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Messages - Splendid Dust

Pages: 12
Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 04:36:08 PM »
From watching Ninja's stream yesterday.

Sprint needs to go.
Clamber needs to go.

Everything else I've seen looks decent. The game has some potential.
Sprint can stay. It just needs to be nerfed to hell and back so it's only useful at the beginning of the match/spawn. (I know you disagree).

Well of course I disagree. If you have to nerf something into the ground for it to be acceptable, what the fuck is the point of having it anyway?
You have it because it makes the player feel empowered.

Cool Buzzword M80
You want to tell that to my professor, and the Game Design department at my school?

I'd love too!

 Although, I'm sure they know it's a buzzword too, so It'd be a pointless gesture 

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:46:16 PM »
From watching Ninja's stream yesterday.

Sprint needs to go.
Clamber needs to go.

Everything else I've seen looks decent. The game has some potential.
Sprint can stay. It just needs to be nerfed to hell and back so it's only useful at the beginning of the match/spawn. (I know you disagree).

Well of course I disagree. If you have to nerf something into the ground for it to be acceptable, what the fuck is the point of having it anyway?
You have it because it makes the player feel empowered.

Cool Buzzword M80

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:14:56 PM »
. All of the outsourced work was amazing.


A) didn't know it was outsourced
B) I dont know what te UI is like

Pretty much everything in the game has been outsourced to hell and back, aside from the OT games. I don't think 343i actually made a single part of the "new" content

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 02:48:46 PM »
. All of the outsourced work was amazing.


Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 11, 2014, 04:36:43 PM »
•Halo 3 is my favorite in the franchise. My order of best to worst Halo games' campaigns are: H3>CE>ODST>H2>Reach>H4>Wars.

I don't really see how this is an unpopular opinion...
Cause Halo 3's campaign doesn't get good until The Ark

It's not an opinion I particularly agree with, but to say that thinking Halo 3's campaign is the best is "Unpopular" is just plain wrong

Although it does tend to be the unpopular opinion in some niche circles I guess...

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 11, 2014, 02:38:25 PM »
•Halo 3 is my favorite in the franchise. My order of best to worst Halo games' campaigns are: H3>CE>ODST>H2>Reach>H4>Wars.

I don't really see how this is an unpopular opinion...

Gaming / Re: Destiny's The Dark Below impressions.
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:23:33 PM »

Haven't tried the strike but I'm at Crota the Final boss.

You literally can't beat him because of the level jump. You need a level 31.
Is he just a really big Knight? Or does he actually have different attacks?

He's a badass looking knight but the fight is hard as fuck. At least, the strategy we used to get him to half health, our most successful, was tough. It requires perfect execution multiple times.

Crota himself doesn't do much. He has a "talk to the hand" attack where he lifts his hand and fires giant arc blasts. He also sprints down a path at you, like full force sprints and wacks you in the face. But there are multiple places you can stand and not worry about him.

If anyone dies he summons an "oversoul" that kills everyone if you don't destroy this giant green sun.

You have to battle ogres and beefy sword knights because picking up their swords and attacking crota is the only way to damage him. But only one person has the sword, the rest shoot him to drop his shields.

I'm a little confused here

I thought at the end of the story missions you pretty much destroy Crota when he's sleeping in that green crystal thing with the wizards and stuff, so how the hell is he at the end of the raid, especially when the raid can be done prior to even killing the guy

But anyway, while it isn't worth the steep price, TDB shows Bungie have learnt something from vanilla Destiny

The way I think of it...the crystal was him trying to invade Earth with his soul, and you stopped that. The raid is actually killing him. The raid being do-able prior was just for people going for the worlds first

I think the DLC needed like 2 more missions though

How does the raid itself compare to the VoG anyway? I know the first section is a dark room full of Thralls and all, but what happens after that?

Gaming / Re: Destiny's The Dark Below impressions.
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:23:53 PM »
Haven't tried the strike but I'm at Crota the Final boss.

You literally can't beat him because of the level jump. You need a level 31.
Is he just a really big Knight? Or does he actually have different attacks?

He's a badass looking knight but the fight is hard as fuck. At least, the strategy we used to get him to half health, our most successful, was tough. It requires perfect execution multiple times.

Crota himself doesn't do much. He has a "talk to the hand" attack where he lifts his hand and fires giant arc blasts. He also sprints down a path at you, like full force sprints and wacks you in the face. But there are multiple places you can stand and not worry about him.

If anyone dies he summons an "oversoul" that kills everyone if you don't destroy this giant green sun.

You have to battle ogres and beefy sword knights because picking up their swords and attacking crota is the only way to damage him. But only one person has the sword, the rest shoot him to drop his shields.

I'm a little confused here

I thought at the end of the story missions you pretty much destroy Crota when he's sleeping in that green crystal thing with the wizards and stuff, so how the hell is he at the end of the raid, especially when the raid can be done prior to even killing the guy

But anyway, while it isn't worth the steep price, TDB shows Bungie have learnt something from vanilla Destiny

Gaming / Re: Destiny Fireteam
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:47:24 AM »
wat class u gonna bee?

Gaming / Re: Destiny DLC first mission is three minutes long
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:55:16 PM »
I did everything but the raid in two hours, then got to the final boss of the raid in a few more.
Really not much content...

How's the story? And is Crota just a shitty Knight clone?
The story is slightly better than the original game, but still pretty shit relative to other games. They explained things slightly better, at least I know why I'm going to kill Crota, compared to the Vault of Glass where it's just go and kill evil Vex.

The mechanic to killing him is different, he looks pretty great, but it's still just a big knight, although a much cooler one.

You take down his shields normally, shoot it with guns, but he is immune to guns once his shield is down. To kill him you need to get a sword for a special knight, and when his shield is down, one person hits him with the sword. Few other relevant mechanics to the fight, but that's how you kill him. It's actually quite difficult as well.

What even is the story? Anything new about the Traveler or Darkness?
I wish, that would be interesting.

Crota is building an army on the Moon to take over Earth, 6 guardians went to try and defeat Crota, but all but one died, Eris. Eris hid in tunnels under the Moon until should could find someone strong enough to kill him, you!
Not great to be honest, the Vault of Glass story is more interesting.
So, the story missions are you just slowing him down and then going on the raid to kill him?


I swear, the Traveler might as well not even be in the game...
Yep, there was a mission based on Rasputin, the warmind, which again, would be really interesting, but it's just a "protect him from bad guys" mission, you learn literally nothing else about him.
The hell is he up to?

Defending Earth from Xeno Scum

Gaming / Re: Destiny DLC first mission is three minutes long
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:36:02 PM »
I did everything but the raid in two hours, then got to the final boss of the raid in a few more.
Really not much content...

 And is Crota just a shitty Knight clone?

look for yourself...

Gaming / Re: More Battlefield 4 content on the way
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:22:34 PM »

>People not asking for 1942, 2, or 2142 maps

>People wanting perfectly good maps to be ruined by BF4

Gaming / Re: Gaming computer
« on: December 06, 2014, 11:15:13 AM »

Don't forget the LED lights and Stickers. Each one makes the rig faster

Gaming / Re: So this is what modern Battlefield fans are into
« on: December 04, 2014, 01:48:44 PM »
Why do they just keep running into the hallway?

IDK, a lot of people seem to be hating on the map design though so it might just be the map itself or something

It's the shitty map design that leads to Metro being like it is. It's all CQC and there's never any way to go but directly straight towards the next flag and with no flanking routes, it just turns into that video at B flag.

Metro is passable with 12 v 12, but anything else just becomes a clusterfuck

Gaming / Re: So this is what modern Battlefield fans are into
« on: December 04, 2014, 01:38:53 PM »
Why do they just keep running into the hallway?

It's Operation Metro

Those people have no choice but to run into the hallway

Gaming / Re: ITT: Games that were never released
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:27:50 AM »
Halo 5

Really? I'm still waiting for Halo 4 over here

Gaming / Re: An hour worth of H5 beta gameplay
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:25:24 AM »
I've been trying to keep an open mind on the gameplay so far, but everything is is just horrible, from those bloody hitmarker and shield indicator sounds, 343i's aesthetic direction, the voices to that horrible "SPARTAN IVS FUCK YEAH" thing they've got going on

It's just...ugh

Gaming / Re: PlayStation 20th Anniversary PS4 announced
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:45:57 PM »
That actually looks pretty damn cool. Too bad Microsoft has done this already :p

It's not a pissing competition you know.
And what MS did for the 10 year anniversary of Xbox is irrelevant to the 20th anniversary of PlayStation.

You're forgetting that everything has to be a pissing contest nowadays

Gaming / Re: PlayStation 20th Anniversary PS4 announced
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:35:59 AM »
The 20th anniversary of having no gaems?

Gaming / Re: ClapTrap FTW
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:19:22 PM »
This would be more relevant if the first image ever happened.
It did.
Guilty Spark wasn't in Halo 4, you dunce.
Whatever retard made the picture used H4 Chief for a H3 scenario, for whatever reason.
That didn't happen in Halo 3 and that panel is from the Pillar of Autumn in Halo CE.
But Halo CE isn't canon
lol noelle

But CE (and Halo 2) aren't canon. They lack core Halo concepts like random BR spread and bad writing

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3
« on: December 02, 2014, 01:17:56 PM »
It's a good game. Just pretend it is in no way connected to fallout lore and you'll be fine.

Fallout 3's problems do not start with the lore and they do not end with the lore

Gaming / Re: Rate my team (pokemon)
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:21:39 AM »
What's the format then? I'm guessing that it's 3v3 singles based on the sets (In which case you should go bitch and moan until they change it to VGC2014) so I can't really help .

I don't even know. It's the most disorganized shit ever. Multiple people and I have tried contracting the group running it about the rules and they aren't answering.

I have no idea then :/ I would assume it's going to be Smogon OU, considering the number of people who seem to think that it's the rules

Or it's no rules at all and you get fucked over by a guy and his Rayquayquay :^)

Gaming / Re: Worst Publisher of 2014
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:04:17 AM »
My favourite AC game is III

Are you telling me you don't like crafting furniture?

Gaming / Re: Rate my team (pokemon)
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:52:06 AM »
What's the format then? I'm guessing that it's 3v3 singles based on the sets (In which case you should go bitch and moan until they change it to VGC2014) so I can't really help .

Gaming / Re: Will Microsoft ever go handheld?
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:55:32 PM »
PSVita is great if you're really into weebshit, otherwise it's not really worth it

Gaming / Re: Worst Publisher of 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:51:52 PM »
Ubisoft has just been one disaster after another this year, what with Watch_Dogs and Unity
And from what I hear, The Crew may be yet another nail in that coffin.

Dunno much about The Crew really, but I'm guessing we'll find out tomorrow.

Gaming / Re: Worst Publisher of 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:46:14 PM »
Ubisoft has just been one disaster after another this year, what with Watch_Dogs and Unity

Gaming / Re: Top ten reasons why Todd Howard is a piece of shit
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:30:31 PM »
>implying Morrowind is good
You think Skyrim isn't  a shallow casualised RPG and has a good story and side quests that aren't copy/pastes going through copy/paste caves and dungeons and has combat that isn't just mashing the triggers.

The Dragonborn DLC was the best part of the entire game.

This is coming from a huge Morrowind fanboy, but Skyrim's dungeons themselves were the best the series has ever had. Mostly because of the focus on the use of uniqueness and kitbashing as opposed to Morrowind's and Oblivion's use of warehouse cells for mass copy-pasting.

What made Morrowind's dungeons was the static loot system
Skyrim's dungeons were just a bunch of rooms copypasted together too.
You just didn't notice it as much because they were smaller individual puzzle pieces rather than big cells.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing that it's copypasted, just saying that it's much less copypasted than previous games because of the smaller pieces used to create them, allowing for a greater variety.

But otherwise Morrowind was just far superior to it's successors

Gaming / Re: Top ten reasons why Todd Howard is a piece of shit
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:59:47 PM »
>implying Morrowind is good
You think Skyrim isn't  a shallow casualised RPG and has a good story and side quests that aren't copy/pastes going through copy/paste caves and dungeons and has combat that isn't just mashing the triggers.

The Dragonborn DLC was the best part of the entire game.

This is coming from a huge Morrowind fanboy, but Skyrim's dungeons themselves were the best the series has ever had. Mostly because of the focus on the use of uniqueness and kitbashing as opposed to Morrowind's and Oblivion's use of warehouse cells for mass copy-pasting.

What made Morrowind's dungeons was the static loot system

Pages: 12