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Messages - Anonymous (User Deleted)

Pages: 123 45 ... 212
The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 09:20:16 AM »
i've said it before and i'll say it again

if your order is 546321 or 546312, why even take all that time to type it out

just say "i have the most generic possible normie opinion," and we'll know exactly what you mean

meanwhile, dapper's is the most unique i've seen ever
now this is just contrarianism for the sake of it
If that were true, Revenge would be my least favorite prequel and Attack would be my favorite. Not that there's anything wrong with having contrarian opinions--especially when you're right.

That's the other thing about 546>ers--they cannot accept other people's opinions and simply refer to them as contrarian if they go even somewhat outside of their little box.

Valuing unique opinions over popular opinions because they are unique makes you contrarian. A unique opinion doesn't make it more or less correct.

That being said, opinions are opinions and everyone has a right to their own.

Episode two is legitimately the worst movie in the franchise tho.
Episode 2 could have been the best, but objective rankings should not value potential over end result.

Verb should elaborate (as in, give critical analysis for once) instead of stating 'this is objective fact' like a broken record, and then cherrypicking everyone else's posts as a substitute for having a fleshed out stance of his own.

Valuing unique opinions over popular opinions because they are unique makes you contrarian.
No, it doesn't. And even if it did, so what? Why is it bad to be a contrarian?
A unique opinion doesn't make it more or less correct.
It shows that they're capable of thinking beyond sheep-level analysis.
That being said, opinions are opinions and everyone has a right to their own.
lol no

It's almost like you're incapable of intellectual thought, or you're just trolling. You can make your argument any time you like, fam.

Gaming / Re: What is the oldest console you currently own?
« on: December 17, 2016, 06:56:09 AM »
Nintendo 64

I wish I had an older console though :'(

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 06:52:07 AM »
i've said it before and i'll say it again

if your order is 546321 or 546312, why even take all that time to type it out

just say "i have the most generic possible normie opinion," and we'll know exactly what you mean

meanwhile, dapper's is the most unique i've seen ever
now this is just contrarianism for the sake of it

Hillary can't be trusted. Trump wants best for everyone. And this mess was created by Obama/Bush administration.
the cop-outs are real

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:59:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 16, 2016, 05:55:53 PM »
Characters aren't as good as TFA
You mean taking the ANH script, crossing out "Luke" and writing "Rey"?
I think you mean taking ANH's shitty script and actually making it work.
Try harder.
To what?
please elaborate, because


>"Hillary will have a no-fly zone over Syria and cause a conflict with Russia"
>"World War III with Russia is literally one of Hillary's platforms and fake news doesn't exist [citations needed]"
>Trump announces he wants a no-fly zone "safe space" over Syria
>"this is fine"

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:48:56 PM »
New leaked photo of Rouge One:

one of my favorite games

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:02:09 PM »
off-topic but relevant

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: December 15, 2016, 05:44:39 PM »
Does this game kill anyone else's battery life? I get like 3 hours max. Even Smash Bros. is kinder to my 3DS.

nah, what kind of 3ds do you have?

i have an xl and i can play for probably 5-6 hours? im not even sure
Yup, 3DS XL. 3-4 hours before the light goes red, but only with this game, and Smash Bros. to a lesser extent. I've had it for like 3 years and was admittedly a bit clumsy with it.

is it bad that i sometimes found myself relating to team skull lol
not at all fam

inb4 "this proves Russia dindu nuffin"

Brah, Russia would've still dindu nuffin if they were behind the leaks. There's nothing wrong with exposing dirt on any political candidate or faction in any country.
>there is nothing wrong with interfering in a sovereign democratic election

nice ethical bankruptcy
No, there isn't. There's a problem with subverting one.

You could make a solid case that this is Russia's motivation, of course, but there's a difference between interference and subversion.
Subversion is a form of interference. You're truly delusional if you can't see that.
If subversion is a form of interference, US officials really have no ground to stand on by calling out Russia.
It's not like the USG hasn't done the same, but I don't think that's an excuse.
the US has done far worse than what Russia is accused of doing in this case.

And while I don't really believe the Russians have done shit, even if they did, this is kind of a "get what's coming to you" moment. If the United States wants to continue pursuing foreign policy that violates international law and the integrity and inner workings of sovereign nations, its leaders have no business crying when the same things befall them. I think it's a fine excuse.

I don't give a fuck if the Russians did interfere in our election because I don't support our government trying to make decisions for the rest of the world. Iraq was a fucking crime, Libya was a fucking crime, Syria is a botched crime still in progress.

I believe in the sovereignty of independent states, and I'd like my own to be sovereign, but I can't really advocate for that when the officials that are supposed to represent me are trying to establish a global hegemony, with their fingers in everyone else's pies.
Hypocrisy on behalf of the US is not a justification for another country doing the same. (I am not defending the US' meddling in other countries' elections.)
It isn't a justification for, say, Zambia doing it to Chile, but it is entirely reasonable to give the US a taste of its own medicine.

A side-effect of your position is the normalization
Truly normalization is the most heinous crime of 2016.

of this kind of behavior and letting it going unpunished. The US shouldn't do it, nor should any other country.
Unfortunately, the US is doing it, and will continue to do it unless A) the US is crippled geopolitically or B) an isolationist regime takes power (the latter may have just happened, we'll see)

If Russia did interfere in the election, it should be punished regardless of whatever the US is guilty of itself. Violation of sovereignty is one of the highest crimes a country can commit against another.
LMAO fuck off. Russia allegedly did it in order to cockblock a politician hellbent on starting "democratic revolutions" in every country not trading in USD and enslaving itself to the IMF. If it really happened, this would have been a violation of sovereignty done in order to prevent further violation of everyone's sovereignty.

There is no "regardless of whatever the US is guilty of", because a humongous chunk of the geopolitical assfuckery in the world right now, including this, is a result of shit the US political establishment is guilty of. None of these people have any right to start pointing fingers at Russia, given their own treatment of countries that would prefer to stay out of the USA's sphere of influence, as well as their quite open ties to states like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Nobody in the media pressing this red scare shit seems to have been half as concerned about Clinton's relationship with the Saudis or the Chinese (the latter having been a common concern during Bill's presidency). That says a lot to me.
You're arguing that:

1) The entire population of the United States, a sovereign nation, deserved to have its democratic election disrupted as retribution for its government's actions abroad, despite that many of those actions are completely secret and unaccountable, and not necessarily endorsed by the citizenry, due to the nature of espionage
2) Russia should go completely unpunished for this transgression, assuming they did it

Are you legitimately brain damaged?
Do you not realize the consequences of a Hillary victory?
Trump is so completely unhinged that continuing the busted Obama status quo would have been a positive by comparison.

Yes, I know the potential consequences of a Hillary victory. I did not vote for her. They were still acceptable compared to the consequences of a Trump victory.

(It's possible to want to avoid conflict with Russia without twisting oneself into a pretzel to defend them.)

The Flood / Re: >it's one whole fictional-character-impersonation season
« on: December 14, 2016, 03:16:30 PM »
join discord

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: December 14, 2016, 03:03:11 PM »
Does this game kill anyone else's battery life? I get like 3 hours max. Even Smash Bros. is kinder to my 3DS.

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 14, 2016, 02:51:18 PM »
People don't buy physical copies what

i rarely buy physical copies on the PC or Boner because i have no need to due to their online marketplaces actually being pretty good

on the playstation physical copies are the only way to go because the online service is abysmal

I can't stand not having a game in my hands
It's like I don't even have it

It's a new thing for console users, but the PC platform has been (almost) digital only for so long now that I don't even think twice about not having a physical copy anymore. I actually prefer it to be digital now just because it's much more  convenient to not have vidya taking up room on the shelf and having to dig out the disk every time i want to play something different.
Even then, I just think of people saying this, and them probably not spending anything on music since it's a digital market now. Games are easily going to be like that within a decades time.

And yeah, not digging around is great, and I still feel like I own it. I never subscribed to the "I don't FEEL like I own it unless I hold it" feeling people seem to still hold. I only argue that point if it's a special edition, or a collectors thing or something with a cool case.
What if I still buy CDs and DVDs? Am I still allowed to complain about digital shit?
Hell, my dad still buys vinyl records.

Digital is just intolerable in every way. I bought Pokémon Moon digitally--just because I had never really done so before--and I very much regret it.
I'm so sorry. Why would you do that to yourself?

I usually only buy digital games if that's the most reasonable option. Like if it's digital only, and/or it's an old game and physical copies in the wild are expensive or rare in 2016, and/or it's for a console I didn't own back whenever, and/or the digital version is the one getting updates (it happens), or it's a free download (such as Games With Gold).

Physical copies leave more room for those types of games, plus any DLC I might be interested in.

One of the biggest perks of physical copies is that if you have data loss, you can just reinstall the game from the disc. If a digital service goes down, your games could be gone forever, unless you did stuff that may or may not violate the TOS.

My games need a bookshelf smh

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 14, 2016, 12:04:35 PM »

>when Tucker Carlson is the smart person in the room

help us

There's no public evidence released yet, but you're a schizophrenic Pizzagater if you think Seth Rich did it.
Assange has said he did it.
...I'm skeptical despite that coming from Assange. I wasn't aware he said that until I looked it up just now. Very weird if true.
One more name added to the list of dead surrounding Hillary and the DNC
After having thought about this some more...

I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever if Russia fed the docs to WikiLeaks to attempt to discredit them. It would seem to demolish their impartiality, at least in the eyes of the West. They speak truth to power, so they never had credibility with Russia to begin with. Kill two birds with one stone.

Assange never made a secret of his dislike of Clinton, but he's come off as a bit unbalanced. Even to some of WikiLeaks' strongest supporters, Trump is still an infinitely worse pick. Not to mention Assange never released the docs he claimed to have had on Trump.

Sadly for your case, there remains infinitely more circumstantial evidence of Russian intrusion than the alt-right delusions you're spewing here.

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 13, 2016, 10:35:05 PM »

>when Tucker Carlson is the smart person in the room

help us

There's no public evidence released yet, but you're a schizophrenic Pizzagater if you think Seth Rich did it.
Assange has said he did it.
...I'm skeptical despite that coming from Assange. I wasn't aware he said that until I looked it up just now. Very weird if true.

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:22:01 PM »
Maybe other people had better experiences than me.
Well, I certainly did. I genuinely don't understand this "slow downloads" meme. Maybe I'm just more patient, and I can't tell when something is going slower than it should? Either way, it's a non-issue for me, like I said.

I don't think wanting free online services makes you a cheapskate--why should such a basic service be paid for at all? It's like water. And as far as I'm concerned, being free pretty much trumps any XBL advantage you could name.
For one thing, when XBL came around, online gaming wasn't really a basic service like it is today. PC games had them, but it was mostly unexplored territory for consoles. They offered benefits like downloadable DLC content that self-installs, voice chat with a headset included, and a friends list. 15 years ago, these were cutting-edge features. By comparison, PSN did the bare minimum required for each gen.

(FWIW, I'm probably partial to Xbox Live at least because I didn't get a PS console until much later.)

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:05:39 PM »
I've hated PSN for years. I can't fathom how some people can unironically believe that PSN is somehow equal to or greater than XBL, because it's very clearly not.
PSN was free on PS3, making it better by default.
It was slow and the security sucked. PSN was always held together by duct tape.

I mean, I could buy a cheap car with tape for a window and two flat tires, but that doesn't make it a better deal.
Security is a non-issue if you're smart and never have money in your account and always pay for purchases upfront.

It wasn't that slow, and even if it's super slow for you, it's still free.
There's still the issue of passwords being stolen by outside actors. But I always paid upfront so that was never an issue for me (it's one of the perks of free online services).

If the service is slow to the point of being unenjoyable (it mostly was in my experience, anyway), I'd rather just not play it. I've rarely had an issue with XBL in that regard--unless the game in question had a small matchmaking pool to begin with. I don't think PSN had group voice chat for years, either.

I'm not a total cheapskate. To me, XBL vs PSN was a case of getting what you pay for--in the latter's case, nothing. Maybe other people had better experiences than me.

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 07:58:35 PM »
I've hated PSN for years. I can't fathom how some people can unironically believe that PSN is somehow equal to or greater than XBL, because it's very clearly not.
PSN was free on PS3, making it better by default.
It was slow and the security sucked. PSN was always held together by duct tape.

I mean, I could buy a cheap car with tape for a window and two flat tires, but that doesn't make it a better deal.

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 07:51:42 PM »
I've hated PSN for years. I can't fathom how some people can unironically believe that PSN is somehow equal to or greater than XBL, because it's very clearly not.

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 13, 2016, 07:35:12 PM »

>when Tucker Carlson is the smart person in the room

help us

There's no public evidence released yet, but you're a schizophrenic Pizzagater if you think Seth Rich did it.

Serious / Re: Assad regime recaptures all of Aleppo
« on: December 13, 2016, 02:37:33 PM »
Dura lex, sed lex.
>mfw i try and use the rule of law to justify capricious despotism

mfw it's okay to kill police and behead religious minorities because Obama is paying me I'm not allowed to vote.
>"people who can't vote in our elections should shut up because they made me look bad but I totally believe in the First Amendment"
>"anyone who disagrees with me is a professional shill"

That is not an argument, and a deranged post in general. That someone isn't in the US means their opinion is invalid is a pathetic rebuttal. Instead of shilling for an authoritarian regime, try addressing the point being made.

The Flood / Re: I walk
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:54:49 AM »
Something, something, boulevard of broken dreams.
this empty street, on the

but actually the first line is "I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known"

The Flood / Re: damn casper
« on: December 13, 2016, 09:43:48 AM »
Still haven't gotten enough curiousity to see what the hubub is about discord. I hear it's like skype but not shit. I make a terrible conversationalist on those things too.
Don't do it
Discord is a terrible terrible service
it's pretty fucking good actually
He's mad because he was evicted from the discord group iirc.

They've been begging me to get on actually
That's weird considering I never see it come up as a discussion topic. Are you sure about that?

I left because I didn't like Discord but Class and Kenny have messaged me a few times trying to get me to join
You can ask them

IIRC it went like this:

"I want a name color"
"OK, give us a hex code"
"wtf nazi admins i hate you"

I was giving you shit because I didn't want to be there

I knew you fucking nazi mods were no good and I was right
class is mod now tho

The Flood / Re: damn casper
« on: December 13, 2016, 09:24:48 AM »
Still haven't gotten enough curiousity to see what the hubub is about discord. I hear it's like skype but not shit. I make a terrible conversationalist on those things too.
Don't do it
Discord is a terrible terrible service
it's pretty fucking good actually
He's mad because he was evicted from the discord group iirc.

They've been begging me to get on actually
That's weird considering I never see it come up as a discussion topic. Are you sure about that?

I left because I didn't like Discord but Class and Kenny have messaged me a few times trying to get me to join
You can ask them

IIRC it went like this:

"I want a name color"
"OK, give us a hex code"
"wtf nazi admins i hate you"

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:38:45 AM »
oh jesus

the first global mission was to catch 100 million pokemon

didn't even make 16.5 million

F&F movies are about as good as popcorn flicks get without being Marvel or Star Wars tbh

Gaming / Re: Thinking about giving Battlefront another go
« on: December 12, 2016, 01:52:39 PM »
ayy if you're on PC you should hit me up. PM me your Origin name or something

Tried playing it a few months back and the balance is completely fucked now on most of the maps in Walker assault. The rebels pretty much won every game because they took away all of the vehicles for the imperials on later phases while letting the rebels keep all of theirs.

What the fuck really?
I don't know if it's that bad, because I haven't played WA since the update, but DICE did previously kind of over-nerf walker health on some maps. The Bryar pistol from Death Star also kills walkers dead.

I'm on PS4 :(

Gaming / Re: Thinking about giving Battlefront another go
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:56:10 AM »
ayy if you're on PC you should hit me up. PM me your Origin name or something

Tried playing it a few months back and the balance is completely fucked now on most of the maps in Walker assault. The rebels pretty much won every game because they took away all of the vehicles for the imperials on later phases while letting the rebels keep all of theirs.

What the fuck really?
I don't know if it's that bad, because I haven't played WA since the update, but DICE did previously kind of over-nerf walker health on some maps. The Bryar pistol from Death Star also kills walkers dead.

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