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Messages - Varg-Vikernes

Pages: 12
The Flood / Good morning friends.
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:20:10 PM »



The Flood / Re: Keep Norway pure.
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:31:34 AM »
You mite be overreacting a little bit, mate'.
I respect your music, but homosexuality is a plague on society. Until you realize you have been brainwashed by the Zionist pigs, you will not be welcome in my threads.

The Flood / Re: Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding,
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:05:04 AM »
Where they should be, if they step foot on European soil.

The Flood / Re: Keep Norway pure.
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:00:38 AM »
I admire your passion for music and culture Mr.Vikernes, When I tour to Norway, we should write together.
Keep the Zionist record companies out and we'll talk.

The Flood / Re: Keep Norway pure.
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:59:18 AM »
Go burn a church you fascist fuck.
Get out of here, Fenriz

The Flood / Re: Keep Norway pure.
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:58:56 AM »

The Flood / Re: You're all faggots
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:58:01 AM »
Homosexuality is a disease, plaguing the blood of the Aryan race.

The Flood / Does anyone here play Dungeons and Dragons?
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:57:07 AM »
I'm a huge fan of RPG's. I made my own, in fact.

The Flood / Keep Norway pure.
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:51:35 AM »
Dilution of the Norse-Germanic philosophy of life – or religion if you like – is one thing, but just a part of the reason for my racism. It is not just our philosophy of life that is threatened, but our very race as well; our culture, the distinctive characteristics of our race and our peoples (i.e. the European peoples). In short everything that is ours. The spiritual Black Death (i.e. Judeo-Christianity) is a threat to our spiritual life and to our mental health. When this plague has destroyed our Germanic spirit the way is open for the destruction of the rest of our race. Not that they intend to murder every single one of us, but they intend to murder our race through interbreeding and degeneration. The latter they do with unhealthy lifestyle and through forcing "humanistic" views unto everybody. An example is slogans like "every human is valuable", or "everybody's value is the same". Of course modern medicine has a role in this as well. Sick and degenerated individuals are kept alive at any cost, there is no "natural selection" like it used to be, or any race hygiene to see to it that our race do not degenerate.

Our society is built up so that the immoral thrive, so that the cynical thrive, so that the greedy thrive. That is the "strongest" in our society. You have to be willing to lie, cheat, backstab others, pretend, and so on to get anywhere in our world. This leads to what they call "individualism". Also everything is measured after its value in hard cash.

Individualism is all fine, however only one type of individualism. The "advanced" world we live in have a tendency so over-simplify everything – of course because of their "humanism" and their "humanistic" and "caring" will to make comprehensible for the retarded idiots they breed as well. Instead of saying "positive individualism" (i.e. artistic creativity, courage, initiative, the ability to lead others, inventiveness etc) and "negative individualism" (i.e. egoism, the strong desire to only care for what is best for oneself etc) they just say individualism. This means that they let negative individualism thrive as well, if not exclusively.

All this is interconnected; the Judeo-Christianity, Capitalism, Humanism, Communism, and so on. All these things just play a part in the great game of the Zionists.

The only real threat against their regime is our Aryan (i. e. European) race. It is the pureness of our blood that resist the Zionist forces. I talk so much about our Gods and Goddesses simply because our pure nature is a result of them, and they are the result of our pure blood. Our philosophies have their origin in us, our nature, and to eradicate them they need to destroy they pureness of our blood. That as well is interconnected; our pure blood and our philosophies, our culture, our nature, our cosmology; everything that is ours. The pureness of our race is the last obstacle in the way for Zionist world- hegemony. Dilution of our 'religion' is thus the same as dilution of our blood, to put it that way, l"nis means that fighting for OUR culture, OUR philosophies, OUR art and so on, is the same as fighting for OUR race, OUR blood and OUR peoples! A flower need its leaves to survive, just as much as it needs its flowers, its stalk and its roots. Now we have nothing but our roots left, and to save them is alpha-omega to our survival. It's racism alright, but so what? I care more for the survival of nature – be that human or Mother Earth's nature – than I care about what some mentally confused, traitor, Judeo-Christian Capitalist pigs say about me.

Pages: 12