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Messages - Lemy the Lizerd

Pages: 1 ... 131415 1617 ... 67
The Flood / Re: THE BEST LUNCH
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:41:52 PM »
>collard greens

Lol whatever you say, Tyrone.
>implying black people don't have the best food
>implying fried chicken and chitlins is anywhere near Bavarian cooking

The Flood / Re: THE BEST LUNCH
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:38:58 PM »
>collard greens

Lol whatever you say, Tyrone.
>implying black people don't have the best food

The Flood / Re: THE BEST LUNCH
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:35:17 PM »
Are you black?
nope, just southern.

The Flood / Re: THE BEST LUNCH
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:34:57 PM »
Take out the sweet tea, and that sounds like a decent meal.
fuck off yankee

« on: January 11, 2015, 03:31:51 PM »
>fried shrimp
>potato wedges
>buttered biscuits
>collard greens
>red beans and rice
>sweet tea

The Flood / Re: Why are guns so expensive?
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:28:14 PM »
Because if you're not extremely careful with manufacturing and QC, you will create a hand-removal device.

TES would be so much better with Dark Souls style combat.
Christ, no.

I don't see why you people care about swordplay in TES so much. It's a fantasy game with magic and fucking lizard tree people.

TES has NEVER had deep combat and it has never needed it. The most complex system it ever had was Morrowind's, and that just boiled down to spamming whichever attack type was most efficient with your equipped weapon.

If you want deep combat, that's what games like Dank Souls and Chivalry are for, not TES.

Now, the area where TES really IS suffering, depth-wise, is in the leveling and equipment systems. That's what you should be worried about.

The Flood / I don't care how anti-communist you are
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:38:06 AM »

You have to admit that the German Democratic Republic had a cool fucking flag.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:49:08 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified
howso? what did trayvon martin do to deserve death?
Why do you have to word it that way and put an emotional charge behind it like poor little baby trayvon was brutally executed on his way home from choir practice?

He had Zimmerman on the ground and was wailing on the motherfucker. Zimmerman had no way of knowing when or if it was going to stop, if he'd be beaten to death or what. In that situation, you shoot. You don't leave that shit to chance, you fucking shoot. If I were in his situation, with the understanding of events he had, I'd shoot too.

Of course, I wouldn't be in that situation, because I wouldn't follow someone around like a fucking idiot.
zimmerman was stalking him. if someone was stalking me and tried to instigate a confrontation, i wouldnt lay down and take it either. you think trayvon deserved to die for defending himself? zimmerman isnt a cop, he doesnt have the jurisdiction to do that sort of shit with impunity.

I also don't see what his weight has to do with anything anyway. If you're being physically attacked, you don't fight back in the same way and draw it out, you use a greater level of force to stop your attacker.
have you ever been in a fight? if zimmerman werent such a little bitch he should have been able to put martin down (without resorting to lethal force) no problem. there's a reason official fighting and wrestling leagues separate the participants into weight classes. if you have 50 pounds on someone you take them down and keep them down. all this does is prove that zimmerman is an incompetent shitheel with delusions of grandeur. if he hadnt been stalking martin in the first place, nothing would have happened. martin wouldnt have sought him out and whipped him without a good reason.
Are saying Trayvon assaulting Zimmerman was justified because Zimmerman was creepy and his out of shape ass couldn't fight an athlete?

Because if that's what you're getting at, it's really stupid.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:38:08 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified
howso? what did trayvon martin do to deserve death?
Why do you have to word it that way and put an emotional charge behind it like poor little baby trayvon was brutally executed on his way home from choir practice?

He had Zimmerman on the ground and was wailing on the motherfucker. Zimmerman had no way of knowing when or if it was going to stop, if he'd be beaten to death or what. In that situation, you shoot. You don't leave that shit to chance, you fucking shoot. If I were in his situation, with the understanding of events he had, I'd shoot too.

Of course, I wouldn't be in that situation, because I wouldn't follow someone around like a fucking idiot.
zimmerman was stalking him. if someone was stalking me and tried to instigate a confrontation, i wouldnt lay down and take it either. you think trayvon deserved to die for defending himself? zimmerman isnt a cop, he doesnt have the jurisdiction to do that sort of shit with impunity.
If you assault a guy, that's assault, and he has the right to defend himself. If you feel like you're being stalked, you don't confront the guy, you either get help or get the fuck away. Trayvon was not defending himself, he assaulted Zimmerman.

Like I said, Zimmerman was a creep and an idiot for following Trayvon around, but that doesn't make it okay for him to be physically assaulted.

I also don't see what his weight has to do with anything anyway. If you're being physically attacked, you don't fight back in the same way and draw it out, you use a greater level of force to stop your attacker.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:29:44 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified
howso? what did trayvon martin do to deserve death?
Why do you have to word it that way and put an emotional charge behind it like poor little baby trayvon was brutally executed on his way home from choir practice?

He had Zimmerman on the ground and was wailing on the motherfucker. Zimmerman had no way of knowing when or if it was going to stop, if he'd be beaten to death or what. In that situation, you shoot. You don't leave that shit to chance, you fucking shoot. If I were in his situation, with the understanding of events he had, I'd shoot too.

Of course, I wouldn't be in that situation, because I wouldn't follow someone around like a fucking idiot.

Serious / Re: Zimmerman Arrested (Again)
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:13:52 PM »
Hm, I thought the Zimmerman white-knighting fad was over.
I still think his use of force was justified, although it wouldn't have been necessary if he hadn't followed the guy like a dumbass.

Some of his shit afterwards was pretty retarded though, like touring the Kel-Tec factory.

I'm not very well-informed about ballistics or the cartridges themselves, I'm more educated on the mechanical aspects and history of any particular gun.

I doubt Kinder is a bulletfag either.

I'd like to know which 7.62 he's talking about, because there are a few different 7.62 cartridges and they're very different.

7.62x54r is a very old cartridge, comparable somewhat to .308. This is what a Mosin Nagant shoots, as well as the Dragunov and a few Russian machine guns.

7.62x51 NATO, also known as .308 Winchester (at least I think. There might be minor differences) is a full-sized rifle round used in the M14, FAL, G3, and other military rifles, as well as various commercial hunting rifles.

7.62x39 is an intermediate (smaller but not pistol-sized) cartridge used in the AK47 and AKM.

There's also 7.62x25 Tokarev, a Russian pistol caliber used in the Nagant revolver and the TT-33 pistol, but that mostly fell out of use after WW2.

The Flood / Re: What you must know before you see American Sniper
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:37:48 AM »
Chris Kyle was a racist, a religious nut, and he boosted his kill count by shooting every male he saw above a certain age.

Chris Kyle's behavior and attitude are a stain on the honor of the United States Armed Forces.

Oh, and fuck you it is propaganda.

The Flood / Re: Crunchyroll's Weeb pandering pisses me off...
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:35:20 AM »
>anime website
>not pandering to weebs

Are you retarded?

« on: January 10, 2015, 10:50:52 AM »
Lame-ass song, lame-ass movie...

« on: January 10, 2015, 10:40:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: GUESS WHO'S 18 FAGGOTS
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:13:54 PM »
You want to spend your first moments being 18,
by sending nudes to people on the internet?

What better way to spend your birthday honestly?

Spending time with family, going out to dinner, hanging out with friends, etc.
Who goes out to dinner at 13 past midnight?

The Flood / Re: GUESS WHO'S 18 FAGGOTS
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:11:52 PM »
now you can finally by funs and stop dreaming about em

Saving up to get a Finnish M39 Mosin some time before summer.

« on: January 09, 2015, 11:05:22 PM »


The Flood / embed tst
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:03:37 PM »


Oh no someone has a different opinion than me.

"This is the serious board".

SERIOUSly, fuck you mods.
fuck off Max

The Flood / Re: FCC ready to fuck up ISPs
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:28:28 PM »
>I can now have lightning fast illegal downloads

Serious / Re: Should their be more concern with the NBPP?
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:23:58 PM »
It's not as if the KKK are a concern either.

Enlightened despotism

The Flood / Re: Something involving guns
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:21:46 PM »

Could be PKK, a Kurdish teen was killed last week by Turkish police.
oh god no

Please please based kurds don't do this to yourselves

The Flood / Re: So my college is reprimanding me for "Islamaphobia"
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:18:47 PM »
I'm not just saying to this to troll, but is it possible that Muslims are more violent because they come from such a poor socioeconomic status, rather than because they worship the Qur'an?
I don't think so. Wealthy Arabs from all over the place fund terrorism. OBL wasn't exactly a beggar.

Serious / Re: 2000 in a day.
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:15:57 PM »
Not as a whole.

Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism? Yeah, probably. Theravada and Zen? No.
>implying buddhism is even a religion

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