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Messages - Lemy the Lizerd

Pages: 1 ... 575859 6061 ... 67
Serious / Re: Denying a problem exists
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:40:49 PM »
This is news?

Serious / Re: Americans, which do you think is more important?
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:15:43 PM »
House represents the views of people far better
One of the rare instances where I agree with you.

Large urban centers like NYC and Los Angeles really distort things.

Serious / Re: Why are liberals so easy to offend?
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:03:16 PM »
Why don't rename this forum to The Coliseum?

It would make since because many threads just turn into brawls
holy shit, that's actually a great idea

Serious / Re: The Duggars are fucking scary
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:48:27 AM »
Since when do these freaks have any political power?

I've never heard of them before.
They don't have ACTUAL political power, but televising their crazy lives somehow justifies their beliefs to a lot of people.
Are you sure about that?

This seems more like that Honey Boo Boo bullshit, people like to laugh at backwards hicks to feel better about their own worthless proletarian lives.
But the backward hicks have these things further ingrained with shows like this.
I'm not so sure there are that many people seeing this and thinking "What a wonderful lifestyle!"

I mean yeah the world is full of retards, but there aren't that many who are as retarded as these people.

Serious / Re: The Duggars are fucking scary
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:39:59 AM »
Since when do these freaks have any political power?

I've never heard of them before.
They don't have ACTUAL political power, but televising their crazy lives somehow justifies their beliefs to a lot of people.
Are you sure about that?

This seems more like that Honey Boo Boo bullshit, people like to laugh at backwards hicks to feel better about their own worthless proletarian lives.

Serious / Re: The Duggars are fucking scary
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:37:06 AM »
Since when do these freaks have any political power?

I've never heard of them before.

A little surprised it wasn't China.  They've been looking into cyberwarefare for awhile now.
Russians take to computers like a leech takes to flesh.

Russians are the absolute scummiest people in the tech world. They make the worst fucking mods.

Serious / Re: Americans, which do you think is more important?
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:23:42 AM »
I'm not sure which is more powerful in policy, but the Senate is certainly more prominent in our media. Senators are much more well known than their counterparts.

The Flood / Re: Bionicle turns /k/ommando gay
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:19:15 AM »
Daily reminder that /k/ is fucking retarded.


The Flood / Re: Bionicle turns /k/ommando gay
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:18:44 AM »
>thinking that a single person on there isn't a fgt in the first place

Door pls.


The Flood / Re: How to have consensual sex in 2014
« on: November 06, 2014, 10:53:56 PM »
How to come off as a hesitant weirdo

Serious / Re: Americans, do you believe in Concealed Carry Reciprocity?
« on: November 06, 2014, 06:03:13 PM »
Doesn't seem like there is any basis for it since states don't have to recognize people's marriages. Forcing states to recognize other states laws seems to defeat the point of having states. Haven't read up on it though. I'm sure there are plenty of counter examples, so I don't really have a solid opinion yet.
I'm more concerned with the confiscation and loss of property (guns are fucking expensive), along with criminal charges.

Gay couples don't get arrested when they enter states that won't recognize their marriage.

Serious / Re: Americans, do you believe in Concealed Carry Reciprocity?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:50:49 PM »
...what exactly is that?
The idea that states should honor CC permits of other states while the holder is traveling through them.

There have been some legal disputes over this. I for one think it should apply for those passing through the state, but not anyone staying for an extended period.

Serious / Americans, do you believe in Concealed Carry Reciprocity?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:47:37 PM »

virtue of being the constitution
Which the amendment process shows to be self-evidently false. The fact that you'd place such stock in a document, regardless of what it says, says a lot about you. I wouldn't want you to be a citizen of an Orwellian State.
Well when you give a loaded question, I can only pick one of two I believe
How on earth was it a loaded question? It was really quite simple. A constitution can only be valid in one of two ways. The first being by its own virtue; it being axiomatic. The second is that is codifies the correct content.
Because both are correct. It's correct by virtue and content
You really don't realize what is wrong with that?

Serious / Re: If you KNEW your country was going to be conquered...
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:38:08 PM »
If my government loses but my buddies and I kick enough ass do I have the ability to establish a new independent government in my area or are these invaders totally unstoppable?

And evolution is divided between mico and macro
macro and micro evolution is bullshit made up by the creationist community. Evolution is evolution.

I think that fedora is tight on your head. It's reducing the blood flow to your brain
we PSU now?

Serious / Re: The highs and lows of different presidents
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:18:57 PM »
Whoooaaaa there Meta, you're missing a whole lot of lows with Reagan.

I would continue not worshipping god, in every scenario.

It changes my view of them, but I can certainly still enjoy their work.
Mostly the same for me. I think it's dumb that Jason Lee is a big scientologist, but it doesn't stop me from loving My Name is Earl.
It's certainly not as important with actors, and even less so with musicians (unless they're religious).

The only real issue I have with a public figure's political views is when they're writers or journalists.
when the dude is a creationist.
That damn edge tipped fedora doe
wow dude ur ebic meme totally changed my mind

ur so smart
>not supporting a person because of one, minuscule belief
Would you support someone who lined up with everything you believe in, but wanted a total ban on all firearms?

It changes my view of them, but I can certainly still enjoy their work.
Mostly the same for me. I think it's dumb that Jason Lee is a big scientologist, but it doesn't stop me from loving My Name is Earl.
It's certainly not as important with actors, and even less so with musicians (unless they're religious).

The only real issue I have with a public figure's political views is when they're writers or journalists.
when the dude is a creationist.
That damn edge tipped fedora doe
wow dude ur ebic meme totally changed my mind

ur so smart

It changes my view of them, but I can certainly still enjoy their work.
Mostly the same for me. I think it's dumb that Jason Lee is a big scientologist, but it doesn't stop me from loving My Name is Earl.
It's certainly not as important with actors, and even less so with musicians (unless they're religious).

The only real issue I have with a public figure's political views is when they're writers or journalists.
when the dude is a creationist.
That damn edge tipped fedora doe
wow dude ur ebic meme totally changed my mind

ur so smart

It changes my view of them, but I can certainly still enjoy their work.
Mostly the same for me. I think it's dumb that Jason Lee is a big scientologist, but it doesn't stop me from loving My Name is Earl.
It's certainly not as important with actors, and even less so with musicians (unless they're religious).

The only real issue I have with a public figure's political views is when they're writers or journalists.
Very true.

I can't stand the Ron Paul circlejerk when the dude is a creationist.
As someone who identifies as a libertarian, I cannot fucking stand Paul or his supporters. He's weak on, if not against, marriage equality. He's anti-choice. He's weak on separation of church and state.

Ultimately he's no different from the other republicans, he's just more hardcore about states' rights than most.

Now Gary Johnson? That guy is a real motherfucking Libertarian.
I also hope to see more of Jon Huntsman. Even though he ran as a Republican, I think he only did so to get the party affiliation. He wasn't much of a Republican. I considered voting for him.
This is really the problem with our two party system.

It changes my view of them, but I can certainly still enjoy their work.
Mostly the same for me. I think it's dumb that Jason Lee is a big scientologist, but it doesn't stop me from loving My Name is Earl.
It's certainly not as important with actors, and even less so with musicians (unless they're religious).

The only real issue I have with a public figure's political views is when they're writers or journalists.
Very true.

I can't stand the Ron Paul circlejerk when the dude is a creationist.
As someone who identifies as a libertarian, I cannot fucking stand Paul or his supporters. He's weak on, if not against, marriage equality. He's anti-choice. He's weak on separation of church and state.

Ultimately he's no different from the other republicans, he's just more hardcore about states' rights than most.

Now Gary Johnson? That guy is a real motherfucking Libertarian.

No, but I have far more respect for celebrities that don't spew generic CNN and MSNBC bullshit. I have high respect for Brad Pitt because he's very pro-gun
So you're saying no but actually yes.

Serious / Re: Can you be an environmentalist and have kids?
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:12:38 PM »
This is good news. Hopefully it encourages people to have less kids.
There is literally nothing that will stop people from fucking.

And when people fuck, eventually, they're going to get stupid and end up with a kid.

The Flood / Re: Surprising alts
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:10:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: so i just received booty pictures from Isara and Kiyo
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:06:27 PM »
Why would we care about Kiyo's butt? Men asses<Women asses

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