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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 1 ... 282930 3132 ... 212
The Flood / Re: Sometimes
« on: January 05, 2016, 11:29:00 AM »
nice edge

The Flood / Re: What should I do for my birthday
« on: January 05, 2016, 11:28:23 AM »
get naked

Gaming / Re: sex in games = bad?
« on: January 04, 2016, 09:47:18 PM »
Sex scenes in games, at least the games I've played, are just... bad. Awkward. Not very sexy in real life contexts.

The Flood / Re: I'm a wanted man.
« on: January 04, 2016, 09:18:19 PM »
If you tear down 3 wanted posters in awkward, difficult-to-reach places nobody would actually see them, the rest will disappear and the cops will forget about you forever.

are you fat?
I used to be rather overweight. Not obese, but borderline fat.

I've lost a lot of weight in the past couple of months, though.
oh, good for you

 can I just make this a Meta AMA instead?

some folks say you're obese, but you look pretty normal in the pictures i've seen of you. are you fat?

The Flood / Re: Top 3 best moms
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:19:23 PM »

and he's absolutely right about unfounded generalizations on display here.

Do people opposed to the Iraq War not usually argue that Hussein "preserved stability", despite the only stability existing in Iraq was for himself and his crime syndicate of a family? Do people who are anti-Israel not usually excuse the actions of Hamas as what is essentially a response ot colonialism? Do people who tend to be progressive not usually blame the current state of many African countries despite the overwhelming evidence that domestic institutions combined with geography and not foreign intervention are primarily to blame?
Who is "people"?
It's exactly what I said; the groups of people who tend to hold those views and thus make those (or similar) arguments. I'm not marching around shouting "People say this!", I'm saying "People with these views tend to make these arguments". . .

Which they fucking do.

So, let's take a look:

- How Saddam Hussein Made the Middle East Stable.

- Iraq and Libya were supposedly better off under tyrants.

- Israeli colonialism.

- More Israeli colonialism.

- NYT on, you guessed it, Israeli colonialism.

You know that these kinds of arguments are exactly what is usually being said by people with the views I describe. You yourself, in our debate on Iraq, brought up the "stability" Saddam Hussein brought. It shouldn't be controversial for me to say "people with these views tend to say these things" because every part of the spectrum has different talking points, including my own.

I'm just able to admit it.
Alright, that's a little better. To answer the question in the title, aside from ignorance, well, it's because people are biased. I have to agree here:

Except this is a ridiculously stupid way of looking at geopolitical affairs.


And no, it's not just a case of Westerners talking about the West, not wholly. This cannot explain the utter discrepancy we see in how people judge the [stuff]
You're not wrong here. The unsatisfying truth is that people are biased, emotional, reactionary, irrational dickwads set in their ways. If there's some other answer out there, I haven't thought of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:40:45 PM »
What word comes after quadrilogy, anyway?
"quadrilogy" isn't a thing--it's tetralogy

after that is pentalogy

it's based on greek prefixes, not latin

The Flood / Re: why do people make smiley faces like this :-)
« on: January 04, 2016, 01:39:47 PM »
apparently that's how they're supposed to be done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

old people in particular do it a lot, like my CS professor

Gaming / Re: NOOOOOO!
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:36:02 PM »
But there's multiple franchises versus one franchise. That adds up. Strength in numbers is working in the PS4's favor.
Sales don't really mean anything anyway. All it does is let people on the internet jerk their dick over each other in console war threads.
Sales are important >.>

It doesn't change the fact that the Xbone has both an exclusives problem and an image problem. The 2013 reveal was roughly as bad for the Xbone as E3 2006 was for the PS3.
Not to the consumer they aren't. The only reason consumers should concern themselves with sales is how it benefits them in the form of competition.

The PS4 has just as big of an exclusives problem. 2015 was laughably poor for the PS4. 2015 was easily in MS' favour for exclusives.
Not that that's saying much, though.
What? That's not what I'm saying, or not what I meant, anyway. People buy the consoles with the better exclusives. The PS4 is that console.

Those exclusives add up over the years. PS4 has had better years so far. Thus, PS4 is performing better.

Gaming / Re: NOOOOOO!
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:20:12 PM »
But there's multiple franchises versus one franchise. That adds up. Strength in numbers is working in the PS4's favor.
Sales don't really mean anything anyway. All it does is let people on the internet jerk their dick over each other in console war threads.
Sales are important >.>

It doesn't change the fact that the Xbone has both an exclusives problem and an image problem. The 2013 reveal was roughly as bad for the Xbone as E3 2006 was for the PS3.

Gaming / Re: NOOOOOO!
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:13:13 PM »
but the hype tho
Hype harms otherwise good games because they don't meet the ridiculous expectations

Only the Halo games ever had half as much hype, but that's not saying much. Halo, Forza, and Gears are all dying franchises.
Forza isn't dying.
They don't sell consoles like they used to. The PS4's lineup will.
Any of the PS4's upcoming exclusives, bar Uncharted, don't have any near as much weight as what Halo used to.
They won't sell consoles like Halo did, or even when Halo was passed its prime
But there's multiple franchises versus one franchise. That adds up. Strength in numbers is working in the PS4's favor.

but the hype tho
Hype harms otherwise good games because they don't meet the ridiculous expectations

Only the Halo games ever had half as much hype, but that's not saying much. Halo, Forza, and Gears are all dying franchises.
Forza isn't dying.
They don't sell consoles like they used to. The PS4's lineup will.
Any of the PS4's upcoming exclusives, bar Uncharted, don't have any near as much weight as what Halo used to.
They won't sell consoles like Halo did, or even when Halo was passed its prime

Forza is stronger then ever

Most people in the poll support Israel, too. You didn't even bother to read past the headline.
Most Democrats don't. And it is the left side of the spectrum which is guilty of condemning every act committed by the West but giving everybody else a pass, which is why we're focusing on the people who think this way. Because that's the discussion.
Nice job moving the goalpost. You originally said most of all people felt that way.
LMAO I've always been talking about the left. The right unconditionally support America and view atrocities committed by the government as collateral damage.
You never addressed them as such until it became convenient for you to do so.

If the title of this thread was "why do some people consider the atrocities bla bla bla more reprehensible," then I'd accept that. That's an acceptable subject title. I won't hear that it's most people, because it just isn't.
It is most, though.
[citation needed]
>one issue

Most people in the poll support Israel, too.
You only need one issue. We're discussing how people (specifically those that are left leaning) view atrocities committed by Western countries as more morally reprehensible than those of other countries.

How people feel sorry for Palestinians when they were killing and oppressing Jews long before Israel was created is beyond me, but there you have it. Israel accidentally kills some kids in a war, they're monsters. Palestinians purposefully blow up some kids, it's retaliation to colonialism.

You're going to have to do a LOT better than this if you want to try and deny the facts.
No, this whole discussion was about all of the issues since the OP.

And your own link proved you wrong. 😂
I'm not interested in the whole thread; I haven't even read the OP. I was addressing Verbatim's post.

How did my link prove me wrong when it supports the point I'm making?
Now you're just lying.

If the title of this thread was "why do some people consider the atrocities bla bla bla more reprehensible," then I'd accept that. That's an acceptable subject title. I won't hear that it's most people, because it just isn't.
It is most, though.

The Flood / Re: Panty Sniffing Snippet
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:52:32 AM »
how to know you're gay #421

not understanding the appeal of a panty raid

Steal guys' boxers then?
i wish

Most people in the poll support Israel, too. You didn't even bother to read past the headline.
Most Democrats don't. And it is the left side of the spectrum which is guilty of condemning every act committed by the West but giving everybody else a pass, which is why we're focusing on the people who think this way. Because that's the discussion.
Nice job moving the goalpost. You originally said most of all people felt that way.

If the title of this thread was "why do some people consider the atrocities bla bla bla more reprehensible," then I'd accept that. That's an acceptable subject title. I won't hear that it's most people, because it just isn't.
It is most, though.
[citation needed]
>one issue

Most people in the poll support Israel, too.
You only need one issue. We're discussing how people (specifically those that are left leaning) view atrocities committed by Western countries as more morally reprehensible than those of other countries.

How people feel sorry for Palestinians when they were killing and oppressing Jews long before Israel was created is beyond me, but there you have it. Israel accidentally kills some kids in a war, they're monsters. Palestinians purposefully blow up some kids, it's retaliation to colonialism.

You're going to have to do a LOT better than this if you want to try and deny the facts.
No, this whole discussion was about all of the issues since the OP.

And your own link proved you wrong. 😂

If the title of this thread was "why do some people consider the atrocities bla bla bla more reprehensible," then I'd accept that. That's an acceptable subject title. I won't hear that it's most people, because it just isn't.
It is most, though.
[citation needed]
>one issue
>one demographic

Most people in the poll support Israel, too. You didn't even bother to read past the headline.

The Flood / Re: Panty Sniffing Snippet
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:04:51 AM »
how to know you're gay #421

not understanding the appeal of a panty raid

Is that how you figured it out?
it was one way

How did Maz Kanata get Luke's blue lightsaber?
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

What I've heard on the internet: Only Luke's hand fell to the abyss of Bespin below Cloud City. Because the saber is made of metallic parts, the trash sensors picked it up, some Ugnaught got a hold of it sold it on the black market, passes through the hands of many people, and somehow makes it to Maz.

No. Didn't fall into the gas giant. Fell into the depths of Cloud City, where it was eventually found.
I'm pretty sure there's a glimpse of Luke's hand (with saber) falling to the planet when he's hanging on the antenna, at least in some releases.
Huh, I'll have to watch the differing TESB versions again.
The TFA Visual Dictionary states the saber was salvaged from the industrial depths of Cloud City.
Wait, when you put it that way, I don't think there's a conflict here.

Cloud City is a mining facility on a gas planet. The 'industrial depths' of such a place would be the surface, or at least very far down.

The Flood / Re: Panty Sniffing Snippet
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:57:41 AM »
how to know you're gay #421

not understanding the appeal of a panty raid

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:46:19 AM »
What word comes after quadrilogy, anyway?

Gaming / Re: NOOOOOO!
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:44:46 AM »
Microsoft has really dropped the ball with the Xbone. It's some deadly combination of not knowing where to go after the Xbox 360, and some misguided attempt to make it a cable box, or otherwise the 'one' device you'll ever need.

Goddamn, Don Mattrick fucked them up hard.
Is it still 2013?
Based Phil Spencer turned the entire thing around as soon as he was made head of Xbox.

The console's UI still sucks more dick than I do, and there's still a big hole where all their exclusives should be. They were still banking on a new Halo turning things around, and well, it hasn't. It doesn't help that they botched this Halo game too--you can't even play Forge or customs offline, the game's own UI sucks, and the campaign was a dud. It's not good news either when major features are left out for future updates, in a convoluted scheme of keeping players around for the long haul, with the ultimate(ly obvious) goal of not repeating Halo 4's and MCC's infamous, devastating player count dropoffs.

I can't think of too many Xbone exclusives getting the kind of hype received by No Man's Sky or The Last Guardian. PS4 also has Infamous: Second Son, Driveclub, Bloodborne; Xbone has Forza, MCC but no one plays it anymore, Gears of War HD that nobody asked for...?

The Xbone lineup is pitiful. Phil Spencer seems to know what's up more than anyone else at MS, but he still has a ways to go.
NMS isn't exclusive. TLG is in the HL3 situation. It's never going to meet the stupidly high expectations that people have built up since 2009, and will ultimately fail.
Infamous was average at best.
Driveclub was a disaster.

Sony's exclusives haven't been anything to shout from the rooftops about.
They've been more disappointing than the Xbone's, especially 2015, tbh.
but the hype tho

Only the Halo games ever had half as much hype, but that's not saying much. Halo, Forza, and Gears are all dying franchises. They don't sell consoles like they used to. The PS4's lineup will.

If the title of this thread was "why do some people consider the atrocities bla bla bla more reprehensible," then I'd accept that. That's an acceptable subject title. I won't hear that it's most people, because it just isn't.
It is most, though.
[citation needed]

Gaming / Re: NOOOOOO!
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:27:45 AM »
Microsoft has really dropped the ball with the Xbone. It's some deadly combination of not knowing where to go after the Xbox 360, and some misguided attempt to make it a cable box, or otherwise the 'one' device you'll ever need.

Goddamn, Don Mattrick fucked them up hard.
Is it still 2013?
Based Phil Spencer turned the entire thing around as soon as he was made head of Xbox.

The console's UI still sucks more dick than I do, and there's still a big hole where all their exclusives should be. They were still banking on a new Halo turning things around, and well, it hasn't. It doesn't help that they botched this Halo game too--you can't even play Forge or customs offline, the game's own UI sucks, and the campaign was a dud. It's not good news either when major features are left out for future updates, in a convoluted scheme of keeping players around for the long haul, with the ultimate(ly obvious) goal of not repeating Halo 4's and MCC's infamous, devastating player count dropoffs.

I can't think of too many Xbone exclusives getting the kind of hype received by No Man's Sky or The Last Guardian. PS4 also has Infamous: Second Son, Driveclub, Bloodborne; Xbone has Forza, MCC but no one plays it anymore, Gears of War HD that nobody asked for...?

The Xbone lineup is pitiful. Phil Spencer seems to know what's up more than anyone else at MS, but he still has a ways to go.

my sister leaves the butter out for NO RAISON and it annoys the shit out of me

How did Maz Kanata get Luke's blue lightsaber?
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

What I've heard on the internet: Only Luke's hand fell to the abyss of Bespin below Cloud City. Because the saber is made of metallic parts, the trash sensors picked it up, some Ugnaught got a hold of it sold it on the black market, passes through the hands of many people, and somehow makes it to Maz.

No. Didn't fall into the gas giant. Fell into the depths of Cloud City, where it was eventually found.
I'm pretty sure there's a glimpse of Luke's hand (with saber) falling to the planet when he's hanging on the antenna, at least in some releases.

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