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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The Flood / Re: How old do you look
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:27:31 AM »
One gave me 29 and another 21 and all I did was slightly turn my head. This thing seems inaccurate as fuck.
It is.

You look younger than 20 even....


Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:26:19 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.


Here's part of Europe.
"Kiyo Land", has a good ring to it.
Isnt Kiyo from Northern Ireland though?
She is, yes.

So yeah, I have a totally not obvious and shameless bump with a statistical update.

There have currently been 1776 threads made in April so far, and my revised estimate for the end of April's duration ( made it literally right now) will come out to be a total of 1911 threads made.

So this month's decline isn't as high as expected, but it is still a 4% decline in activity comparing to last month.
And the final statistics are in.

April saw a total of 1876 threads made. Which constitutes approximately a 6% decline from March's activity.


I'm not surprised. With my last unjust ban I knew a lot of people were going to leave and not come as often. There's only so much stupidity even forum-goers will take. Heck, it takes a lot to nearly drive me from a forum for good. A few unjust bans will destroy a community. It will take a lot of work to get this back on track, and I just don't know if that's going to happen.

Your obsession is pathetic.
Oh, hey Kinder's alt.

The Flood / Re: New poll
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:45:53 AM »

Serious / Re: David Cameron is kicking ass on BBC1
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:20:10 AM »
Regardless of his politics, Cameron is a really good public speaker.
Too bad he's a fucking half-spined clown, lol.

Though I'd pick Cameron over any of the crappy-ass US Presidential candidates being rolled out right now....

So yeah, I have a totally not obvious and shameless bump with a statistical update.

There have currently been 1776 threads made in April so far, and my revised estimate for the end of April's duration ( made it literally right now) will come out to be a total of 1911 threads made.

So this month's decline isn't as high as expected, but it is still a 4% decline in activity comparing to last month.
And the final statistics are in.

April saw a total of 1876 threads made. Which constitutes approximately a 6% decline from March's activity.


Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.
Oh god.

How old are you right now? I get the impression that you're in your mid-20s.

Not even that far comms. 22.

Talk about different lifestyles we must have.

I'm probably the strangest person you'll likely meet here. Out in the middle of nowhere. Flatlander. Laborer. Beaten up exterior. Poor and always on the verge of broke. And a rather unquiet mind to contrast it all beyond my supposed flatlander, out in the boonies appearance.

If you want to look for somebody here who lives a life most don't know about, I won't lie and I won't boast, but I'm probably the only one here like it.

I mean, I spend my late summer cutting down dead trees out in the woods with a chainsaw to help a friend get firewood for the winter.

Stranger from a strange land.
I'd go insane if I had to live in a place so rural as yours. I need to live in a city, with life.

The silence in rural areas is maddening for me. And not to mention the fact that you yourself have to provide all of your needs. Getting food, heat, water. Dammit. I can get the appeal of that for some people, but I'm not one of them by any means.

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: May 01, 2015, 01:14:28 AM »
And which mods are the ones who love to hate you?

My previous account was registered to this site around early August.

I better not go there, haha. I'm trying to give this site a final chance.
Send it to me via PM then?

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: May 01, 2015, 01:10:50 AM »

There's also only been one report total today, so if I'm checking in on reports and don't see anything then I'm going to assume that everything is daijobu.
I'm constantly reporting things, but I left Comms' threads alone to see what would happen, seeing as they were on the top of page one of the Flood for hours and it should be standard procedure at this point to check Comms' threads antway given that the mods are well aware of his posting habits.
Hmm...well it looks like none of the mods were around to see it. I know I wasn't. I got on and deleted a few threads in the flood and noticed that there weren't any reports. I hadn't had a chance to enter many of the front page threads, but nothing stood out to me, so I didn't rush to check them.

I mean, I guess if you're going to make the mods go through every thread themselves, yeah, there will probably be shitty moderation just from lack of resources. But I'd hope that you would hit that report button and help us out so that threads like this don't need to be made.
There's my point.
You guys know Comms is a massive shitposter. And his threads were right up there.
Maybe it's just me, but it's not hard to jump in between a few thread to check the OP. It's not like they were from a diverse range of users.

My not reporting anything this time was, like I said, a test to see if who was online was on the ball.
They weren't, whether that's for personal reasons or not, that timeframe sees Zesty, Comms, Elegiac, Challenger, sometimes Midget and Berzerk who likes to necrobump.
On top of it being extremely quiet without those users, it's not hard to keep an eye out.

I will continue reporting things, but if there's 5 shitposts I see, unless I plug the thread links into one report box (which you need to lengthen, it's woefully inadequate) it'll take 5 minutes to report each thread, which is ridiculous.

And let's be honest here, the activity is small enough now to make moderation easy as hell. Oh no, you might have to look through two pages?! That's asking an awful lot to make sure there isn't unfair and stupid treatment that would piss users off. This is why this forum is nothing compared to what it once was. To its credit, though, it's still better now, probably just due to there being less users.

Or, are you telling me the mods haven't had enough of a trial run? Get rid of the bad ones already if they can't handle the position.
But here's another thing. The reduced activity means that we won't want to alienate the remaining users by going strict on moderation suddenly. Now is the time to keep more relaxed moderation because that's honestly one of the only things that keeps Sep7agon even remote unique from other forums, and thus maintain its pull factor on the users who are already here.

I agree, and it's why it's stupid Meta and I had our threads locked. If people can't take a joke they shouldn't even be on an internet forum.
It's because all of these butthurt users have so much influence. And yes, because of mod favoritism as well to some extent.

But I don't get why you and Meta wouldn't be favored by mods?

You new here? I've been given at least five joke bans by this place. Not one of them was deserved.
I've been here longer than you have. So no.

What I'm saying is that I don't get why the moderators would be biased against you.

A lot of them aren't. Some of the mods that banned me aren't mods anymore. Some of them hated me since Bungie as well. This site just has trouble getting rid of the bad mods because it makes them feel bad since they're such nice people.

Hey! I signed up first!
And which mods are the ones who love to hate you?

My previous account was registered to this site around early August.

For those of you don't know who Angela Merkel is, she's the Chancellor of Germany. And Chancellor functions the same as Prime Minister for all intents and purposes. And she's been Chancellor since 2005.

It's because her party (Christian Democratic Union) is so fucking popular, as evidenced by this opinion poll since the 2013 Elections.

And what I'm about to say may shock you guys, but I really hope that Merkel doesn't get any more terms as Chancellor at all. She's honestly kind of just riding on her reputation for apparently keeping Germany stable throughout the whole Eurozone crisis. That's it. She hasn't innovated, or made grand sweeping reforms, or done anything new at all other than maintain the status-quo. She's like Putin in the way that they both earned their reputation by simply riding on the economy. The Eurozone crisis is gonna hit Germany at one point or another, and they're gonna need a leader who can innovate and doesn't simply ride on stability.

Unfortunately, much of the German public has been duped into keeping on voting for the CDU, so Merkel's just gonna win another term in 2017. Lovely. Too bad I'm not a German citizen so I can't vote against her crappy party next Election. Since she's practically her own party by this point.

So I guess you can discuss anything relating to German politics since there hasn't been a thread about Germany politics. And I'll fucking shit myself if Godwin's Law is invoked in this thread.

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: May 01, 2015, 01:00:49 AM »

There's also only been one report total today, so if I'm checking in on reports and don't see anything then I'm going to assume that everything is daijobu.
I'm constantly reporting things, but I left Comms' threads alone to see what would happen, seeing as they were on the top of page one of the Flood for hours and it should be standard procedure at this point to check Comms' threads antway given that the mods are well aware of his posting habits.
Hmm...well it looks like none of the mods were around to see it. I know I wasn't. I got on and deleted a few threads in the flood and noticed that there weren't any reports. I hadn't had a chance to enter many of the front page threads, but nothing stood out to me, so I didn't rush to check them.

I mean, I guess if you're going to make the mods go through every thread themselves, yeah, there will probably be shitty moderation just from lack of resources. But I'd hope that you would hit that report button and help us out so that threads like this don't need to be made.
There's my point.
You guys know Comms is a massive shitposter. And his threads were right up there.
Maybe it's just me, but it's not hard to jump in between a few thread to check the OP. It's not like they were from a diverse range of users.

My not reporting anything this time was, like I said, a test to see if who was online was on the ball.
They weren't, whether that's for personal reasons or not, that timeframe sees Zesty, Comms, Elegiac, Challenger, sometimes Midget and Berzerk who likes to necrobump.
On top of it being extremely quiet without those users, it's not hard to keep an eye out.

I will continue reporting things, but if there's 5 shitposts I see, unless I plug the thread links into one report box (which you need to lengthen, it's woefully inadequate) it'll take 5 minutes to report each thread, which is ridiculous.

And let's be honest here, the activity is small enough now to make moderation easy as hell. Oh no, you might have to look through two pages?! That's asking an awful lot to make sure there isn't unfair and stupid treatment that would piss users off. This is why this forum is nothing compared to what it once was. To its credit, though, it's still better now, probably just due to there being less users.

Or, are you telling me the mods haven't had enough of a trial run? Get rid of the bad ones already if they can't handle the position.
But here's another thing. The reduced activity means that we won't want to alienate the remaining users by going strict on moderation suddenly. Now is the time to keep more relaxed moderation because that's honestly one of the only things that keeps Sep7agon even remote unique from other forums, and thus maintain its pull factor on the users who are already here.

I agree, and it's why it's stupid Meta and I had our threads locked. If people can't take a joke they shouldn't even be on an internet forum.
It's because all of these butthurt users have so much influence. And yes, because of mod favoritism as well to some extent.

But I don't get why you and Meta wouldn't be favored by mods?

You new here? I've been given at least five joke bans by this place. Not one of them was deserved.
I've been here longer than you have. So no.

What I'm saying is that I don't get why the moderators would be biased against you.

Serious / Re: Baltimore riots continue
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:55:58 AM »
>wishes death on police

>hides behind a computer screen and refuses to nut up

If only I had been there to help Eric Garner.

Your fat ass would've been tossed onto the ground next to that criminal's corpse and you'd be hauled off to jail.

You can't do shit, you won't do shit.

You're wrong. That's what a spineless squirt like you would have done. If you actually had principle and courage like myself you'd step in and kick the only criminal, the murdering cop, in the jaw as hard as you could and shoot dead any cop that attempts to stop you. You can't do anything because you're a coward, which is why Eric Garner was allowed to be murdered. No one with a little bit of will such as myself was there to stop them and protect that man. You are disgusting.



Okay who got butthurt?
There's the problem. This forum has so many butthurt people that their favorite pasttime in the forum is to flood the moderators with reports. Thankfully, the two biggest perpetrators of this (Kinder and Noelle) are gone for the foreseeable future. If there rules and regulations stayed relaxed, then these butthurt people would continue to be denied influence since honestly, most of them tend to be annoying pricks in the eyes of some 75% of the forum.

Increasing the amount of regulations in this forum would give power to those who 75% of the forum are pissed off at.

I have actually been a proponent for the continued status-quo in relaxed rules for a while because I know that adding more rules would do far more harm than good to the forum.

Wow once again you make perfect sense.
So are they honestly thinking of making stricter rules, or are you trying to prevent this from even becoming a mod proposal?
Prevent it from being proposed by the mods.

Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.
Oh god.

How old are you right now? I get the impression that you're in your mid-20s.

Not even that far comms. 22.

Talk about different lifestyles we must have.

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:50:50 AM »

There's also only been one report total today, so if I'm checking in on reports and don't see anything then I'm going to assume that everything is daijobu.
I'm constantly reporting things, but I left Comms' threads alone to see what would happen, seeing as they were on the top of page one of the Flood for hours and it should be standard procedure at this point to check Comms' threads antway given that the mods are well aware of his posting habits.
Hmm...well it looks like none of the mods were around to see it. I know I wasn't. I got on and deleted a few threads in the flood and noticed that there weren't any reports. I hadn't had a chance to enter many of the front page threads, but nothing stood out to me, so I didn't rush to check them.

I mean, I guess if you're going to make the mods go through every thread themselves, yeah, there will probably be shitty moderation just from lack of resources. But I'd hope that you would hit that report button and help us out so that threads like this don't need to be made.
There's my point.
You guys know Comms is a massive shitposter. And his threads were right up there.
Maybe it's just me, but it's not hard to jump in between a few thread to check the OP. It's not like they were from a diverse range of users.

My not reporting anything this time was, like I said, a test to see if who was online was on the ball.
They weren't, whether that's for personal reasons or not, that timeframe sees Zesty, Comms, Elegiac, Challenger, sometimes Midget and Berzerk who likes to necrobump.
On top of it being extremely quiet without those users, it's not hard to keep an eye out.

I will continue reporting things, but if there's 5 shitposts I see, unless I plug the thread links into one report box (which you need to lengthen, it's woefully inadequate) it'll take 5 minutes to report each thread, which is ridiculous.

And let's be honest here, the activity is small enough now to make moderation easy as hell. Oh no, you might have to look through two pages?! That's asking an awful lot to make sure there isn't unfair and stupid treatment that would piss users off. This is why this forum is nothing compared to what it once was. To its credit, though, it's still better now, probably just due to there being less users.

Or, are you telling me the mods haven't had enough of a trial run? Get rid of the bad ones already if they can't handle the position.
But here's another thing. The reduced activity means that we won't want to alienate the remaining users by going strict on moderation suddenly. Now is the time to keep more relaxed moderation because that's honestly one of the only things that keeps Sep7agon even remote unique from other forums, and thus maintain its pull factor on the users who are already here.

I agree, and it's why it's stupid Meta and I had our threads locked. If people can't take a joke they shouldn't even be on an internet forum.
It's because all of these butthurt users have so much influence. And yes, because of mod favoritism as well to some extent.

But I don't get why you and Meta wouldn't be favored by mods?

Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.
Oh god.

How old are you right now? I get the impression that you're in your mid-20s.

Okay who got butthurt?
There's the problem. This forum has so many butthurt people that their favorite pasttime in the forum is to flood the moderators with reports. Thankfully, the two biggest perpetrators of this (Kinder and Noelle) are gone for the foreseeable future. If there rules and regulations stayed relaxed, then these butthurt people would continue to be denied influence since honestly, most of them tend to be annoying pricks in the eyes of some 75% of the forum.

Increasing the amount of regulations in this forum would give power to those who 75% of the forum are pissed off at.

I have actually been a proponent for the continued status-quo in relaxed rules for a while because I know that adding more rules would do far more harm than good to the forum.

The Flood / Re: Last post for a while.
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:23:17 AM »

except that would go beyond the realm of recreational use, which is what i was specifically referring to

What's wrong with enjoying what you do? Eating food or just being in a good mood is literally the same thing.
Verbatim doesn't listen to that sort of stuff.


If the baby is close to being born.. perhaps only a month or two away, keep her alive until the baby is born.

What if she was four months along?
If she is only four months pregnant, its too long too wait.. but if she only has four months left, maybe..
It should depend entirely on the status of the baby. If it's possible to somehow salvage the baby if the mother were even 2 months pregnant, then the baby should be salvaged. Ending the life of an already dead person is one thing, but causing a baby who's alive to die because of it is a whole other thing.

I say just do away with bans entirely except for stuff like threats and just implement an actual mute function for the whiners that let words on the internet bother them.
This is a good idea as well!!

But make the mute function better than just a half-assed thing where all of the muted user's posts are under spoilers. Like, just make the muted user's posts disappear for the user muting the other person.

And to appeal to the whole crowd against cyberbullying, etc, we still just keep some sort of regulations against making threads calling out users, etc.

Well, we all voted for a hybrid of strict and lax.  So yeah
Exactly. So changing that would really fuck shit up.

Can they even be considered a nation?
Here's a map to show how much of a clusterfuck Syria is now.


You have 5 quasi-states taking up the land of a single state. Even more quasi-states once you consider how much disunity most of the factions have.

Syria's statehood is pretty much just a formality now, since no party within it is anywhere near strong enough to assert control over the entire country.

Septagon / For everyone proposing stricter rules and regulations...
« on: April 30, 2015, 11:56:50 PM »
Here's this simple equation I devised.

Stricter rules = More bans

More bans = Less users

Less users = Less activity

So stricter rules will inevitably result in less activity. And is that something we really want, especially given our current problem with sharp activity decline?

And this forum is in an awkward position where the more... rowdy users tend to contribute more discussion to the forum overall. So banning users like them will pretty much kill the discussions going on in the forum, and it will pretty much kill the forum single handedly.

So here is just some simple food for thought: Perhaps one of this forum's best traits is its relaxed interpretation of rules, and relaxed enforcement, especially comparing to other forums out there. I think that capitalizing on the relaxed rules and the (honestly, much more interesting) discussions that the Serious board has could result in increased activity for the forum.

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: April 30, 2015, 11:39:48 PM »

There's also only been one report total today, so if I'm checking in on reports and don't see anything then I'm going to assume that everything is daijobu.
I'm constantly reporting things, but I left Comms' threads alone to see what would happen, seeing as they were on the top of page one of the Flood for hours and it should be standard procedure at this point to check Comms' threads antway given that the mods are well aware of his posting habits.
Hmm...well it looks like none of the mods were around to see it. I know I wasn't. I got on and deleted a few threads in the flood and noticed that there weren't any reports. I hadn't had a chance to enter many of the front page threads, but nothing stood out to me, so I didn't rush to check them.

I mean, I guess if you're going to make the mods go through every thread themselves, yeah, there will probably be shitty moderation just from lack of resources. But I'd hope that you would hit that report button and help us out so that threads like this don't need to be made.
There's my point.
You guys know Comms is a massive shitposter. And his threads were right up there.
Maybe it's just me, but it's not hard to jump in between a few thread to check the OP. It's not like they were from a diverse range of users.

My not reporting anything this time was, like I said, a test to see if who was online was on the ball.
They weren't, whether that's for personal reasons or not, that timeframe sees Zesty, Comms, Elegiac, Challenger, sometimes Midget and Berzerk who likes to necrobump.
On top of it being extremely quiet without those users, it's not hard to keep an eye out.

I will continue reporting things, but if there's 5 shitposts I see, unless I plug the thread links into one report box (which you need to lengthen, it's woefully inadequate) it'll take 5 minutes to report each thread, which is ridiculous.

And let's be honest here, the activity is small enough now to make moderation easy as hell. Oh no, you might have to look through two pages?! That's asking an awful lot to make sure there isn't unfair and stupid treatment that would piss users off. This is why this forum is nothing compared to what it once was. To its credit, though, it's still better now, probably just due to there being less users.

Or, are you telling me the mods haven't had enough of a trial run? Get rid of the bad ones already if they can't handle the position.
But here's another thing. The reduced activity means that we won't want to alienate the remaining users by going strict on moderation suddenly. Now is the time to keep more relaxed moderation because that's honestly one of the only things that keeps Sep7agon even remote unique from other forums, and thus maintain its pull factor on the users who are already here.

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: April 30, 2015, 11:37:04 PM »

There's also only been one report total today, so if I'm checking in on reports and don't see anything then I'm going to assume that everything is daijobu.
I'm constantly reporting things, but I left Comms' threads alone to see what would happen, seeing as they were on the top of page one of the Flood for hours and it should be standard procedure at this point to check Comms' threads antway given that the mods are well aware of his posting habits.
Hmm...well it looks like none of the mods were around to see it. I know I wasn't. I got on and deleted a few threads in the flood and noticed that there weren't any reports. I hadn't had a chance to enter many of the front page threads, but nothing stood out to me, so I didn't rush to check them.

I mean, I guess if you're going to make the mods go through every thread themselves, yeah, there will probably be shitty moderation just from lack of resources. But I'd hope that you would hit that report button and help us out so that threads like this don't need to be made.
There's my point.
You guys know Comms is a massive shitposter. And his threads were right up there.
Maybe it's just me, but it's not hard to jump in between a few thread to check the OP. It's not like they were from a diverse range of users.

My not reporting anything this time was, like I said, a test to see if who was online was on the ball.
They weren't, whether that's for personal reasons or not, that timeframe sees Zesty, Comms, Elegiac, Challenger, sometimes Midget and Berzerk who likes to necrobump.
On top of it being extremely quiet without those users, it's not hard to keep an eye out.

I will continue reporting things, but if there's 5 shitposts I see, unless I plug the thread links into one report box (which you need to lengthen, it's woefully inadequate) it'll take 5 minutes to report each thread, which is ridiculous.
That's not fair. I've never made a shitpost before.

Every thread and post I have made has solid discussion value one way or another. It's up to the members to decide whether to take up my threads' discussion value or not.

The Flood / Re: Last post for a while.
« on: April 30, 2015, 11:23:52 PM »
See you tomorrow.


Why didn't they fight for her life too?
Cause she was already dead and it was right to let her die with some semblance of dignity.

Nobody has *ever* recovered from being braindead. Ever.

Touché. Well keep her long enough to birth the baby if it is possible and safe for the child. Some mothers would do anything for their unborn children.

But imagine being that kid.
"Yeah my mom was brain dead when pregnant with me."

I wonder if that would creat psychological damages, or influences?
Oh god, this would practically be a case study for all of that. This is the first time I've heard of a case where they actually managed to save the baby from being pregnant in a braindead mother. In all other cases I've seen, the baby died with the mother.

But being born to a braindead mother would definitely have a lot of influence on the baby. With terms of psychological damage... we'll find that out as time goes along.

That would be an interesting case study!
If that was possible and the child's immediate family acted negatively towards them and how they were birthed, then how would that child view the world? What would be the inner feelings of a child born to a "zombie"?
Well, assuming that this baby actually survives long-term, the answers to all of those questions will reveal themselves in the coming years.


Why didn't they fight for her life too?
Cause she was already dead and it was right to let her die with some semblance of dignity.

Nobody has *ever* recovered from being braindead. Ever.

Touché. Well keep her long enough to birth the baby if it is possible and safe for the child. Some mothers would do anything for their unborn children.

But imagine being that kid.
"Yeah my mom was brain dead when pregnant with me."

I wonder if that would creat psychological damages, or influences?
Oh god, this would practically be a case study for all of that. This is the first time I've heard of a case where they actually managed to save the baby from being pregnant in a braindead mother. In all other cases I've seen, the baby died with the mother.

But being born to a braindead mother would definitely have a lot of influence on the baby. With terms of psychological damage... we'll find that out as time goes along.

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