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Messages - The Lord Ruler

Pages: 1 ... 178179180 181182 ... 327
The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad trailer officially released
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:20:33 PM »
And killer croc looks tacky as fuck

The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad trailer officially released
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:13:15 PM »
I love will smith but he is not the right person for deadshot

People are actually wasting energy being upset over this?
I would "waste energy" to defend secularism in my town government, and anyone who respects and values the constitution should too.
Yeah I'm more worried about police brutality, mansanto protection acts, and the consistent warfare going on in the Middle East. But hey, priorities right?
Oh, right. I forgot that I can only worry about one thing.
When it's something as trivial as this, it's clear you're not worried about much else. Just sayin.
That's absolutely retarded and you know it.
Nah. Anyone who worries about something this small that affects no one is simply not preoccupied with more important matters. Trivial shit like this barely even makes the news because no one really cares. There's more important things going on.

So we should give up our principals just because the problem isn't the most important problem at the moment?

The Flood / Re: Fluttershy
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:06:37 PM »
the only good pony is a dead pony

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:02:41 PM »
bored and curious what it felt like. pot that is

it was fun and interesting a couple of times but mostly it had a weird effect on me. cant say i really care to do recreationly again
Weird effect? Isn't that the point?

most people just get relaxed and giddy and shit

i just got really jittery

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:58:46 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

The quarian fleet could barely do anything agaisnt the geth dreadnought and that thing is still weaker than anything halo has.

The quarians have numbers but it'd be like throwing eggs at a wall.

A covie supercarrier would roll over the quarian fleet.

Not before the covie carrier cooks itself to death, lol

They've never cooked themselves to death before though soooooo your point is inconsequential.

Except it isn't, because in ME terms they would. So your point is moot.

But in Halo's terms, you know the universe the covie ships were made in, they wouldn't obviously. The science of one universe isn't going to affect the other.

Because I can just turn that around and say that pretty much everything in ME wouldn't work because the "Mass effect" is complete bullshit.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:48:53 PM »
bored and curious what it felt like. pot that is

it was fun and interesting a couple of times but mostly it had a weird effect on me. cant say i really care to do recreationly again

The Flood / Re: I did something I haven't done in the longest time
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:42:25 PM »
what cereal was it

OT: i haven't gotten high in like 3 years

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:36:04 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

The quarian fleet could barely do anything agaisnt the geth dreadnought and that thing is still weaker than anything halo has.

The quarians have numbers but it'd be like throwing eggs at a wall.

A covie supercarrier would roll over the quarian fleet.

Not before the covie carrier cooks itself to death, lol

They've never cooked themselves to death before though soooooo your point is inconsequential.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:52:40 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

The quarian fleet could barely do anything agaisnt the geth dreadnought and that thing is still weaker than anything halo has.

The quarians have numbers but it'd be like throwing eggs at a wall.

A covie supercarrier would roll over the quarian fleet.

The Flood / Re: You can get rid of one type of insect
« on: July 13, 2015, 08:08:08 AM »

Fuckers are annoying as hell around here

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:42:00 AM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier

Burn it down

The Flood / Re: Now that Elegiac is gone...
« on: July 12, 2015, 08:58:22 AM »
These peeps are the future

The Flood / Re: god cheat's web design is so shitty
« on: July 12, 2015, 08:10:57 AM »
I refuse to click the link.

Click it pussy

The Flood / Re: try to make me laugh
« on: July 12, 2015, 08:05:59 AM »
Druken sex is a smart thing to do

Mods make games even more artistic

Well was it rare

The Flood / Re: Is It Safe to Come Out of Hiding?
« on: July 11, 2015, 07:13:15 PM »
Your name seems vaguely familiar

The Flood / Re: Rough finish product of Cast Photo
« on: July 10, 2015, 06:00:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: kek bane
« on: July 10, 2015, 03:08:46 PM »
If I take off the wrapper will you be delicious
It would be extremely tasteful

You're a big package

The Flood / Re: kek bane
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:59:33 PM »
If I take off the wrapper will you be delicious

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Cast photo spots
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:37:12 PM »
We're doing it now that we figured out how to hear each other

The Flood / Re: Mr. Psychologist was pronounced dead a few hours ago
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:11:09 PM »
Rip in peace

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Cast photo spots
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:04:06 PM »
Send me another invite. Cant join

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Cast photo spots
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:51:35 PM »
Nevermind give me a few minutes and I'll send a message

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Cast photo spots
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:45:51 PM »
Wait did I miss it

Send me a message on XBL to invite you

My brothers are using the Xbox right now

I probably won't make it

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Cast photo spots
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:41:36 PM »
Wait did I miss it

Nope 21 minutes till

Probably won't be able to make it than

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Cast photo spots
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:38:00 PM »
Wait did I miss it

The Flood / Re: super fast dog going at incredible hihg speed
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:35:38 AM »

« on: July 09, 2015, 07:47:53 PM »
Fucking want

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