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Messages - OnionBeetle

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The Flood / Re: Are you more salty or edgy?
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:09:16 PM »
Tell me about Charlie! Why does he make the threads!?

The Flood / Re: Interviews
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:01:21 PM »
Hmm I've had two interviews in this unit's life so far.

The first one was to get a place on a work experience course at a hospital in high school, quite how the fuck I managed to get on amazes me because that was some watamote tier shit that went on in there. I can only assume the guy doing the interview saw something half decent in me or the other candidates were absolute garbage.

The second interview I did which was for my current job went a lot more smoothly, it was a bit nerve wracking because follow this quick flow chart
Finish school > fall ill > end up really quite ill > basically dying > borderline psychotic > depressed and anxious to high hell > get a bit better > repeat last step for 12 months > still basically watamote > go for job interview > oh god help

And I was already on the wrong foot because instead of being a sit down interview in an office, it was let's go outside and just chat because it's a nice day. 'oh'
They asked me questions, detailed the job and asked a few other ones and to my credit I didn't come off as a complete nervous wreck.

After the interview, they said they were quite pleased/impressed but they had to interview the other candidates anyway so they'd let me know.

Fast forward a few weeks and they've been ringing me on the phone which is actually broken saying 'do you want the job or not?'


as soon as I found that out I went straight round to the shop and said what had happened and they were quite understanding.

Another few weeks and I get a knock at the door, it's the shopkeeper asking if I want the job and I start tomorrow btwthanksbai.

And now the job is going peachy and I'm happy/confident again.


tl;dr points of advice etc

1. Try to be as calm as you can be, don't stress the interview and just take it as it comes. If you go in fretting and gibbering, it won't go in your favour.
2. Make sure that the contact details you give them work, if that doesn't really apply then gg anyway but jesus don't do what I did and give them the number for a broken phone ;_;

About the whole weaknesses sort of question, I'd just go with something simple and above all honest. ''I'm not great at maths'' or something along those lines. Nothing that would really get in the way of your working for them, but something normal and human.

and yeah just make a throwaway skype for the occasion >_>

Thank you for your detailed and comprehensive answer. I will gladly take your advice. I wish you great luck and chance with your current job and make hope for good promotion.

The Flood / Re: Kitsune's Drawing Request Thread #3
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:38:12 PM »

A man wearing the mask that the Tigris of Gaul wore in Gladiator, sitting near the coast.

Bonus points if he's reading Animal Farm.

He's standing and no bonus points sorry.

Thank you, it is was a difficult request but it looks good.

The Flood / Re: Should we fuse Cheat and Loaf?
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:50:39 AM »
Things got really bad after you, Otthillíd and some other cool people left.

The Flood / Re: Should we fuse Cheat and Loaf?
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:45:55 AM »
I don't know who Cheat or Loaf is but I think it is a good idea nonetheless.

Hybrid Vigour.
Is it really you? And you stayed on And what do you do now? got rid of me. I am not allowed to post there anymore because I did not buy Destiny.  So I post on here instead because it is more fun and the mods aren't fascist money-grabbing kikes.

The Flood / Re: Interviews
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:44:36 AM »
Keep them off balance with ambivalent aphorisms.

Perhaps I will. But then again, maybe not.

The Flood / Re: Interviews
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:26:46 AM »
What should you reply with when asked your weaknesses?

I get that you should try to cast yourself in a good light but at the same time I don't want to seem like a douchebag by saying 'I work too hard' or what Verbatim said.

The Flood / Re: Should we fuse Cheat and Loaf?
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:25:03 AM »
I don't know who Cheat or Loaf is but I think it is a good idea nonetheless.

Hybrid Vigour.

The Flood / Interviews
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:07:22 AM »
Hello please. Have you been interview before? Was it success? Advice?

I have interview over skype but I am of great concern. I must give Skype ID but I made it when I was autistic 11 year old and name is not changeable.

Is possible to make second skype?

The Flood / Re: Kitsune's Drawing Request Thread #3
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:58:38 AM »
A man wearing the mask that the Tigris of Gaul wore in Gladiator, sitting near the coast.

Bonus points if he's reading Animal Farm.

The Flood / Re: Good songs from anime
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:45:31 PM »
Komm, süsser Tod.

Asuka best girl, Rei fags leave. She's not even a fucking human.

The Flood / Re: Are You Guilty of This?
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:43:35 PM »
I only respond to arguments I know I can win.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:41:46 PM »
1. Lazy narrative style, no thanks, create the story through the game, not just a paper presentation.
2. Yes, especially if to get them you have to adopt a strange playstyle or do something you don't usually do, and getting them makes a noticeable mark on the game (cosmetic, mechanics) rather than just sitting in a trophy collection.
3. A story without good gameplay is a shitty game. A game without a good story is still an effective game.
4. Something that distinguishes the game from the rest of my library. I'm not going to spend money on generic sidescroller #201, I'll spend money on "that game with the cool play to the rhythm of the music mechanic", even if the gimmick is effective or not, the experimental gameplay mechanic gives the game more value than a mediocre and functioning game that has already been made.
5. Consistent with itself, not trying to imitate popular styles (looking at vector), and not using music that tries to be big or is basically generic movie soundtrack. TBH the industry has forgotten that making a lack of music replaced by good sound design and clarity makes what music you do use more impactful.

I agree with most points. Bar the first. You just assumed the narrative would be lazy. There are countless examples where this is not the case, probably the best being Braid. The perfect integration of narrative and gameplay. Or even skyrim, the hunt for books and reading them at your own lesiure, or simply in the loading screens reading some trivia.
Text/narrative in a game =/= lazy narrative
Well yeah for peripheral lore, I'm talking the primary plot.

In that case I agree with you, it is better to discover primary story through gameplay, like in FF. Maybe it is just my taste in games but I like very much to read.

The Flood / Re: Check out my costume for Halloween this year!
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:10:56 PM »
You should be a piece of shit.
You should be a piece of shit.
He's a Shitdick
Suit you, your full of shit
you look pretty normal there, where's your costume?

I don't think this thread is going the way OP intended.

The Flood / Re: Who has the better singing voice, men or women?
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:09:10 PM »
Any answer is always going to be subjective. But I think women have a slight edge.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:07:21 PM »
1. Lazy narrative style, no thanks, create the story through the game, not just a paper presentation.
2. Yes, especially if to get them you have to adopt a strange playstyle or do something you don't usually do, and getting them makes a noticeable mark on the game (cosmetic, mechanics) rather than just sitting in a trophy collection.
3. A story without good gameplay is a shitty game. A game without a good story is still an effective game.
4. Something that distinguishes the game from the rest of my library. I'm not going to spend money on generic sidescroller #201, I'll spend money on "that game with the cool play to the rhythm of the music mechanic", even if the gimmick is effective or not, the experimental gameplay mechanic gives the game more value than a mediocre and functioning game that has already been made.
5. Consistent with itself, not trying to imitate popular styles (looking at vector), and not using music that tries to be big or is basically generic movie soundtrack. TBH the industry has forgotten that making a lack of music replaced by good sound design and clarity makes what music you do use more impactful.

I agree with most points. Bar the first. You just assumed the narrative would be lazy. There are countless examples where this is not the case, probably the best being Braid. The perfect integration of narrative and gameplay. Or even skyrim, the hunt for books and reading them at your own lesiure, or simply in the loading screens reading some trivia.
Text/narrative in a game =/= lazy narrative

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 17, 2015, 12:10:15 PM »
Super Metroid is the ideal 2D adventure game.

I think it is great example of fluid controls and gameplay. Simple concept executed very well.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 17, 2015, 12:08:40 PM »
Anything that was like Final Fantasy 1-6

Legend of Zelda

Two opposites if you ask me. Zelda had story but nothing heavy, but the gameplay and puzzle solving/fighting was fun. FF on the other hand is heavily story influenced, so yeah

open world 2d RPG/puzzleish?

Thank you for sharing your good ideas. Early FF games are of great inspiration to me also.

Must haves

1. Heavy utilization of subtle foreshadowing
2. Multiple endings
3. A vast array of characters you can recruit and use in your party
4. Multiple story arcs, which are determined by your decisions and the characters you place in your party
5. Art style has to be striking and stand out from other games in some way
6. Main character sacrifices his/her self in the end to save a friend or lover.
7. Behemothic size of world map, various dungeons and cities and open world areas

Thank you for reply. While I think all of your ideas for game are excellent. Some are beyond my programming skills and funding.

 I will try to make as much big world as I can with what I have though.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 17, 2015, 12:06:06 PM »
What is your ideal of perfect (2d) game???

Would you like to see opening text or would that bore you?
Do you like achievements and collectibles?
Do you want heavy story drive or simple action? (Think FF in contrast with Flappy Birds)
What would you expect at minimum to find in a game you paid a few dollars for?
What type of artsyle and music do you look for?

Your opinion is important, I want to hear your ideas and expectations. I value them very much.

I will not be making anymore threads realating to this mods, so thank you leave in offtopic please. Is discussion for desire and idea not of game already made.

If you would ike to have little cameo or easter egg in game please tell me. I see what can do.
Opening text: A title screen can introduce players to the tone and style of the game, when done right I like them. Dark Souls, I think, is an excellent example of this (minus the developer announcements). Skyrim also does this well, but more because of the music than the opening text.

I do like achievements/ collectibles, but I'm more of a mix between achiever and explorer when it comes to gamer type. Getting to somewhere new and interesting and improving my efficacy as I go is something I really enjoy. The classic metroidvania style game really scratches this itch.

My ideal 2D game would definitely have aspects of both strong story and game mechanics... it's actually hard to say which I prefer. For example, in Twilight Princess I like the rollgoal minigame for its gameplay more than the story
while in Dark Souls I prize the story and its emotional affect more than the gameplay.

I'd expect something like an appstore game if I paid a few dollars, interesting game ideas rather than impressive spectacles.

Artstyle and music: The 8 bit or 16 bit aesthetic is still primarily appealing to me, but seeing projects like Cuphead with old-fashion cartoonish style is really interesting. Musically I like instrumental and emotional tracks, just to give you an idea of what I mean I'll post some of my favorite music.
game music



One other very important thing for me: game atmosphere. Oppressive and mysterious environments intrigue me. It's one reason why Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game, one reason why I really like Dark Souls. The feeling of stepping up to and overcoming hopelessness is both gratifying and cathartic, I love it to pieces.
However, I also really like convivial atmospheres and bright colors, like in Yoshi's Island or Wind Waker. The feel-happy mood induced is infectious.
Relevant channel.

Thank you very much for your comprehensive answer. It is of great value. I especially like your idea of oppressive atmosphere. You have given me many ideas.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:01:51 PM »
Top-down, open-world RPG with a choice-driven story. Like Telltale meets original Final Fantasy.

You have strong taste in game. Choice element is heavily underplayed and to combine with RPG would make for great fun. Thank for share idea.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:00:06 PM »
For some reason I like the idea of an open world exploring/traveling 2d game. Toss in rpg and leveling elements. NPC Co-op pals maybe. Base building.

Basically, I'm just saying I'd love Dark Souls if it were a 2d open world side scroller.

This is interesting idea, thank you. I like idea of exploration also. The wider the world, the better.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:59:13 PM »
A platformer with pixel art! That sorta stuff is so unique!

I know you are being sarcastic but I aim better than this.

The Flood / Re: I ask for your opinions
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:57:42 PM »
Make like verbatim and defenestrate yourself


The Flood / I ask for your opinions
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:55:10 PM »
What is your ideal of perfect (2d) game???

Would you like to see opening text or would that bore you?
Do you like achievements and collectibles?
Do you want heavy story drive or simple action? (Think FF in contrast with Flappy Birds)
What would you expect at minimum to find in a game you paid a few dollars for?
What type of artsyle and music do you look for?

Your opinion is important, I want to hear your ideas and expectations. I value them very much.

I will not be making anymore threads realating to this mods, so thank you leave in offtopic please. Is discussion for desire and idea not of game already made.

If you would ike to have little cameo or easter egg in game please tell me. I see what can do.

The Flood / Re: Which sport produces the best athletes?
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:43:09 PM »

the first time i saw your booty i was hypnotized

Aww shucks

nope, but I would try it

If you have willigness to be hypnotized, it will be very easy for you. You can even find video on youtube where you can be hypnotized just by following instructions from the mentalist.

However, these types are mainly just for relaxing.

I tried to do it, but I ended up crying. The hypnotist said it was because I'm stressed.

Do you mean you tried to hypnotize someone? Or that mentalist tried to hypnotize you?

The Flood / Have you ever been hypnotized? (Or have hypnotized someone?)
« on: October 15, 2015, 02:10:52 PM »
I am make very interested to hear your stories please.

I have done both. When first I was hypnotized, it was very nice feeling but strange. Could not, or should I say, did not have the 'motivation/will' to move body. Is like being awake and asleep.

Hypnotize person only works if they want to be hynotized, of course it will not work if they try specificaly to resist, it is no magic.

You see very strange things can be done with power of the mind and this is of great interest. Once I saw trick done by a mentalist. Very simple concept but effect was disturbing to see. He asked people what was in the box, and within a few dozen seconds, they were breaking down, some even crying.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with straight edges?
« on: October 13, 2015, 05:24:19 PM »
So not cursing is silly, but

>Doesn't drink
>Doesn't smoke
>"What are we supposed to do for fun?"

I think that's your problem, fam. Not her's.

Good job hive mind. This place is exactly like holy shit.

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