is to see dust on the roads and some fucking sunshine again.
Last month, the weather here went up to 33 Celcius (and today, it went up to like 29-ish). It was fucking crazy...

Why is weather either always really cold or really hot.....? Unless you're in Greece. The weather is almost perfect there. :/

Mainly cold and damp up here. Spring time right now consists of the weather deciding that it still wants to freeze and then snow, or warm up and dump rain everywhere.

On average summer lasts two months at the very maximum. And you can roll a bad hand and get rain and damp during that time.

Lately our falls have been dry and warm. It's never too hot up here. Not for long anyway.
All you get here is a 6 month long Summer (from April to November usually), and then a 6 month long Autumn. Temperature goes below zero like once a year. It's such boring weather over here.

And it's dry. Really dry. And have I mentioned that I live in a valley with about 1.5 million other people and nearly everyone here has a car, so all of that traffic pollution pools down at the very bottom?

As you can tell, I really enjoy where I live right now.

Take a coin. Or dice. Put a country on whatever side you feel like. And give it a flip. Whatever country you land on that you're interested in, do a little research.

No matter where you go there's no actual escape. I remember, somewhere on here, having a discussion about.....fuck me. I don't remember it. But it had to do with people and stability. Growing used to their environment.

We make very poor relaxers, and very poor adjusters.

Drop somebody on a beach and expose them to being lazy all day and they'll grow tired. Restless. The same rule applies to countries and environments, and being surrounded by people.

Up here? You have to deal with 6-8 month long winters. Cold days, cold stretches, weeks and months where going outside is not an option. Sunshine decrease in both the clouded skies and you living indoors.

Distance is a factor in everything. Money is getting harder to balance up here. Looking for people you get along with is tricky.

But as I said. Take a coin. Give it a flip. And you'll find almost every part of the world is in trouble these days. Conflicts, everywhere.

Running away to a new environment will only ever stave off your cabin fever for so long before you need a new change of pace.
Oh, I'm very aware of that. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that's not the case. It's just that I have no reason whatsoever to stay here. I don't have family here, most of my friends are leaving this place as well, so yeah.

Friends. A funny subject. It's all so very temporary. Personally, I've a game plan to see if I can manage.

Get a property for myself. Build it well. Build it durable. Make it long lasting. Acquire a friend, or a partner. And when we can, go explore the world. So long as that property is in our name no matter what trouble comes wherever we go, there's always a place to come back to.

One can only tolerate people and the world in fleeting moments.
Real estate prices here tend to hover over the 1.5 million mark normally.


While generally our costs are lower. We've less money to work with. Quite often, acres of land can go for millions quite easily.
I had imagined that where you lived, prices would be dirt cheap since you're in such a rural area. How much would a 2-bedroom, 2,500 square foot (250 square meters if you use that instead) house with a small front and backyard cost? Cause those are the sorts of houses which go for 1.5 million here. I don't even want to think what one acre, let alone several would cost here. No need to convert Canadian Dollar to USD, I'll just do that myself.

Silicon Valley is where I live by the way. Gotta pay the big bucks if you wanna live in one of the forefronts of technology. It's overrated honestly. Most of it is suburb. Think of it as a slightly smaller version of LA pretty much. Safer as well. Not to say that LA isn't expensive as fuck as well. Generally, real estate is far more expensive in California than in other parts of the US.

Mathematical measurements. Not good comms. I've not the head for them. But two bedrooms? I take it single floor only and a backyard. Honestly, the price varies based on the age and condition of the house. Bare minimum? You'd be looking at 24 grand. Maximum? Somewhere up in the 100k's. That's a town house by the way.

City prices are higher. It might seem dirt cheap to you but as I said. Our money has less value, shit costs more for cheap quality, and there's less money to go round in small towns.

24 grand can be tricky to earn by mowing all the lawns in town.
100k in Canadian dollars still isn't that much, since house prices here converted to Canadian dollars are gonna be around 1.9 million dollars.

That's about 19 times more expensive. Are you sure that you guys up there make less than 1/19th of what people in the Silcon Valley make? Average household income here is around 100k. (125k Canadian)

You're asking a guy who lives under the saskatchewan poverty line comms.

That's 10,000-12,000 a year.

I know for a fact that at the very most on a good year I can make 8000 dollars. Also, I doubt there is no real average canadian income because our provinces are seperate. Different taxes, different wages, different expenses. As I said. I understand that structure prices out here are generally determines by age and purpose.

My restaurant.

Built in the 1920's, two story building, thee bedroom, three bathroom, dining area for roughly 40 people. Refurbished somewhat. 100k.

With the current income of the restaurant, excluding changing and rising costs for food and other supplies, the math clocks in at 15 years until the building is paid off from the bank. I don't know the wages or the averages and nor do I keep track.

All I know is, I work to make ends meet because shit is expensive and it's not getting any better.
Oh, I was talking about average local income. 100k a year is the local average. The US average wage per year gets you slightly under half that amount. But yeah, 8k Canadian dollars per year (which should be about 6k US dollars a year!???!?!) is slightly over a nineteenth of what you need to buy a good house here. So if you make 100k in the Silicon Valley, you're living below the poverty line in the Saskatchewan equivalent in terms of housing prices.

(gonna take a nice, relaxing bath so I'll be gone for about 20 minutes to half an hour)

Taking my walk then. If I don't show up in give or take half an hour to an hour, it's either because I've been mauled by starving coyotes or I've come back and gone to sleep.

Right. Back now. I seem to have acquired a limp. Didn't notice that before. Anywho. On thinking about it. Nobody's particularily rich up here mr comms. Even the people who look rich. It's all on credit. Mortgages and payments and such.

I prefer to do things the old fashioned way. If you have the cash in person then you buy what you want/need. And if you don't have it then you go out and make what you need. Keeps your head in the game so that you don't become too complacent.

Up here, everybody's walking on a tight rope.

But, at the very least, I can say one thing for sure. I may be broke, or very close to broke. But I will never be in debt.
My family's also pretty smart and they haven't gotten into debt ever, thank God. Speaking of which, how did that thing with you coughing shit up from your throat turn out?

Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:59:22 AM »
Thanks for reminding me how retarded American politics are. Not that UK politics aren't stupid, but they're lightyears ahead of American politics.
>Republicans constantly accusing Obama of not loving America because he's not a hawk

Yeah. They are extremely retarded.

Hell, the Republicans even having any seats makes American politics retarded.
The lack of professionalism in politics here is just astounding. Even in the state politics is in now in the US, it's still better than the jokers here.
Like... what do mean by that in terms of what the politicians do, and how does it affect their performance?

Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:53:49 AM »
Thanks for reminding me how retarded American politics are. Not that UK politics aren't stupid, but they're lightyears ahead of American politics.
>Republicans constantly accusing Obama of not loving America because he's not a hawk

Yeah. They are extremely retarded.

Hell, the Republicans even having any seats makes American politics retarded.

The Flood / Re: Comms
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:42:15 AM »

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:39:31 AM »
How's the weather, wherever the hell you live?
Well, the weather in Los Gatos, California currently is.....

It's night, no clouds outside, 55 degrees Fahrenheit (about 13 Celcius), and it's a pretty typical night here. Well, it's honestly kind of warm, it usually dips down to around 45 Fahrenheit (about 7 Celcius), but that hasn't happened today.

Hey we're on par. We're reaching temperatures of 13 celcius in the daytime now. Currently -5c tonight. Saw some strange ass northern lights last night on my walk round town.

I can't tell you how nice it is to see dust on the roads and some fucking sunshine again.
Last month, the weather here went up to 33 Celcius (and today, it went up to like 29-ish). It was fucking crazy...

Why is weather either always really cold or really hot.....? Unless you're in Greece. The weather is almost perfect there. :/

Mainly cold and damp up here. Spring time right now consists of the weather deciding that it still wants to freeze and then snow, or warm up and dump rain everywhere.

On average summer lasts two months at the very maximum. And you can roll a bad hand and get rain and damp during that time.

Lately our falls have been dry and warm. It's never too hot up here. Not for long anyway.
All you get here is a 6 month long Summer (from April to November usually), and then a 6 month long Autumn. Temperature goes below zero like once a year. It's such boring weather over here.

And it's dry. Really dry. And have I mentioned that I live in a valley with about 1.5 million other people and nearly everyone here has a car, so all of that traffic pollution pools down at the very bottom?

As you can tell, I really enjoy where I live right now.

Take a coin. Or dice. Put a country on whatever side you feel like. And give it a flip. Whatever country you land on that you're interested in, do a little research.

No matter where you go there's no actual escape. I remember, somewhere on here, having a discussion about.....fuck me. I don't remember it. But it had to do with people and stability. Growing used to their environment.

We make very poor relaxers, and very poor adjusters.

Drop somebody on a beach and expose them to being lazy all day and they'll grow tired. Restless. The same rule applies to countries and environments, and being surrounded by people.

Up here? You have to deal with 6-8 month long winters. Cold days, cold stretches, weeks and months where going outside is not an option. Sunshine decrease in both the clouded skies and you living indoors.

Distance is a factor in everything. Money is getting harder to balance up here. Looking for people you get along with is tricky.

But as I said. Take a coin. Give it a flip. And you'll find almost every part of the world is in trouble these days. Conflicts, everywhere.

Running away to a new environment will only ever stave off your cabin fever for so long before you need a new change of pace.
Oh, I'm very aware of that. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that's not the case. It's just that I have no reason whatsoever to stay here. I don't have family here, most of my friends are leaving this place as well, so yeah.

Friends. A funny subject. It's all so very temporary. Personally, I've a game plan to see if I can manage.

Get a property for myself. Build it well. Build it durable. Make it long lasting. Acquire a friend, or a partner. And when we can, go explore the world. So long as that property is in our name no matter what trouble comes wherever we go, there's always a place to come back to.

One can only tolerate people and the world in fleeting moments.
Real estate prices here tend to hover over the 1.5 million mark normally.


While generally our costs are lower. We've less money to work with. Quite often, acres of land can go for millions quite easily.
I had imagined that where you lived, prices would be dirt cheap since you're in such a rural area. How much would a 2-bedroom, 2,500 square foot (250 square meters if you use that instead) house with a small front and backyard cost? Cause those are the sorts of houses which go for 1.5 million here. I don't even want to think what one acre, let alone several would cost here. No need to convert Canadian Dollar to USD, I'll just do that myself.

Silicon Valley is where I live by the way. Gotta pay the big bucks if you wanna live in one of the forefronts of technology. It's overrated honestly. Most of it is suburb. Think of it as a slightly smaller version of LA pretty much. Safer as well. Not to say that LA isn't expensive as fuck as well. Generally, real estate is far more expensive in California than in other parts of the US.

Mathematical measurements. Not good comms. I've not the head for them. But two bedrooms? I take it single floor only and a backyard. Honestly, the price varies based on the age and condition of the house. Bare minimum? You'd be looking at 24 grand. Maximum? Somewhere up in the 100k's. That's a town house by the way.

City prices are higher. It might seem dirt cheap to you but as I said. Our money has less value, shit costs more for cheap quality, and there's less money to go round in small towns.

24 grand can be tricky to earn by mowing all the lawns in town.
100k in Canadian dollars still isn't that much, since house prices here converted to Canadian dollars are gonna be around 1.9 million dollars.

That's about 19 times more expensive. Are you sure that you guys up there make less than 1/19th of what people in the Silcon Valley make? Average household income here is around 100k. (125k Canadian)

You're asking a guy who lives under the saskatchewan poverty line comms.

That's 10,000-12,000 a year.

I know for a fact that at the very most on a good year I can make 8000 dollars. Also, I doubt there is no real average canadian income because our provinces are seperate. Different taxes, different wages, different expenses. As I said. I understand that structure prices out here are generally determines by age and purpose.

My restaurant.

Built in the 1920's, two story building, thee bedroom, three bathroom, dining area for roughly 40 people. Refurbished somewhat. 100k.

With the current income of the restaurant, excluding changing and rising costs for food and other supplies, the math clocks in at 15 years until the building is paid off from the bank. I don't know the wages or the averages and nor do I keep track.

All I know is, I work to make ends meet because shit is expensive and it's not getting any better.
Oh, I was talking about average local income. 100k a year is the local average. The US average wage per year gets you slightly under half that amount. But yeah, 8k Canadian dollars per year (which should be about 6k US dollars a year!???!?!) is slightly over a nineteenth of what you need to buy a good house here. So if you make 100k in the Silicon Valley, you're living below the poverty line in the Saskatchewan equivalent in terms of housing prices.

(gonna take a nice, relaxing bath so I'll be gone for about 20 minutes to half an hour)

Taking my walk then. If I don't show up in give or take half an hour to an hour, it's either because I've been mauled by starving coyotes or I've come back and gone to sleep.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:08:04 AM »
How's the weather, wherever the hell you live?
Well, the weather in Los Gatos, California currently is.....

It's night, no clouds outside, 55 degrees Fahrenheit (about 13 Celcius), and it's a pretty typical night here. Well, it's honestly kind of warm, it usually dips down to around 45 Fahrenheit (about 7 Celcius), but that hasn't happened today.

Hey we're on par. We're reaching temperatures of 13 celcius in the daytime now. Currently -5c tonight. Saw some strange ass northern lights last night on my walk round town.

I can't tell you how nice it is to see dust on the roads and some fucking sunshine again.
Last month, the weather here went up to 33 Celcius (and today, it went up to like 29-ish). It was fucking crazy...

Why is weather either always really cold or really hot.....? Unless you're in Greece. The weather is almost perfect there. :/

Mainly cold and damp up here. Spring time right now consists of the weather deciding that it still wants to freeze and then snow, or warm up and dump rain everywhere.

On average summer lasts two months at the very maximum. And you can roll a bad hand and get rain and damp during that time.

Lately our falls have been dry and warm. It's never too hot up here. Not for long anyway.
All you get here is a 6 month long Summer (from April to November usually), and then a 6 month long Autumn. Temperature goes below zero like once a year. It's such boring weather over here.

And it's dry. Really dry. And have I mentioned that I live in a valley with about 1.5 million other people and nearly everyone here has a car, so all of that traffic pollution pools down at the very bottom?

As you can tell, I really enjoy where I live right now.

Take a coin. Or dice. Put a country on whatever side you feel like. And give it a flip. Whatever country you land on that you're interested in, do a little research.

No matter where you go there's no actual escape. I remember, somewhere on here, having a discussion about.....fuck me. I don't remember it. But it had to do with people and stability. Growing used to their environment.

We make very poor relaxers, and very poor adjusters.

Drop somebody on a beach and expose them to being lazy all day and they'll grow tired. Restless. The same rule applies to countries and environments, and being surrounded by people.

Up here? You have to deal with 6-8 month long winters. Cold days, cold stretches, weeks and months where going outside is not an option. Sunshine decrease in both the clouded skies and you living indoors.

Distance is a factor in everything. Money is getting harder to balance up here. Looking for people you get along with is tricky.

But as I said. Take a coin. Give it a flip. And you'll find almost every part of the world is in trouble these days. Conflicts, everywhere.

Running away to a new environment will only ever stave off your cabin fever for so long before you need a new change of pace.
Oh, I'm very aware of that. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that's not the case. It's just that I have no reason whatsoever to stay here. I don't have family here, most of my friends are leaving this place as well, so yeah.

Friends. A funny subject. It's all so very temporary. Personally, I've a game plan to see if I can manage.

Get a property for myself. Build it well. Build it durable. Make it long lasting. Acquire a friend, or a partner. And when we can, go explore the world. So long as that property is in our name no matter what trouble comes wherever we go, there's always a place to come back to.

One can only tolerate people and the world in fleeting moments.
Real estate prices here tend to hover over the 1.5 million mark normally.


While generally our costs are lower. We've less money to work with. Quite often, acres of land can go for millions quite easily.
I had imagined that where you lived, prices would be dirt cheap since you're in such a rural area. How much would a 2-bedroom, 2,500 square foot (250 square meters if you use that instead) house with a small front and backyard cost? Cause those are the sorts of houses which go for 1.5 million here. I don't even want to think what one acre, let alone several would cost here. No need to convert Canadian Dollar to USD, I'll just do that myself.

Silicon Valley is where I live by the way. Gotta pay the big bucks if you wanna live in one of the forefronts of technology. It's overrated honestly. Most of it is suburb. Think of it as a slightly smaller version of LA pretty much. Safer as well. Not to say that LA isn't expensive as fuck as well. Generally, real estate is far more expensive in California than in other parts of the US.

Mathematical measurements. Not good comms. I've not the head for them. But two bedrooms? I take it single floor only and a backyard. Honestly, the price varies based on the age and condition of the house. Bare minimum? You'd be looking at 24 grand. Maximum? Somewhere up in the 100k's. That's a town house by the way.

City prices are higher. It might seem dirt cheap to you but as I said. Our money has less value, shit costs more for cheap quality, and there's less money to go round in small towns.

24 grand can be tricky to earn by mowing all the lawns in town.
100k in Canadian dollars still isn't that much, since house prices here converted to Canadian dollars are gonna be around 1.9 million dollars.

That's about 19 times more expensive. Are you sure that you guys up there make less than 1/19th of what people in the Silcon Valley make? Average household income here is around 100k. (125k Canadian)

You're asking a guy who lives under the saskatchewan poverty line comms.

That's 10,000-12,000 a year.

I know for a fact that at the very most on a good year I can make 8000 dollars. Also, I doubt there is no real average canadian income because our provinces are seperate. Different taxes, different wages, different expenses. As I said. I understand that structure prices out here are generally determines by age and purpose.

My restaurant.

Built in the 1920's, two story building, thee bedroom, three bathroom, dining area for roughly 40 people. Refurbished somewhat. 100k.

With the current income of the restaurant, excluding changing and rising costs for food and other supplies, the math clocks in at 15 years until the building is paid off from the bank. I don't know the wages or the averages and nor do I keep track.

All I know is, I work to make ends meet because shit is expensive and it's not getting any better.
Oh, I was talking about average local income. 100k a year is the local average. The US average wage per year gets you slightly under half that amount. But yeah, 8k Canadian dollars per year (which should be about 6k US dollars a year!???!?!) is slightly over a nineteenth of what you need to buy a good house here. So if you make 100k in the Silicon Valley, you're living below the poverty line in the Saskatchewan equivalent in terms of housing prices.

(gonna take a nice, relaxing bath so I'll be gone for about 20 minutes to half an hour)

Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:04:13 AM »
Thanks for reminding me how retarded American politics are. Not that UK politics aren't stupid, but they're lightyears ahead of American politics.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:55:18 AM »
How's the weather, wherever the hell you live?
Well, the weather in Los Gatos, California currently is.....

It's night, no clouds outside, 55 degrees Fahrenheit (about 13 Celcius), and it's a pretty typical night here. Well, it's honestly kind of warm, it usually dips down to around 45 Fahrenheit (about 7 Celcius), but that hasn't happened today.

Hey we're on par. We're reaching temperatures of 13 celcius in the daytime now. Currently -5c tonight. Saw some strange ass northern lights last night on my walk round town.

I can't tell you how nice it is to see dust on the roads and some fucking sunshine again.
Last month, the weather here went up to 33 Celcius (and today, it went up to like 29-ish). It was fucking crazy...

Why is weather either always really cold or really hot.....? Unless you're in Greece. The weather is almost perfect there. :/

Mainly cold and damp up here. Spring time right now consists of the weather deciding that it still wants to freeze and then snow, or warm up and dump rain everywhere.

On average summer lasts two months at the very maximum. And you can roll a bad hand and get rain and damp during that time.

Lately our falls have been dry and warm. It's never too hot up here. Not for long anyway.
All you get here is a 6 month long Summer (from April to November usually), and then a 6 month long Autumn. Temperature goes below zero like once a year. It's such boring weather over here.

And it's dry. Really dry. And have I mentioned that I live in a valley with about 1.5 million other people and nearly everyone here has a car, so all of that traffic pollution pools down at the very bottom?

As you can tell, I really enjoy where I live right now.

Take a coin. Or dice. Put a country on whatever side you feel like. And give it a flip. Whatever country you land on that you're interested in, do a little research.

No matter where you go there's no actual escape. I remember, somewhere on here, having a discussion about.....fuck me. I don't remember it. But it had to do with people and stability. Growing used to their environment.

We make very poor relaxers, and very poor adjusters.

Drop somebody on a beach and expose them to being lazy all day and they'll grow tired. Restless. The same rule applies to countries and environments, and being surrounded by people.

Up here? You have to deal with 6-8 month long winters. Cold days, cold stretches, weeks and months where going outside is not an option. Sunshine decrease in both the clouded skies and you living indoors.

Distance is a factor in everything. Money is getting harder to balance up here. Looking for people you get along with is tricky.

But as I said. Take a coin. Give it a flip. And you'll find almost every part of the world is in trouble these days. Conflicts, everywhere.

Running away to a new environment will only ever stave off your cabin fever for so long before you need a new change of pace.
Oh, I'm very aware of that. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that's not the case. It's just that I have no reason whatsoever to stay here. I don't have family here, most of my friends are leaving this place as well, so yeah.

Friends. A funny subject. It's all so very temporary. Personally, I've a game plan to see if I can manage.

Get a property for myself. Build it well. Build it durable. Make it long lasting. Acquire a friend, or a partner. And when we can, go explore the world. So long as that property is in our name no matter what trouble comes wherever we go, there's always a place to come back to.

One can only tolerate people and the world in fleeting moments.
Real estate prices here tend to hover over the 1.5 million mark normally.


While generally our costs are lower. We've less money to work with. Quite often, acres of land can go for millions quite easily.
I had imagined that where you lived, prices would be dirt cheap since you're in such a rural area. How much would a 2-bedroom, 2,500 square foot (250 square meters if you use that instead) house with a small front and backyard cost? Cause those are the sorts of houses which go for 1.5 million here. I don't even want to think what one acre, let alone several would cost here. No need to convert Canadian Dollar to USD, I'll just do that myself.

Silicon Valley is where I live by the way. Gotta pay the big bucks if you wanna live in one of the forefronts of technology. It's overrated honestly. Most of it is suburb. Think of it as a slightly smaller version of LA pretty much. Safer as well. Not to say that LA isn't expensive as fuck as well. Generally, real estate is far more expensive in California than in other parts of the US.

Mathematical measurements. Not good comms. I've not the head for them. But two bedrooms? I take it single floor only and a backyard. Honestly, the price varies based on the age and condition of the house. Bare minimum? You'd be looking at 24 grand. Maximum? Somewhere up in the 100k's. That's a town house by the way.

City prices are higher. It might seem dirt cheap to you but as I said. Our money has less value, shit costs more for cheap quality, and there's less money to go round in small towns.

24 grand can be tricky to earn by mowing all the lawns in town.
100k in Canadian dollars still isn't that much, since house prices here converted to Canadian dollars are gonna be around 1.9 million dollars.

That's about 19 times more expensive. Are you sure that you guys up there make less than 1/19th of what people in the Silcon Valley make? Average household income here is around 100k. (125k Canadian)

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:45:26 AM »
How's the weather, wherever the hell you live?
Well, the weather in Los Gatos, California currently is.....

It's night, no clouds outside, 55 degrees Fahrenheit (about 13 Celcius), and it's a pretty typical night here. Well, it's honestly kind of warm, it usually dips down to around 45 Fahrenheit (about 7 Celcius), but that hasn't happened today.

Hey we're on par. We're reaching temperatures of 13 celcius in the daytime now. Currently -5c tonight. Saw some strange ass northern lights last night on my walk round town.

I can't tell you how nice it is to see dust on the roads and some fucking sunshine again.
Last month, the weather here went up to 33 Celcius (and today, it went up to like 29-ish). It was fucking crazy...

Why is weather either always really cold or really hot.....? Unless you're in Greece. The weather is almost perfect there. :/

Mainly cold and damp up here. Spring time right now consists of the weather deciding that it still wants to freeze and then snow, or warm up and dump rain everywhere.

On average summer lasts two months at the very maximum. And you can roll a bad hand and get rain and damp during that time.

Lately our falls have been dry and warm. It's never too hot up here. Not for long anyway.
All you get here is a 6 month long Summer (from April to November usually), and then a 6 month long Autumn. Temperature goes below zero like once a year. It's such boring weather over here.

And it's dry. Really dry. And have I mentioned that I live in a valley with about 1.5 million other people and nearly everyone here has a car, so all of that traffic pollution pools down at the very bottom?

As you can tell, I really enjoy where I live right now.

Take a coin. Or dice. Put a country on whatever side you feel like. And give it a flip. Whatever country you land on that you're interested in, do a little research.

No matter where you go there's no actual escape. I remember, somewhere on here, having a discussion about.....fuck me. I don't remember it. But it had to do with people and stability. Growing used to their environment.

We make very poor relaxers, and very poor adjusters.

Drop somebody on a beach and expose them to being lazy all day and they'll grow tired. Restless. The same rule applies to countries and environments, and being surrounded by people.

Up here? You have to deal with 6-8 month long winters. Cold days, cold stretches, weeks and months where going outside is not an option. Sunshine decrease in both the clouded skies and you living indoors.

Distance is a factor in everything. Money is getting harder to balance up here. Looking for people you get along with is tricky.

But as I said. Take a coin. Give it a flip. And you'll find almost every part of the world is in trouble these days. Conflicts, everywhere.

Running away to a new environment will only ever stave off your cabin fever for so long before you need a new change of pace.
Oh, I'm very aware of that. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that's not the case. It's just that I have no reason whatsoever to stay here. I don't have family here, most of my friends are leaving this place as well, so yeah.

Friends. A funny subject. It's all so very temporary. Personally, I've a game plan to see if I can manage.

Get a property for myself. Build it well. Build it durable. Make it long lasting. Acquire a friend, or a partner. And when we can, go explore the world. So long as that property is in our name no matter what trouble comes wherever we go, there's always a place to come back to.

One can only tolerate people and the world in fleeting moments.
Real estate prices here tend to hover over the 1.5 million mark normally.


While generally our costs are lower. We've less money to work with. Quite often, acres of land can go for millions quite easily.
I had imagined that where you lived, prices would be dirt cheap since you're in such a rural area. How much would a 2-bedroom, 2,500 square foot (250 square meters if you use that instead) house with a small front and backyard cost? Cause those are the sorts of houses which go for 1.5 million here. I don't even want to think what one acre, let alone several would cost here. No need to convert Canadian Dollar to USD, I'll just do that myself.

Silicon Valley is where I live by the way. Gotta pay the big bucks if you wanna live in one of the forefronts of technology. It's overrated honestly. Most of it is suburb. Think of it as a slightly smaller version of LA pretty much. Safer as well. Not to say that LA isn't expensive as fuck as well. Generally, real estate is far more expensive in California than in other parts of the US.

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