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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:22:54 AM »
Death by dilution. Think of all the easy new trolling victims.
Which sounds like fun until they outnumber you 10:1 and force the admins to change the rules to suit them. The reason rules are so relaxed here is because there's no need for stricter rules right now.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:17:37 AM »
For someone who constantly complains about how boring this place is, you sure make a lot of topics about it's eventual fate. I'm starting to think you aren't as bored as you say you are.
Its relaxed rules is definitely one factor that keeps me here. I can't think of any forum where I only get a 1-day ban for setting my avatar as meatspin or extremely graphic gore pictures. Or where I can make half a dozen spam threads a day and only get them locked without being warned.

I obviously tend to get banned all the time from forums, so that's sort of what keeps me here.

This place isn't exactly welcoming and Sep7 doesn't do much to encourage new members.

Well.......ya know how some members are........
You mean the ones who are boring and generic as fuck and don't make this community into anything noteworthy? Yeah, those ones.

Actually I'm referring to the more hostile and unwelcoming users. If you actually read what I was quoting you'd have understood that.
Like who?

You actually need me to spell them out to you?

The Flood / Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:08:31 AM »
Vote before reading.
And I ask this question since these are two very real scenarios. The first one is what's happening to Sep7agon now where the vast majority (over 70%) joined the community within the first handful of weeks.

And the second one is what's already happened to New members flooded in, and they overflooded The Flood. So now the community in is pretty much trashed.

I honestly don't see much in the way of a third option, since our current situation isn't exactly sustainable.

Personally, I'd rather have this community die as itself rather than become some Destitard shithole.

This place isn't exactly welcoming and Sep7 doesn't do much to encourage new members.

Well.......ya know how some members are........
You mean the ones who are boring and generic as fuck and don't make this community into anything noteworthy? Yeah, those ones.

Actually I'm referring to the more hostile and unwelcoming users. If you actually read what I was quoting you'd have understood that.
You mean this part?

Sep7 doesn't do much to encourage new members.

The Flood / Re: Iran > United States
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:01:10 AM »
Iran found the cure for faggotry nearly 10 years ago!!!!!

Yeah, by banning you from the country
You're talking to the wrong user.

Nah, you're the guy
Never been to Iran before.

This place isn't exactly welcoming and Sep7 doesn't do much to encourage new members.

Well.......ya know how some members are........
You mean the ones who are boring and generic as fuck and don't make this community into anything noteworthy? Yeah, those ones.

The Flood / Re: Iran > United States
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:59:01 AM »
Iran found the cure for faggotry nearly 10 years ago!!!!!

Yeah, by banning you from the country
You're talking to the wrong user.

It doesn't surprise me. This place isn't exactly welcoming and Sep7 doesn't do much to encourage new members. What ever happened to the Youtube channel?
Brute got a new job and isn't available as much, podcasts are still ongoing but have been on hiatus due to technical issues, and people having more pressing issues to deal with.
You are right, there hasn't been a new Podcast in forever.

There was that one which was apparently made already, but why hasn't it come out?

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:47:46 AM »
Honestly.. Das boot or myself.. Because FREEDOM
>didn't include PSU
What's his stance on being allowed to own or do things as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else?
If there's anything that the Republican Party believes in, you can sure as hell bet that PSU believes in it automatically.
I don't consider that solely a Republican belief. That's an American belief/tradition. If I want to draw faces on my rocks, that are on my property.. no one should be allowed to tell me no.
No, I'm just pointing out that he has every single belief that the Republican Party has towards social and economic affairs. And typically, the Republican Party is more associated with patriotism than the Democratic Party... :/

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:43:04 AM »
Honestly.. Das boot or myself.. Because FREEDOM
>didn't include PSU
What's his stance on being allowed to own or do things as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else?
If there's anything that the Republican Party believes in, you can sure as hell bet that PSU believes in it automatically.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:37:45 AM »
Honestly.. Das boot or myself.. Because FREEDOM
>didn't include PSU

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:36:15 AM »
Why does it always have to be an American?
Cause the US seems to be the only nation where there's some sort of unspoken requirement to be "patriotic" towards it.

Nah you're just a faggot
Quality response.

The further something is, the fuzzier it is.
So yeah, you're nearsighted.

What's your eyesight like?

I'm quite nearsighted, yet I don't wear contact lenses, eyeglasses, or anything.

The Flood / Re: Iran > United States
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:11:47 AM »
I ran to Iran
I've never heard that joke before XDDDD

The Flood / Re: Iran > United States
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:04:54 AM »

The Flood / Iran > United States
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:02:34 AM »
Iran found the cure for faggotry nearly 10 years ago!!!!!


The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:55:55 PM »
1) Kinder
2) PSU
3) Challenger (if he even is a yank)
He is.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:53:46 PM »
Why does it always have to be an American?
Cause the US seems to be the only nation where there's some sort of unspoken requirement to be "patriotic" towards it.

The Flood / Re: who killed jfk
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:51:13 PM »
dammit Comms
What'd I do? :(
please get rid of that giant space man
What giant space man? I don't see any giant space man.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / Re: who killed jfk
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:50:18 PM »

The Flood / Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:43:13 PM »
I think I'm a pretty patriotic American. But I wanna get your opinions on the matter on who you think the most patriotic American in this forum is.

eugh... if only he didn't hate free trade with a passion, didn't want to figuratively remove the second amendment, and seems to just want to tax and spend and tax and spend to fix the wealth gap...
Everything else looks fine or tolerable about him.
Oh shit, really!?

I know who I'm gonna vote for!!!

Yup... oh the pain of leaning left socially yet wanting a capitalist free market economy... I feel so disenfranchised.

This is why the Lord bringeth us the Libertarian party. A party that has not, nor will ever field an electable candidate that receives the attention that our glorious two party system does.

As much as I want it, the day a true Libertarian is elected is the day I will eat a number of my hats.
>implying that Libertarian societies can even exist

Get real, LOOOOL

>Implying that any society is a physical thing and not just a collection of people grumbling about life in agreement.
Alright, well.

Overwhelmingly free-market societies like the US, India, and China tend to have large corporations concentrate a disproportionate power onto themselves. Enough where they have to power to manipulate Government. Heads of corporations are almost always socially conservative to some degree. So then they simply use their influence to make society socially conservative.

How else is it that societies with less or very few Government regulation on the market tend to be socially conservative? The existence of fully libertarian societies is a contradiction of itself.


eugh... if only he didn't hate free trade with a passion, didn't want to figuratively remove the second amendment, and seems to just want to tax and spend and tax and spend to fix the wealth gap...
Everything else looks fine or tolerable about him.
Oh shit, really!?

I know who I'm gonna vote for!!!

Yup... oh the pain of leaning left socially yet wanting a capitalist free market economy... I feel so disenfranchised.

This is why the Lord bringeth us the Libertarian party. A party that has not, nor will ever field an electable candidate that receives the attention that our glorious two party system does.

As much as I want it, the day a true Libertarian is elected is the day I will eat a number of my hats.
>implying that Libertarian societies can even exist

Get real, LOOOOL

>Implying that any society is a physical thing and not just a collection of people grumbling about life in agreement.
Alright, well.

Overwhelmingly free-market societies like the US, India, and China tend to have large corporations concentrate a disproportionate power onto themselves. Enough where they have to power to manipulate Government. Heads of corporations are almost always socially conservative to some degree. So then they simply use their influence to make society socially conservative.

How else is it that societies with less or very few Government regulation on the market tend to be socially conservative? The existence of fully libertarian societies is a contradiction of itself.

eugh... if only he didn't hate free trade with a passion, didn't want to figuratively remove the second amendment, and seems to just want to tax and spend and tax and spend to fix the wealth gap...
Everything else looks fine or tolerable about him.
Oh shit, really!?

I know who I'm gonna vote for!!!

Yup... oh the pain of leaning left socially yet wanting a capitalist free market economy... I feel so disenfranchised.

This is why the Lord bringeth us the Libertarian party. A party that has not, nor will ever field an electable candidate that receives the attention that our glorious two party system does.

As much as I want it, the day a true Libertarian is elected is the day I will eat a number of my hats.
>implying that Libertarian societies can even exist

Get real, LOOOOL

So yeah, I have a totally not obvious and shameless bump with a statistical update.

There have currently been 1776 threads made in April so far, and my revised estimate for the end of April's duration ( made it literally right now) will come out to be a total of 1911 threads made.

So this month's decline isn't as high as expected, but it is still a 4% decline in activity comparing to last month.

eugh... if only he didn't hate free trade with a passion, didn't want to figuratively remove the second amendment, and seems to just want to tax and spend and tax and spend to fix the wealth gap...
Everything else looks fine or tolerable about him.
Oh shit, really!?

I know who I'm gonna vote for!!!

Yup... oh the pain of leaning left socially yet wanting a capitalist free market economy... I feel so disenfranchised.

This is why the Lord bringeth us the Libertarian party. A party that has not, nor will ever field an electable candidate that receives the attention that our glorious two party system does.

As much as I want it, the day a true Libertarian is elected is the day I will eat a number of my hats.

It's obvious that Global Warming is happening! When the last two years in my area have been cooler than usual all year long

-Dat sarcasm
It's obvious that climate change isn't happening! When the last two years in my area have been hotter than usual all year long and the state I live in is having the worst recorded drought ever!

And also.

>implying that your area is representative of the entire world

You'd think if the whole Globe was heating up.. there wouldn't be several areas that are going in the opposite direction, just doesn't make sense.. And California could fix their drought issue if they would take water from the big ass Ocean that is right next to them.
The entirety of Europe also recorded their hottest November last year. And the majority of the world is getting hotter overall. I've looked at weather statistics of most major cities all over the world and the statistics from 1990-2010 are noticeably warmer than statistics from 1970-1990.

And desalination is a very costly and inefficient method to get water. Especially so since California's water requirements are enormous. Trying to get enough water to cover the state's water needs would bankrupt the entire country.

(and I read your edited in part of the post, and yeah, we should be doing that)

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