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Messages - Raptor the Kid (24)

Pages: 12 34 ... 8
Gaming / Re: Biggest Gaming Controversy of 2014?
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:45:23 PM »
GamerGate, after learning Gawker lost apparently thousands due to advertising pulling from the site...

Guess the internet can get things done.

Serious / Re: Something I noticed about Babylon
« on: December 11, 2014, 11:42:36 AM »
Its a conspiracy set up by God to keep us dumb and humble.

Why do you think he blew up babel?

Flooded the early world?

Stopped us from eating from the tree of knowledge?

Punishes scientists as soothsayers?

Too bad that it too was a pale shell of the original, like the rest of the game :(

We might never hear the full soundtrack...

Gaming / Re: New No Man's Sky video.
« on: December 06, 2014, 07:06:33 PM »
I still don't see why every single time there's a new video for this game people compare it to destiny.

And we still don't know what exactly the point of this game is. Yeah you can run around and collect resources and upgrade your ship, but why?

Yeah every planet is procedurally generated but eventually everything's gunna start looking familiar

Yeah the game has multiplayer but they outright stated you'll never be able to even find your friends so just flying around screwing around with them is out the window...

Well, from what I can gather, you're main goal is to defeat an unknown race, and get to the centre of the galaxy, spore style.

And there is an unannounced multiplayer mode.

The Flood / Re: We're all broken people.
« on: December 05, 2014, 08:11:09 PM »
my brain doesn't fo the thinkings clearlz

The Flood / Re: TFW you write a song about being on fire for God.....
« on: December 05, 2014, 07:49:15 PM »
Goddamn buddhist monks...

Gaming / Re: Just when Destiny was looking a little better...
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:19:20 PM »
This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for that goddamn 25000 glimmer limit -_-

Gaming / Re: Your thoughts on "The Dark Below"?
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:17:07 PM »
Again, I'll see how it is post release.

Knowing my luck, it will come with 5000 new glitches, and 5 new materials to farm -_-.

And would it kill to add a new enemy type or vehicle or weapon type?

Serious / Re: The most oppressed part of the LGBT community?
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:13:47 PM »
I think it is pretty obvious, and it is not bisexuals.

Its the poor, poor sapiosexuals.

Serious / Re: The most oppressed part of the LGBT community?
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:27:11 PM »

I remember reading somewhere that bis are seen by some gays within the "community" as fence-sitters and people who can't make up their mind. I can back that up from personal experience, to a minor degree, and I can't find the source right at the moment >.>

Essentially, I'm asking if the LGBT community - to the extent that it's organised and has people who self-identify within the movement - has a chronic problem with the treatment of bisexuals.

I doubt that. I hear within the community, Bi people can get bullied a lot.

But they're probably the lowest on the homeless, attacked and murdered scale.

Gaming / Re: I hope they use the Spring-Heeled Jack folklore in AC Victory
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:42:18 AM »
Or spring heeled jack a young jack the ripper...

They could also use sweeny todd, even though it was a story.

The Flood / Re: The Liberals are being retarded again...
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:15:34 PM »
Gee...If only lego shops had huge shelves of pick n mix lego, sold buckets full of bionicle pieces, and let kids make their own figurines...

Oh, they do that already.

Considering how many kids made their own toa teams, dark hunters, and rahi out of bionicle toys, I think the sets provide a good launching of point for creativity.

Though they may have a point with that lego friends thing. My lil sis got bored of it quickly when I bought it for her, and there is nothing exciting about two dolls and tiny hot tub now that I think about it :/. shoulda got her an architect thing or a bucket instead.

Gaming / Re: Spike Game Awards 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:07:25 PM »
wow destiny not nominated for best narrative wth nolan

what a shame

The Flood / Re: Do you Americans have jaffa cakes?
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:52:44 AM »
I think they are disgusting.

get out...

I don't get whats so bad about the DMR. So what if it had bloom? It didn't in H4 and was OP for a while. Just use it wisely.

Gaming / Re: Check your privilege
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:27:57 PM »
Master Chief is actually a polysexual transgendered one-armed midget who identifies as the 'E' in the Tesco logo.

Wow. That highly offensive to sainsbury'sosexuals...
Morrisonsexuals across the UK were triggered.

12 Asdasexuals had panic attacks.
Farmfoodasexuals are taking to Tumblr

While lidlsexuals are planning to mass protests, but their signs are so cheap and of such shoddy quality that they fall to splinters when held, triggering the the wooden-sign kin.

Gaming / Re: Check your privilege
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:24:27 PM »
Master Chief is actually a polysexual transgendered one-armed midget who identifies as the 'E' in the Tesco logo.

Wow. That highly offensive to sainsbury'sosexuals...
Morrisonsexuals across the UK were triggered.

12 Asdasexuals had panic attacks.

Gaming / Re: Check your privilege
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:24:00 PM »

Your privilege level is Disadvantaged with a score of -15

Ha! Suck on my slightly higher possibility of having a lower quality first world life!

Serious / Re: White people empathize less with darker skinner people
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:40:45 PM »
I have no idea what the first one means :/

The second one, a large amount can be put down to propaganda.

Thirdly, well yeah, the people are far away. Your empathy is gonna be severely lacking to people on the other side of the world, especially if its footage you see almost on a daily basis (arab spring)

Fourth is cultural dissonance. Several east Asian cultures are gonna have expressions and music totally alien to american or European counterparts. The same is easily said to every other culture that is physically and culturally far from another.

If all this shit was true, would I view everyone I see as nothing more than an object, because I'm mixed race?

The Flood / Re: Remember when Bungie was kool?
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:31:04 PM »
Ah 2007...

When Bungie was as happy as can be,

The 360 was considered a huge leap in game technology,

Multiplayer was full with joy and laughter,

And Machinima actual showed machinima...

Gaming / Re: Check your privilege
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:28:25 PM »
Master Chief is actually a polysexual transgendered one-armed midget who identifies as the 'E' in the Tesco logo.

Wow. That highly offensive to sainsbury'sosexuals...

Gaming / Re: Destiny 2: Become Super sand legend
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:26:30 PM »
Actual characters
Actual villains
A ghost with customisable voices and some goddamn enthusiasm
Appropriate use of RNG
Story missions that last more than 10 min
Decent custscenes
An explorable city
Interactive NPC's
Side quests
Flyable spaceships
Jupiter and Saturn
More than 10 strikes
More than 3 raids
Custom multiplayer
Actual communication
Audio logs

Gaming / Re: More Bungie logic by yours truly....
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:46:15 PM »
I think to say the DLC is already finished isn't realistic. It's obvious that the foundations of the DLC were set in place when the game launched.

I don't really know if it was purposely cut, but I think it the feeling is justified in wanting it to be in the full game given the content in the release stage of the game.

It was pretty dammned close. Finished effects (teleportation), ghosts and bosses.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:42:22 PM »
Or you know, the Chief saved his life back when he was a kid...

The chief saved everyone lives. You don't see Osman or Arby sucking up like lasky.

/missed points/- over the head general?

Uhh...Chief saved the galaxy...yet most people aren't as overly attached to him as lasky, what with the toy and all.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:39:34 PM »
Or you know, the Chief saved his life back when he was a kid...

The chief saved everyone lives. You don't see Osman or Arby sucking up like lasky.
Chief didn't save Osman, they were (are) good friends and peers.

Nor did he save the Arbiter. And actually, if you look at the promo trailers for Halo 3, every single person sucks up to the Chief and says they owe their lives to him.

Chief saved Osman, and every sentient being in the galaxy when he blew up the alpha halo and the ark.

Okay, Arby helped him on that one, but in the believe trailers the guys didn't have a bloody toy chief figure.

Serious / Re: Double standards among Muslims
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:01:37 PM »
Oh who the fuck cares!




Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:35:55 PM »
Lasky is the worst. Del Rio trumps him hand down.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:35:08 PM »
Who the hell is Lasky?
Chief's dudebro.

You meet him in Infinity. He's a main character in Halo 4. He's also the main character of Forward Unto Dawn.
Were people actually supposed to remember any of the boring characters from Halo 4?

Hey! The charcaters were incredibly diverse and memorable!

You got chief,
Shouty captian,
Mopey Lasky,
Other mopey guy,
Black guy
And the AI that looks like the slang WW2 captain from armstrong and miller

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:32:08 PM »
Or you know, the Chief saved his life back when he was a kid...

The chief saved everyone lives. You don't see Osman or Arby sucking up like lasky.

The Flood / Re: What are you thankful for today?
« on: November 27, 2014, 05:00:50 PM »
That this planet formed in just the right location to allow the development of life.

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