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Why are you guys so fascinated by this? This happens every day all over the world. Even worse things happen in Africa.

Stop glamorizing these people and giving them so much attention.
You got any better ideas of things to do here, then? Cause I'm all ears.

Don't act like this forum is dead and your threads at least create some discussion. They don't. They barely get any replies and it's just you masturbating to ISIS.

Make an actual thread about something that has discussion value. A compilation of execution videos has no discussion value and ahouldnt even be left in Serious.
I made one about Dzokhar Tsarnaev with a lot of discussion value if you're interested.
Again, I don't have a raging boner to research and fawn over enemies of the United States.

There's nothing to discuss. They're ignorant radicals and have been brainwashed by Islam.
You didn't read the OP then.


The Flood / Re: Why is Dutch spelling so fucking weird?
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:22:35 AM »
Holy shit, as if we all didn't know that already...

Why are you guys so fascinated by this? This happens every day all over the world. Even worse things happen in Africa.

Stop glamorizing these people and giving them so much attention.
You got any better ideas of things to do here, then? Cause I'm all ears.

Don't act like this forum is dead and your threads at least create some discussion. They don't. They barely get any replies and it's just you masturbating to ISIS.

Make an actual thread about something that has discussion value. A compilation of execution videos has no discussion value and ahouldnt even be left in Serious.
I made one about Dzokhar Tsarnaev with a lot of discussion value if you're interested.

Septagon / Where'd my avatar go?
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:17:26 AM »
I'm suddenly not seeing it. Like is this a glitch from my side or did you guys delete it?

If everyone else can see it just fine, then please lock this thread. >______>

Why are you guys so fascinated by this? This happens every day all over the world. Even worse things happen in Africa.

Stop glamorizing these people and giving them so much attention.
You got any better ideas of things to do here, then? Cause I'm all ears.

(you probably won't. ;) )

The Flood / Why is Dutch spelling so fucking weird?
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:14:06 AM »
I hope Flee can explain this on account that his native language (assumptions) is Dutch. So many of the words are also said like how they are in German, so reading them is pretty easy. But once I get to writing it, I just think "What the fuck is this shit!?". Here are some examples...

Frau turns into Vrouw. Which are said pretty much the same, but that SPELLING.

Jung turns into Jong. Which gets really fucking confusing since it's also said the same way despite the fact that the U becomes an O for no reason.

And moeglich turns into "mogelijk". There is so much wrong with that crap, it's unbelievable.

This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to retarded changes of spelling that are easy to read but impossible to write down.

Do any of you nigger faggots have any answers to this question? And if you don't, then just say languages which you think which have especially retarded spellingisms which make them really freaking hard to write.

>TFW you don't have the new Ethiopian vids
I actually found the vid for that. Gonna edit the OP with that.

Superman is the most boring super hero of all time.
lol get a load of this nigger
He's correct. Superman is just so bland and boring.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:17:51 AM »
So the only feeling with "intrinsic value" is suffering according to you.
Suffering is the root of all meaning. Without it, life would be pointless. That's my argument. You can't present me with anything that would give life any value that isn't rooted in suffering.
And for most people, the positive feelings coming from that suffering outweigh the suffering that they experienced to feel the positive feeling.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:12:37 AM »
Probably going to regret stepping into this one. So I'll just drop off what I can say at hand.

Life, and generally existence itself, will never be peachy Verb. Nothing in our universe works that way. And nothing, likely ever will. Stars burn and die out. They expand, and explode. Total destruction of the system of planets orbiting around them. At one point, what drives our universe will cease. Arguably you could view that as rather negative. Destruction.

Suffering as we call it only exists beceause it's only one side. If there was no suffering, that would likely be the close definition of perfection, which as we know, cannot exist. Life doesn't work in one form. It has two opposing sides, always. Working order. And entropy. Our moral views, good and bad. And so on and so forth.

I'll use myself as an example.

I've not had a peachy life. Terrible childhood. And these days I can say I'm not cheery either.

However. That shitty experience as a kid, stuck with me. I looked at it, and I told myself that I never wanted to generate that particular feeling in anybody. That bad feeling, or feelings.

As such I try my best for everybody around me.

In which case you could say that from suffering, I flipped to the other side of the coin. Of course I'm not flawless. Nobody is. I get upset and I'm sure I've done things to upset people. But to a greatly, greatly reduced degree than if I decided as I grew older that I would emmulate my growing up experiences.

However, Verb, we come down to the reality of things. Suffering is a human construct. Derived from emotions and pain. I would argue, that much of what we construct as people, are illusions.

Aka, good and bad.
Too bad he's not gonna read that. :/

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:08:41 AM »
Cause suffering is the only feeling that exists.
Good thing I never said that.

Present me with one thing that has intrinsic value other than feelings.

"Present me with one other thing that has intrinsic value other than feelings."

"Nothing has any intrinsic value except for suffering."

So the only feeling with "intrinsic value" is suffering according to you.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:03:47 AM »
"Nothing has any intrinsic value except for suffering." It's pretty close, honestly. And you have yet to prove that your statement is even remotely true. And no, proof from that loser mentor of yours doesn't count cause he's a mentally retarded jackass.
Present me with one other thing that has intrinsic value other than feelings.
Cause suffering is the only feeling that exists.

I live like 40 miles south of San Francisco. You actually live in or near the Bay Area!?
I live in one of the weakest places in California

The central valley  ::)

>tfw Jive Turkey lives in SoCal with me
He actually lives in NorCal with me. :^)

(god dammit, I hate that term)

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:50:02 AM »
Nope. He legitimately believes what he says.
I know.
Either that, or he is the best troll in Bungie history. But that's very unlikely.
Verbatim's a meme anyways.
no ur mum's a meme c:

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:48:50 AM »
"Nothing is real except for suffering". Do you have any idea how stupid you're sounding right now?
Good thing that's not even close to what I said.
"Nothing has any intrinsic value except for suffering." It's pretty close, honestly. And you have yet to prove that your statement is even remotely true. And no, proof from that loser mentor of yours doesn't count cause he's a mentally retarded jackass.

In a town in between Fresno and Modesto

Plz help
soak yourself
>implying that water exists in the Central Valley and they don't steal it from the rest of the state

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.
Me too only its the niners
It's so stupid when people wear shirts of teams that are dozens or hundreds of miles away from them...

I guess the worst thing though are those people who wear the "I <3 NEW YORK" clothing despite the fact that they're living in California.

I saw those on Brits when I was in London. At least California is in the same country.
It's so fucking stupid.... >______________<

Never noticed those people actually last time I was in London.

Maybe it was just a weird time of year. I also ran into what I can only describe as "Ameriboos" hanging out in front of a bar dressed up as their favorite American super heroes and trying their best to fake American accents.
Which parts of London were you in? I barely saw any of that when I was there.

But it should hardly be surprisingly since British people seem to have a boner for the US...

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:43:07 AM »
That's because they have addictions. Addictions to family, addictions to food, addictions to whatever. It doesn't justify the imposition. Nothing has any intrinsic value except for suffering.
I'm doubtful of that.

You seem to have an addiction for suffering since you can't help but to mention it in every second post of yours.

And #edge

"Nothing is real except for suffering". Do you have any idea how stupid you're sounding right now?

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:41:31 AM »
Spending your time on internet forums is pointless
no it isn't
Verby is trolling us confirmed.
Nope. He legitimately believes what he says.

Either that, or he is the best troll in Bungie history. But that's very unlikely.

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.
Me too only its the niners
It's so stupid when people wear shirts of teams that are dozens or hundreds of miles away from them...

I guess the worst thing though are those people who wear the "I <3 NEW YORK" clothing despite the fact that they're living in California.

I saw those on Brits when I was in London. At least California is in the same country.
It's so fucking stupid.... >______________<

Never noticed those people actually last time I was in London.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:35:55 AM »
Obviously (I'm 20). And you're even younger than me. So what the fuck do you know? LOL
I know that you've never had any sort of real suffering happen in your life. At all.

Give it 30-50 years. You'll get yours. And then you can tell me how great life is then.
I know I will. And I probably won't give enough shits to even answer you then. But then on the other hand, I have yet to meet somebody who is a lot older than me who says that life isn't worth living/imposing, so you'll be wrong again.

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.
Me too only its the niners
It's so stupid when people wear shirts of teams that are dozens or hundreds of miles away from them...

I guess the worst thing though are those people who wear the "I <3 NEW YORK" clothing despite the fact that they're living in California.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:28:03 AM »
I'm just making a guess clearly (but I guess you couldn't read that part), but there's no doubt that a far higher percentage than 0.000000001% of people are living enjoyable lives but that doesn't seem to be resonating well in your head.

You are yet again proving that you have no idea what you're talking about.
How old are you? Less than 30, I'd guess.
Obviously (I'm 20). And you're even younger than me. So what the fuck do you know? LOL

In a town in between Fresno and Modesto

Plz help
I've been on the I-5 enough times to see what a pleasant part of the state that is. But yeah, I don't blame you for wanting help. :/

At least you aren't living in Bakersfield though!!!

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:24:43 AM »
That's a fucking retarded metaphor since the chance of you living an enjoyable life is far, far higher than the chance of winning a lottery. Say, 85-90% comparing to 0.000000001% chance.
Where's your evidence that 85% of people enjoy life?

And can you really trust people who say that they do?
I'm just making a guess clearly (but I guess you couldn't read that part), but there's no doubt that a far higher percentage than 0.000000001% of people are living enjoyable lives but that doesn't seem to be resonating well in your head.

You are yet again proving that you have no idea what you're talking about.

I live like 40 miles south of San Francisco. You actually live in or near the Bay Area!?
I live in one of the weakest places in California

The central valley  ::)
Ohhhhh.. god.

That place. >___>

Everything in the Central Valley outside of Sacramento is dogshit. Which part of the Central Valley do you live in since it takes up a big part of the state.

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....
I was making fun of Jono <.<
And I see Mexicans with Raiders shirts everywhere here.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:18:16 AM »
If you think that life shouldn't be worth imposing just because they can't live some fantasy life 100% of the time, that's very delusional.
I can make a number of metaphors. If I stole all of your money and spent it all on lottery tickets with the INTENT of making you a profit, is that okay? Would you appreciate that? Would you appreciate it if I didn't win, and I lost you all of your money? Would you like that? What if I won? Would that make it okay?
That's a fucking retarded metaphor since the chance of you living an enjoyable life is far, far higher than the chance of winning a lottery. Say, 85-90% comparing to 0.000000001% chance.

What's it like living in the 10-15% by the way?

Stay away from stupid Mexicans with Raider shirts
Oh god, you see Mexicans with Raiders shirts literally everywhere down here in the Bay Area....

I live like 40 miles south of San Francisco. You actually live in or near the Bay Area!?

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