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Messages - Not Comms Officer

Pages: 1 ... 515253 5455 ... 158

Canada is one of the few Western, Industrialized countries I dislike more than the US. Good job Canada.
Fuck you, man. Canada is the bomb.
At least the US has a much richer diversity of climate (the only country with every climate in the world) and isn't completely depopulated outside of the major urban centers. That, and the only person from Canada I know who I actually like is Sandtrap. But he kind of lives in rural nowhere.

The USA is literally a trillion times better than Greece
>Aegean Sea
>Greek food
>Greek climate


The Pacific Ocean is a garbage cesspool. Literally. Aegean sea is fucking beautiful. I can practically live in that water.....
>Greek economy
>American wealth inequality
Richer economies have a higher wealth inequality.  It's just the nature of things.
America has really fucking high wealth inequality. Compare its wealth inequality with say, France's or Germany's.

Fucking liberals, slanting scientific numbers for their political stance. I always knew something was fishy about all the global warming tout.

You can't trust a liberal as far as you can throw 'em. I'd like to see what they have to say about this.

Cause one of them was a surprise attack out of nowhere without any context and the other one was a choice between deploying nuclear weapons against a civilian population of one or two cities or having to launch a bloody ground invasion which would have resulted in far more deaths?

But I still disagree that 9/11 is the worst crime to humanity.
Yes, but developing a weapon that vaporizes people is worse than a couple thousand people dying in a tower.
It's all about the context...

Cause one of them was a surprise attack out of nowhere without any context and the other one was a choice between deploying nuclear weapons against a civilian population of one or two cities or having to launch a bloody ground invasion which would have resulted in far more deaths?

But I still disagree that 9/11 is the worst crime to humanity.

But that's not an F-35
Assassin and I had that discussion already.


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

Doesn't imply that at all.
Still doesn't make it right.
Pretty sure wrongfully accusing someone of rape is slander and illegal (in the United States).
I'm just pointing out the fact. And yes, it is very illegal, but as we've seen that hasn't exactly been deterring very many people. Same thing with murder and drugs. >___>
the murder rate is actually pretty low, and people always have and always will do drugs
Though my point is that the law doesn't really deter murderers from murdering. There will always be a few people who don't care.

And drug laws existing to begin with are a joke. All they do is fill up the prisons with inmates. All drugs should be legalized and the money going to enforce those ridiculous drug laws should instead go to rehab for major drug victims.

That's why in places like Colorado the drug cartel have lost millions of dollars, increase state income, oh and keep people out of jail (lowering amount of tax dollars spent) for a plant.
The place I was thinking of though was Portugal though. They legalized all drugs, and drug-related crimes have been nearly eradicated. And this is in a country that previously had massive drug-smuggling problems due to its proximity to Africa.


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

Doesn't imply that at all.
Still doesn't make it right.
Pretty sure wrongfully accusing someone of rape is slander and illegal (in the United States).
I'm just pointing out the fact. And yes, it is very illegal, but as we've seen that hasn't exactly been deterring very many people. Same thing with murder and drugs. >___>

Well it's hard to disprove it's one word against another. I know some women are ashamed after they get raped and don't go get a tape kit, but still bitches be trifling and need to get bitch slapped.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to disprove a rape since it's so incredibly easy to get rid of all the evidence for one.

Uh, tape kit. What's that?
damn it stupid ass phone.
A rape kit:
But exactly my point it's hard to disprove one without a rape kit, so male or female get one if you are ever unfortunately raped.


Jaythenerdkid told The Flood that men can't get raped!

You have an asshole don't you?

Mommy, what's an asshole? I thought that was just a no-no word.

The Flood / Re: Petition to permaban Comms Officer
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:09:10 AM »


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

Doesn't imply that at all.
Still doesn't make it right.
Pretty sure wrongfully accusing someone of rape is slander and illegal (in the United States).
I'm just pointing out the fact. And yes, it is very illegal, but as we've seen that hasn't exactly been deterring very many people. Same thing with murder and drugs. >___>
the murder rate is actually pretty low, and people always have and always will do drugs
Though my point is that the law doesn't really deter murderers from murdering. There will always be a few people who don't care.

And drug laws existing to begin with are a joke. All they do is fill up the prisons with inmates. All drugs should be legalized and the money going to enforce those ridiculous drug laws should instead go to rehab for major drug victims.


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

Doesn't imply that at all.
Still doesn't make it right.
Pretty sure wrongfully accusing someone of rape is slander and illegal (in the United States).
I'm just pointing out the fact. And yes, it is very illegal, but as we've seen that hasn't exactly been deterring very many people. Same thing with murder and drugs. >___>

Well it's hard to disprove it's one word against another. I know some women are ashamed after they get raped and don't go get a tape kit, but still bitches be trifling and need to get bitch slapped.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to disprove a rape since it's so incredibly easy to get rid of all the evidence for one.

Uh, tape kit. What's that?
damn it stupid ass phone.
A rape kit:
But exactly my point it's hard to disprove one without a rape kit, so male or female get one if you are ever unfortunately raped.


Jaythenerdkid told The Flood that men can't get raped!

The Flood / Re: Petition to permaban Comms Officer
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:02:28 AM »

Hey comms
Go kill yourself.
y u do dis

i didn du nothin

The Flood / Re: What movie should I watch?
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:02:05 AM »

The Flood / ayy lmao
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:00:54 AM »
Deci got Legendary, and now he's Lite-Banned so he can't make his custom whatever.

Memes for the Meme God!!!!

>discussion value

OT: I got a dank-ass custom things lined up for once my warning status goes down to 0.


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

Doesn't imply that at all.
Still doesn't make it right.
Pretty sure wrongfully accusing someone of rape is slander and illegal (in the United States).
I'm just pointing out the fact. And yes, it is very illegal, but as we've seen that hasn't exactly been deterring very many people. Same thing with murder and drugs. >___>

Well it's hard to disprove it's one word against another. I know some women are ashamed after they get raped and don't go get a tape kit, but still bitches be trifling and need to get bitch slapped.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to disprove a rape since it's so incredibly easy to get rid of all the evidence for one.

Uh, tape kit. What's that?


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

Doesn't imply that at all.
Still doesn't make it right.
Pretty sure wrongfully accusing someone of rape is slander and illegal (in the United States).
I'm just pointing out the fact. And yes, it is very illegal, but as we've seen that hasn't exactly been deterring very many people. Same thing with murder and drugs. >___>


If a women claims rape and calls the media or publically shames a man before contacting police she loses all credibility.

As a woman I agree with this shit right here. If you really got raped call the damn cops, and go to a fucking hospital and demand a rape kit. After that if you want to inflict further damage the. You can be a media slut and call the news or what the fuck ever. Seriously it's people like her that cry wolf that makes claiming rape more of a joke and unbelievable. Accusing someone of rape when they didn't fucking rape you is a horrible offense because you can seriously fuck up that other person's life! Don't be a cunt and don't fake a rape.
>implying that there aren't people who simply get pleasure from others' suffering

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:50:21 AM »
I hope that you aren't disappointed by my incredibly beautiful body. :^(

>not a generic selfie in front of a bathroom mirror

EDIT: I'm post #30 in the page?

Well, fuck.


The Flood / So, in the US....
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:18:52 AM »
..are they any houses that are built on a state border. As in, one half of the house is on Tennessee, and the other half is on Kentucky, or something like that?

What the literal fuck is this shit?

The Flood / Re: If my memethreads cannot be left alone...
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:13:15 AM »

Why are they not liked? So lost...
The mods are just jealous that I can make such witty, beautiful, and brilliant memethreads. :(

Are they just annoying, or are yours just totally unrelated to anything and chaotic?

Here are some previously martyred memethreads.

Well that clarifies why they're being banned.  You're a fucking terrorist. I was mainly lost because when I first came here I created a some what retarded picture/meme thread and it wasn't banned.
I'm a terrorist for posting memethreads?


Not for memethreads posting there wasn't much of that shared in the post. I'm calling you a terrorist for wanting to post and share pictures of the ISIS beheadings. I can't believe I'm going to say this but fucking go kill yourself. Who in their right minds wants to fucking go see that? I haven't had much problems with you, but there is a line for everything and loving sandniggers is a NOPE for this Kitsune. Sorry not sorry.

loving sandniggers is a NOPE for this Kitsune
So you're racist. Really racist. LOL

I'm calling you a terrorist for wanting to post and share pictures of the ISIS beheadings
How does that make me a terrorist? FOX News has also shared the videos, so are they terrorists as well? And I've already shared the videos in another thread here. I can link you to the thread if you'd like.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but fucking go kill yourself.
Overreaction of the century.

Because that's the one thing I can't be accepting of and I haven't blown up on anyone on here.

Call it the overreaction of the century whatever I don't give a fuck what sandnigger lovers have to say. <3
>racist as fuck and not even denying it


Makes sense given that you're from Georgia and all.

Oh that's so sharp make a racist jab at me for living in the south. I'm so butthurt.
Oh yeah, I can taste your tears from here. ;)

The Flood / Re: If my memethreads cannot be left alone...
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:10:18 AM »

Why are they not liked? So lost...
The mods are just jealous that I can make such witty, beautiful, and brilliant memethreads. :(

Are they just annoying, or are yours just totally unrelated to anything and chaotic?

Here are some previously martyred memethreads.

Well that clarifies why they're being banned.  You're a fucking terrorist. I was mainly lost because when I first came here I created a some what retarded picture/meme thread and it wasn't banned.
I'm a terrorist for posting memethreads?


Not for memethreads posting there wasn't much of that shared in the post. I'm calling you a terrorist for wanting to post and share pictures of the ISIS beheadings. I can't believe I'm going to say this but fucking go kill yourself. Who in their right minds wants to fucking go see that? I haven't had much problems with you, but there is a line for everything and loving sandniggers is a NOPE for this Kitsune. Sorry not sorry.

loving sandniggers is a NOPE for this Kitsune
So you're racist. Really racist. LOL

I'm calling you a terrorist for wanting to post and share pictures of the ISIS beheadings
How does that make me a terrorist? FOX News has also shared the videos, so are they terrorists as well? And I've already shared the videos in another thread here. I can link you to the thread if you'd like.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but fucking go kill yourself.
Overreaction of the century.

Because that's the one thing I can't be accepting of and I haven't blown up on anyone on here.

Call it the overreaction of the century whatever I don't give a fuck what sandnigger lovers have to say. <3
>racist as fuck and not even denying it


Makes sense given that you're from Georgia and all.

The Flood / Re: If my memethreads cannot be left alone...
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:06:36 AM »

Why are they not liked? So lost...
The mods are just jealous that I can make such witty, beautiful, and brilliant memethreads. :(

Are they just annoying, or are yours just totally unrelated to anything and chaotic?

Here are some previously martyred memethreads.

Well that clarifies why they're being banned.  You're a fucking terrorist. I was mainly lost because when I first came here I created a some what retarded picture/meme thread and it wasn't banned.
I'm a terrorist for posting memethreads?


Not for memethreads posting there wasn't much of that shared in the post. I'm calling you a terrorist for wanting to post and share pictures of the ISIS beheadings. I can't believe I'm going to say this but fucking go kill yourself. Who in their right minds wants to fucking go see that? I haven't had much problems with you, but there is a line for everything and loving sandniggers is a NOPE for this Kitsune. Sorry not sorry.

loving sandniggers is a NOPE for this Kitsune
So you're racist. Really racist. LOL

I'm calling you a terrorist for wanting to post and share pictures of the ISIS beheadings
How does that make me a terrorist? FOX News has also shared the videos, so are they terrorists as well? And I've already shared the videos in another thread here. I can link you to the thread if you'd like.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but fucking go kill yourself.
Overreaction of the century.

The Flood / Re: If my memethreads cannot be left alone...
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:01:37 AM »

Why are they not liked? So lost...
The mods are just jealous that I can make such witty, beautiful, and brilliant memethreads. :(

Are they just annoying, or are yours just totally unrelated to anything and chaotic?

Here are some previously martyred memethreads.

Well that clarifies why they're being banned.  You're a fucking terrorist. I was mainly lost because when I first came here I created a some what retarded picture/meme thread and it wasn't banned.
I'm a terrorist for posting memethreads?



The Flood / Re: If my memethreads cannot be left alone...
« on: April 26, 2015, 12:56:45 AM »

Why are they not liked? So lost...
The mods are just jealous that I can make such witty, beautiful, and brilliant memethreads. :(

Are they just annoying, or are yours just totally unrelated to anything and chaotic?
He's just totally unrelated and chaotic and in-love with sand people.

Being unrelated and calling it chaos is one thing, but to just create mindless fuckary is another.
Sand people are meh... I just can't stand DerkaDerkas.
So makes sense.

The Flood / Re: If my memethreads cannot be left alone...
« on: April 26, 2015, 12:54:28 AM »

Why are they not liked? So lost...
The mods are just jealous that I can make such witty, beautiful, and brilliant memethreads. :(

Are they just annoying, or are yours just totally unrelated to anything and chaotic?

Here are some previously martyred memethreads.

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