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Messages - Lemy the Lizerd

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>not expanding all the settlements with mods

shiggy diggy doo

« on: December 20, 2014, 12:15:37 PM »

The music is a reflection of the situation, not a cause.

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:53:53 AM »
So because Hitler was brought up I'd just like to point out that gun rights were greatly expanded under his regime.

Gun rights don't really correlate to any form of government. So don't attempt any if gun rights are [ x ] [ y ] will happen arguments.
I would argue that a government will have to be much more careful with domestic policy when the populace is armed. Kind of an equalizer. You piss us off enough, we go Lexington and Concord on you.

If the government gave a shit the threat of your average armed citizen it wouldn't be doing half the shit it does now.

The average American is no threat to the US government. They're too apathetic towards politics and even the armed ones are all bark and no bite.
Right, but if you took a whole bunch of the average ones, and put them together, it would be a pretty fucking big deal.

See the part where I said all bark and no bite. When confronted with any real opposition these people would run away with their tails between their legs. Just take a look at all these "militia" groups that sit around talking about how they're going to overthrow the government and posture for the media but never actually do anything.
It's nice to know you can predict the future.

There are almost no real "militias" short of honeypots set up by the FBI. Of the ones that exist, I can't think of any that claim to want to overthrow the government.

Rebellion, when it comes, will come swiftly and violently from people who did not imagine they would be rebels the month before. Not any time soon though.

And what part of that correlates to any type of government will spawn from said revolution? Gun rights are irrelevant to what kind of government exists.

Revolutions are just as capable of producing far right oppressive theocracies as they are democracies and republics. To claim gun rights ensure freedom is invalid as history has shown that they mean jack shit when it comes to what the government is, is doing, or will become.

If people want shit to change they have to stop being so apathetic and take an interest in their government.

My entire argument is that gun rights don't correlate to any specific type of government. I'm not arguing for or against them, just reminding people not to fall into some stupid rabbit hole of flawed logic.
Ah, I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to the pre-existing government, as in, "totalitarian states could be pro-gun and democracies could be anti"

This is why I say rebellion, though. Revolution implies predetermination and planning, and a goal. Rebellion implies chaos, disunity, spontaneity.

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:53:21 PM »
So because Hitler was brought up I'd just like to point out that gun rights were greatly expanded under his regime.

Gun rights don't really correlate to any form of government. So don't attempt any if gun rights are [ x ] [ y ] will happen arguments.
I would argue that a government will have to be much more careful with domestic policy when the populace is armed. Kind of an equalizer. You piss us off enough, we go Lexington and Concord on you.

If the government gave a shit the threat of your average armed citizen it wouldn't be doing half the shit it does now.

The average American is no threat to the US government. They're too apathetic towards politics and even the armed ones are all bark and no bite.
Right, but if you took a whole bunch of the average ones, and put them together, it would be a pretty fucking big deal.

See the part where I said all bark and no bite. When confronted with any real opposition these people would run away with their tails between their legs. Just take a look at all these "militia" groups that sit around talking about how they're going to overthrow the government and posture for the media but never actually do anything.
It's nice to know you can predict the future.

There are almost no real "militias" short of honeypots set up by the FBI. Of the ones that exist, I can't think of any that claim to want to overthrow the government.

Rebellion, when it comes, will come swiftly and violently from people who did not imagine they would be rebels the month before. Not any time soon though.

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:32:46 PM »
So I because Hitler was brought up I'd just like to point out that gun rights were greatly expanded under his regime.
Except for Jews

Gun ownership under Hitler is anything but fair to say the least. The only thing improved was gun regulations only applied to handguns and completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as  the possession of ammunition included

There were many in Germany who could have used their expanded gun rights to attempt a revolution. That never happened though and the fact remains that gun rights were greatly expanded under him. If you were part of the SS you got more rights than the average German, but the average German still benefitted greatly in the gun rights department.

Guns for Jews wouldn't have changed the end result of the holocaust in all likelihood.

Once again, gun rights play no part in determining what a government ends up being or doing. The people residing in the country/state/et cetera is what determined that.
And there were many in Germany that had great devotion to the Nazis. What people don't remember is that Hitler was VOTED to power, meaning the people wanted him to be Chancellor as they to felt Jews were responsible for the economic problems. But these same people that supported Hitler were also Catholic, as the population of Germany was largely Catholic. Hitler had plans to eradicate all religions from Germany but had to start with the Jews because for one nobody liked them and secondly, had no way to properly defend themselves.

As I told Nick, the Nazis saw them as superior and if the lowest of life, AKA Jews, managed to kill a Aryan then it would show the false propaganda Hitler had spread. His unquestionable support would have been challenged

How can the people do anything if they don't wield the proper tools to assert themselves? China is still under it's same government, despite protests back in the 70s. America, France, and Russia on the other hand made government changes because of access to guns
This argument about disproving the nazi propaganda is fucking retarded.

As far as I know Hitler never said Aryans were fucking immortal.

You would think hundreds of thousands of krauts getting wasted by slav untermenschen on the eastern front would do the job, were that the case.

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:29:59 PM »
So because Hitler was brought up I'd just like to point out that gun rights were greatly expanded under his regime.

Gun rights don't really correlate to any form of government. So don't attempt any if gun rights are [ x ] [ y ] will happen arguments.
I would argue that a government will have to be much more careful with domestic policy when the populace is armed. Kind of an equalizer. You piss us off enough, we go Lexington and Concord on you.

If the government gave a shit the threat of your average armed citizen it wouldn't be doing half the shit it does now.

The average American is no threat to the US government. They're too apathetic towards politics and even the armed ones are all bark and no bite.
Right, but if you took a whole bunch of the average ones, and put them together, it would be a pretty fucking big deal.

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:42:23 PM »
So because Hitler was brought up I'd just like to point out that gun rights were greatly expanded under his regime.

Gun rights don't really correlate to any form of government. So don't attempt any if gun rights are [ x ] [ y ] will happen arguments.
I would argue that a government will have to be much more careful with domestic policy when the populace is armed. Kind of an equalizer. You piss us off enough, we go Lexington and Concord on you.

Oh look, it's the Republicans that scream about state's rights...fighting against state's rights...

You mean how Democrats scream about government not getting involved in the bedroom, but will turn around and get involved in the doctor's office?

These states have very valid claims with supporting the Supremacy Clause at hand. If Colorado had legalized murder, would it still be wrong for Oklahoma to sue?

>Deflecting intensifies

Besides, this case could be a very huge step to looking at Federally legalizing marijuana if (and when, I polished my crystal ball) Colorado ends up winning.
Exactly how am I deflecting? You made a claim that I easily turned back around along with showing that this isn't about stepping on states rights, as the states don't have any authority above the Constitution

Deflecting my factual comment about heavily Conservative states that scream for state's rights start revolting against other states just because they progressed their own laws.

Besides, since his election Obama has made it adamantly clear that he will NOT seek federal action in states where marijuana is legalized which, especially if this case can make it out in favor of Colorado, can end up changing Federal Laws and Acts that currently prohibit marijuana use.

though republicunts in congress will sit on their asses and refuse to do anything about that
That's nice and all, but states have rights based on the 10th Amendment. This is a manner on the Supremacy Cause, which gives Federal rights a boost over state rights in some aspects

Obama isn't above the Constitution; nobody is. The Constitution states the Supremacy Clause. That's end of the story and bring back my question: If a state legalized the killing of another, then would it still be wrong for another state to sue that state?
Did you just compare legalized murder to weed

Serious / Re: Women could serve in the British Infantry by 2016
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:31:00 PM »
Cool so now we get to hear them complain about the military not being inviting enough once they're in.
that's actually exactly what's happening in the Scandi countries

Serious / Re: Take THAT California and New York
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:28:49 PM »
>pump action
>being anything but shit for anything but shotguns ever.

Also kinder stop taking Kiyo's bait.

Anybody that believes the state should have a total monopoly on force will reap what they sow, just keep it out of my country where the people are more important than the state. If you hate guns so much fuck off to Europe and enjoy the collapse of the welfare state's economy along with the slow but steady removal of freedom of speech and expression rights.

Serious / Re: Women could serve in the British Infantry by 2016
« on: December 19, 2014, 07:15:53 PM »
We have standards for fitness and if a woman meets them, she's good enough.
Female PT scale is a fucking joke.
I was referring to the male standards

I didn't even know women had different standards. That's dumb as fuck.

« on: December 19, 2014, 04:20:43 PM »

Serious / Re: Women could serve in the British Infantry by 2016
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:23:36 AM »
The issue isn't physical. We have standards for fitness and if a woman meets them, she's good enough.

The problem is psychological.

Serious / Re: "Gays will go extinct since they can't reproduce"
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:18:16 AM »
This is bretty funny

Can't states nullify a federal law if they deem it as unconstitutional?
I believe so...

I know a lot of states have policies that reinforce the bill of rights, especially 2A.

This could be really bad and would put too much power in the hands of the federal government.

Serious / Re: Women could serve in the British Infantry by 2016
« on: December 19, 2014, 06:25:28 AM »
The problem with women fighting is the men. I will elaborate if anyone asks.

Serious / Re: EU thinks obesity is now a disability
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:22:36 PM »
If you actually eat to the point where your ankles snap under your own weight, I'd say that counts as a disability. Just being obese doesn't constitute a disability though, and as flee has pointed out this ruling isn't suddenly going to protect the land whales from harpooning obese people from ever being fired.
I would argue that the medical and physical effects of obesity would make it a disability. It does prevent some normal function.

Serious / Re: Isn't it convenient..
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:18:26 PM »
Please remove all tin foil hats before entering the Serious board.
I swear to god the next time I hear someone start blabbering about tinfoil hats because someone questioned the actions of a state, I'm going to scalp the fucker.

Just because it's scary and unsettling doesn't make it untrue and it doesn't make anyone crazy. He's not talking about alien lizard people controlling the world economy, or DA JOOS, he's talking about government manipulation of mass media, which is really not all that crazy of a notion.

Serious / Re: Isn't it convenient..
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:14:58 PM »
Well, yeah, this is always how things work with our corporate media.

Remember how immediately after Obama droned a wedding party in Yemen, all the media could talk about was that old redneck from duck dynasty?

This is nothing new.

Serious / Re: EU thinks obesity is now a disability
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:05:02 PM »
It is a disability.

GG, I'm curious though what did it link to?
just a regular trailer


Bad link, kill the thread

Serious / Re: Is the Washington Post lying, or just fucking dense?
« on: December 18, 2014, 01:52:16 PM »
>reading WP ever


Serious / Re: Does America have a civil religion?
« on: December 18, 2014, 01:02:18 PM »
This is taking nationalism to a whole different level. It's like Nazi Germany all over again
I really don't see how you can compare the modern US to Nazi Germany.

This isn't some organized movement, this is just the state of the American mind and our culture.

For better or worse, and whether you want to call it a "civil religion", or a tradition, or whatever, this is us.

Think about how we treat 9/11 conspiracy theorists like religions treat heretics and blasphemers.
I'm comparing the idea to Nazi Germany, which flaunted radical nationalism and a religious cult with the government

Well I'm sort of a 9/11 conspiracy guy so......
I think the difference here is that Hitler's cult of personality was actively created and cultivated by the state very rapidly, whereas this is a part of American culture that follows our history and values. It's not something most Americans are actively aware of.

Serious / Re: Does America have a civil religion?
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:45:57 PM »
This is taking nationalism to a whole different level. It's like Nazi Germany all over again
I really don't see how you can compare the modern US to Nazi Germany.

This isn't some organized movement, this is just the state of the American mind and our culture.

For better or worse, and whether you want to call it a "civil religion", or a tradition, or whatever, this is us.

Think about how we treat 9/11 conspiracy theorists like religions treat heretics and blasphemers.

Serious / Meta, fix me please.
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:00:22 AM »
Remind my why syndicalism is stupid.

Sometimes I just need a refresher.

Serious / >You will never be this hardcore
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:53:32 AM »

"I needed to be wet and cold and hungry," he told the Times. "I needed the grueling life I could only find in a place like the Legion."


Serious / Does America have a civil religion?
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:12:21 PM »

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