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Messages - Skaterloo

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 13
The Flood / Re: What instruments do you play?
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:52:14 PM »

The Flood / Re: What instruments do you play?
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:47:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: What instruments do you play?
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:41:42 PM »
I blow a mean piece of brass (dick)

The Flood / Re: Brony poll
« on: December 17, 2014, 06:10:59 PM »

Why don't you losers just fucking text or something, nobody wants to see this shit

I'm just as non existent on this site than IRL. How depressing :I

Is this really RC arguing with himself or RC arguing with a friend of his in RL.
i'm not a brony.
How did you make a connection of you being a brony and talking to me IRL?

Why don't you losers just fucking text or something, nobody wants to see this shit
You're mentally retarded

The Flood / Re: God tier sodas
« on: December 16, 2014, 10:10:49 PM »
Dr. Pepper is god tier

jus fuck already
I'm trying to ease it in
we both know i'd top you god damn faggot
I would never bottom nigger, submission is for gay people
exactly. you're a faggot, so you'd submit.
You misconstrued my words so badly I literally feel sorry for you.
You forgot clopper, fruitloop

jus fuck already
I'm trying to ease it in
we both know i'd top you god damn faggot
I would never bottom nigger, submission is for gay people
exactly. you're a faggot, so you'd submit.
You misconstrued my words so badly I literally feel sorry for you.

jus fuck already
I'm trying to ease it in
we both know i'd top you god damn faggot
I would never bottom nigger, submission is for gay people

oh my god rc stop bringing your weird real life brony boyfriends to this site
ikr he wants my dick soooo bad but i just wont give it to him
I wanna suck the cock of the horse that lives in front of his house
fucking disgusting
Absolutely Haram
I very sorry, English is no my first language
i'm aware you fucking spic.
Have fun living life knowing a spic did better on you at a math test. And you wanna major in math kek

oh my god rc stop bringing your weird real life brony boyfriends to this site
ikr he wants my dick soooo bad but i just wont give it to him
I wanna suck the cock of the horse that lives in front of his house
fucking disgusting
Absolutely Haram
I very sorry, English is no my first language

oh my god rc stop bringing your weird real life brony boyfriends to this site
ikr he wants my dick soooo bad but i just wont give it to him
I wanna suck the cock of the horse that lives in front of his house
fucking disgusting
Absolutely Haram

oh my god rc stop bringing your weird real life brony boyfriends to this site
ikr he wants my dick soooo bad but i just wont give it to him
I wanna suck the cock of the horse that lives in front of his house

oh my god rc stop bringing your weird real life brony boyfriends to this site
This site needs me :^)

was he too busy sucking dick to do his test
He was too busy going for what he can't grab (a dick).


The Flood / Re: argentina should be nuked
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:44:30 PM »
Did you only make this thread because I'm Argentinian?

The Flood / Re: how did ember get blacklisted?
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:33:40 PM »
I missed all the action, god fucking damn.

The Flood / Re: How smart do you think I am?
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:10:52 PM »
I think you're smarticles

You are like, the only decent person on this site, I never remember you creating any sort of drama or bullshit, you're hitting yourself too hard.

The Flood / Re: I literally had to teach myself during a final
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:39:17 PM »
That's kinda how finals work. You teach yourself material :I

The Flood / Re: How smart do you think I am?
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:32:12 PM »
I'd have to rank you low because you can't spell Ebonics :I

That was the point LOL
It is I who is the stupid one *kills self*

I had to *sniffles* :'(

The Flood / Re: How smart do you think I am?
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:30:49 PM »
I'd have to rank you low because you can't spell Ebonics :I

That was the point LOL
It is I who is the stupid one *kills self*

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