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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The Flood / Re: I am Comms Officer....
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:48:34 AM »

The Flood / I am Comms Officer....
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:47:13 AM »
...and this forum is MINE


The Flood / Re: I Need A Movie
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:32:19 AM »
Mega Shark versus Crocosaurus

The Flood / Re: The cost of raising a child.
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:29:06 AM »
No I wasn't and neither do I know what it is

*sips tea*
Context clues.
So you're against child birth for population issues? Or for the sheer fact you wish for a voluntary extinction?
Either way if that's the case, you can help us all by killing yourself.

*sips tea*
He's leaning more towards the voluntary extinction end of things.   .____.

The Flood / Re: personality disorder quiz
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:13:00 AM »
ITT: people who pretend to have mental illness to look cool
i haz le memepolar disorder and le dank yamyams in my brain xdddd

The Flood / Re: personality disorder quiz
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:12:16 AM »
I'm not doing this shit.


Fuck no.

Anyways, this thread is pure cringe so I'll just walk out of here now.

And what did she do to you in detail?
We know you're just gonna masturbate to whatever story he gives.

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:06:09 AM »
I'd rather we have to deal with the horrible loss of our great and much respected president Not Comms Officer.

President Not Comms Officer is the glue that keeps Sep7agon together.

-32 x 5/9.
There's an easier way I can teach you to do without requiring a calculator or that stupid goddamn equation.



It's a Comms Officer secret.
Doesn't really need a calculator though. 0.5 is close enough to 5/9 that it's fine to use in everyday situations.
That doesn't count, nigger faggot.

That wasn't even my secret method anyways.

The Flood / Re: The cost of raising a child.
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:59:13 AM »
Eh, yeah. I'd still have kids. Not until I'm 30 or so, obviously.

-32 x 5/9.
There's an easier way I can teach you to do without requiring a calculator or that stupid goddamn equation.



It's a Comms Officer secret.

I don't know Fahrenheit, in the rare cases I need to convert one to the other I just use Google.
Which country do you even live in? I always thought you were a Yank until very recently...
I'm Irish.

And mistaking my country of origin is the least that can happen.
Elegiac creeped on Tru a few times before he found out Tru was male.
Oh shit. Would have not have guessed that. Was thinking you were a Canadnigger or Austalifag. I've read some interesting things about Ireland. Namely about the status of the Irish language in it.

So is it true that most Irish people just speak English for the most part? Kiyo doesn't really count as Irish since she lives in Northern Ireland.

And lol to Elegiac's story. What a shocker coming from him. LOL

I roughly know what something in Celsius is in Fahrenheit >.>

but im usually too lazy to calculate it so i just google it instead
It's not that hard. It's easy. I promise. :(

The Flood / Re: Which fate would you rather have happen to Sep7agon?
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:46:07 AM »
Why are you so obsessed with this place dying?
>makes detailed post about something

>"hurr ur obsesed xdddd"

I don't know Fahrenheit, in the rare cases I need to convert one to the other I just use Google.
Which country do you even live in? I always thought you were a Yank until very recently...

Just a little thing I thought of looking at Sandtrap's thread. Since you have many users who use Fahrenheit, and many who know Celsius. So how many people here would know both (and can convert between the two obviously)?

It was like 88 (about 31 for you Celsiusfags) today and- OH WAIT, I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA LOOOL

But seriously, holy shit Sandtrap, that's an enormous escalation in temperature. Like, that'd practically be unheard of down here. Like, your typical annual spectrum from Winter lows to Summer highs range pretty close to between 5 and 28 degrees Celsius.

The Flood / Re: What was your first post?
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:15:55 AM »

Serious / Re: England is an Orwellian dystopia
« on: August 03, 2014, 04:24:07 PM »
Did you make this thread because I showed you that picture bbycakes?

OT: European-style statism is taking a hold here in the US as well, with the moves for mass surveillance and attempts to disarm the populace


Or when you're a 3 hour's drive away from home, and then you start getting really tired and want to leave. Then it hits you that you have a 3 hour drive ahead of you.


« on: April 30, 2015, 01:24:11 AM »
I swear California is cancer.
How? Lol. California's probably the nicest state in the country. And it has nearly aspect of the country in it.

Except for good sweet tea.

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:03:06 AM »
I believe ALL able, body people of the age 18 should be required two years of military service. After that, they may continue, be on reserve or quit.

America takes so much pride in their military, yet it baffles me we still don't do this!
It's not as great as it sounds, believe me.

And by all people, do you mean people going to university as well? Cause taking people out on University and forcing them into the Army is unbelievably stupid.

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega has mild autism, but he's really cool
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:51:53 AM »
It's actually pretty sad watching him. I honestly hope he's joking. It's hard for me to imagine someone could really be like that.

The fuck are you doing back here?

Old habits. Not so easily washed away.

Eh. That's too bad. I was hoping he got hit by a bus or something.
that seems a bit harsh

You're right. The bus could potentially have passengers. Let's make it a big rig. Better?
Doesn't really the answer why you have a grudge against Camnator.

Serious / Mandatory military conscription
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:46:53 AM »
Mandatory military conscription often meaning that once you turn 18, men have to serve in the country's Armed Forces for a certain duration (usually 18 months). Typically, one can be exempted from having to serve in the Armed Forces by either being in University, having permanent residence in a foreign country, or having some sort of health issue.

I'm asking this question since I'm finally nearing the end of the process of getting an exemption from being forced to serve in the Greek Armed Forces. Well, it's not like they'd even force me to join at this point given their current financial situation, but still.

But my stance towards conscription is neutral because you can be exempted from it if you're in university. But I honestly don't know enough about it to serious want to push others into serving for a country they may not wish to serve, which is something that should never be forced on people.

Serious / Re: Another victory for the LGBT
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:30:49 AM »
Eh, some states are still trying to fight the law that even made gay sex legal in the US.

So it'll be impossible to stop it, but seeing gay marriage be allowed in all states of the US is going to be a looooong time from not.

« on: April 30, 2015, 12:28:39 AM »
>expects post related to California

>sees this


Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:09:06 AM »
Yeah, and unfortunately these black communities don't seem to be educated enough to actual form coherent thoughts on the issues at hand, and instead chimpout.
The rest of this post is fine, but jesus christ, this is the Serious board.
"Serious" board.

Most of the modern western world is like that honestly.
It is. Was thinking about England and South Africa and it's like that as well. It's just that seeing the same chains you grew up around all over the country kind of got to me.

It tends to be like that in most modern up to date suburbbs, in the business centers, and the shopping areas. It's not just america either. Same with canada. Hell go on google earth and check out japan and you'll see reminiscent arcitecture. I was curious about alaskan cities and was rather disappointed when it looked generally the same as the places I've seen here.

The only thing that you can really tend to see differently is older districts with surviving and distinct styles.

Other than that, it's as Carlin put it.

A coast to coast continental shopping mall.
Yeah, I thought about it as I was showering just now, and I realized that it's like this in every country. It's just that I'm personally a bit sick of seeing the same Walgreens, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Target, etc everywhere.

Sorry we're not the Romans thousands of years ago making fucking colosseums you fucking faggot, this is the modern era where we prefer safety and efficiency over the pretty but deadly

Actually, the Romans were very efficient, perhaps more so than us. In fact if it weren't for the in-fighting, they'd probably still be around kicking ass to this day.
>Taking Midge's bait

Efficiency at its finest can be boring.

..inclined to agree with you in this case. It is very, very boring.
Most urban areas can be like that in many countries, the US is not alone to blame.
Countries where they have tons and tons of land to develop come out of nowhere.

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