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The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:28:07 AM »
I never understood what people got out of spreading lies about false achievements of their to others.

Unless, say, the person was running away from the IRGC or something of the sort and trying to hide his tracks.......
What on Earth are you talking about? Do you have autism?

If you have something to say about me, say it outright. I'm not James Bond bro, I'm not "on the run" from any organization of any type. And I've never lied about achievements, in fact I've never talked about any of my achievements here.

And if somebody was actually on the run from the IRG, they wouldn't fuck around posting on a forum. They'd be, you know, on the run from a group of murderers who have killed people worldwide.

How you come up with these fantastical stories about me I have no idea.
Relax, I'm just making a joke. Calm down.
It really isn't funny though, because it's quite obvious you spread rumors about me to people in PM's. That much can be gathered from these cringy posts you make about me and the people who like them.

You don't know me, so don't act like you do. And don't talk about me to other people telling complete lies and saying shit like "oh I'd give more detail but I don't want a 30 day ban". I've never told you it anybody a damn thing about me or my family, so you have no details to give my friend. Hop off my dick.

Well, if you think that, you're paranoid as fuck then. What could I possibly gain by spreading rumors about you to people on PM? Think about it.
Oh please. It couldn't be more obvious.

You've taken this creepy interest in me and you'd randomly send me messages asking for information about me. I was going to block you already for that, the meatspin you sent was just a good reason to hurry up and do it.

I don't see how you take wanting to know more about somebody for the sake of it all the way to sending rumors via PM. And also, you didn't explain the why.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:23:52 AM »
I never understood what people got out of spreading lies about false achievements of their to others.

Unless, say, the person was running away from the IRGC or something of the sort and trying to hide his tracks.......
What on Earth are you talking about? Do you have autism?

If you have something to say about me, say it outright. I'm not James Bond bro, I'm not "on the run" from any organization of any type. And I've never lied about achievements, in fact I've never talked about any of my achievements here.

And if somebody was actually on the run from the IRG, they wouldn't fuck around posting on a forum. They'd be, you know, on the run from a group of murderers who have killed people worldwide.

How you come up with these fantastical stories about me I have no idea.
Relax, I'm just making a joke. Calm down.
It really isn't funny though, because it's quite obvious you spread rumors about me to people in PM's. That much can be gathered from these cringy posts you make about me and the people who like them.

You don't know me, so don't act like you do. And don't talk about me to other people telling complete lies and saying shit like "oh I'd give more detail but I don't want a 30 day ban". I've never told you it anybody a damn thing about me or my family, so you have no details to give my friend. Hop off my dick.

Well, if you think that, you're paranoid as fuck then. What could I possibly gain by spreading rumors about you to people on PM? Think about it.

The Flood / Re: Megalodon
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:22:14 AM »
I'm assuming it's extinct. Ocean waters have grown too cold and the thing is too large to realisticly sustain itself on currently living ocean creatures. And if it would still exist, I think we would've seen some traces of it at this point.

I saw it on TV! And it was fighting a gigantic octopus of unrealistic proportions.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:18:22 AM »
I never understood what people got out of spreading lies about false achievements of their to others.

Unless, say, the person was running away from the IRGC or something of the sort and trying to hide his tracks.......
What on Earth are you talking about? Do you have autism?

If you have something to say about me, say it outright. I'm not James Bond bro, I'm not "on the run" from any organization of any type. And I've never lied about achievements, in fact I've never talked about any of my achievements here.

And if somebody was actually on the run from the IRG, they wouldn't fuck around posting on a forum. They'd be, you know, on the run from a group of murderers who have killed people worldwide.

How you come up with these fantastical stories about me I have no idea.
Relax, I'm just making a joke. Calm down.

I can't really see any unless you're operating a country that is extremely small geographically. Centralization is not good.
I dunno. It could be more effective in countries with significant ethnic tensions, since making a country with ethnic tensions would likely further divide the ethnic groups in conflict.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:09:40 AM »
Dustbin and Cam both get blacklisted. Today is a good day.
Cam got blacklisted yesterday technically. Cam is perma'd, and I have no idea how long Dustin's gone for.

Also perma'd unless cheat decides otherwise.
About damn time.

God you guys are slow to cut toxic people out of the community.
Eh, he wasn't that bad. So many users fell for his bait though.
That guy is the epitome of the beta virgin stereotype. He's like Roman Gladiator, but projects all day long and harasses people to try and feel better about himself.

I'd rather Kiyo was a mod again than having Dustin or anybody like Dustin here.
I never understood what people got out of spreading lies about false achievements of their to others.

Unless, say, the person was running away from the IRGC or something of the sort and trying to hide his tracks.......

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:06:33 AM »
YAAY!!! Dustbin is back on the Blacklist! =^.^=
Not really seeing what's so bad about that. He was a troll, and apparently a complete loser. But I don't see how that makes him such a cancerous person here. This place is already cancer.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:03:06 AM »
Dustbin and Cam both get blacklisted. Today is a good day.
Cam got blacklisted yesterday technically. Cam is perma'd, and I have no idea how long Dustin's gone for.

Also perma'd unless cheat decides otherwise.
About damn time.

God you guys are slow to cut toxic people out of the community.
Eh, he wasn't that bad. So many users fell for his bait though.

The Flood / Re: Megalodon
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:02:03 AM »
Nope. It still exists, and it's right in San Francisco!!!!

The Flood / Re: Wanna see something truly horrific?
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:48:21 AM »
Pet leeches.


Once again, I misread prom as porn.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Trap Music.
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:45:25 AM »

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:33:53 AM »
The Illuminaty is rea-

*gets sniped*
Coup is th-

*gets sniped*

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:23:06 AM »
Moving this to The Flood until you can make an OP with more than two words in it. Link sources or make an argument.
ayy wtf Cheat

Unitary states honestly seem worse in every way to Federal states unless somebody would like to convince me otherwise?

For some strange reason, most of the democracies in the world tend to be Unitary states, so there has to be something right about them over Federal states.

And for those of you who don't know, Unitary states are countries whose national Government makes all binding decisions. So countries like Greece, UK, and France are examples of Unitary states. While Federal states are countries who have both regional and national Governments who each have a set amount of power in making binding decisions. Countries like the US, Canada, and Germany are examples of Federal states.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:13:41 AM »
Dustbin and Cam both get blacklisted. Today is a good day.
Cam got blacklisted yesterday technically. Cam is perma'd, and I have no idea how long Dustin's gone for.

Gaming / Re: give me a rating on my next pc build.
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:35:01 PM »
How much is it gonna cost in total?

« on: May 02, 2015, 09:36:42 PM »
People should stop challenging eachother to final duels since I already have final duels trademarked. What think you?

Septagon / Re: I Want MY Special Treatment
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:29:53 PM »
Isn't the person supposedly receiving special treatment banned?

Not anymore, and they also weren't here to complain about that thread, either. I've spoken with them, and they made it clear they were done with this site for mistreating them, and I can't blame them.
She's still banned for 4 days.

Cheat told me different. Another problem with this site, you get a different story from every mod.
Well then he didn't check how long she had left, not every mod is going to be counting the days for every ban.
Actually Yu, the user's posts have been visible for the past couple of days.
During a blacklist the posts are supposed to be blocked like Cam's above, but they aren't, indicating that the user isn't banned anymore
Slash appealed and asked to be able to see the forum, so I made his and Noelle's ban the lesser version that allows them to read posts. Both are still banned.
Do you think that S\ash and Noelle will actually return to Sep7agon once their bans are over, since 1 month is still a long time to be gone. Like, Noelle's ban is just halfway done now, and it feels like she never existed to begin with.
She has 3 days left.
Oh shit, really? I saw that her last post was on the 17th or something like that. Damn. Do you think she'll actually return?

That is a fucking joke. A tiny limit unless you want to pay 200 dollars?

That's total bullshit.

Septagon / Re: I Want MY Special Treatment
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:18:58 PM »
Isn't the person supposedly receiving special treatment banned?

Not anymore, and they also weren't here to complain about that thread, either. I've spoken with them, and they made it clear they were done with this site for mistreating them, and I can't blame them.
She's still banned for 4 days.

Cheat told me different. Another problem with this site, you get a different story from every mod.
Well then he didn't check how long she had left, not every mod is going to be counting the days for every ban.
Actually Yu, the user's posts have been visible for the past couple of days.
During a blacklist the posts are supposed to be blocked like Cam's above, but they aren't, indicating that the user isn't banned anymore
Slash appealed and asked to be able to see the forum, so I made his and Noelle's ban the lesser version that allows them to read posts. Both are still banned.
Do you think that S\ash and Noelle will actually return to Sep7agon once their bans are over, since 1 month is still a long time to be gone. Like, Noelle's ban is just halfway done now, and it feels like she never existed to begin with.

The Flood / Re: That didn't take long.
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:10:22 PM »
Now if only Kiyo could join him.
What's so bad about Kiyo?

For starters, he's Kiyo.
Not really answering the question there. >___>
If you knew Kiyo it was a perfectly valid answer.
I see. I guess I'll figure it out one way or another.

It works because your evil regime is less evil than the evil  regime that your citizens think you're fighting.
Which makes sense, since many of these authoritarian states even admit to their populations that they're more authoritarian than they should be. Which in itself could be another card they play.

The Flood / Re: That didn't take long.
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:06:52 PM »
Now if only Kiyo could join him.
What's so bad about Kiyo?

For starters, he's Kiyo.
Not really answering the question there. >___>

The Flood / Re: That didn't take long.
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:02:15 PM »
Now if only Kiyo could join him.
What's so bad about Kiyo?


I am talking about what tactics highly Authoritarian countries and rogue states use to keep their population docile and prevent them from rebelling against their regime.

Something I have noticed in common with nearly every major Authoritarian country (Russia, Uzbekistan, Syria, Iran, Eritrea, Sudan, North Korea off the top of my head) is that they always say that they're constantly at work at fighting an external enemy of some sort, and their rule is legitimized based on those claims. Let's take a look at who these countries/factions are "resisting"

Russia claims to be fighting against the US. Uzbekistan claims to be fighting against Islamic Extremism. Syria/Iran claim to be fighting against Israel. Eritrea claims to be fighting against Ethiopia. Sudan claims to be fighting the West. And North Korea claims to be fighting the US and South Korea.

With all of these countries mentioned aside from Uzbekistan, the country in question claims to be resisting another country of equal or greater strength.

So this is all leading into my real question... why is claiming to be resisting against a foreign power of equal or greater strength so effective at keeping the population you're ruling over largely docile?

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:46:11 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Except you have literally no evidence to support such a retarded claim. Some people really are just evil, and Iran does it because they do hate America and Israel

Torturing/executing PoWs happens because the group torturing the PoWs because they want to instill fear into the opposing army and cause them to panic or desert.

Serial killers kill because they get joy from killing people.

9/11 happened because al-Qaeda wanted to drag the US into an extremely costly war.

And yes, Iran really does hate the US and Israel. But they're doing it because they're trying to appease their local population. It's the same reason that North Korea hates the US and South Korea so much. They want to distract their populace from the dire economic conditions and harsh social conditions they have to endure. Saying that Iran hates the US and Israel simply because Iran is "muh evul" is a retarded claim to make.

Not to mention that there isn't a single person ruling Iran, but it's rather a small group of people exercising total control. Same goes for North Korea. Ayatollah Khamenei is a puppet of the real rulers in the same way that Kim Jong-Un is a puppet of the real rulers.

You still have literally zero evidence of this, you're just spewing out bullshit from your mouth. Get real facts before you start sounding like an idiot.
Links to every article, news article, and pages I've read all pointing towards this conclusion I've reached? Why should I do that when you haven't said anything to counter my arguments other than "hur muh evidence" and "hur muh evulz"? Again, saying that people do things solely for "muh evulz" is uninformed since everyone wants some form of reward for their actions whether it's money, power, or happiness.

The burden of proof is on you to show why you're right, I'm not going to do your research for you.
You see, it's like a puzzle. I've had to read hundreds of articles to reach my conclusion. I guess I'll just throw some token articles your way just to appease you like how Iran appeases their people with their Axis of Resistance..

Unfortunately, not many articles I can find have flat-out said that Iran is run by the IRGC or that Iran's Axis of Resistance is primarily motivated by the desire to please the Iranian people. But they are the most logical conclusions that can be reached with the information that's out there right now. But there are numerous parallels between authoritarian states and how they're run, and Iran/North Korea are two very similar ones once you look down deeper.

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