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The Flood / Re: Haben Sie jemals das Gefühl haben, dass lauerte ?
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:16:36 PM »
Nice copypasta of my thread.


And the meme isn't dank I'm afraid. :^(

Aber ich konnte mit dem übersetzung helfen wenn du magst.




Translate before you judge. Thread has an actual discussable topic and I cannot be banned since there aren't any rules against posts not in English.

Yeah and I don't care if it's against the rules or not. I'm not wasting my time translating your stupid thread, just to find out whether it's a copypasta or not.
Then that's your problem. Lol.

The Flood / Re: Formerly locked thread in Arabic.
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:26:11 PM »

>jelly that I stopped discrimination against sand people in this forum

If you can legitimately create discussion value in Arabic, then you can easily create discussion value in English that everyone will understand, and be able to discuss along side you. Until then they will be locked.
But there are no rules stating that I can use Arabic for my threads, therefore they should not be locked as they do not violate any regulations.
A simple google translate would suggest your thread was nothing more than copy pasta, which has no discussion value, argue semantics as you wish but posting in a different language to circumvent the rules does not make it any less rule breaking.
I am not referring to that thread. I am referring to the one that I linked. I don't care if that copypasta thread remains locked. But I just want my other thread to be unlocked. The thread that you referred to was rulebreaking and did deserve to be locked. But my other one was not.
Sure, however you have to change the OP to English within 5-10 mins, people don't want to google translate to have a discussion, nor should they have to.

If not, the thread will be re-locked. What say you?
I.... guess so.

But I still don't see how having my threads in Arabic should be discouraged. It just promotes discrimination against any future Arab users who could join. In the same way how future German users would be discriminated against if they were not allowed to post in their native language.
Unlocked, and as on any other forum or any other site in which English is the main language it is expected that English is spoken, native speakers of other languages know this and will do so, even if they butcher their sentences in the process, the only exception being in which an insulated conversation begins to turn into another language.
Expectations aren't requirements though. And enforcing expectations just leads to discrimination. Forcing users to greatly inconvenience themselves for a slight convenience of the majority isn't right and can lead to dangerous outcomes.

The Flood / Re: Formerly locked thread in Arabic.
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:20:21 PM »

Serious / Re: Was Ronald Reagan's Presidency justified?
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:14:43 PM »

>le dank runald regin moomoo dat prewf dat hes da best

If you can legitimately create discussion value in Arabic, then you can easily create discussion value in English that everyone will understand, and be able to discuss along side you. Until then they will be locked.
But there are no rules stating that I can use Arabic for my threads, therefore they should not be locked as they do not violate any regulations.
A simple google translate would suggest your thread was nothing more than copy pasta, which has no discussion value, argue semantics as you wish but posting in a different language to circumvent the rules does not make it any less rule breaking.
I am not referring to that thread. I am referring to the one that I linked. I don't care if that copypasta thread remains locked. But I just want my other thread to be unlocked. The thread that you referred to was rulebreaking and did deserve to be locked. But my other one was not.
Sure, however you have to change the OP to English within 5-10 mins, people don't want to google translate to have a discussion, nor should they have to.

If not, the thread will be re-locked. What say you?
I.... guess so.

But I still don't see how having my threads in Arabic should be discouraged. It just promotes discrimination against any future Arab users who could join. In the same way how future German users would be discriminated against if they were not allowed to post in their native language.

If you can legitimately create discussion value in Arabic, then you can easily create discussion value in English that everyone will understand, and be able to discuss along side you. Until then they will be locked.
But there are no rules stating that I can use Arabic for my threads, therefore they should not be locked as they do not violate any regulations.
A simple google translate would suggest your thread was nothing more than copy pasta, which has no discussion value, argue semantics as you wish but posting in a different language to circumvent the rules does not make it any less rule breaking.
I am not referring to that thread. I am referring to the one that I linked. I don't care if that copypasta thread remains locked. But I just want my other thread to be unlocked. The thread that you referred to was rulebreaking and did deserve to be locked. But my other one was not.

The Flood / Re: Why do people like the Avengers movies?
« on: April 26, 2015, 08:57:32 PM »
>epic meme movies

You just answered your own question.

If you can legitimately create discussion value in Arabic, then you can easily create discussion value in English that everyone will understand, and be able to discuss along side you. Until then they will be locked.
But there are no rules stating that I cannot use Arabic for my threads, therefore they should not be locked as they do not violate any regulations.

There isn't a single rule in the forum stating that threads cannot be in a language other than English, and this thread of mine has legitimate discussion value. Yet it was locked because it was in a language other than English.

I request that this be fixed immediately.

And I also request that any future threads of mine in Arabic with discussion value not be locked unless a new rule is drafted stating that threads cannot be in any language other than English.

الزنوج السلام من

Translate before you judge. Thread has an actual discussable topic and I cannot be banned since there aren't any rules against posts not in English.

The Flood / Formerly locked thread in Arabic.
« on: April 26, 2015, 08:38:23 PM »
 For the reason that there are no rules against the threads with the value of the discussion that is not in English.

Anyway, how do you guys do now?

And if you get banned for this topic, and it would be unjust.

Serious / Re: Was 9/11 justified?
« on: April 26, 2015, 08:31:03 PM »
Does Kiyo have any responses to our counterarguments or not?


ما لم حزم الحطب لك زنجي تعتقد حقا كنت التخلص من لي؟ حسنا، كنت تعتقد أن أفضل سأعود، واحضرت قليلا صديق لي. اسمه هو بلدي 14 بوصة الديك، كنت حزم الحطب المتخلفين، وانه على وشك أن البقاء في المتسكعون لفترة من الوقت. أفضل جعل بعض غرفة، كنت حزم الحطب زنجي سخيف، كوز انه ستعمل في حاجة الى الكثير من المساحة المعيشية. أنا سخيف المربى الطرف غير المصقول من ساعدي طول ديك مباشرة من خلال فتحة الشرج سخيف وطي الخاص بك دون أي التشحيم وضربه صعودا مستقيم. بعد ذلك سوف اغتصاب أمعائك مرارا وتكرارا حتى أنا تحطيم كل من الكليتين إلى قطع قذرة اللحوم المسال التي سوف تتدفق بك زنجي وطي الأحمق مثل المياه من خلال خرطوم أو إنبوب الاطفاء لحظة أنني سحب ديكي العملاق كل مخرج. سوف تستخدم بك سخيف الكلى المسال كما التشحيم لبلدي مسار الثاني وأنا التوجه صعودا حتى أعلى، تحطيم سخيف بك العمود الفقري وطي إلى السماد. وأخيرا، وأنا سوف تفرج حمولة ضخمة في تجويف البطن انتهكت الخاص بك، والتي سوف تختلط مع بقايا مسحوق سخيف من العمود الفقري الخاص بك إلى الخرسانة النتنة غير مقدس التي سوف تتدفق الآن عشاء لوحة بحجم حسابك في فتحة الشرج وتتصلب على شلت الخاص بك، الساقين عديمة الفائدة، والصمامات لهم على الأرض. الرعب الخاص بك في المتدفق، وفوضى لزج على الأرض التي اعتادت ان تكون الأعضاء الداخلية الخاصة بك سوءا عندما ندرك أنه لا يمكنك حتى اسحب نفسك بعيدا. منذ الآن انتهكت الأحمق الخاص بك إلى نقطة من جدوى كاملة، وأنا سوف تجاوز سيط، ويغرق ديكي مباشرة من خلال الجلد، وتمزيق ثقب في أسفل الظهر وأنا أذهب للعمل على بقية الشجاعة الخاصة بك. أنا مربى ديكي في هناك ومن ثم تسحبه على التوالي للخروج، ربط الأمعاء مع غطاء محرك السيارة الهائل من ديكي وتمزيق لهم مجانا. أنا سخيف سوط لك مزقتها الخاص بك، مليئة القرف الأمعاء حتى يكمن جلدك على الأرض في قصاصات المتسخة، والتي سوف سخيف غرزة جنبا إلى جنب مع أواصر انفجرت من أطرافه الخاص بك إلى ثلاث قطع ذكية جدا حذوها. أنا خفض الخاص بك سخيف وطي ديك قبالة وتحويلها إلى التعادل، وأنا أضعاف كيس الصفن الخاص بك إلى زهرة الزخرفية التي سوف يعلقون لبلدي طية صدر السترة. أنا ثم Jizz التي في جميع أنحاء يعيشون بالكاد الجسم بدون جلد الخاص بك بحيث يمكنك قضاء لحظات مشاركة حياتك حرق في الألم حيث يتسرب إلى الأعصاب الخاصة بك الخام والجسد. ولكنها لن تتوقف عند هذا الحد، أوه لا. مع قوتي بالفعل فوق طاقة البشر تضخيمها من قبل بلدي استمرار الإثارة، وأنا المسيل للدموع رأسك هامدة خالية من جثتك، سحب معه بقايا متصدع الأخيرة من العمود الفقري الخاص بك انتهكت. أنا سحب هذه البتات من العمود الفقري مجانا، وبعد ذلك سوف عصا ديكي مباشرة الى فجوة في الجزء الخلفي من الجمجمة. وسوف حرفيا الجمجمة والدماغ يمارس الجنس من الصعب جدا أن عضو بلدي لا يمكن وقفها وكسر مباشرة من خلال إلى الجانب الآخر. سوف الخام والطاقة من ديكي الجة من خلال عقلك يثير نقاط الاشتباك العصبي، مما تسبب لك أن تأتي على قيد الحياة لحظة وجيزة، فترة طويلة بما يكفي ليشعر لي باغتصاب حفرة ثلاثة بوصة في السفينة لجهودكم وعيه زنجي شاذ جنسيا. أنا سخيف تغذية فوضى لزج التي اعتادت ان تكون قذيفة قاتلة لالخنازير وبعد ذلك سأبدأ في على عائلتك وأصدقائك. تسليم كل أمل، موظر.

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 08:03:29 PM »

Gamer first world problems.
I have a blood blister from playing too much smash bros.
But I want to play more it just hurts like a mother fucker...

>Not posting tits
Is Kitsune the new Isara now?

Uhhhmmm... What?
Sort of an inside joke. You'll pick it up as you spend more time here.

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:44:25 PM »

Gamer first world problems.
I have a blood blister from playing too much smash bros.
But I want to play more it just hurts like a mother fucker...

>Not posting tits
Is Kitsune the new Isara now?

The Flood / Re: I need some grammar help.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:41:19 PM »
Were because bombs are plural.
Are you sure?
Well, I guess that if the subject was the event rather than the 2 nukes, you'd use 'was'. As in "The usage of two nukes was not enough"
No it falls back to it being plural and singular.

An event in your example is singular so you use was.
That's what I was saying, yes.

The Flood / Re: I need some grammar help.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:37:25 PM »
Were because bombs are plural.
Are you sure?
Well, I guess that if the subject was the event rather than the 2 nukes, you'd use 'was'. As in "The usage of two nukes was not enough"

Serious / Re: Was 9/11 justified?
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:34:03 PM »

Look at those towers. Look how they're dressed, like dirty sluts. Those filthy whores were just asking to be DP'd by some sexually repressed Jihadis.
They weren't even wearing burqas...

You're right, they deserved to by destroyed!

The Flood / Re: I need some grammar help.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:30:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: Which US state do you live in?
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:27:29 PM »
Nova Scotia.

>One of the few Western countries worse than than the US


Serious / Re: Was 9/11 justified?
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:25:11 PM »
Cold War was Bad against Worse. As bad as the US was during the Cold War, the Soviet Union was far worse and the US kind of needed to be bad to counter the Soviet Union's worse.

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:02:41 PM »
I need memes.

u isis support plz stawp shabombposting u weenie hut junior.

Serious / Re: Was Ronald Reagan's Presidency justified?
« on: April 26, 2015, 04:57:11 PM »
>People ITT saying Reagan was a horrible President

Fucking lol all hope is lost for you
The only thing Reagan could do well was brainwashing his own citizens. LOOOOL


Stop constantly posting this shit you autist.
I'll stop if you pay me.
If you want to jerk your little dick over beheadings in your personal life, then that's up to you. Nobody here wants that shit on here.
>implying that this thread wasn't made for shits and giggles

Stop implying shit it's really annoying just like your persistent need to post terroristic acts. Just stop already!
Uh, what's the need? There is no need. Lol.

Yea there is no need for pictures/videos/gifs of the beheadings here. So glad you agree lmao
Honestly, I wouldn't be making these threads if it weren't for a certain *somebody* in this thread who can be *very* annoying at times. (not you)

Then don't make them. -.-
Eh, that *somebody's* reactions justifies them usually. :P
What reaction? Where I call you cringy?

Don't act like you're trolling anybody dude. It's not just me that's getting sick of you jacking off to ISIS and terrorist bullshit.

Great reply. Maybe you have finally realized that shit isn't cool even if you're trying to troll someone. If I wanted to see that shit I would own cable and watch the fucking news.
I don't really care either way. >__>

::kiss:: not a furry but I'll take it.
Challenger and Kitsune sitting in a tree.....
I'm a silverback I can't sit in trees
Then how come you're siting in a tree just fine in this photo?


Stop constantly posting this shit you autist.
I'll stop if you pay me.
If you want to jerk your little dick over beheadings in your personal life, then that's up to you. Nobody here wants that shit on here.
>implying that this thread wasn't made for shits and giggles

Stop implying shit it's really annoying just like your persistent need to post terroristic acts. Just stop already!
Uh, what's the need? There is no need. Lol.

Yea there is no need for pictures/videos/gifs of the beheadings here. So glad you agree lmao
Honestly, I wouldn't be making these threads if it weren't for a certain *somebody* in this thread who can be *very* annoying at times. (not you)

Then don't make them. -.-
Eh, that *somebody's* reactions justifies them usually. :P
What reaction? Where I call you cringy?

Don't act like you're trolling anybody dude. It's not just me that's getting sick of you jacking off to ISIS and terrorist bullshit.

Great reply. Maybe you have finally realized that shit isn't cool even if you're trying to troll someone. If I wanted to see that shit I would own cable and watch the fucking news.
I don't really care either way. >__>

::kiss:: not a furry but I'll take it.
Challenger and Kitsune sitting in a tree.....

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