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Messages - OnionBeetle

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 35
The Flood / Re: How do I change the speed of the moving vertices?
« on: March 25, 2016, 07:14:49 PM »
Holy shit the  ' [   i    ]'   part of the code turned everything into italics, fuck!

The Flood / How do I change the speed of the moving vertices?
« on: March 25, 2016, 07:13:16 PM »
void draw () {
  for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    points.x %= width;
    points.y %= height;
  for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
    int x = i % width;
    int y = i / width;
    pixels = getClosest(x, y);

It's probably in that part of it. Just started learning this shit yesterday so I literally have no fucking idea what's going on.  Not a question I can google.

There's a thing at the beginning before the setup that has speed mentioned again but whenever I change that value it all crashes so that one must be important. It's 25 for some reason.

The Flood / Re: I hate dogs.
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:58:26 PM »
Scientists recently discovered that cats suffer no seperation anxiety.

That means if you fell down the stairs and died right there your cat wouldn't give a fuck.

That makes me like them more.

The Flood / I hate dogs.
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:56:25 PM »
Dogs are filthy, inbred, unclean, loud and vicious beasts.

Who /cat/ here?

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:18:49 PM »
do trashy weebshit vn's count as books?

I'll allow it but only if they have
cute imoutos.
kind of.

I've been slowly working my way through this for a while now.

Ngl, haven't heard of it before now.

Have you played Katawa Shoujo? Because that's still fresh in my mind.
Have you seen my own Sep7agon layout?

Well, that's quite the coincidence!

You can tell a lot about a person by how they order their power rankings.

Rin > Lilly > Hanako > Dogshit > Drill Hair Girl > Emi > Actual cancer > > > > > > Mute turbo bitch

OT: This.

No one here is saying Lilly isn't good, she is, but she's not best-girl material.

She's just boring af. Spending 80% of your day pouring out tea and talking about rain is only cool for so long.
Rin on the other hand...

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman isn't getting great reviews
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:20:36 AM »
It's a children's flick, it shouldn't even qualify to be reviewed. Only movies and films should be reviewed.

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:40:38 PM »
Currently reading both of these

who /out/ here?

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:25:16 PM »

Not even memeing with this one, I actually read it. It's pretty much garbage because Plato was just writing ironically at the time, interesting tho.

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:21:56 PM »

Well it defintely looks pretentious, so you get some points.

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:20:58 PM »
do trashy weebshit vn's count as books?

I'll allow it but only if they have
cute imoutos.
kind of.

I've been slowly working my way through this for a while now.

Ngl, haven't heard of it before now.

Have you played Katawa Shoujo? Because that's still fresh in my mind.
Have you seen my own Sep7agon layout?

Well, that's quite the coincidence!

You can tell a lot about a person by how they order their power rankings.

Rin > Lilly > Hanako > Dogshit > Drill Hair Girl > Emi > Actual cancer > > > > > > Mute turbo bitch
Hanako > Emi > Rin > Manly Picnic > Wahahaha > Mary Sue > mute cunt with the most boring route

Eh, I can live with that, I'd shove Lilly a bit further up but I get that she's an aquired taste.
However, I don't think I've ever seen a list with Mutey-Mac-Cunt higher up than last place and rightly so.

In other words, you passed the pleb test.


Not even the coloring books are safe anymore

They don't even need to hide it anymore at this stage, they've already successfully indoctrinated generation y (that's after 2000 right?)

Anyway, if they made a movie called Furry Yiff Adventure tomrrow, for kids nobody would blink an eye.

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:11:30 PM »
do trashy weebshit vn's count as books?

I'll allow it but only if they have
cute imoutos.
kind of.

I've been slowly working my way through this for a while now.

Ngl, haven't heard of it before now.

Have you played Katawa Shoujo? Because that's still fresh in my mind.
Have you seen my own Sep7agon layout?

Well, that's quite the coincidence!

You can tell a lot about a person by how they order their power rankings.

Rin > Lilly > Hanako > Dogshit > Drill Hair Girl > Emi > Actual cancer > > > > > > Mute turbo bitch

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:02:43 PM »


The only book you'll ever need.

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:01:58 PM »
do trashy weebshit vn's count as books?

I'll allow it but only if they have
cute imoutos.
kind of.

I've been slowly working my way through this for a while now.

Ngl, haven't heard of it before now.

Have you played Katawa Shoujo? Because that's still fresh in my mind.

The Flood / Re: Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 07:57:17 PM »
do trashy weebshit vn's count as books?

I'll allow it but only if they have
cute imoutos.

The Flood / Post the cover of the book you're reading
« on: March 22, 2016, 07:53:50 PM »

The more pretentious the better

The Flood / Re: Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 05:34:44 PM »
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (or the entire Man With No Name trilogy)
True Grit (remake and original)
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Once Upon a Time In the West
Hateful Eight

To name a few.

Is the h8ful 8 even worth watching or is it just Quinton making another meme movie? Like all I literally unironically know about it is that it takes place during the winter in a bar.

It's really good. A masterpiece of cinematography and character-acting.
It's not just anti-white propaganda like Django was, is it?

It's a Tarntino movie, that's pretty much a given.

The Flood / Re: Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 05:30:24 PM »
Cowboy Bebop

I want weabos to leave.

The Flood / Re: Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 05:12:35 PM »
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (or the entire Man With No Name trilogy)
True Grit (remake and original)
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Once Upon a Time In the West
Hateful Eight

To name a few.

Is the h8ful 8 even worth watching or is it just Quinton making another meme movie? Like all I literally unironically know about it is that it takes place during the winter in a bar.

The Flood / Re: Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 05:10:43 PM »
Blazing Saddles

This is my shooting hand

The Flood / Re: Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:31:18 PM »
Newer ones would be 310 to Yuma and true grit remake. Most of the other ones I enjoy are comedies.

Best western of all time though is Tombstone.

310 was surprisingly good.

The Flood / Re: Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:25:59 PM »
I forgot Tru Gr1t ofc

The Flood / Best Western?
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:23:31 PM »
1. Rango

2. The last of the Mohicans

(Yeah I know, give me some leeway with this one)



Being racist isn't attractive, so I'll pass.

Now how would a black person say that?
How would anyone say that? Nobody said that, it was written.

but, y'know, don't answer my rhetorical question, this topic is really dull. I'm guessing you're middle-aged

You guessed wrong
I really don't care, old man

Cared enough to reply though
Cared enough about your age to post that I don't care about your age?

Or is it that I treat you like a person, and reply to your replies, but don't care about your age? I don't see how you could misunderstand something like that. Maybe you should calm down, I'm not attacking you, but your stupid thread. I'm guessing that the state you're in has clouded your thinking.

Cared enough to keep replying.

Now how would a black person say that?

Being racist isn't attractive, so I'll pass.

Now how would a black person say that?
How would anyone say that? Nobody said that, it was written.

but, y'know, don't answer my rhetorical question, this topic is really dull. I'm guessing you're middle-aged

You guessed wrong
I really don't care, old man

Cared enough to reply though

Being racist isn't attractive, so I'll pass.

Now how would a black person say that?
How would anyone say that? Nobody said that, it was written.

but, y'know, don't answer my rhetorical question, this topic is really dull. I'm guessing you're middle-aged

You guessed wrong

Being racist isn't attractive, so I'll pass.

Now how would a black person say that?

Yo nigga, I'm low key looking for some fleek airs mangk
real talk I ain't no G, but I want some bling you feel me?

Salutaions comrade, I am discretely looking to purchase a pair of Jordan Air walking shoe devices:- The following is told in confidentiality and honesty;
I do however, understand that I would not be considered by most to be a 'gangster' but I cannot
deny my urge to possess such items. Do you understand this primal urge I have described unto yourself?

The Flood / Re: Posting this thread now
« on: March 18, 2016, 05:10:53 PM »
It's been close enough to 11 hours now. My oh me oh my, how the time flys by!! hahaha! As the funny saying goes, hahah.

The thread was better than expected, you're all just terrific. Thanks.

The Flood / Posting this thread now
« on: March 18, 2016, 07:06:39 AM »
I'll check back in 11 hours (giver or take 20 min) to see how it's turned out.

I'm expecting great things.

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