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Messages - Not Comms Officer

Pages: 1 ... 585960 6162 ... 158
The Flood / Re: Why is this place called the Flood?
« on: April 24, 2015, 04:02:20 PM »
because we're the last surviving legacy of b.old and keeping the flood name is a way to keep it alive in spirit
That's taking it a bit far I think...

The Flood is dead and gone. We're just living off its old legacy.

I joined when Destiny was coming out, so I'm not restricted to nostalgia and other things.
The Flood was pretty much just a generic off-topic forum community. Sort of like the Bioware Off-topic forum. There's so much nostalgia towards The Flood though since it was shut down by Bungie 2 years ago.

I wonder what's gonna happen to her afterwards. >___>
She's going to be held up as a martyr by the more extreme members of the third wave, a symbol of how the oppressive patriarchal system crushes victims' attempts to spread awareness. And she'll continue to be paid to speak at feminist conventions.

I like to call this the "Lena Dunham method" of attaining fame
I mean in the more general community. She's just gonna be another Monica Lewinsky I think.

They're already banned, so that's all good.
Who is?

The Flood / Re: Why is this place called the Flood?
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:57:48 PM »
because we're the last surviving legacy of b.old and keeping the flood name is a way to keep it alive in spirit
That's taking it a bit far I think...

The Flood is dead and gone. We're just living off its old legacy.

I wonder what's gonna happen to her afterwards. >___>

The Flood / Re: Why is this place called the Flood?
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:51:56 PM »
The OP was actually a lot better than I thought it'd be.

But, I dunno. It's really out of tradition and nothing else. Or at least nothing else I can think of.

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:48:59 PM »
it's not that they value his life--it's valuing life in general

that's where the "killing for killing is wrong" argument comes from, because life is sacred, and everyone deserves a chance at life, and all that bullshit

it's just emotional babble with no logical bearing, and it's the most common thing you hear (or i hear) in these arguments
Oh god..

Doesn't look like you listened to the logical perspective that our enemies such as al-Qaeda and IS will masturbate to any execution of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and use it to attract more recruits. Executing the guy would just strengthen terrorist groups.

]are you SURE
No fucking shit I'm sure. Nothing is gained if we execute him. Except for another body to dispose of.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:40:09 PM »
i'll respond to psy later

finals week next week and all
>pls memespond

Serious / Re: What should Dzhohkar Tsarnaev's punishment be?
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:37:03 PM »
well, that's certainly a better argument than  the "b-b-b-but, we can't... KILL people! what if he's actually a nice guy deep down!?" bullshit that always comes into play in these discussions

but i still don't buy it just because i think, even if it does "encourage" our enemies, all that means to me is that our enemies are going to become more visible

and thus, more detainable
I don't anyone here who suggested life in prison for Dzhokhar wanted to do so because they actually value his life...

But yeah, if he's executed, pretty much every terror group is gonna gobble it up for propaganda and use it to attract more recruits.

If we execute him, we gain absolutely nothing, and we give free propaganda points for our enemies.

I do?
well challenger definitely does
He actually said that?

This image perfectly sums up my respect for Challenger recently.

God you're gullible.

No, I've never said that about anybody. The only person I think should be banned is Kiyo for exposing anon posts.
Uh, do you think that's the only reason? Lol.

Reason for what?
For me being annoyed with you recently.
I don't really care. No offense.
I mean if you really have an issue we can take it to PM's, but I don't recall doing anything wrong to you.
Oh, yeah. It's more me honestly.

I do?
well challenger definitely does
He actually said that?

This image perfectly sums up my respect for Challenger recently.

God you're gullible.

No, I've never said that about anybody. The only person I think should be banned is Kiyo for exposing anon posts.
Uh, do you think that's the only reason? Lol.

Reason for what?
For me being annoyed with you recently.
I don't really care. No offense.

I do?
well challenger definitely does
He actually said that?

This image perfectly sums up my respect for Challenger recently.

God you're gullible.

No, I've never said that about anybody. The only person I think should be banned is Kiyo for exposing anon posts.
Uh, do you think that's the only reason? Lol.

Reason for what?
For me being annoyed with you recently.

I do?
well challenger definitely does
He actually said that?

This image perfectly sums up my respect for Challenger recently.

God you're gullible.

No, I've never said that about anybody. The only person I think should be banned is Kiyo for exposing anon posts.
Uh, do you think that's the only reason? Lol.


Serious / Re: Monopolies are bad, mmkay?
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:42:22 AM »
muh free market

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

The Flood / Re: How many here like Batch?
« on: April 24, 2015, 02:35:33 AM »
Batch is the new Sentra.

Well, Sentra improved towards the end....

Or maybe Batch is Sentra!!
Who is Sentra, or rather, what was he like?
He was pretty pissy and uptight at first, but he gradually improved over a while, and he was a fairly decent user by the end of his stay. He hasn't been here in quite a while though.

The Flood / Re: How many here like Batch?
« on: April 24, 2015, 02:29:02 AM »
Batch is the new Sentra.

Well, Sentra improved towards the end....

Or maybe Batch is Sentra!!

The Flood / Re: I invented a new meme.
« on: April 24, 2015, 02:17:03 AM »

"ur mum's desty" would be better.

The Flood / I invented a new meme.
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:44:04 AM »
What, did you nigger faggots really think you were rid of me? Well, you better believe I'm back, motherfuckers, and I brought a little friend with me. His name is MY FUCKING 14-INCH COCK, you retarded faggots, and he's going to be staying in your assholes for a while. Better make some room, you fucking nigger faggots, cuz he's gonna need a lot of living space. I'll fucking jam the uncut tip of my forearm-length dick straight through your fucking faggot anus without any lube and thrust it straight upwards. Then I'll rape your bowels again and again until I shatter both of your kidneys into sloppy chunks of liquefied meat that'll flow out your nigger faggot asshole like water through a firehose the instant that I pull my gigantic cock all the way out. I'll use your fucking liquefied kidneys as lube for my second pass as I thrust upwards even higher, shattering your fucking faggot spine into bonemeal. Finally, I'll release a massive load in your violated abdominal cavity, which'll mix with the fucking powdered remains of your spine into an unholy stinking concrete that'll flow out your now dinner-plate-sized anus and harden on your crippled, useless legs, fusing them to the ground. Your horror at the gushing, gooey mess on the floor that used to be your internal organs will only get worse when you realize that you can't even drag yourself away. Since your asshole has now been violated to the point of complete uselessness, I'll bypass the middleman and plunge my cock straight through your skin, ripping a hole in your lower back as I go to work on the rest of your guts. I'll jam my cock in there and then pull it straight out, hooking your intestines with the massive hood of my cock and tearing them free. I'll fucking whip you with your torn, shit-filled intestines until your skin lies on the floor in soiled scraps, which I'll fucking stitch together with sinews ripped from your limbs into a very smart three-piece suit. I'll cut your fucking faggot dick off and turn it into a tie, and I'll fold your scrotum into a decorative flower that I'll pin to my lapel. I'll then jizz all over your barely-living skinless body so that you spend your last moments of life burning in pain as it seeps into your raw nerves and flesh. But it won't stop there, oh no. With my already-superhuman strength amplified by my continued arousal, I'll tear your lifeless head free of your corpse, pulling out with it the last cracked remnants of your violated spine. I'll pull those bits of spine free, and then I'll stick my cock straight into the gaping hole in the back of your skull. I will literally skull-fuck your brain so hard that my unstoppable member will break straight through to the other side. The raw power of my cock thrusting through your brain will spark synapses, causing you to come alive for a brief moment, just long enough to feel me raping a three-inch hole in the vessel for your nigger faggot consciousness. I'll fucking feed the gooey mess that used to be your mortal shell to pigs and then I'll start in on your family and friends. Surrender all hope, motherfucker.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:29:35 AM »
>court jester
>not talking about me

The Flood / Re: I'm Vien.
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:26:08 AM »
I'm Comms Officer, and this is my least favorite forum in the internet.
This forum is very mellow and for the most part friendly mayne I like it.
Bleh. It's boring and uneventful. Like all forums that don't explode in dramasplosions.

And yet you keep posting......
This place is only fun when Mr P or Flee are here.

The Flood / Re: I'm Vien.
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:47:19 AM »
I'm Comms Officer, and this is my least favorite forum in the internet.
This forum is very mellow and for the most part friendly mayne I like it.
Bleh. It's boring and uneventful. Like all forums that don't explode in dramasplosions.

The Flood / Re: Hey Cheat?
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:39:19 AM »
Holy fucking shit CHEAT IS DRIFT0R

Cheat is drift0r's sister.

The Flood / Re: I'm Vien.
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:37:13 AM »
I'm Comms Officer, and this is my least favorite forum in the internet.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:36:36 AM »
Right. May as well be semi-constructive here. Curious. What semblance of motivation made ya feel like showing up here again?
I got bored, besides someone had to tell a certain user to fuck off.
Who is this certain user?

The Flood / Re: How can final duels be real
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:34:40 AM »


The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:32:37 AM »

The Flood / I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:28:58 AM »

Why is this place so... Dead? It's as if you all have lives or something. Where has the court jester fucked off to?

I'm sooooooo bored!!!!!

What to do????

I know! AMA

The Flood / Re: Hey Cheat?
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:27:08 AM »
I'm white as fuck.

>Teenage girl?

Cheat pls, do something about your appearance.
Yeah, I expected Cheat to look really masculine, but instead Cheat is the most feminine guy I know.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:26:12 AM »
Right. May as well be semi-constructive here. Curious. What semblance of motivation made ya feel like showing up here again?
Yeah, this is a good question.

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