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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The most effective country at stopping terrorist attacks was the UK. Thatcher kept making things worse in NI by trying to beat the IRA with her military. John Major ad Tony Blair did the right thing by talking with the paramilitaries and it lead to the end of the conflict.

So talking is always the best option.
Yeah, it's sort of funny, really. The countries who just use brute military force to respond to terrorism always see the most terrorist attacks and most political instability.

But then on the other hand, the UK faces a different sort of terrorism that Nigeria and Russia face.
The UK also faces Islamic extremism. Russia faces terrorist from the extreme left to the extreme right, Russia has always been a violent place throughout history so it doesn't surprise me that Russia has to deal with terrorism. And like a lot of African countries, Nigeria is unfortunately "uncivilised" by western standards, who ever introduced Christianity and Islam to the region just made thins worse.
Then we could say that weak national identities play a role in fermenting terrorism. Nearly every country which has been recently (100-ish years) independent from foreign domination has problems with terrorism one way or another. Whether it is politically, economically, or religiously motivated. And comparing national identities of Russia/Nigeria with the UK, well...... We both know which one has a stronger one. >____>

The most effective country at stopping terrorist attacks was the UK. Thatcher kept making things worse in NI by trying to beat the IRA with her military. John Major ad Tony Blair did the right thing by talking with the paramilitaries and it lead to the end of the conflict.

So talking is always the best option.
Yeah, it's sort of funny, really. The countries who just use brute military force to respond to terrorism always see the most terrorist attacks and most political instability.

But then on the other hand, the UK faces a different sort of terrorism that Nigeria and Russia face.

The Flood / Re: I just saw this on FB and laughed my ass off.
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:12:54 PM »
I honestly bet that's exactly what they use for chicken nuggets
For higher-end places, likely. For lower-end places, they just use artificial ingredients.

The Flood / Re: I just saw this on FB and laughed my ass off.
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:12:24 PM »
Uh, really? This video is like a year old. I can show you some actually graphic stuff if you'd like.

Serious / Re: >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:11:06 PM »
I'm not sure how you can say Reagan deserved the win but Bush didn't. The margins in 2000 were much smaller.
Because Reagan actually won the popular vote in 1984, and Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000? Is that not a good enough reason, or should we just be saying that the popular vote should mean absolutely nothing now...

Al Gore won the election, but the Electoral College stole it from him. Does that not underline any problems with the Electoral College?

The Electoral College didn't really steal it from him, the Supreme Court anointed Bush Jr.
Because of results from the Electoral College.

Serious / Re: >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:10:25 PM »
Comms, for the presidential election the popular vote is not what matters. Typically electoral voters align with how their state is voting, which is the purpose of the general election. The election wasn't stolen from Gore because he lost the electoral vote.
Oh yeah, so say in California, the Republican candidate wins with 51% of the vote and the Democrat loses with 49%. Then all 55 Electoral voters vote for the Republican candidate. Very representative of what the people want.


Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:29:06 PM »

He wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

Why YALL negros gotta b actin up? Lootin' and shit you're insulting your mama!
Cause they hijacked a protest movement. And cause people love to exploit pre-existing conflict for personal profit.

It was like you took the words right out of my mouth...
Unfortunately, people and media are spinning this to be a racial thing when it's really not. :/

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:26:38 PM »
He wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

Why YALL negros gotta b actin up? Lootin' and shit you're insulting your mama!
Cause they hijacked a protest movement. And cause people love to exploit pre-existing conflict for personal profit.

Serious / Re: >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:22:38 PM »
I'm not sure how you can say Reagan deserved the win but Bush didn't. The margins in 2000 were much smaller.
Because Reagan actually won the popular vote in 1984, and Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000? Is that not a good enough reason, or should we just be saying that the popular vote should mean absolutely nothing now...

Al Gore won the election, but the Electoral College stole it from him. Does that not underline any problems with the Electoral College?

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:16:53 PM »
if they use those live rounds, then this riotous protest immediately becomes a massacre and vindicates the actions of the victims in the public's mind. the worst way to handle this situation is to suppress it militarily. thats the exact sort of heavy handed response that the protestors are fed up with
Nobody wants to be "that guy" who recreates Kent State. I'm sure those issued live ammo will be under strict limits of use and even more restrictive rules of engagement than those overseas.
Despite all the joking I've done over the past few days, martyring the rioters is the last thing I want to happen.

Given that you can't even call this a protest anymore, I think a heavy handed response and quick containment is warranted.

this absolutely is a protest. dont let the mainstream media fool you. the rioters are a few loud voices amongst the crowd. the rioters should be arrested and properly handled according to the nature of their crimes, but i think that the majority, the peaceful protesters, deserve to have their voices heard.
But! Faux News said that the monkeys are rioting all over the streets!!!!

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:16:12 PM »
Soldiers of the 175th infantry are confirmed deployed.
I've been told by a full bird in the Maryland Guard that live ammo is being issued to Maryland units.
Lets see if these rioters treat men of the 28th like they did the police. Fucking roll on, Iron Division.
  they clearly don't want to act like people, so 175th had better put them down like the dogs they are.

>being this ignorant
they are RIOTING over some retard getting himself killed in a police van.
And immediately going from policemen to National Guardsmen using live ammunition is an appropriate response how?

Cause we all know how efective gunning people down is at calming down tense situations...

they aren't people, they're just scum looking to loot and take what they please.

Yes they are people, and they should face trial. Saying that they aren't people is just crap used to justify committing atrocities against them, and you know it. You're just angry that this is happening.
fuck rioters, ANY rioters, they don't deserve a fair trial, we see the stupid fuckers breaking shit in the streets, and looting people's homes and they're supposed to just be let back out into society? like they didn't just go and burn the whole god damn city down because one fucktard got himself killed? no, fuck that, they shouldn't be allowed ANY support in rebuilding or mercy from the cops. in modern society if they would so easily destroy a city because of one fool in a police van, they deserve nothing. it's the same as the vancouver riots, where people tried to burn the city down over a fucking game, they deserve no recovery, and the fools who would still act out when they're using live ammo and the national guard, they deserve to be killed.
luckily, you dont get to make that call.

summary execution of criminals is NOT how we do things here in the civilized world. thats not justice.
Angry Republicans are a funny sight, am I right? They pretend to be the "reasonable" ones until you piss them off, then they go ape-shit.

Serious / Re: >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:13:28 PM »

Where a candidate can win 40% of the popular vote, but less than 3% of the Electoral vote.

Look at the map of the popular vote for that election and tell me Reagan didn't deserve the win.
Differed only 4 times? Every election after 1984 has had the Electoral College percent differ from the Popular Vote percentage significantly except for the 2004 one.

1988: electoral and popular votes agree
1992: electoral and popular votes agree
1996: electoral and popular votes agree
2000: electoral and popular votes disagree slightly
2004: electoral and popular votes agree
2008: electoral and popular votes agree
2012: electoral and popular votes agree

America is a democratic republic, meaning we don't elect directly from the popular vote because it tends to disenfranchise minority parties in large states.
Not saying that Reagan didn't deserve the win (well, he was a fucking asshole, but that's irrelevant), I'm just saying that the Electoral College has weird scenarios where the percentage of Popular Vote and percentage of Electoral Vote differ. Like... 45% of popular vote and 30% of Electoral vote or somethng like that.

And yeah, I said later that I know why the Electoral College was implemented. Which is because it forces candidates to try to appeal to all states rather than just going for the 3 or so most populous ones. My point is that the fact that what happened in the 2000 election for example should be regarded as completely unacceptable, since you have a candidate who for all intents and purposes lost the election end up taking office.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:10:00 PM »
Soldiers of the 175th infantry are confirmed deployed.
I've been told by a full bird in the Maryland Guard that live ammo is being issued to Maryland units.
Lets see if these rioters treat men of the 28th like they did the police. Fucking roll on, Iron Division.
  they clearly don't want to act like people, so 175th had better put them down like the dogs they are.

>being this ignorant
they are RIOTING over some retard getting himself killed in a police van.
And immediately going from policemen to National Guardsmen using live ammunition is an appropriate response how?

Cause we all know how efective gunning people down is at calming down tense situations...

they aren't people, they're just scum looking to loot and take what they please.

Yes they are people, and they should face trial. Saying that they aren't people is just crap used to justify committing atrocities against them, and you know it. You're just angry that this is happening.
*barely contained anger*
So yeah, you're obviously pretty pissed off about the whole situation right now, so I'm not gonna debate with you about this. Maybe we can discuss this once you calm down a good deal.

And read Azumarill's post, he sums up the situation pretty nicely.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:00:07 PM »
Soldiers of the 175th infantry are confirmed deployed.
I've been told by a full bird in the Maryland Guard that live ammo is being issued to Maryland units.
Lets see if these rioters treat men of the 28th like they did the police. Fucking roll on, Iron Division.
  they clearly don't want to act like people, so 175th had better put them down like the dogs they are.

>being this ignorant
they are RIOTING over some retard getting himself killed in a police van.
And immediately going from policemen to National Guardsmen using live ammunition is an appropriate response how?

Cause we all know how efective gunning people down is at calming down tense situations...

they aren't people, they're just scum looking to loot and take what they please.

Yes they are people, and they should face trial. Saying that they aren't people is just crap used to justify committing atrocities against them, and you know it. You're just angry over this happening.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:51:21 PM »
Soldiers of the 175th infantry are confirmed deployed.
I've been told by a full bird in the Maryland Guard that live ammo is being issued to Maryland units.
Lets see if these rioters treat men of the 28th like they did the police. Fucking roll on, Iron Division.
  they clearly don't want to act like people, so 175th had better put them down like the dogs they are.

>being this ignorant

Serious / Re: >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:48:34 PM »
The electoral college has only differed four times, and in your example 49/50 states wanted Reagan. The electoral college works.

Where a candidate can win 40% of the popular vote, but less than 3% of the Electoral vote.

Differed only 4 times? Every election after 1984 has had the Electoral College percent differ from the Popular Vote percentage significantly except for the 2004 one.

Then there's of course the whole case of why the fuck the Electoral College existed in the first place. Well, I get the idea of it (the idea of it is sound, I'll admit that), but it's clearly very flawed.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:29:39 PM »
Soldiers of the 175th infantry are confirmed deployed.
I've been told by a full bird in the Maryland Guard that live ammo is being issued to Maryland units.
Lets see if these rioters treat men of the 28th like they did the police. Fucking roll on, Iron Division.
Oh shit, they're really getting live ammo now?

Have they already tried using rubber ammunition yet? Cause live ammo should only be used for absolute last resort.
Chances are that's only going to go to the MP group being called up, or so I would assume. Most of the riot control teams will probably have non-lethal loads.

Or so I would think. I'm not entirely sure on the SOP for making those kinds of calls. Officer stuff, ya know? It's their problem.
Yeah, cause going straight from rinky-dink police units to National Guard units using live ammunition is a dramatic escalation that's gonna cause the situation to explode. >____>

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:24:27 PM »
Soldiers of the 175th infantry are confirmed deployed.
I've been told by a full bird in the Maryland Guard that live ammo is being issued to Maryland units.
Lets see if these rioters treat men of the 28th like they did the police. Fucking roll on, Iron Division.
Oh shit, they're really getting live ammo now?

Have they already tried using rubber ammunition yet? Cause live ammo should only be used for absolute last resort.

Serious / Re: >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:15:09 PM »
So yeah, this will just be another one of Comms Officer's "Complain about the United States" threads.

Serious / >Electoral College
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:14:03 PM »
Where a candidate can win 40% of the popular vote, but less than 3% of the Electoral vote.,_1984

Murica #1!!!

(highest incarcerated persons per capita, highest military spending, highest wealth inequality out of western nations)

Serious / Re: TTIP is literal cancer
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:08:25 PM »
It's yet another disgusting 'trade deal' being sharted out of the USA. Hopefully it goes down the drain with the rest of it's countless cousins.
Oh, its countless cousins have been killed as well?

What were their names? Maybe there's a chance that this will fail outright still.
ACTA PIPA SOPA etc, it's the same kind of bollocks even if the individual acts/bills/agreements vary somewhat. Just another four letter way to shaft the consumer.
I know....

Why are these deals even proposed? All they do is hurt consumers..

Oh wait! These deals serve the interests of the top 0.01%, so of course it must be good!!!!

Serious / Re: TTIP is literal cancer
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:03:32 PM »
It's yet another disgusting 'trade deal' being sharted out of the USA. Hopefully it goes down the drain with the rest of it's countless cousins.
Oh, its countless cousins have been killed as well?

What were their names? Maybe there's a chance that this will fail outright still.

eugh... if only he didn't hate free trade with a passion, didn't want to figuratively remove the second amendment, and seems to just want to tax and spend and tax and spend to fix the wealth gap...
Everything else looks fine or tolerable about him.
Oh shit, really!?

I know who I'm gonna vote for!!!

Yup... oh the pain of leaning left socially yet wanting a capitalist free market economy... I feel so disenfranchised.
It's sort of funny. That's what Eisenhower wanted the Republican party to turn out as, and look at what the Republican party ended up being.

Thanks, Southern Strategy!

eugh... if only he didn't hate free trade with a passion, didn't want to figuratively remove the second amendment, and seems to just want to tax and spend and tax and spend to fix the wealth gap...
Everything else looks fine or tolerable about him.
Oh shit, really!?

I know who I'm gonna vote for!!!


Serious / Re: TTIP is literal cancer
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:39:48 PM »
Amendment XI: "The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State."

so, we cant sue our own states, and dem damn foreigners cant sue our states, but... we can sue their states? lol. stop giving corporations so much fucking power.

This deal pretty much gives American corporations free reign over Europe (it's not *that* bad, but it's still not gonna be nice). Yet there's no fucking controversy over the deal in the US!! It's a joke.

The Flood / Re: #VOTEVERMIN2016
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:27:09 PM »
Assad has nothing on Vermin.
Yeah, well whoever you are, I just dispatched a barrel bomb to your location. Have a nice day.

Vermin will save me.
Yeah, goodbye. Next news on you will be when I read the after-action report.
I am still alive.
>not a poorly disguised bump

Serious / TTIP is literal cancer
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:23:51 PM »
I may have already made a thread on this.

But if I haven't, here it is. If you don't know what it is, it's a trade deal between Europe and the US that only benefits the US, and it would pretty much allow corporations in the US to sue European Governments and it also forces the privatization of everything.


Whoever thought of this deal this deal should have this happen to him.

Slightly NSFW

So.... are you against TTIP or uninformed about TTIP?

Thank God that this deal is a mere draft right now, and not currently being implemented.

Oh great, the only guy competing against Clinton so far is what appears to be an old and worn out prune.

I'm shocked that there's no mention whatsoever to TTIP though, which is literally cancer that needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Why the fuck is TTIP not a huge issue in the US? Oh wait, it only benefits the US, that's right.

I just read this article on the BBC saying that the Nigerian Army has just rescued about 300 people captured by Boko Haram, and it got me thinking....

Many conventional Armies in this world are very poorly suited for launching effective counter-terror operations. And many of these countries have economic conditions which promote terrorist tactics. Some major examples I'm thinking of are Nigeria, Russia, and many Middle Eastern countries.


What sorts of strategies or tactics do you think armies/countries which are more successful in counter-terror (say, the United States and Israel) or have that countries which are plagued with terrorism problems in their own borders like Russia and Nigeria. And these don't have to be just military tactics. These can also be domestic/international policies, economic conditions, etc.

And I mention the US and Israel (I know they are controversial) because given their scenarios, they have been far more effective in combating and stopping terrorist attacks than many other countries would be if they were in the same scenarios?


Serious / Re: So, today I was called a discriminator
« on: April 28, 2015, 06:31:44 PM »
There are people out there like that unfortunately. There's no way you can really reason with those sorts of people, you just have to deal with them. :/

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