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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The Flood / Re: Are You From Bungie?
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:45:06 PM »
Are you still there?
Nope. That place is a fucking shithole.

Are you happy with the way this place turned out?
Yeah, about as happy as I can get, given that Bungie's community was always pretty retarded.

Anything besides the nazis that you're unhappy about?
Caught a fun sickness yesterday, so now I'm sick. Yaaay :)

That's like going to a non-English speaking country and crying "DISCRIMINATION!" because nobody speaks English.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:41:51 PM »
>Faux News

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Serious / Re: Were the London Bombings in 2005 justified?
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:34:41 PM »
Kill yourself

And also, Kiyo has a reputation for being an extremist, so don't think what she's saying represents what all British people think.

Bit in all seriousness, it seems like this guy more wants to send out a message and make it clear that Islamophobia is a serious thing. I don't agree with the law itself, but I do agree with the fact that Islamophobia is a major problem and should be treated as such.
Come now, I know you're smarter than this.

Islamophobia is just a thinly veiled attempt to silence discourse by pulling out the discrimination card. You aren't born Islamic, just like you aren't born a Satanist, yet I don't see any serious legislation being posited in government to try and curtail "Satanophobia."

Islam is a religion, ergo an idea (a fairly pernicious one at that too) and should be afforded the same amount of scrutiny as the other religions. Let's cut the PC bullshit.
Again, I said that I don't agree with the law he's proposing. And Islamophobia tends to tie in with racism against Arabs even if they're Christian. There was a hate crime attack not too long ago where a nearby Syrian or Lebanese Orthodox church was burned down just because they were ethnically Arab.

If Islamophobia was just the religion, I wouldn't care. But any Arab can be victim to it.
>Syrain Christian

>calling them ethnically Arab

Enjoy getting the shit kicked out of you.
Syrians are Arabs. Whether they're Muslim, Christian, or Jewish is irrelevant.
Syria's largest Christian group IIRC, the Assyrians, are not Arabs, and to suggest they are is to back up decades of attempts at forceful assimilation by their Arab neighbors.

There are Arab Christians in Syria but Christians in the country are fairly diverse.
Ethnically Arab. You may as well be saying that Sunni Iraqis and Shia Iraqis are different ethnic groups. Which they aren't.

Bit in all seriousness, it seems like this guy more wants to send out a message and make it clear that Islamophobia is a serious thing. I don't agree with the law itself, but I do agree with the fact that Islamophobia is a major problem and should be treated as such.
Come now, I know you're smarter than this.

Islamophobia is just a thinly veiled attempt to silence discourse by pulling out the discrimination card. You aren't born Islamic, just like you aren't born a Satanist, yet I don't see any serious legislation being posited in government to try and curtail "Satanophobia."

Islam is a religion, ergo an idea (a fairly pernicious one at that too) and should be afforded the same amount of scrutiny as the other religions. Let's cut the PC bullshit.
Again, I said that I don't agree with the law he's proposing. And Islamophobia tends to tie in with racism against Arabs even if they're Christian. There was a hate crime attack not too long ago where a nearby Syrian or Lebanese Orthodox church was burned down just because they were ethnically Arab.

If Islamophobia was just the religion, I wouldn't care. But any Arab can be victim to it.
We already have a word for being intolerant towards a specific ethnicity, and it's certainly not Islamophobia.

Conflating criticisms of a doctrine with racism is very dangerous. This is how censorship gradually comes into fruition.
Yeah. I'm living in the US, and there's definitely your fair amount of discrimination against Arabs here. I dunno, you have a point though. Can't legislate people not hating certain ethnic groups. You can legislate laws, but you can't legislate their mentality.
What part do you live in? I'm in NC, right next to one of the biggest Army bases, and I've never seen any real discrimination. My best friend as a little kid was the son of Pakistani immigrants, and he was one of the better-liked people in his class. We would hang out all the time and my parents and relatively xenophobic relatives never said anything about it, aside from a really poorly done Iraq war joke from my mother. I didn't even know what Islam was until years later, because there was never any real discussion of cultural differences. We just played pokemon and yugioh and cops and robbers and that was it.

If there can be no issues arising in a place like this, I have trouble seeing how prevalent discrimination can be elsewhere.
California. In the Silicon Valley to be more exact, which is the most liberal and progressive part of the country along with San Francisco. So having hate crimes happening here really says a lot about the rest of the country.

Islam = The religion of PISS
ayy it's Sentra!

The Flood / This is how big your anus will be after I'm done with you.
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:09:03 AM »

Serious / Re: Can racism ever end?
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:07:13 AM »
Maybe someday if we all get nuked and only two bros from Samoa or something remain
The two bros will just kill eachother.

Bit in all seriousness, it seems like this guy more wants to send out a message and make it clear that Islamophobia is a serious thing. I don't agree with the law itself, but I do agree with the fact that Islamophobia is a major problem and should be treated as such.
Come now, I know you're smarter than this.

Islamophobia is just a thinly veiled attempt to silence discourse by pulling out the discrimination card. You aren't born Islamic, just like you aren't born a Satanist, yet I don't see any serious legislation being posited in government to try and curtail "Satanophobia."

Islam is a religion, ergo an idea (a fairly pernicious one at that too) and should be afforded the same amount of scrutiny as the other religions. Let's cut the PC bullshit.
Again, I said that I don't agree with the law he's proposing. And Islamophobia tends to tie in with racism against Arabs even if they're Christian. There was a hate crime attack not too long ago where a nearby Syrian or Lebanese Orthodox church was burned down just because they were ethnically Arab.

If Islamophobia was just the religion, I wouldn't care. But any Arab can be victim to it.
We already have a word for being intolerant towards a specific ethnicity, and it's certainly not Islamophobia.

Conflating criticisms of a doctrine with racism is very dangerous. This is how censorship gradually comes into fruition.
Yeah. I'm living in the US, and there's definitely your fair amount of discrimination against Arabs here. I dunno, you have a point though. Can't legislate people not hating certain ethnic groups. You can legislate laws, but you can't legislate their mentality.

I didn't know you were Middle Eastern.
I never said which one is which. :^)

The Flood / Re: People with iPods or iPhones get in here
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:15:50 AM »
Which one should I use?

Watch out guys we have an Apple fanboy here...
Cheat's job is pimping out phones for pimps. And also whoring himself out a little bit to them as well.

What do you think of these findings? And the scales are 1:1.


5. You Have No Rights. Play Nice.
It's in the rules.
That rule is so arbitrary, Cheat could just disallow posting on the entire forum at any time if he wanted to. But does that make it a smart thing to do? Neither is disallowing posts in foreign languages.

The Flood / Re: Eurocommies vs Muricans
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:59:34 AM »

>implying that I have a cat
>implying I didn't walk all the way over there just to put my paw on your hand to get you to stop posting
>implying that I even saw you

I'll die before I let some inbred royal dictate my future.
I just want to let people know he doesn't speak for all of us Americunts. This post hurt to read.
>unironically not shitting on monarchy, objectively the worst form of government in history.
>not knowing what a Constitutional Monarchy is

The Flood / Re: Eurocommies vs Muricans
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:40:43 AM »

The Flood / Eurocommies vs Muricans
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:32:43 AM »
I pick Eurocommies.

The Flood / Re: Flee and Mr P should stay awake forever
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:31:47 AM »
How do their assholes taste?
Your tongue gets pretty far in there.
no u

The Flood / Flee and Mr P should stay awake forever
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:17:02 AM »
They should. Cause everyone else here is a nigger faggot. Or, at least bigger nigger faggots than Flee and Mr P.

Though Meta is pretty alright as well despite the fact that we haven't really talked in forever.

> Stops bigotry

> Is somehow bad

lol moron
>not everything is so black and white

Example: Hitler's aims involved ending anti-Semitism.... by killing every Jew.

Bit in all seriousness, it seems like this guy more wants to send out a message and make it clear that Islamophobia is a serious thing. I don't agree with the law itself, but I do agree with the fact that Islamophobia is a major problem and should be treated as such.
Come now, I know you're smarter than this.

Islamophobia is just a thinly veiled attempt to silence discourse by pulling out the discrimination card. You aren't born Islamic, just like you aren't born a Satanist, yet I don't see any serious legislation being posited in government to try and curtail "Satanophobia."

Islam is a religion, ergo an idea (a fairly pernicious one at that too) and should be afforded the same amount of scrutiny as the other religions. Let's cut the PC bullshit.
Again, I said that I don't agree with the law he's proposing. And Islamophobia tends to tie in with racism against Arabs even if they're Christian. There was a hate crime attack not too long ago where a nearby Syrian or Lebanese Orthodox church was burned down just because they were ethnically Arab.

If Islamophobia was just the religion, I wouldn't care. But any Arab can be victim to it.

Gaming / Re: What will you do if Cortana comes back in H5:G?
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:33:24 PM »
It will feel as if there's no consequences, and would negate the Halo 4 ending scene. I think of it this way: with the pain Chief felt over losing her, he will do anything he can to protect Halsey (and possibly Blue Team) in Halo 5.
It could be used to possibly explain Chief going rogue apparently. Him and Halsey make a bad-guy team.

The Flood / Kosher food
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:26:40 PM »
Kosher food is pretty nice honestly. If you don't like it, you're a Jew-hating Nazi scumbag.

Bit in all seriousness, it seems like this guy more wants to send out a message and make it clear that Islamophobia is a serious thing. I don't agree with the law itself, but I do agree with the fact that Islamophobia is a major problem and should be treated as such.


The Flood / Re: das vs kiyo
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:26:01 PM »
Who will win this final duel?™ is my trademark.

If you can legitimately create discussion value in Arabic, then you can easily create discussion value in English that everyone will understand, and be able to discuss along side you. Until then they will be locked.
But there are no rules stating that I can use Arabic for my threads, therefore they should not be locked as they do not violate any regulations.
A simple google translate would suggest your thread was nothing more than copy pasta, which has no discussion value, argue semantics as you wish but posting in a different language to circumvent the rules does not make it any less rule breaking.
I am not referring to that thread. I am referring to the one that I linked. I don't care if that copypasta thread remains locked. But I just want my other thread to be unlocked. The thread that you referred to was rulebreaking and did deserve to be locked. But my other one was not.
Sure, however you have to change the OP to English within 5-10 mins, people don't want to google translate to have a discussion, nor should they have to.

If not, the thread will be re-locked. What say you?
I.... guess so.

But I still don't see how having my threads in Arabic should be discouraged. It just promotes discrimination against any future Arab users who could join. In the same way how future German users would be discriminated against if they were not allowed to post in their native language.
Unlocked, and as on any other forum or any other site in which English is the main language it is expected that English is spoken, native speakers of other languages know this and will do so, even if they butcher their sentences in the process, the only exception being in which an insulated conversation begins to turn into another language.
Expectations aren't requirements though. And enforcing expectations just leads to discrimination. Forcing users to greatly inconvenience themselves for a slight convenience of the majority isn't right and can lead to dangerous outcomes.
You need to speak/write English to post here. Your posts need to be in English too. Sorry, but that's the way it is as long as I run this place.
Then the rules are arbitrary and misleading.

The Flood / Re: Formerly locked thread in Arabic.
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:21:07 PM »
Feel free to post in Arabic you will have no responses and will be considered the biggest shitposter. Have fun talking to yourself and annoyed people.
>implying that I give a shit about this community outside of like 3 memebers

The Flood / Re: Formerly locked thread in Arabic.
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:19:51 PM »
damn it comms can you just go back to threatening to rape people
My last thread was threatening to rape people.

In Arabic

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