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Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:19:59 PM »
It would certainly help in EMS. I had a patient today who didn't speak any English and I only speak bits of Spanish, so communicating was a little difficult. In the end it made for an interesting call to learn some Spanish and the fellow was nice, but it would have been much easier to understand him and ask him/tell him my assessment procedures rather than getting a translator or sounding things out. I was lucky my partner spoke a decent amount of Spanish and also had a phone app that translated English to Spanish from speaking into it.
Ouch. How many Spanish-speakers are down in Orange County, since up here, there aren't all that many Spanish speakers.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:18:05 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Fuck, I can't keep living here where it gets hot like this 5-6 months of the year. Everyone who says that climate change isn't happening should come to where we live and see for themselves.

Do you actually like the cold? Since most people I know who live in areas as cold as yours hate the cold and wish they lived somewhere as hot as where I live. LOL.

Surely, the only two choices for places to live aren't either cold tundra or hot semi-arid... Makes no sense why people can't see that.

I'm flammable as fuck. I've a rather heavy intolerance to heat. My skin burns easy, lukewarm water to other people burns me and heat above 15 degrees really, really slows me down.

The upside to this is, I don't feel shit in -30. -20 is comletely comfortable to me.

But, people will always complain. Turn up the heat and they want cold. Turn down to cold and they want heat. I can't actually think of any place on the planet where there's enough heat to be warm, but a contrasting wind to keep things cool at all times.
Same thing with me. I've always wanted to live somewhere where it's colder. Though having days where it's -30 in Winter is going to be too much for me. Especially so since I'm coming from somewhere where it's so much hotter.

And yeah, people here always complain about the weather. They complain about it being cold when it's like 10 degrees, and I'm just sitting there thinking "the fuck?". And then when it's Summer, they want it to be Winter again!!!!

Bleeeeeeh. People who complain about the weather are annoying. There are more important things to complain about than something like the weather which you can't change in any way (aside from making it hotter).

We ain't even on the fun list of cold to endure comms.

I've been outside in -45 with a windchill on top. Two years ago the bulk of my province reached the coldest temperature it had hit in 60 years.

-45 normally, with the windchill, -62.

I worked outside for an hour in that. Personally, I'm never one to complain about the weather too much. Even though heat gives me heatstroke, dampness closes my lungs up and makes it hard to breathe, and there are days when exposed skin freezes in under two minutes of exposure...

I could be in Nepal right now, dealing with, or being dead in earthquake rubble.
I could be in Mexico and south america with the cartels and drug lords.
I could be in the states with a decaying society that's just on the verge of going total apeshit.
I could be in the UK and have to deal with no rights allowed and trouble with the east.
I could be in the east.
I could be in Africa.

So, I'm here. Freeze my skin, choke my lungs, and burn my skin. I shalln't complain for any form of better weather.
Yeah, exactly. -45 is just a wee bit too much for, well, anyone really...

Anything below -15, and you'd have to be moving there for a pretty freaking special reason (or you're insane). Fun cold just seems like between -5 and 10 from my experiences.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:17:08 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.
>probably living in Quebec
I live in Ontario and had to learn French for the first 10 years of schooling.
Hm, so I take it you're living in a major urban area then.

Sandtrap as we all know, lives in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan where I doubt that there's more than a dozen French speakers, so he won't have to learn it.

All the upsides to living in a Federal country, eh?
Toronto yea.
Fortunately I stopped taking it in Grade 10.
In the US, second language education is one of the most neglected subjects on the face of the earth, so practically everyone here who has been here for more than 3 generations can only speak English and don't even have a basic grasp on a second language.
I started learning German from my parents just cause I think it would be cool to know it.
Yeah, a disappointingly small proportion of people who are learning German are learning it because they want to move to a German-speaking country unfortunately. :/

Ah, and good luck with the different grammatical cases, prepositions (sooo many of them), and separable prefix verbs! All 3 of those are a bitch to get through if you never grew up with them, but it's really rewarding once you know them,

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:13:09 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.
>probably living in Quebec
I live in Ontario and had to learn French for the first 10 years of schooling.
Hm, so I take it you're living in a major urban area then.

Sandtrap as we all know, lives in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan where I doubt that there's more than a dozen French speakers, so he won't have to learn it.

All the upsides to living in a Federal country, eh?
Toronto yea.
Fortunately I stopped taking it in Grade 10.
In the US, second language education is one of the most neglected subjects on the face of the earth, so practically everyone here who has been here for more than 3 generations can only speak English and don't even have a basic grasp on a second language.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:11:40 PM »
Also. As I've stated before. Countries need to be stricter with their barriers.

If you're going to move to a country, and not adopt its customs, its traits and traditions, and its language, then why even move there in the first place? If you're going to move to any country, and become a registered citizen, then as such, you should do a good damn effort to intergrate yourself into the culture via the spoken language and customs.

Doing otherwise, to me at least, seems disrespectful and ungrateful.
Culture shock can range from very stressful to overwhelming to return to the country you came from for many people since you were adapted to a country with different customs, traits, traditions, and language for 20-30 years. Not speaking for myself, but I'm just giving insight for why some people don't really integrate into the countries they move to.

Mexico and the US are also very different culturally. Sure, there's Mexican influences in American culture, but it's nowhere near enough to just seamlessly transition from one to the other.

I know at the very least before I even considered moving to any country, I would study and gain a comprehensive grasp on the language at a bare minimum. The rest would come as I explored and learned.
This is under the assumption that you're living in a country where you have the resources to do such things.

Many Latin-American immigrants to the US come with literally nothing. Fewer Mexican immigrants are coming, and refugees from drug conflicts in Central American countries south of Mexico are now starting to pour in. When you're fleeing from extremely corrupt and impoverished countries with mind-blowingly huge crime problems, you won't really have the resources to learn English or become familiar with its culture since you're literally running for your life.

For some perspective on how shitty some of these Central American countries are, some of these people are fleeing to Mexico since it's so much better than Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc.

Well then I suppose somebody would do well to set up integration programs then, no? And on the subject of refugees.

I've always wondered, let's say, something really shitty happened to america, put it into a state where people were leaving in droves as refugees. Where would they go I wonder?

No doubt, Canada is first for a target. But personally, I don't think any of the southerners in america would do well here. In fact, I'd think there'd be a hell of a lot of deaths for anybody not sticking to the coastlines, and even then, the coastlines are a different kind of cold entirely.

Which makes me think about the very first settlers who arrived in this province. They showed up in the middle of winter. Right in the middle of it. German exiles. They lost a fuck ton of their number before they saw the springtime.
The US is so divided in politics, that such an office for integrating immigrants probably couldn't be formed. There's a strong group of people here who want to just cut out immigration entirely from the US. Which is stupid for all sorts of reason, but that doesn't seem to bother them.

And if the US somehow disintegrated itself.... I think that most of the people would go to Canada or Mexico. Most first/second generation immigrants would likely go to their country of origin unless said country of origin was a total shithole. Upper class people go to Canada, and Lower class people/Entrepreneurs would go to Mexico. Just an assumption, since the US would be extremely unlikely to disintegrate suddenly in the near-future.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:06:07 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.
>probably living in Quebec
I live in Ontario and had to learn French for the first 10 years of schooling.
Hm, so I take it you're living in a major urban area then.

Sandtrap as we all know, lives in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan where I doubt that there's more than a dozen French speakers, so he won't have to learn it.

All the upsides to living in a Federal country, eh?

Serious / Re: Economics survey (ten questions)
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:04:03 PM »
Sorry, but for some reason, economics just don't connect well in my head. It's like there's an invisible wall blocking me from understanding economics...

For the time being, at least. Can't discount the future!!

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:02:03 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Fuck, I can't keep living here where it gets hot like this 5-6 months of the year. Everyone who says that climate change isn't happening should come to where we live and see for themselves.

Do you actually like the cold? Since most people I know who live in areas as cold as yours hate the cold and wish they lived somewhere as hot as where I live. LOL.

Surely, the only two choices for places to live aren't either cold tundra or hot semi-arid... Makes no sense why people can't see that.

I'm flammable as fuck. I've a rather heavy intolerance to heat. My skin burns easy, lukewarm water to other people burns me and heat above 15 degrees really, really slows me down.

The upside to this is, I don't feel shit in -30. -20 is comletely comfortable to me.

But, people will always complain. Turn up the heat and they want cold. Turn down to cold and they want heat. I can't actually think of any place on the planet where there's enough heat to be warm, but a contrasting wind to keep things cool at all times.
Same thing with me. I've always wanted to live somewhere where it's colder. Though having days where it's -30 in Winter is going to be too much for me. Especially so since I'm coming from somewhere where it's so much hotter.

And yeah, people here always complain about the weather. They complain about it being cold when it's like 10 degrees, and I'm just sitting there thinking "the fuck?". And then when it's Summer, they want it to be Winter again!!!!

Bleeeeeeh. People who complain about the weather are annoying. There are more important things to complain about than something like the weather which you can't change in any way (aside from making it hotter).

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:58:21 PM »
Also. As I've stated before. Countries need to be stricter with their barriers.

If you're going to move to a country, and not adopt its customs, its traits and traditions, and its language, then why even move there in the first place? If you're going to move to any country, and become a registered citizen, then as such, you should do a good damn effort to intergrate yourself into the culture via the spoken language and customs.

Doing otherwise, to me at least, seems disrespectful and ungrateful.
Culture shock can range from very stressful to overwhelming to return to the country you came from for many people since you were adapted to a country with different customs, traits, traditions, and language for 20-30 years. Not speaking for myself, but I'm just giving insight for why some people don't really integrate into the countries they move to.

Mexico and the US are also very different culturally. Sure, there's Mexican influences in American culture, but it's nowhere near enough to just seamlessly transition from one to the other.

I know at the very least before I even considered moving to any country, I would study and gain a comprehensive grasp on the language at a bare minimum. The rest would come as I explored and learned.
This is under the assumption that you're living in a country where you have the resources to do such things.

Many Latin-American immigrants to the US come with literally nothing. Fewer Mexican immigrants are coming, and refugees from drug conflicts in Central American countries south of Mexico are now starting to pour in. When you're fleeing from extremely corrupt and impoverished countries with mind-blowingly huge crime problems, you won't really have the resources to learn English or become familiar with its culture since you're literally running for your life.

For some perspective on how shitty some of these Central American countries are, some of these people are fleeing to Mexico since it's so much better than Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:55:56 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.
>probably living in Quebec

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:48:30 PM »
Also. As I've stated before. Countries need to be stricter with their barriers.

If you're going to move to a country, and not adopt its customs, its traits and traditions, and its language, then why even move there in the first place? If you're going to move to any country, and become a registered citizen, then as such, you should do a good damn effort to intergrate yourself into the culture via the spoken language and customs.

Doing otherwise, to me at least, seems disrespectful and ungrateful.
Culture shock can range from very stressful to overwhelming to return to the country you came from for many people since you were adapted to a country with different customs, traits, traditions, and language for 20-30 years. Not speaking for myself, but I'm just giving insight for why some people don't really integrate into the countries they move to.

Mexico and the US are also very different culturally. Sure, there's Mexican influences in American culture, but it's nowhere near enough to just seamlessly transition from one to the other.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:45:13 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Fuck, I can't keep living here where it gets hot like this 5-6 months of the year. Everyone who says that climate change isn't happening should come to where the two of us live and see for themselves.

Do you actually like the cold? Since most people I know who live in areas as cold as yours hate the cold and wish they lived somewhere as hot as where I live. LOL.

Surely, the only two choices for places to live aren't either cold tundra or hot semi-arid... Makes no sense why people can't see that.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:35:08 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:33:59 PM »
Why haven't they brought in martial law
Because it's calmed down ever since the curfew.
they should still bring them in
What would be the point if everything is almost back to normal?
who wouldn't want to see some niggers get blown up by a tank
>being this stupid

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:22:58 PM »
It's already the de facto official language.

And making a language official won't really have any impact. Many countries only have like 20% of the population speaking the official language.
The US would have a good impact if it's mandatory, people already are fed up with immigrants coming in and not learning the most used language. If something like, more barriers to do things were in place for not knowing English, it can help.
English is a very hard language to learn, and it's significantly harder to learn a second language after you're 15 if you only know one language. And it only gets worse as it goes farther. Most people can't even learn a second language if they only only know one by the time they're an adult.
Well why should people have to learn another language to aid those different? Coming to this country implies that you need to fucking learn some of it. My mom somehow did it, and my dad is trying his best. The last thing I should hear when working is "Do you speak Spanish?", it should not be the first thing.
If they learned their English, that's their choice. Having to learn another language shouldn't be forced on anyone. And many of these immigrants could be trying to learn English for all you know. It takes a long time before you're really confident enough in a language to speak it in public. Like, I have a Greek cousin who can speak English fluently, but she just speaks in Greek almost all the time because she's still nervous about speaking English despite the fact that she can speak it better than many English speakers in the US.
To be honest, it should be forced, what's the point of an official language if it's going to be overtaken by another one? It's fine if you're a tourist visiting here, but living here? The Southwest is slowly becoming more Spanish speaking this and that. There are classes to help people speak a language, and I believe that people should learn the language of a place they're going to live in as a requirement before living in said country.
There is no official language according to US law. That's the thing. So you can't force another language on somebody else when it's not even de jure official.

What do I draw if I'm both a filthy yank and a dirty yuropoor?
Dual citizen?

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:14:28 PM »
It's already the de facto official language.

And making a language official won't really have any impact. Many countries only have like 20% of the population speaking the official language.
The US would have a good impact if it's mandatory, people already are fed up with immigrants coming in and not learning the most used language. If something like, more barriers to do things were in place for not knowing English, it can help.
English is a very hard language to learn, and it's significantly harder to learn a second language after you're 15 if you only know one language. And it only gets worse as it goes farther. Most people can't even learn a second language if they only only know one by the time they're an adult.
Well why should people have to learn another language to aid those different? Coming to this country implies that you need to fucking learn some of it. My mom somehow did it, and my dad is trying his best. The last thing I should hear when working is "Do you speak Spanish?", it should not be the first thing.
If they learned their English, that's their choice. Having to learn another language shouldn't be forced on anyone. And many of these immigrants could be trying to learn English for all you know. It takes a long time before you're really confident enough in a language to speak it in public. Like, I have a Greek cousin who can speak English fluently, but she just speaks in Greek almost all the time because she's still nervous about speaking English despite the fact that she can speak it better than many English speakers in the US.

The Flood / Re: How old do you look
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:08:17 PM »
Says I'm... 54?

The fuck? LOL

Most people think that I look younger than 20, so this is maximum BS.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:06:33 PM »
It's already the de facto official language.

And making a language official won't really have any impact. Many countries only have like 20% of the population speaking the official language.
The US would have a good impact if it's mandatory, people already are fed up with immigrants coming in and not learning the most used language. If something like, more barriers to do things were in place for not knowing English, it can help.
English is a very hard language to learn, and it's significantly harder to learn a second language after you're 15 if you only know one language. And it only gets worse as it goes farther. Most people can't even learn a second language if they only only know one by the time they're an adult.

« on: April 30, 2015, 07:46:31 PM »

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:41:52 PM »
It's already the de facto official language.

And making a language official won't really have any impact. Many countries only have like 20% of the population speaking the official language.

yup a whole generation probably two will live and grow in refugee camps
It's sad. I've seen videos of people younger than me who are just corpses rotting in some ditch because they were forcibly drafted into this war. And not to mention that significant portions of the country have been forcibly depopulated by the Government...

Yeah, the social fabric of the country has been torn to shreds.

The Flood / Re: Shills Among Us
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:25:46 PM »


Neat little overlooked trick.

0 C is 32 F.

When using Celcius, to find out Farenheit, add or subtract 32, and vice versa between the two scales.

Now ya'll can use both scales of measurment and not be confused. Tuddah.

You is hero.

Nope. Nope nope nope. I forgot something. I forgot a part of the trick.


Logically you'd think that would be 62 F then. But it's not.

30 C is 86 F.

I'm missing something here.
Yeah, the problem is that a 10 degree change in Celcius is an 18 degree change in Fahrenheit.

Like, I just have all the conversions from -100 to 100 (Celsius) in intervals of 5 memorized (since you'll very rarely need to go beyond -100 and 100)

Okay I'm really bad at math and I start to zone out when numbers join in the conversation...
So 10 degree change in F is an 18 degree change in C?
I don't think I'm getting this.
They "taught" me the metric system in elementary school briefly but after that they were like NOPE too bad you just don't get that knowledge.

-40 C is -40 F (it's where the Celcius and Fahrenheit intersect)
-30 C is -22 F
-20 C is -4 F
-10 C is 14 F
0 C is 32 F
10 C is 50 F
20 C is 68 F
30 C is 86 F
40C is 104 F

So when the value in Celsius goes up or down 10 from 0, Fahrenheit goes up or down 18 from 32.

Ah god I feel like an uneducated idiot it makes more sense now though thank you!
it's k




Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:00:49 PM »

I thought you were referring to proxy organizations, which is far more interesting than the proxies you're referring to. >__>

Ooo what's that? Teach me the ways of the internets!!!

Pretty much acting through proxies in nearly any scenario. It happens extremely often and it's interesting to read about.

Europe is fucked. I just hope no Euros come over here and shit up my country when theirs go full thought police.
America is already shitty though
You win +1 respect


Neat little overlooked trick.

0 C is 32 F.

When using Celcius, to find out Farenheit, add or subtract 32, and vice versa between the two scales.

Now ya'll can use both scales of measurment and not be confused. Tuddah.

You is hero.

Nope. Nope nope nope. I forgot something. I forgot a part of the trick.


Logically you'd think that would be 62 F then. But it's not.

30 C is 86 F.

I'm missing something here.
Yeah, the problem is that a 10 degree change in Celcius is an 18 degree change in Fahrenheit.

Like, I just have all the conversions from -100 to 100 (Celsius) in intervals of 5 memorized (since you'll very rarely need to go beyond -100 and 100)

Okay I'm really bad at math and I start to zone out when numbers join in the conversation...
So 10 degree change in F is an 18 degree change in C?
I don't think I'm getting this.
They "taught" me the metric system in elementary school briefly but after that they were like NOPE too bad you just don't get that knowledge.

-40 C is -40 F (it's where the Celcius and Fahrenheit intersect)
-30 C is -22 F
-20 C is -4 F
-10 C is 14 F
0 C is 32 F
10 C is 50 F
20 C is 68 F
30 C is 86 F
40C is 104 F

So when the value in Celsius goes up or down 10 from 0, Fahrenheit goes up or down 18 from 32.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:43:58 PM »
What are they rioting about?
some idiot ran away from the cops, he got shot, and then the chimps started chimping out.

Basing just off your post, you're saying the police murdered someone simply for running. Ironically, that would more than justify the outrage. I never actually cared enough to look into the case to see if this guy was proven guilty of something wrong or not, but that's really entirely irrelevant to the massive problems of police today.


The police can do no wrong!!!

All you have to do is look at Eric Garner. Those thugs got away with murdering a man on camera.
I was being sarcastic as fuck. I think that the fact that cops who do shit like that aren't prosecuted is an outrage.

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