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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Efficiency at its finest can be boring.

..inclined to agree with you in this case. It is very, very boring.

urban sprawl
Yeah exactly, and the same couple of chains always keep on filling the void with their generic, overdone architecture!!! :O

So I went on a long day trip today, and something hit me today.

In the US, the same architecture and chains are copy-pasted all over the entire country. It was so fucking boring. Holy freaking shit, literally the same buildings were popping up all over where I went to. I can't think how often I said "Hey, this part is just like X in San Jose."

But other than that, it was a pretty nice day trip. Discuss this phenomenon of there being the same identical stores all over the country. And yes, I mean the entire country, since the same chains keep on appearing in the East Coast and the South as well.

I blame it on the lack of booty.
What about the absence legalized weed?

The Flood / Re: What was your first post?
« on: April 29, 2015, 10:20:49 PM »
Some massively long shitpost about an ODST getting gang-raped to death by a bunch of grunts 6 years ago in the Halo 3 forum.

I was banned for it unsurprisingly. Which would be my first ban out of hundreds.

It's amazing how many people can't see all of the variables or understand basic reality. Of course effecting the economy in ANY way is going to effect everyone. It literally has to. They are denying simple logic.
ayy look who's back

Serious / Re: TTIP is literal cancer
« on: April 29, 2015, 10:18:02 PM »

Serious / Re: TTIP is literal cancer
« on: April 29, 2015, 10:17:32 PM »
interesting that this transatlantic deal comes alongside a pacific rim deal
TTIP has been around for far longer than the Pacific Rimjob deal.

appears to be an old and worn out prune.
Ain't the majority of the Republican party?
Yeah, they are.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:51:21 AM »
Death to America
>not voting Comms for Most Patriotic American 2k15

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:50:36 AM »
Indeed, that's what I'd like, for the mods to be tougher and more ready to take action. Which is something I've been saying since I got here.
It's a pity they learn slowly, usually things only change after a massive shitstorm.
They're generally reluctant to even try to change.

Serious / Re: So, today I was called a discriminator
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:43:35 AM »
You should have called her a bitch and tipped her little accidents wheelchair over.
>filthy terrorist agreeing with horrible discriminatory bastard lelelleellelele
don't be mad because you didn't make the joke
Kill yourself you Wahhabi takfiri scumbag.

Serious / Re: So, today I was called a discriminator
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:38:54 AM »
You should have called her a bitch and tipped her little accidents wheelchair over.
>filthy terrorist agreeing with horrible discriminatory bastard lelelleellelele

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:37:09 AM »
You have a point, but it's the job of the staff to see this place does well, some flames for a short while for the betterment of the site should be somthing they're ready to deal with.
We shouldn't be afraid of backlash from bnet, we're not an offsite, we're our own site now.
Never implied that there'd by any backlash from What I'm talking about is within our own community. Like with the whole thing with S\ash.
I was basing that off what's been said to me by staff before, they were quite afraid of banning users early on in case we got a bad rep over on Bnet.

Again, with Slash, he got banned for a fair reason, whether I think the length of the ban was warranted is another thing.
The backlash there started because people got up in arms when there wasn't a reason for the ban forthcoming, but that was because what he did was to do with private information about another users that shouldn't be repeated.
And the whole fuss kicked up to show off the shit users. So no large loss there, like you said yourself.
Though I personally do wish that Noelle were permabanned rather than have just received a 30-day ban. According to my statistics-gathering, the forum has actually seen an increase in activity since Noelle was banned. Not to notice that the forum is noticeably more pleasant.

So maybe the best solution (just guessing here) would to just go harsher on people who exploit drama. Like for those people who were spamming the board when S\ash got banned, etc.

It's the closest to an ideal solution I can think of right now. Drama can still happen to some extent, and shit users go on vacation.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:28:41 AM »
You have a point, but it's the job of the staff to see this place does well, some flames for a short while for the betterment of the site should be somthing they're ready to deal with.
We shouldn't be afraid of backlash from bnet, we're not an offsite, we're our own site now.
Never implied that there'd by any backlash from What I'm talking about is within our own community. Like with the whole thing with S\ash.

As for rules


And the spam was halted, the result was noted by a number of members I talked to as a front page clear of bullshit and for the first time in a while, a page full of threads worth discussion.
Hell, that was noted by mods too.

You can't tell me that's a bad effect for a short chimpout by shitposters.
Then we very clearly have a good idea of who some of the problem users are who are detrimental to the community. And I personally wouldn't be against a more long-term removal of those problem users.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:16:35 AM »
For example, when it comes to problematic users, this is going back a few months, there was a user who a mod informed me should have gotten a ban for their actions, they were in fact breaking rules. However, because the rules the user was breaking weren't enforced much before, the mod said he couldn't ban the user because it would be unfair.
Unfair to enforce rules. And that user created a lot of drama and perpetuated a ton of bad blood amongst the community and still does.
That's exactly the type of drama that has driven many new members away.

Are you telling me that's acceptable when we're slowly fading?[/spoiler]
My concern is whether there are even any rules disallowing users to cause drama that even exist. If there aren't, I think that'd be a big problem. Cause if they were banned out of nowhere, that'd cause a lot of drama in itself. But if there were rules made which could warn/ban users for stirring up drama, then those users could be warned or banned without causing tons of controversy.

Like, look at S\ash's ban. That ban was somewhat arbitrary, yet the forum was clogged up with spam for hours and 4 users ended up being banned because of the ensuing chaos.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:53:41 AM »
We're talking about members being dissuaded from coming here and leaving, it doesn't matter if they stand out or not because they leave before they really become active.
Gives yet more legitimacy to my earlier suggestion that nearly all of the active members here came from

Look at the users that make the most threads, most of those threads are shitposts.
You can't call that a small amount and that's only from a tiny number of users.

Talking about shitposting however, you weren't here for it, but new rules limiting it were introduced, so take that into account when you're looking at the amount of them currently. And even then there's still a large number.

Realistically, the shitposting is a small matter compared to the manner of some users and the drama.
Then what should be done about some of those users? Like.. Challenger, Deci, me(?) etc? They aren't exactly breaking any rules by causing drama. It would be unjust to remove them based on that alone. And banning any of them would cause a lot more drama.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:09:26 AM »
What do you mean notable?
How can a new user become notable?
You know exactly what I mean. I'm talking about well-known faces around here. Like Charlie, Elegiac, or Vien.

Holy fucking lol, nothing about the shitposting here is "occasional".

Shitposting in threads is fine, but people come here, see a load of threads with nothing to discuss and realise they can go to more active forums if they want that sort of thing.
You're right that they don't harm the community, but they act as a buffer to new people looking for worth in this site when determining to stay or not.
Shitpost threads still make up a vast minority of threads. Like, about 10% of threads on the front page are shitthreads. That means that 90% of them have discussion value.

All forums I've seen spawned on Bungie peak around Christmas and in the summer, mine included. Always assumed that it was due to what is mostly a college age and under population having more off time then. I wouldn't be too concerned.

Although if we're talking about things we can do to fix the problem, banning that Decimator Omega kid permanently would probably help.
Aside from your probable personal bias against him, I can still agree with what you're saying. All he ever does is start shit with other users and just makes the place unpleasant. Like one of those pissy users that you see in forums.
He's okay when you avoid all the topics that trigger him and not poke him with a stick. Just don't mention how shit murica is, or Saphire... or that ginger girl who posted in her bikinis
Oh great, another patriot....

or that ginger girl who posted in her bikinis
Tell me more.
Remember that ginger girl he hated? Felicia or something? Well back in september or october he went on a huge rant about how much he hates her just because she was getting an xbone or something. And started calling her a slut because she took selfies of herself wearing bikinis.
What the actual fuck? What a retard.

Does his apparently good behavior when he's not a complete and utter autist even come close to making up for the fact that he's an autist 90% of the time?

All forums I've seen spawned on Bungie peak around Christmas and in the summer, mine included. Always assumed that it was due to what is mostly a college age and under population having more off time then. I wouldn't be too concerned.

Although if we're talking about things we can do to fix the problem, banning that Decimator Omega kid permanently would probably help.
Aside from your probable personal bias against him, I can still agree with what you're saying. All he ever does is start shit with other users and just makes the place unpleasant. Like one of those pissy users that you see in forums.
He's okay when you avoid all the topics that trigger him and not poke him with a stick. Just don't mention how shit murica is, or Saphire... or that ginger girl who posted in her bikinis
Oh great, another patriot....

or that ginger girl who posted in her bikinis
Tell me more.

I haven't been on as much because I've been busy with work, my social life and video games.  Not to mention the serious board, aside from current events, has pretty much run out of things to discuss.
Yeah, I actually like the Serious board. But there's hardly any activity cause it's generally just the same 10 users posting in it.

I think that we should try to find a way to capitalize on the relaxed rules and the serious board, since many forums have neither relaxed rules nor a board reserved exclusively for serious discussion.

All forums I've seen spawned on Bungie peak around Christmas and in the summer, mine included. Always assumed that it was due to what is mostly a college age and under population having more off time then. I wouldn't be too concerned.

Although if we're talking about things we can do to fix the problem, banning that Decimator Omega kid permanently would probably help.
Aside from your probable personal bias against him, I can still agree with what you're saying. All he ever does is start shit with other users and just makes the place unpleasant. Like one of those pissy users that you see in forums.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:03:20 AM »
I'd rather it not die, but the main reason for the drop in activity is mainly the fault of the staff, for not getting rid of problem members.
The most quoted reason for people not staying is "drama", most of which was entirely avoidable with the sacrifice of about 3 users.
The next thing quoted is that this place is just shitposting, while not that avoidable, it's quite easy to stem the tide.
Hell, we've seen what happens when a couple of shitposters get banned, the quality of the forum increase. Not massively, but any increase is an improvement.

So yeah, I'd rather see us get new blood than die from stagnation, but things need to change a little before we can actually grow.
Which notable members other than MyNameIsCharlie have left because of drama?

Well, he kind of did get ganged up on in that last thread...

And which notable members left because of shitposting? Better question: Why would somebody leave because of occasional shitposting? Making shitpost threads that is. I can get it with shitpost responses, but shitpost threads don't really harm the community.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:48:19 AM »
Considering Sep7 isn't attached to anything, comparing new blood to the influx of desticles that plague's forums would be a horrible comparison. The majority of new members that have joined, after the initial few months of Sep7's start up, were great, but left for their own reasons.
Can we even name 10 members who aren't from the community though? Hell, I'd be really freaking shocked if there were that many.

And Sep7agon is an analogy to my first option rather than second.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:39:14 AM »
America sucks

canada gogo
Canada holds special distinction for actually being worse than the US.

Canada is just flat-out gayer.
Not true
Just barely gayer.
America has shit healthcare, much like the rest of its policies :^)
American has by far the shittiest policies out of any Western country, hands-down. I won't argue with that.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:36:58 AM »
America sucks

canada gogo
Canada holds special distinction for actually being worse than the US.

Canada is just flat-out gayer.
Not true
Just barely gayer.

The Flood / Re: Who is the most patriotic American in this forum?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:35:06 AM »
America sucks

canada gogo
Canada holds special distinction for actually being worse than the US.

Canada is just flat-out gayer.

We need some sort of gimmick or viral video. Maybe we can get Nick to do a Tyrion Lannister impersonation and put it on YouTube.
We can make a shocksite with the link the Sep7agon in it and spam it all over random forums.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:27:39 AM »
Death by dilution. Think of all the easy new trolling victims.
Which sounds like fun until they outnumber you 10:1 and force the admins to change the rules to suit them. The reason rules are so relaxed here is because there's no need for stricter rules right now.
Yeah but some people (naming no names) easily get pissed off over anti-american opinions. So....
They'd probably just flood the moderators with report spam until they get you banned.

And if more people join, there'd be more reason to cater to them by adding tougher rules since we wouldn't just be some small, tight-knit community anymore.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:25:32 AM »
Death by dilution. Think of all the easy new trolling victims.
Which sounds like fun until they outnumber you 10:1 and force the admins to change the rules to suit them.
I'd probably still just ban you for fun.

But hopefully summer brings in more people.
Sep7agon can't survive without me and you know it. I'm practically Sep7agon by now. Admit it, Cheat.

You need me.

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