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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:33:42 PM »

because personally, i don't know shit about foreign affairs

what the fuck is a benghazi
It's like this thing that Republicans say.

Because it's boring as fuck and you basically spam it
>foreign policies


Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:19:47 PM »
-Your typical UKIP supporter
You can make any mindset look ridiculous by typing like that. This is Serious, mate.
And what I said was 100% true.

90% of UKIP supporters are blithering idiots. And the other 10% who are actually reasonable don't really belong in it.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Explain to me how Reach was worse...
did you just put me in a time machine and send me back to 2011? whatever, ill give you a brief rundown anyway:

Armor Abilities. Absolutely pointless implementation that slowed down gameplay and forgave bad players for mistakes that should have wiped their team.

Bloom. Cheap mechanic that gated skilled players.

The DMR. flat out retarded as a starting weapon. Never should have removed the Battle Rifle. Needle Rifle was clearly a poorly planned afterthought.

The default maps were mostly awful. Zealot was good. That's about it. Forge World maps suffered from horrible FPS drops.

Rocket/grenade blast radii were buffed wayyyyyyy too hard. Grenades even got a tracking mechanic. Beyond retarded.

Arena was really really really fucking bad. Default game+ranking based on individual performance instead of Win/Loss made it absolutely worthless until it was reworked.

Nerfed Needler and Assault Rifle were entirely unnecessary and exacerbated the problems with the weapon sandbox. Sniper Rifle was too forgiving (probably just due to the ridiculous hitboxes, but still).

Absolutely worthless dev support up until 343 took over. It was incredibly obvious that Bungie didn't give 2 shits about Reach.

The campaign was awful. No way around it. None of the members of NOBLE except Jorge got any sort of character development.

and thats just off the top of my head.
I'll be honest here...

All I played was Infection, Invasion, and Custom Games. And Reach had by far the most customization options for infection (my favorite game mode), and Invasion was all-around dank.
Invasion made me want to barf in my mouth, as someone who values competitive balance in FPS.
Invasion was freaking fun as hell.... idgaf about balance as long as I can have fun.

And Reach Forge allowed custom invasion maps to be made. Cue maximum dankness.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Explain to me how Reach was worse...
did you just put me in a time machine and send me back to 2011? whatever, ill give you a brief rundown anyway:

Armor Abilities. Absolutely pointless implementation that slowed down gameplay and forgave bad players for mistakes that should have wiped their team.

Bloom. Cheap mechanic that gated skilled players.

The DMR. flat out retarded as a starting weapon. Never should have removed the Battle Rifle. Needle Rifle was clearly a poorly planned afterthought.

The default maps were mostly awful. Zealot was good. That's about it. Forge World maps suffered from horrible FPS drops.

Rocket/grenade blast radii were buffed wayyyyyyy too hard. Grenades even got a tracking mechanic. Beyond retarded.

Arena was really really really fucking bad. Default game+ranking based on individual performance instead of Win/Loss made it absolutely worthless until it was reworked.

Nerfed Needler and Assault Rifle were entirely unnecessary and exacerbated the problems with the weapon sandbox. Sniper Rifle was too forgiving (probably just due to the ridiculous hitboxes, but still).

Absolutely worthless dev support up until 343 took over. It was incredibly obvious that Bungie didn't give 2 shits about Reach.

The campaign was awful. No way around it. None of the members of NOBLE except Jorge got any sort of character development.

and thats just off the top of my head.
I'll be honest here...

All I played was Infection, Invasion, and Custom Games. And Reach had by far the most customization options for infection (my favorite game mode), and Invasion was all-around dank.

*opens anus*

Right here.

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
Loadouts were shit.
Just one of the many stupid design choices in Reach.

The only thing it did better was custom games options and forge. Plus Halo 3 wasn't that great either; extremely overrated.
Exactly. I made so many dank custom gametypes with maps on Reach. Goddamn, they were so fucking dank....

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.
default reach was one of the worst AAA titles ever released. it was absolutely a downgrade. the only things it did better were the graphics, netcode, and UI.

Explain to me how Reach was worse...

The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though
There was the option to remove loadouts if you didn't like them. And they made custom games WAAAAY better.

Reach was a flat out improvement over 3.

Reach had the best custom games.

the severe fps drops in forge world really killed my ability to enjoy the custom games. im not normally one to bitch about graphics, but its extremely aggravating to constantly have your frames fucking up.
The vastly superior Forge and inclusion of loadouts did make things a lot better for Reach though.

Then Halo 4 makes it so you can have multiple Custom Powerups, but then it destroys every other aspect of custom games.

The Flood / Re: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:43:35 PM »
Eh, I'm a CommsOfficerist.

Which is too dank for any of the above.

Reach had the best custom games.


Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:41:49 PM »
Yeah. And I don't care. I'm not pissing away 60 dollars on something I'll just play for a few weeks. LOL

It's your fault for not pirating games in all honesty. I'm getting my games for free and the rest of you are throwing money out the window.
I'm not throwing money out the window. I buy games I know I'll enjoy and have a lot of interest in, and at minimum get my £40 worth out of it, and I want to support the developer for providing that enjoyable experience.
You're only throwing money away if you buy shit games.
If everyone had your mindset there wouldn't even be an industry.

And to clarify, I'm not even considering buying Battlefront.
And I said that I'd only pirate Battlefront if it were a good game since I only have so much CPU left.

Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:40:16 PM »
Any party that's against the EU is a good party.
Kill yourself.
He's right though.

Fuck the EU. Vote for based Farage.
-Your typical UKIP supporter
mad cus eu a shit
"hur dur muh bogeyman"

The Flood / Re: My opinion of whoever posts thread
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:35:43 PM »
Do it

-Nelson Mandela, Johannesburg prison shower, 1984
He was imprisoned on Robben Island right off the coast of Cape Town.


Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:32:28 PM »
If it's good, I'll just pirate it.
Why would you do that
So I don't have to pay money?
Obviously, but that's just plain immoral. My question was basically a metaphor, for lack of a better word, for "why would you cheat people out of all the hard work they did to develop the game?"
Well, this is assuming that I actually decide to get Battlefront, which is pretty low on my priority list of games to get. And maybe it's because I don't care about the game developers.
So you'd pirate the game even if i's good? That's pretty backwards
My computer can only hold so much memory. I'm not gonna waste space on shit games.
Did you not read what I said?
Yeah. And I don't care. I'm not pissing away 60 dollars on something I'll just play for a few weeks. LOL

It's your fault for not pirating games in all honesty. I'm getting my games for free and the rest of you are throwing money out the window.

Serious / Re: Anyone watch last nights opposition debate? (UK)
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:31:31 PM »
Any party that's against the EU is a good party.
Kill yourself.
He's right though.

Fuck the EU. Vote for based Farage.
-Your typical UKIP supporter

Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:30:30 PM »
If it's good, I'll just pirate it.
Why would you do that
So I don't have to pay money?
Obviously, but that's just plain immoral. My question was basically a metaphor, for lack of a better word, for "why would you cheat people out of all the hard work they did to develop the game?"
Well, this is assuming that I actually decide to get Battlefront, which is pretty low on my priority list of games to get. And maybe it's because I don't care about the game developers.
So you'd pirate the game even if i's good? That's pretty backwards
My computer can only hold so much memory. I'm not gonna waste space on shit games.

The Flood / Re: Desty + in it = Destiny
« on: April 23, 2015, 11:24:02 AM »
No, it means you have to kill yourself.

RIP in peace, Desty.

The Flood / Re: My opinion of whoever posts thread
« on: April 23, 2015, 11:22:43 AM »


Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 11:21:32 AM »
If it's good, I'll just pirate it.
Why would you do that
So I don't have to pay money?
Obviously, but that's just plain immoral. My question was basically a metaphor, for lack of a better word, for "why would you cheat people out of all the hard work they did to develop the game?"
Well, this is assuming that I actually decide to get Battlefront, which is pretty low on my priority list of games to get. And maybe it's because I don't care about the game developers.

Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 11:14:27 AM »
If it's good, I'll just pirate it.
Why would you do that
So I don't have to pay money?

Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 11:12:14 AM »
If it's good, I'll just pirate it.

I do?
well challenger definitely does
He actually said that?

This image perfectly sums up my respect for Challenger recently.

waaah Chelengur nd lemun wer mean 2 me pls ban them nau :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
which is rich, considering that they both want me banned for the same exact reason
Oh god, that is funny.

I don't think having porn or gore in the public forums as a good idea. Nor I think private groups should be a completely unlawful territory since the information will be inevitably hosted and affiliated to Sep7agon. If you want to find porn or gory pictures then there are websites for that purpose; use those instead.
Uh, I think there would still be the ban on CP if private groups were made....


I gotta say, I'm actually impressed by these poll results.
What about the 18%?

This is way better than the polls on Bungie usually go, so...
Wait, what, really?

How much worse are the polls on Bungie?
Basically, flip the results.
That's fucking stupid.

But then on the other hand, most of is far younger on average and they don't really understand the whole social debate with transgenderism properly.
There's also a lot of dense and narrowminded religious people on Bnet.
Oh god yes...

The Bungie community's gone down the shitter since Sep7agon was made, since the majority of even decent users left there to come here.

You had a 3-day ban?

For what?

For trying to play Destiny.
That piece of shit deserved worse then.

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