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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:09:04 AM »
wHy YeS CoMmS
LeT uS cHaT

y u do dis

The Flood / unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:05:34 AM »
I'm totally not in a competition against gootsby now.

Talk about anything you nigger faggots please.

« on: May 01, 2015, 05:03:24 AM »
you can still pry out others' personal information without their consent or knowledge.

Not really. Even if it's on a public social networking site it's still not personal information, it's information they made publically available. Of course if they are attempting to use that information in a way to harm others or do other things that actually break rules, I would understand.

But for some reason, the only users who have been banned by this rule being invoked so far are the really cancerous ones so I'm just looking the other way for the time being.

Not true. I was banned for "outing Nuka" even though a large portion of this forum had already known due to their history on Bungie, and I wasn't being negative about it in any way. In fact, I stood up for them even though they were a prick to me and defended the stance they should live how they want and to not have to hide the way they want to feel. I even mentioned how stupid it was to make it an issue or use it as a way to mock others, and also said doing so should result in those users being banned. Originally I was permanently banned and they later dropped it down to a month.
Hm, then I can see your point in why you're against that rule. Fair enough.

I obviously don't want someone to be free just to be a gigantic douche with the information, but as long as they're being cool about it I don't see how any action can be taken against them, especially when people are free to insult each other all of the time. Shouldn't that at least be more worthy of addressing first? That's how I'm looking at this. It just makes no sense to me. Really, people should use it as a learning experience not to be so eager to share things online unless you know the security settings in and out. You should also NEVER expect anything you put on the internet to be private. That notion is just asinine. I like you, Officer. (Whoa, that was weird to say) I hope you don't think I'm addressing you in my posts specifically. I'm just making general statements that can apply to anyone.
Oh, yeah. I don't mind. I personally wouldn't care if I had personal information of mine revealed. But not everyone is me.

« on: May 01, 2015, 05:00:32 AM »
Challenger wasn't banned for outing anyone. He was banned for his posts in Serious. As it clearly states in the rules, moderation is stricter in the Serious board. It's the board for proper debates and civil discussions on certain serious topics, so the treshold for bullshit and personal attacks is lower there. If you look at the rules, you'll see that every severe warning you receive in Serious gets marked with a tag. If you have one of those tagged warnings in your recent history and break the rules again, you're getting an instant ban. I'm not the one who banned him but looking at Challenger's history, it's pretty clear he already had several prior tagged warnings and bans.

Either way, I believe his ban wears off later today.
Ah, I had previously thought that he was banned for revealing personal information.

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:50:26 AM »
you can still pry out others' personal information without their consent or knowledge.

Not really. Even if it's on a public social networking site it's still not personal information, it's information they made publically available. Of course if they are attempting to use that information in a way to harm others or do other things that actually break rules, I would understand.

But for some reason, the only users who have been banned by this rule being invoked so far are the really cancerous ones so I'm just looking the other way for the time being.

Not true. I was banned for "outing Nuka" even though a large portion of this forum had already known due to their history on Bungie, and I wasn't being negative about it in any way. In fact, I stood up for them even though they were a prick to me and defended the stance they should live how they want and to not have to hide the way they want to feel. I even mentioned how stupid it was to make it an issue or use it as a way to mock others, and also said doing so should result in those users being banned. Originally I was permanently banned and they later dropped it down to a month.
Hm, then I can see your point in why you're against that rule. Fair enough.

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:44:05 AM »
What was he banned for?
Tempting fate.

It was recently outed (or made into a spectacle at least) that *someone* is transgendered, so the Challenger yelled that info out and then linked Cheat to the comment. So needless to say, he was banned.

Ah, and this was in full knowing that another user was banned for 30 days for outing the same thing (which in itself was with the user fully knowing about another user who was banned for 30 days for doing a very similar thing)

That dumb rule really makes no sense. First, it's not a secret if Challenger got access to the information, and second, why the hell would they care? Why would it be a big deal if people know?
The rule was more setting an example than anything else. It wasn't so much about the information itself but rather the behavior.

There's been a recent crackdown on revealing sensitive personal information, which Noelle and S\ash both were given 30-day bans for doing so.

That's still just silly. If people are THAT sensitive of personal information, keep it freaking personal. Once others know it's public domain at that point. I have a much bigger problem with the behavior of the whiners that make a big deal about their "secrets" on a freaking forum.
Kinder was perma'd from here because he spent weeks trying to find some users' facebooks accounts, and then the retard just posted them here and was predictably perma'd.

Point is, you can still pry out others' personal information without their consent or knowledge. Or it could have somehow slipped somewhere. I dunno. I'm not the one making the rules, and I'm not too much of a fan of the idea of having such a harsh penalty. But for some reason, the only users who have been banned by this rule being invoked so far are the really cancerous ones so I'm just looking the other way for the time being.

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:39:37 AM »
What was he banned for?
Tempting fate.

It was recently outed (or made into a spectacle at least) that *someone* is transgendered, so the Challenger yelled that info out and then linked Cheat to the comment. So needless to say, he was banned.

Ah, and this was in full knowing that another user was banned for 30 days for outing the same thing (which in itself was with the user fully knowing about another user who was banned for 30 days for doing a very similar thing)

That dumb rule really makes no sense. First, it's not a secret if Challenger got access to the information, and second, why the hell would they care? Why would it be a big deal if people know?
The rule was more setting an example than anything else. It wasn't so much about the information itself but rather the behavior.

There's been a recent crackdown on revealing sensitive personal information, which Noelle and S\ash both were given 30-day bans for doing so.

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:34:35 AM »
What was he banned for?
Tempting fate.

It was recently outed (or made into a spectacle at least) that *someone* is transgendered, so the Challenger yelled that info out and then linked Cheat to the comment. So needless to say, he was banned.

Ah, and this was in full knowing that another user was banned for 30 days for outing the same thing (which in itself was with the user fully knowing about another user who was banned for 30 days for doing a very similar thing)

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:27:45 AM »
keep him banned
less iranians = better quality forum
He's not even a proper iranian though lol his dad or something like pussied out and fled for the states.
he's still iranian, that just makes him an immigrant
Eh, he was born in the US, so he's more Iranian-American.

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:27:17 AM »
keep him banned
less iranians = better quality forum
He's not even a proper iranian though lol his dad or something like pussied out and fled for the states.
Yeah, exactly. I'd give a bit more detail on that, but I'd rather not get a 30-day ban.

"Omg McDonald's is disgusting don't you know what they make their chicken out of??" Ma'am I've literally put my tongue in an asshole before
Whose asshole?

But yeah, that is a funny thought. All the places you put your mouth and things you put in your mouth during sex, and then you complain about some artificial chicken.
i really shouldn't say
Please tell me it was a woman's.....
well you seee
Are you actually gonna say a story or are you gonna pull a Challenger?
Damn, IRGC got me again!

Don't think you can run away from me, Challenger!!

"Omg McDonald's is disgusting don't you know what they make their chicken out of??" Ma'am I've literally put my tongue in an asshole before
Whose asshole?

But yeah, that is a funny thought. All the places you put your mouth and things you put in your mouth during sex, and then you complain about some artificial chicken.
i really shouldn't say
Please tell me it was a woman's.....
well you seee
Are you actually gonna say a story or are you gonna pull a Challenger?
Damn, IRGC got me again!

"Omg McDonald's is disgusting don't you know what they make their chicken out of??" Ma'am I've literally put my tongue in an asshole before
Whose asshole?

But yeah, that is a funny thought. All the places you put your mouth and things you put in your mouth during sex, and then you complain about some artificial chicken.
i really shouldn't say
Please tell me it was a woman's.....
well you seee
Are you actually gonna say a story or are you gonna pull a Challenger?

"Omg McDonald's is disgusting don't you know what they make their chicken out of??" Ma'am I've literally put my tongue in an asshole before
Whose asshole?

But yeah, that is a funny thought. All the places you put your mouth and things you put in your mouth during sex, and then you complain about some artificial chicken.
i really shouldn't say
Please tell me it was a woman's.....

Until you take into account that average isn't just that one person in the dead center, but rather a broad spectrum of its own. Like 35-65% in intelligence from dumbest person on Earth to smartest person on Earth.

Also not to mention that there are multiple ways to judge one's intelligence, so intelligence isn't simply like a 1-10 scale. You can look at somebody in many different angles, and he will be incompetent in some areas, competent in others, and average in a few more.
What if you find out the mean, and then see how many fall behind? You add all of the IQ together, and then divide.
IQ is extremely limited in which sorts of intelligence it assesses (only 2 or 3 if I recall correctly), so it provides nothing even remotely near an accurate analysis of how intelligent someone is. Hell, there probably isn't even any way to assess most of the different forms of intelligence someone can have. You'd probably have to take hundreds of tests just for a single person.

"Omg McDonald's is disgusting don't you know what they make their chicken out of??" Ma'am I've literally put my tongue in an asshole before
Whose asshole?

But yeah, that is a funny thought. All the places you put your mouth and things you put in your mouth during sex, and then you complain about some artificial chicken.

Until you take into account that average isn't just that one person in the dead center, but rather a broad spectrum of its own. Like 35-65% in intelligence from dumbest person on Earth to smartest person on Earth.

Also not to mention that there are multiple ways to judge one's intelligence, so intelligence isn't simply like a 1-10 scale. You can look at somebody in many different angles, and he will be incompetent in some areas, competent in others, and average in a few more.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:07:57 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.
Funny, I actually live about 50 miles down south of San Francisco. I like it here far more than other parts of the US.

Which country you living in right now then? And are you a US national, foreign national, or what?
Dual national from Australia and England. Currently in England.
Mmm, England's a fun place. Got quite a bit of family down in London, and it's well off the beaten path, and it's a great city to just stroll around. Countryside's really fricking beautiful there as well.

How the fuck did you end up being a national of Australia and England though? Those are two very different countries to be citizens of. But then again, so are the US and Greece.
Lived in Australia for 11 years; gained citizenship after like 2.
Born in England.
Oh fuck, how old are you then? >___>

« on: May 01, 2015, 04:02:55 AM »
The forum should be free of his autism for longer.

Comms just wants to shrek him again.


Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:02:23 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.
Funny, I actually live about 50 miles down south of San Francisco. I like it here far more than other parts of the US.

Which country you living in right now then? And are you a US national, foreign national, or what?
Dual national from Australia and England. Currently in England.
Mmm, England's a fun place. Got quite a bit of family down in London, and it's well off the beaten path, and it's a great city to just stroll around. Countryside's really fricking beautiful there as well.

How the fuck did you end up being a national of Australia and England though? Those are two very different countries to be citizens of. But then again, so are the US and Greece.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:59:08 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.
Funny, I actually live about 50 miles down south of San Francisco. I like it here far more than other parts of the US.

Which country you living in right now then? And are you a US national, foreign national, or what?

« on: May 01, 2015, 03:58:09 AM »
keep him banned
less iranians = better quality forum


Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:56:45 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place forever though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..

« on: May 01, 2015, 03:54:32 AM »

« on: May 01, 2015, 03:52:20 AM »


Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:49:09 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.

The Flood / Re: Is music the most powerful medium?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:40:42 AM »
For me maybe
But you're a terrorist and terrorists don't get opinions unless it's Shari'ah.
the only thing im blowing is my load on your ass
No, I'm the only one here who can put you nigger faggots in your place.

*pulls out 14-inch cock*

The Flood / Re: How old do you look
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:32:34 AM »
One gave me 29 and another 21 and all I did was slightly turn my head. This thing seems inaccurate as fuck.
It is.

You look younger than 20 even....

Might be the dark circles, since it looks like I have black eyes all the time, I don't know. One of the reviewers for that web app said it rated his daughter as 30-something, so...

I think they need to tighten a few bolts or hit it with a wrench or something.
Maybe they should just throw a grenade at it since the whole thing is very clearly broken. It told me that I look like I'm 54.

The Flood / Re: Is music the most powerful medium?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:29:05 AM »
For me maybe
But you're a terrorist and terrorists don't get opinions unless it's Shari'ah.

The Flood / Re: How old do you look
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:28:11 AM »
19, apparently

Damn, that was accurate

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