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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 293031 3233 ... 212
Gaming / Re: NOOOOOO!
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:01:54 AM »
Microsoft has really dropped the ball with the Xbone. It's some deadly combination of not knowing where to go after the Xbox 360, and some misguided attempt to make it a cable box, or otherwise the 'one' device you'll ever need.

Goddamn, Don Mattrick fucked them up hard.


Do people opposed to the Iraq War not usually argue that Hussein "preserved stability", despite the only stability existing in Iraq was for himself and his crime syndicate of a family? Do people who are anti-Israel not usually excuse the actions of Hamas as what is essentially a response ot colonialism? Do people who tend to be progressive not usually blame the current state of many African countries despite the overwhelming evidence that domestic institutions combined with geography and not foreign intervention are primarily to blame?
Unless you have polls available, I don't see much use in this speculative garbage.

To answer your questions--I don't know, and neither do you. All I know is that some people do, and some people don't. But I've no use for this anecdotal crap where we presume that our personal experiences on the Internet with "people" represent the whole of Western civilization.

If you want to talk about people who do consider the atrocities committed by the west to be more reprehensible--regardless of how widespread that type of thinking is--then okay, fine, go ahead. But I won't hear that it's "most people" without seeing some evidence--and to be honest, that seems rather inconsequential anyway.
This is hilarious coming from you. You always argue a point made with logic goes unnoticed and is treated as wrong because there isn't a poll or statistic backing it up.

We all know what he's saying to be true either way. We've seen countless people who have those opinions say these things and be completely blind to their hypocrisy. All you're doing here is digging yourself a grave when he finds the time come back at you with 5 links proving everything he says.

Who are these people?
"countless people who have these opinions"

It doesn't get any clearer than that.
[citation needed]

The Flood / Re: A New Hope
« on: January 04, 2016, 09:10:36 AM »

star war is a pretty cool guy. eh has eyeborws and doesnt afraid of anything

Serious / Re: should news networks post uncensored gore on TV?
« on: January 04, 2016, 08:51:10 AM »
What about the privacy of the victim?

If I ever got BTFO'd like that, I wouldn't want my broken body shown on international television.

The Flood / Re: Smash is a shitty game
« on: January 04, 2016, 08:45:01 AM »
sol pls



The Flood / Re: Share and type hail Satan
« on: January 04, 2016, 08:28:37 AM »
if you share and type hail satan, you can type your password and it will be automaticallly censored

like this:


The Flood / Re: Thoughts on The Force Awakens?
« on: January 04, 2016, 08:25:04 AM »

My thoughts:

Poe Dameron is bae~

Aside from being so derivative of ANH, I thought it was a very good movie. I feel like it's a bit of a better movie, actually. The villains are more than just faceless villains this time, and in general, it cares a bit more to  stop to catch its breath on the big moments, or otherwise give them more emotional resonance.

The First Order is painted as mostly radical folks, and I'm pretty sure General Hux orgasmed several times during that speech. The planet-busting scene shows the reaction of more than one person, although the film missed a big opportunity by not making Coruscant be one of those planets.

And, of course, the big Han moment. If Georgie's prequels had done their job right, Obi-Wan's death in ANH would have been rectroactively improved, considering we had three movies to care about him, but the moment still kind of falls flat. The Han moment works very, very well in that regard. TFA used its status as a sequel very well to make us care about the people in this galaxy.

The acting was very good, too. It's on-par with, if not better than the acting quality of ESB. Adam Driver and Domhnall Gleeson were especially good in their roles. Kylo Ren feels like the character Anakin should have been, and any lesser actor probably wouldn't have pulled it off.

It's so refreshing to finally have a legitimately good Star Wars movie for once in a very long time.

My only real complaint was the music. It was disappointing. There was nothing that really stood out to me the first time through. It might be time to get one of LucasArts' composers or one of those trailer guys to take up the mantle.  :'(

and he's absolutely right about unfounded generalizations on display here.

Do people opposed to the Iraq War not usually argue that Hussein "preserved stability", despite the only stability existing in Iraq was for himself and his crime syndicate of a family? Do people who are anti-Israel not usually excuse the actions of Hamas as what is essentially a response ot colonialism? Do people who tend to be progressive not usually blame the current state of many African countries despite the overwhelming evidence that domestic institutions combined with geography and not foreign intervention are primarily to blame?
Who is "people"?


Do people opposed to the Iraq War not usually argue that Hussein "preserved stability", despite the only stability existing in Iraq was for himself and his crime syndicate of a family? Do people who are anti-Israel not usually excuse the actions of Hamas as what is essentially a response ot colonialism? Do people who tend to be progressive not usually blame the current state of many African countries despite the overwhelming evidence that domestic institutions combined with geography and not foreign intervention are primarily to blame?
Unless you have polls available, I don't see much use in this speculative garbage.

To answer your questions--I don't know, and neither do you. All I know is that some people do, and some people don't. But I've no use for this anecdotal crap where we presume that our personal experiences on the Internet with "people" represent the whole of Western civilization.

If you want to talk about people who do consider the atrocities committed by the west to be more reprehensible--regardless of how widespread that type of thinking is--then okay, fine, go ahead. But I won't hear that it's "most people" without seeing some evidence--and to be honest, that seems rather inconsequential anyway.
This is hilarious coming from you. You always argue a point made with logic goes unnoticed and is treated as wrong because there isn't a poll or statistic backing it up.

We all know what he's saying to be true either way. We've seen countless people who have those opinions say these things and be completely blind to their hypocrisy. All you're doing here is digging yourself a grave when he finds the time come back at you with 5 links proving everything he says.

Who are these people?

I'm having a difficult time figuring out what's considered a valid answer here.
My point is not unclear.

Westerners talking more about Western atrocities =/= Westerners offering up timid defences of reprehensible foreign regimes.

I'm pretty sure most people see that the two are not equivocal.
I'm pretty sure nobody sees it that way.
. . .

Yeah, that's my point. Verbatim's explanation doesn't account for at least some of the behaviour we see.
I tl;dr'd it

I'm 99% certain his explanation counts for the vast majority of that behavior, and he's absolutely right about unfounded generalizations on display here.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:56:24 PM »
if they were black or muslim the cops would have shot them already
More than likely at least one is black

McNig is a tripfag on /k/ who is associated with the Oathkeeper and Bundy crowd.

It's probably safe to assume he's involved here.
I don't mean civilised black dudes.
You're a bad influence, but yeah pretty much.

I'm having a difficult time figuring out what's considered a valid answer here.
My point is not unclear.

Westerners talking more about Western atrocities =/= Westerners offering up timid defences of reprehensible foreign regimes.

I'm pretty sure most people see that the two are not equivocal.
I'm pretty sure nobody sees it that way.

Um, he gave you the answer...?
No, he didn't. His answer was "Westerners talk about Western things".
Because they do. I can't think of anybody outside the West who actually thinks that way.
I normally don't mind partial quotes, because usually the person doesn't ignore what remained unquoted. This is exactly what you have done. I conceded that, yes, Westerners will talk about Western actions more than non-Western actions (although not by a particularly wide margin, in terms of foreign affairs). What this doesn't account for is Western defence of clearly reprehensible non-Western regimes, when it serves some Westerners agenda of bashing our foreign policy.

Do some of them do it reasonably? Sure. Many do not.
I'm having a difficult time figuring out what's considered a valid answer here. I'll refer to the OP:

everyone shat the bed.
Who is 'everyone'?

The target of your ire seems to be some vaguely defined category of people who talk about the entire world equally and place an undue blame on the West.

In case you haven't figured it out, those people don't exist because humans are stupid creatures. They think about what's relevant to themselves first. Through that narrow worldview, the West does awful stuff. They don't know any better because they're ignorant, or just plain dumb.

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:41:09 PM »
if they were black or muslim the cops would have shot them already
More than likely at least one is black

McNig is a tripfag on /k/ who is associated with the Oathkeeper and Bundy crowd.

It's probably safe to assume he's involved here.
I don't mean white-acting black dudes.

Um, he gave you the answer...?
No, he didn't. His answer was "Westerners talk about Western things".
Because they do. I can't think of anybody outside the West who actually thinks that way.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:32:44 PM »
I've only seen a few war movies. Listing the top 5 would be listing the only ones I've seen >.>

Serious / Re: Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:30:19 PM »
if they were black or muslim the cops would have shot them already

The Flood / Re: A New Hope
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:27:43 PM »
Personal Text:     The world is drunk

They don't find it more reprehensible--they find it more relevant to their lives. "People talk, people talk..." Yeah, and why shouldn't we? We're westerners. Expect westerners to speak about the atrocities that westerners have done.
Except this is a ridiculously stupid way of looking at geopolitical affairs. I don't care if we killed thousands of civilians in Iraq, when the counterfactual is that more civilians would've ultimately been killed had we not invaded. This is exactly what I mean: people considering the actions of the West by either comparing them to unrealistic counterfactuals, which is no way to conduct any kind of policy, or people just not considering the counterfactuals at all and basing their moral judgments on some juvenile deontological premise.

And no, it's not just a case of Westerners talking about the West, not wholly. This cannot explain the utter discrepancy we see in how people judge the Israel-Palestine situation, and it cannot account for the people who so vehemently deride Israel while excusing the atrocities of Hamas as poor oppressed brown people who apparently by virtue of their skin colour have no choice but to be totally reactive agents, and damn the fact that Israeli retaliation has absolutely no predictive power in terms of Palestinian support for Hamas.

And what about the excuses people make for Saddam Hussein? "Oh, well, he kept the country stable". Their definition of stability must be odd, considering it must include the systematic and State-sanctioned murder of 500,000 people.

People do this all the time, including the European establishment when it was utterly passive in the face of Slobodan Milosevic, a genocidal murderer, while the US was militating for NATO to do something. . . And thank God they did. All manner of flaccid defences are brought up in the name of horrible regimes, and the people who make such defences are defined by their timidity and their cowardice in standing up to the evils of the world. It's easy to criticise your own country, especially when it's one which won't hang you for offending the government or torture you for handing out political pamphlets.
Um, he gave you the answer...?

The Flood / Re: slash
« on: January 03, 2016, 10:27:23 PM »
slash is a hairless twink

Deffo my favorite arrangement from the remakes:


would totally like to hear an updated version with better sound and live instruments or something


The Flood / Re: make kupo a ninja
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:34:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: She's perfect, Willis
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:38:50 PM »

Septagon / Re: Can't check likes
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:31:09 PM »
stop slacking

News / Re: Christmas Miracle Anarchy Weekend
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:30:47 PM »

something something bias

something something the West is supposed to know better

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