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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:51:30 PM »
If you think that life shouldn't be worth imposing just because they can't live some fantasy life 100% of the time, that's very delusional.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:47:35 PM »
Then on what basis do you assume that people suffer enough for life to not be worth living? You have to have some sort of reference point.
I just FUCKING went over one.

1 in 5 persons have a disability in the US alone.

Those are GODAWFUL odds.

You think they're "pretty good" odds, which makes you an insane lunatic.
But even then, I'm making the basic argument that you need a 100% safety rate, or bust.

If there's ANY CHANCE WHATSOEVER of your kid not having the perfect life, then it's wrong to have the kid.
That's delusional. You're delusional.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:46:35 PM »
So that's a 77% chance you won't be born with a disability or get cancer. And those are some really good odds honestly.

You are disgusting.
And then many people can live normally with a disability. So increase that percentage further. Hell, I was born with a disability and I'm leading a perfectly normal life.

And am I the disgusting one for proposing that life is worth living!? LOL. You are by far the most pathetic and miserable person I have ever met in my life.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:42:02 PM »
And if you think that everyone suffers as much as you do, you're an even bigger moron. You're basing all of what you're saying on the false fact that everyone suffers as much as you do.
Nope. It's not about me at all.
Then on what basis do you assume that people suffer enough for life to not be worth living? You have to have some sort of reference point.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:41:08 PM »
Okay. I got an A on my test I didn't study for and expected a to receive a D in.
You refuted yourself. You expected to receive a D. You wouldn't have been as happy if you did not first feel the stress and the dread of the potential D. It's the negative that makes the positive feel so good. It's a flawed and broken system that shouldn't be imposed on anybody.

hurr life isn't worth it since people can discover they have cancer

Go ahead and pretend like cancer isn't a very real thing.
5% of people living in the US alone are living with some form of cancer.

5%. And that's just cancer.

20% people in the US have some type of disability. That's one out of every five people.
And you think it's okay to take that risk and impose that on somebody.

Fuck you.
And then there's three out of every four people who don't have a disability or cancer. But it's not like there aren't people with a disability and cancer, so that's more like 22-23%.

So that's a 77% chance you won't be born with a disability or get cancer. And those are some really good odds honestly.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:31:32 PM »
Being happy?
Your happiness doesn't justify all the terrors that exist in the world. Not in the slightest. If you think that's a good enough reason to have a kid, you're a moron.
And if you think that everyone suffers as much as you do, you're an even bigger moron. You're basing all of what you're saying on the false fact that everyone suffers as much as you do.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:30:18 PM »
Pleasure, happiness, joy, and satisfaction are all basically the same exact thing. And they are filed under addiction. You can't get pleasure without getting your "fix" of something, so to speak. There is no free pleasure. All pleasure comes at the cost of something negative. All of it. No matter how small.
Okay. I got an A on my test I didn't study for and expected a to receive a D in.

Discovery isn't positive. You can DISCOVER that you have pancreatic cancer. That's not a positive discovery. It certainly doesn't make life worth imposing just to discover things.
hurr life isn't worth it since people can discover they have cancer

Creativity isn't necessarily positive either. The nuclear bomb was made by extremely creative/inventive people, but as it turns out, nuclear bombs are actually one of the most evil inventions ever. Even so, looking at all the positive creativity there is, it still does not outweigh the level of suffering endured by all sentient beings in some form or another. It can't justify the holocaust, as it were.
Not everyone suffers as much as a miserable, moronic edgelord such as yourself.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:16:22 PM »
No it isn't.
Describe what we do that makes life worth imposing on other sentient beings.

You will fail.
Pleasure, happiness, joy, discovery, creativity, satisfaction are some to name.

But I guess you haven't experienced any of those, so why am I even explaining?

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:13:02 PM »
Psychological case study.
Oh dear god, yes.

I have no idea why they don't do this with every single serial killer, mass murderer, and terrorist out there who we have captured.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:09:23 PM »
what i described is not a "chronically depressed blob of shit", by the way
i summarized the entire human condition in two terms

people consume, and people suffer

that's pretty much ALL we do
You do because you're a fucking childish edgelord, but most people actually have enough self-control to not suffer all the time unlike you.

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:03:40 PM »
>mfw 5 people vote death penalty

The Flood / Re: European Union versus United States
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:00:14 PM »
Lol the EU is objectively inferior. Its a hollow shell of a union made up of shitty communist eastern European countries and Germany.
You're just mad cause you're living in a shithole poorass Oklahomo town with 3 people and a goat.

The Flood / Re: European Union versus United States
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:53:31 PM »
As in what? Military, Standard of Life, History, Currency? What?

So yeah, all of the videos in this thread is going to be extremely NSFW since the IS execution videos tend to be only partially censored some of the time...

Just decided to post these videos so people can see first-hand the numerous war crimes IS has done, and what people are capable to doing to eachother in the name of ideology. These videos display perfectly how venomous radical ideologies can be, and what suffering they can inflict on innocent people (though Kassasbeh was sort of not really innocent. Did NOT deserve to be burned alive obviously).

If you have seen videos of atrocities committed in the name of ideology that you think should be shown to the world, feel free to post them here. I'm not gonna post any more myself since I've seen countless videos of war crimes being committed and the thread would be completely clogged with those videos.

See? I added discussion value to a thread like this!!

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:55:00 PM »
what if you need to take a bath and you shoot yourself with a shrink gun and you need to swim over to a washcloth on the other side of the bath tub so you can climb back over
then he'd be a fucking idiot for shooting himself with the shrink gun cunt
shut the fuck up you ch33ky cunt

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:53:23 PM »
He'll probably get killed in prison anyways.
Well, yeah. So give him life in prison, and let his inmates tear him to pieces. People who want the death penalty get what they want, and the 8th Amendment won't be violated at the same time.

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:52:30 PM »
why does it fucking matter to you so much anyway
Cause you're slowly but surely replacing Kinder as the forum chewtoy, that's why.

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:51:47 PM »
never in my life have i ever needed to swim

and i never will

The beach can be cool!
That'd require Verbatim to go outside, you see....

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:44:38 PM »
He deserves worse than death, he's a serial killer. Let him in with some of the most dangerous people on the planet, and let the inmates have their way with him until he rots.
Lol you have no idea what a serial killer is.
I don't give a fuck about the definition of a serial killing kiyo, he killed 3 people and injured more than 200. he's a monster and he deserves to rot.
Yeah, then he's not a serial killer...

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:40:37 PM »
He deserves worse than death, he's a serial killer. Let him in with some of the most dangerous people on the planet, and let the inmates have their way with him until he rots.
No, by all definitions, he is not a serial killer. He's a mass murderer.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:37:13 PM »
You only think life is like that because you're an impotent loser who's never done anything nice before and you just convince yourself that you're special and are "resisting" the norm despite the fact that everyone else simply thinks that you're a fucking moron.
Not even going to deny what I said?

Okay. Guess I hit the nail on the head then.


Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:34:37 PM »
And why is bringing life into existence wrong?
why create something that doesn't need to exist, if all it's going to do in the grand scheme is consume, suffer, consume, suffer, consume, suffer, consume, suffer, and then die?
You only think life is like that because you're an impotent loser who's never done anything nice before and you just convince yourself that you're special and are "resisting" the norm despite the fact that everyone else simply thinks that you're a fucking moron.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:28:24 PM »
we shouldn't be swayed by emotional appeals, no

unless appealing to emotions is actually logical
in this case, it is not

it's an easy argument for ME to make, in particular, because i believe bringing life into existence is wrong
so, in my opinion, abortion should be mandatory
And why is bringing life into existence wrong?

The Flood / Re: We Didn't Cut Enough
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:27:51 PM »
Cause the article totally isn't satire.

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:25:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:16:38 PM »
ow, that impotent rage building up slowly but surely

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:11:04 PM »
Alright, have fun with that.


The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:08:56 PM »
someone who realizes that swimming is a useless skill

Swimming is a really useful skill. Oh god, I love being in the water....

Greek water, not shitty American water. :/

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:56:00 PM »
Meh... I've seen things die before.
Stepping on ants doesn't count.

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