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Messages - OnionBeetle

Pages: 1 ... 111213 1415 ... 35
The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:07:24 AM »
Suddenly not going to college seems the right choice
Women definitely need to go to college.
why though
Because life is even harder for women when you don't have a degree.

What do you like? What would you want to study?

Its easier if they just marry a rich man, like any female with half a brain would. They will never need to work a day in their lives.

The Flood / Re: Real Nigga Hours
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:01:25 AM »
Im in a cybernet chat entitled real nigga hours. We're only allowed to post in it after midnight. But most people are asleep before then so no one really posts in it anymore.

Apart from last night, when I posted in it saying sanders was a commie. It was seen by two people but no one replied and I feel as if I have created a tension between the members by saying that.

The Flood / Re: Done with exams, let's talk
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:59:31 AM »
lol, the memes in this thread are out of control! They're wack, simply wack!

But gender can only be 1 or 0. It is not something with a grey area.

Arg: 60
RT: 40

While this card is in play, the effacy of shitposts is doubled. However, no quality discussion cards may be played.

"This is low-key the best card in the deck. Congratulations!"

Your card and my card would work REALLY well together actually.

ARG : 0

RT :    0

For each shitpost thread on either side of the field this card gains 10 ARG and 5 RT. If there is any quality thread on the opponents side of the field, permaban this card immidately.

'Dropping memes like they're hot since 95'

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:28:38 PM »
If all the member cards have the same ARG and RT doesn't that mean they will nullify each other in 'battle', or is there someother way of changing their stats?

Why are there so many of you talking about gfs recently it's like fucking r9k in here.

idk man, you're 20 you should have enough common sense not to fuck up something so basic.
that's what i figure, but it's better safe than sorry, y'know? i have experience with plenty of women, believe me, it's just the whole relationship thing has my anxiety kicking in

relationship is just a bizzare mental milestone people invent for some reason. I never understood this. Just treat her as if she wasn't your gf and everything will always be totally chill 100% of the time. If she calls you her bf just tell her that you don't buy into that commie bullshit and that you simply just like her.

But then again that's just what ol' Uncle Beetle thinks.

Why are there so many of you talking about gfs recently it's like fucking r9k in here.

idk man, you're 20 you should have enough common sense not to fuck up something so basic.

The Flood / Re: What movie (s) should I watch from my collection?
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:51:21 PM »
The last of the Mohicans obviously. Literally the ONLY landscape epic of its kind.

The Flood / Re: Anyone in Dublin the first few weeks of June?
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:49:57 PM »
I wish I could, but instead I have to pack my stuff back my non-termtime house and then go on a mapping project over Summer.

Sounds nice, but it's Galway I'm heading to.

Sounds cool man galway is always nice in the summer. If you're ever wandering about westmeath or kildare give me a shout.

The Flood / Anyone in Dublin the first few weeks of June?
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:02:05 PM »
I should be knocking about with the lads tbh. Won't be drinking too much though, can only afford around 3 benders worth.

Anyone else have any holiday plans they're looking forward to?

Shawshank Redemption
Lord of the Rings
Fight Club
The Matrix
Shaun of the Dead

Dark Knight
Pulp Fiction
Full Metal Jacket

Which LOTR and which Matrix? Answer carefully because you're borderline right now.

did you decide upon if i'm a pleb or not yet? >_>

I'm going to phrase this in the nicest way possible. You are not a pleblian, that's the good news.

The bad news is you are the lowest tier-patrician level there is. Still better than the highest tier plebian though.
The first of both.

Correct! Congratulations, you can happily call yourself a moderate-tier patrician.

Shawshank Redemption
Lord of the Rings
Fight Club
The Matrix
Shaun of the Dead

Dark Knight
Pulp Fiction
Full Metal Jacket

Which LOTR and which Matrix? Answer carefully because you're borderline right now.

did you decide upon if i'm a pleb or not yet? >_>

I'm going to phrase this in the nicest way possible. You are not a pleblian, that's the good news.

The bad news is you are the lowest tier-patrician level there is. Still better than the highest tier plebian though.

Noticing a HUGE lack of horror films on people's lists (including my own) So allow me to fix that.

The Blair Witch Project

-The Dark Knight
-American psycho
-Dodgeball: a true underdog story

-The Dark Knight

Ok let's just start off by cutting out the cancer and talk about the actual films on your list.

FOTR - Good choice, most pick TT or ROTK
American psycho - Nice, quite patrician.
Dodgeball: a true underdog story - Not bad, not great but not bad.

So you got around a 3/5  which is better than most people's tbh.

No order.

Resevoir Dogs.
Stalker (1979).
Good Bad Ugly.
can I say Revenge of the Sith because it's so fucking hilarious

Resevoir Dogs, people in this thread really seem to like this one over pulp fiction.
GBU - Good choice, however the patrician will always choose FAFDM
The rest of your list is pretty avergae. but the fact that you mentioned ROTS for it's comedic value gets you some brownie points.

You're defintely not a plebian but you're not quite patrician either.


The Flood / Re: What does it take to be a good leader?
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:59:43 AM »
Someone who can alternate between your best friend and no-nonsense boss in a heartbeat. Someone who can see things from the ground level and from the top down.

Basically most of the poem 'If—' by Rudyard Kipling describes it perfectly.

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:55:11 AM »
Dear lord why does the teacup keep getting somehow worse

I tried :(

1.The Dark Knight
3.The Count of Monte Cristo
5.Wedding Crashers

Ouch. You've put me between a rock and a hard place with this one. I'm LITERALLY struggling to call you anything but plebian.

-Rush Hour 2
-Oceans Eleven (2001 remake)
-The Railway Children
-The Waterboy
-Back to the Future.

Ugh, real talk, if you're sticking a Jackie Chan flick later than 89' into a cinématiqué thread, you're just asking for trouble. Anyway, Oceans Eleven redeems you slightly, gonna put you down as a moderate-tier plebian.

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:48:54 AM »

I just saw the little symbol key thing you implemented. Alas, I am not murican, but hail from Ireland. I've stuck the little teacup thingy on it now though.

The Flood / Re: I'm designing a Sep7agon card game
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:41:20 AM »
I absolutely love the fact that when I click into this massive-turbo-thread, the very first thing I see is a big shiny Onion Beetle card staring back right at me in the OP.

The patrician's choice of card might I add. No deck is complete without one!

The Flood / Re: why did che guevara have to die?
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:55:23 PM »
Because he was unable to replicate the success of his previous campaigns in alien territory, coupled with poor soldiers not well versed in jungle warfare.

Dark Knight
Children of Men
Spiderman I and II
Mad Max Fury Road
Grand Budapest Hotel

'Grand Budapest Hotel'

Is this some sort of new meme I don't understnad? Regardless, Mad Max Fury Road  alone brought you down into the plebian zone. Children of Men is the only redeeming factor and even then that flick made me want to kill myself.

God forbid we enjoy a film with great visuals and action
Don't be like Verby disliking popular shit just to be edgy and unique

And if you really are like that, I feel sorry that you can't enjoy most of anything lol

Look at my list ffs, Titan A.E. is full of action as is 원더풀 데이즈. I dislike Fury Road because it's objectively shit, pandering to capeshit fans and tumblr users.

Don't get butthurt mate, it's just banter.


Turkey Sanders

Fuddy Duddy II


Second Class

Mr. Psychologist

gonna go ahead and mention Stand by Me, American History X, the Godfather, Scarface, and the Deer Hunter as well

and Trainspotting

Now we're talking!

Glad to see Trainspotting being mentioned, hardly ever see anyone talk about that film. Deer Hunter, Good, good.
American History X, fuck it. I think we got ourselves a second certified patrician, well done mate.

Dark Knight
Children of Men
Spiderman I and II
Mad Max Fury Road
Grand Budapest Hotel

'Grand Budapest Hotel'

Is this some sort of new meme I don't understand? Regardless, Mad Max Fury Road  alone brought you down into the plebian zone. Children of Men is the only redeeming factor and even then that flick made me want to kill myself.

Silver Lining's Playbook
Star Wars
Blade Runner

Which Star Wars? Choose carefully, this answer will decide your fate.
1977, before the trilogy turned into a saga.

So a New Hope?

>dissing the most successful tribute to Kurosawa and Flash Gordon in existence

I counter thee as plebian in turn. Feel very bad about yourself.

You misunderstand! What defines the patrician/plebian divide on Star Wars is wheter one chooses Empire Strikes Back (the patrician's choice) over A new Hope. It is a very thin line granted, yet it is an effective litmus test to weed out the plebians.

Fight Club
Requiem for a Dream

4-5 is gonna be a huge tie.

Don't bother with the other 2 mate, I've seen enough already :D

I don't watch a lot of movies so my list isn't too great
Mad Max
Saving private Ryan
Mad Max
Mad Max

Rotk -  The worst Lotr movie from the trilogy.
(FOTR being the best)

Mad Max - lol

Saving private Ryan - Why do people seem to like this flick so much?? It's on a lot of people's lists.

Goodfella  -  Sure, that's a pretty good movie actually.

Silver Lining's Playbook
Star Wars
Blade Runner

Which Star Wars? Choose carefully, this answer will decide your fate.
1977, before the trilogy turned into a saga.

So a New Hope?


Silver Lining's Playbook
Star Wars
Blade Runner

Which Star Wars? Choose carefully, this answer will decide your fate.

Highlander 2
Spy Kids
Out of Jimmy's Head
Human Centipede 3

Jesus Christ. Never thought I'd see the Godfather and Spy Kids in the same list. Anyway, you're a pleb sorry.

Hot Fuzz
Forrest Gump
Saving Private Ryan
The Lion King
Big Daddy

I'm gonna be pleb for sure...

Well, accepting that fact is the first step towards combating it! :)

Hot Fuzz shows you have some promise.

A Scanner Darkly
Reservoir Dogs
The Fifth Element
Monty Python's Meaning of Life
The Grand Budapest Hotel

Good, not great, as I said earlier The Grand Budapest Hote really bugs me. Fifth Element and Monthy Python was a nice surprise to see, not many people list those.  Overall though you're probably better suited to the plebian camp.

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