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Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:27:08 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Except you have literally no evidence to support such a retarded claim. Some people really are just evil, and Iran does it because they do hate America and Israel

Torturing/executing PoWs happens because the group torturing the PoWs because they want to instill fear into the opposing army and cause them to panic or desert.

Serial killers kill because they get joy from killing people.

9/11 happened because al-Qaeda wanted to drag the US into an extremely costly war.

And yes, Iran really does hate the US and Israel. But they're doing it because they're trying to appease their local population. It's the same reason that North Korea hates the US and South Korea so much. They want to distract their populace from the dire economic conditions and harsh social conditions they have to endure. Saying that Iran hates the US and Israel simply because Iran is "muh evul" is a retarded claim to make.

Not to mention that there isn't a single person ruling Iran, but it's rather a small group of people exercising total control. Same goes for North Korea. Ayatollah Khamenei is a puppet of the real rulers in the same way that Kim Jong-Un is a puppet of the real rulers.

You still have literally zero evidence of this, you're just spewing out bullshit from your mouth. Get real facts before you start sounding like an idiot.
Links to every article, news article, and pages I've read all pointing towards this conclusion I've reached? Why should I do that when you haven't said anything to counter my arguments other than "hur muh evidence" and "hur muh evulz"? Again, saying that people do things solely for "muh evulz" is uninformed since everyone wants some form of reward for their actions whether it's money, power, or happiness.

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:13:49 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Except you have literally no evidence to support such a retarded claim. Some people really are just evil, and Iran does it because they do hate America and Israel

Torturing/executing PoWs happens because the group torturing the PoWs because they want to instill fear into the opposing army and cause them to panic or desert.

Serial killers kill because they get joy from killing people.

9/11 happened because al-Qaeda wanted to drag the US into an extremely costly war.

And yes, Iran really does hate the US and Israel. But they're doing it because they're trying to appease their local population. It's the same reason that North Korea hates the US and South Korea so much. They want to distract their populace from the dire economic conditions and harsh social conditions they have to endure. Saying that Iran hates the US and Israel simply because Iran is "muh evul" is a retarded claim to make.

Not to mention that there isn't a single person ruling Iran, but it's rather a small group of people exercising total control. Same goes for North Korea. Ayatollah Khamenei is a puppet of the real rulers in the same way that Kim Jong-Un is a puppet of the real rulers.

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:00:22 PM »
They were real, they just don't run the world in some NWO conspiracy theory bullshit.
I mean the NWO "conspiracy bullshit"

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:59:15 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:56:45 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then? Being a sponsor of terrorism isn't something you do for no reason since it has a lot of repercussions.

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:54:10 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:48:17 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

The Flood / Re: 90's thread.
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:45:42 PM »
Enslaving Black people.

God I miss the 1790s.
>not talking about glorious 490 BC

The Flood / Re: 90's thread.
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:45:16 PM »
Yes, the 90's were shit. You're right.

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:44:43 PM »
Prove to me that they are real
I'm not the one with the burden of proof here.

Yes you are, I just asked you for proof. Therefore the burden is on you
No, I'm asking the forum for proof that they're not. And you just tried to derail the original topic by asking for proof that they are. So the burden of proof is still on you.

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:43:24 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:42:16 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.
Yeah, it is a real shame.

I mean, if Dustin just dropped all of the bullshit and stopped his sad attempts to troll a forum that's been milked completely dry he probably could have gotten along quite well. He is a smart chap, but it's a pity it's wasted by some of the crap he liked to pull.
Yeah, Dustin reminds me a good deal of this one person I know in real life. Pretty smart person, but he just pisses it all away on trying to screw around with people and he's probably gonna end up as a loser. Kind of sad to watch the whole thing. Though Dustin doesn't seem like the type who would become a loser.
because he already is
That's not really fair to say since none of us probably have any idea what sorts of things he does in real life. He could be a self-made millionaire for all we know honestly.
he isn't though
he's a loser that projects on the internet whilst crying in his squeaker voice
And again. We don't really know anything about him other than his trolling so why even bother with trying to make judgement about him.
I do though. I've been in a call with him. He has a room full of cats and likes to argue with his mom and sister.
Well, that's an entirely different story then. LOL

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:40:28 PM »
Prove to me that they are real
I'm not the one with the burden of proof here.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:39:49 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.
Yeah, it is a real shame.

I mean, if Dustin just dropped all of the bullshit and stopped his sad attempts to troll a forum that's been milked completely dry he probably could have gotten along quite well. He is a smart chap, but it's a pity it's wasted by some of the crap he liked to pull.
Yeah, Dustin reminds me a good deal of this one person I know in real life. Pretty smart person, but he just pisses it all away on trying to screw around with people and he's probably gonna end up as a loser. Kind of sad to watch the whole thing. Though Dustin doesn't seem like the type who would become a loser.
because he already is
That's not really fair to say since none of us probably have any idea what sorts of things he does in real life. He could be a self-made millionaire for all we know honestly.
he isn't though
he's a loser that projects on the internet whilst crying in his squeaker voice
And again. We don't really know anything about him other than his trolling so why even bother with trying to make judgement about him.

Brain dead means you're dead and there's no coming back, so take 'em off life support. The body may still be functioning because of artificial means or help from the hospital, but the brain is no longer alive.
The OP is more about the baby than the person who's braindead...

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:37:13 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.
Yeah, it is a real shame.

I mean, if Dustin just dropped all of the bullshit and stopped his sad attempts to troll a forum that's been milked completely dry he probably could have gotten along quite well. He is a smart chap, but it's a pity it's wasted by some of the crap he liked to pull.
Yeah, Dustin reminds me a good deal of this one person I know in real life. Pretty smart person, but he just pisses it all away on trying to screw around with people and he's probably gonna end up as a loser. Kind of sad to watch the whole thing. Though Dustin doesn't seem like the type who would become a loser.
because he already is
That's not really fair to say since none of us probably have any idea what sorts of things he does in real life. He could be a self-made millionaire for all we know honestly.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:34:18 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.
Yeah, it is a real shame.

I mean, if Dustin just dropped all of the bullshit and stopped his sad attempts to troll a forum that's been milked completely dry he probably could have gotten along quite well. He is a smart chap, but it's a pity it's wasted by some of the crap he liked to pull.
Yeah, Dustin reminds me a good deal of this one person I know in real life. Pretty smart person, but he just pisses it all away on trying to screw around with people and he's probably gonna end up as a loser. Kind of sad to watch the whole thing. Though Dustin doesn't seem like the type who would become a loser.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:33:07 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.
You still got me!!

The Flood / Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:28:45 PM »
Prove it.

Too early in the pregnancy and the fetus is terminated either way. Mature pregnancies and the mother intends to keep it? Absolutely everything should be done to try to save the infant.

Is this supposed to be a difficult ethical dilemma?
It is in the US at least.

There's a big deal over Euthanasia here since lots of people think that the body should be kept alive for as long as possible for some stupid-ass reasons.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Courage the Cowardly Dog villains
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:37:21 PM »
King Ramses for giving me the worst fucking nightmares ever.
That episode. Oh god.


Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:36:00 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

Serious / Re: Should we allow private prisons?
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:33:55 PM »

Fuck no. Privatization to that degree is fucking cancer.

I don't think Snowden is a traitor. We need more whistleblowers so we can eventually defeat the illuminati.
Kill yourself.
>defending surveillance state
No, shitstain, I'm making fun of him for acting like the illuminati are real.
But they are real.

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:32:03 PM »
Hey, you should come to the US and see how the health care here is!

It's totally privatized, and it's 100% garbage. If you had to trust your well-being to US healthcare, you'd be begging for the NHS within a few months. Cause you either get trash healthcare that only covers a small range of minor things, or you have to pay giant globs of money for good healthcare.

If that's all she has, then she shouldn't even be Chancellor.

How is this a bad thing? Germany doesn't need "grand sweeping reforms" for the sake of it.
Cause Germany's economic state isn't exactly doing outstanding right now. And I'll concede some ground to you here since Merkel's party is definitely conservative, so she doesn't really have any reason to. But either way, what would Merkel's impact be once she leaves office other than "keeping the status-quo". That's not a mark of a great leader, or even a good one.

I highly doubt it. Unless we have another unforeseen economic crash, Germany at the moment is about as bad as its going to get. Unlike Greece and other periphery nations, they didn't have a ridiculous amount of debt when the Recession struck.
Which shouldn't be entirely discounted, and if the case that it hit Germany, the entire EU would collapse. (I know you're having wet dreams about an EU collapse)

Colonialism is bad
In what way? There's a lot of ways you can relate this conflict to colonialism.

I don't think Snowden is a traitor. We need more whistleblowers so we can eventually defeat the illuminati.
Kill yourself.
>defending surveillance state

Yo Meta, thanks for showing me this dank-ass shit. It's almost as if you made this thread just for me!!

I'll be sure to check this statue out sometime.

And Snowden and Assange are heroes. Manning's just kind of crazy, but they all had good intentions.

« on: May 01, 2015, 05:11:13 AM »
Challenger wasn't banned for outing anyone. He was banned for his posts in Serious. As it clearly states in the rules, moderation is stricter in the Serious board. It's the board for proper debates and civil discussions on certain serious topics, so the treshold for bullshit and personal attacks is lower there. If you look at the rules, you'll see that every severe warning you receive in Serious gets marked with a tag. If you have one of those tagged warnings in your recent history and break the rules again, you're getting an instant ban. I'm not the one who banned him but looking at Challenger's history, it's pretty clear he already had several prior tagged warnings and bans.

Either way, I believe his ban wears off later today.

Yet, I still see personal insults thrown around in serious a lot. Two of which were directed at me in my short time being back.
Did you report them?

One of them, though, is that really even crucial? Given the low activity moderation should be a breeze.
While activity sometimes drops, this place still has an average of 2400+ posts a day. That's 2400 posts for 7 mods, all with busy schedules, personal lives and differing time zones. We catch a lot, but not everything. So if you think something breaks the rules, then you should definitely report it.
You serious!?

Where the fuck do you get the posts per day from? That'd be literal holy water for my statistics-gathering.

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