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Topics - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 8910 11
Gaming / The amount of dark souls threads is rediculous
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:55:54 PM »
why aren't there more?

The Flood / Should I start my final paper or....
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:47:00 AM »
So I have a final paper to write in my class "the human context of science and technology"

It's a bullshit humanities class that they trick stem majors into taking. This paper is worth a large portion of my grade, something like 35% and is due Monday. So what should I do?

Septagon / Mobile is fucked
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:05:17 AM »
half the time when I type, the top banner (the logo, notifications, pm, search) magically teleports down and blocks out where I would be typing, which is extremely frustrating.

Gaming / Rate my team (pokemon)
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:34:12 PM »
so there's a pokemon tourney at my college so I'm entering for shits and giggles. Winner gets a copy of omega Ruby (which I already have)

Anyway I need some help with my team. It's just for fun so I'm not going super try hard, I'm not changing out any pokemon but I'll change moves. My biggest concern is scizor and garchomp to a lesser extent. I would post on serribi but if you don't copy paste from smogon they flame you

252 atk 252 def 4 hp
Leftovers (wasn't sure what to put)

-Bullet punch (duh)
-pursuit (duh)
-Roost (duh)
- defog ( hard as fuck to get, had to breed all the way down from soul silver, used because Scyther hates rocks)

Possible moves: u-turn/swords dance instead of defog?

Sand veil
252 speed 252 attack 4 sp atk
Life orb (? I hate scarfs)

-earthquake (duh)
-dragon claw (outrage is too risky IMO, good stab)
-fire blast (basically mandatory for mawile skarm and scizor)
- poison jab? (Fairy coverage???)

Adamant :(
252 speed 252 attack 4 hp

-pursuit (destroys psychics who try to run away
-u-turn (powerful Stab + technician and switches out)
- brick break (surprises a lot of people and revenge kills a lot of scyther biggest threats
- aerial ace (powerful Stab + technician)

252 sp atk 252 spd 4 sp def
Expert belt

-scald (water + burn)
-grass knot (coverage)
-Ice beam (dragons)
-extrasensory (coverage)

Sand stream
252 atk I don't remember the spread but I have a specific split between def and special defense that's important for whatever reason that I forgot
Sitrus berry, unsure what to put

-crunch (stab)
- stealth rocks (duh)
- stone edge (duh)
- earthquake?? Not sure what to put

Mega- mother fucking- gardevior
252 sp atk 252 spd 4 hp

- hyper voice ( this is the only move I ever use, insanely high power after pixilate)
-calm mind

So yeah that's that

Gaming / Destiny 2: Become Super sand legend
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:15:34 PM »
what would it take for bungie to win you back over and buy destiny 2?

The Flood / DeeJ got hacked! Lmao
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:37:03 PM »
so at the top of this post somebody hacked DeeJ and added in a porn gif xD it was promptly fixed though. Hoping I can find somebody who screen capped it. Apparently clicking the link downloaded the app "instabang"

Gaming / Super secret base thread
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:24:44 PM »
anyone care to add each other's super secret bases is ORAS? If people are interested go ahead and post your QR code and I'll post mine!

Keep in mind every secret base you add is a new location you can fly to! Pretty cool and convenient

The Flood / petition to blacklist RadicalClass32
« on: November 26, 2014, 06:27:43 PM »
If I wanted to talk to 13 year olds I would go to

Gaming / Maxie is a hacker
« on: November 26, 2014, 05:28:03 PM »

Legit Level 27 camerupt? I think not

Gaming / Bungie Integrating strikes into Destiny's story
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:12:57 AM »
so because of all the can outcry about the story bungie wanted to make a more cohesive story for the DLC that (allegedly) isn't just random isolated events. Part of this is integrating the strikes into the story...

One strike is PS4 exclusive....

Bungie made the fucking story a timed exclusive. WTF

Gaming / My girlfriends Xmas present arrived (pokemon related)
« on: November 21, 2014, 03:54:40 PM »

Isn't it adorable? Hand made Espeon plush, it's soft as shit too.

Gaming / Somebody explain little big planet to me
« on: November 20, 2014, 09:12:00 PM »
i don't get it

Gaming / FaR Cry 4 "Demo"
« on: November 18, 2014, 11:22:10 AM »
I did a 4 GB download just to be told I need a friend to invite me with a key to kyrat or whatever. Why would they call it a demo and offer it on the store like that if you need to be invited?

Anyway, anyone have a key they wouldn't mind sharing?

Gaming / Officially done with IGN
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:03:33 AM »
apparently dragon age and pokemon are way worse than cod

They gave pokemon a 7.8
Listed flaws:
>too much water
>too many hm's

Gaming / Nintendo should buy Sony
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:01:51 PM »
Or they should form a turd merger and ninty should make ps4 games and Sony 3ds games

Tygers Wii U donation fund: $0

Please donate so I can buy a Pii u and play with Keyu catzilla and Mistablowjob

Gaming / Smash Bros DLC?
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:59:08 AM »
do you think this could happen on the wii u/3ds version? Obviously they can add characters because they're adding mewtwo. Nintendo seems to be dipping their toes in the dlc water with mario kart 8, which has some pretty good dlc (especially if you buy the bundle)

Not just new fighters either, new stages, maybe more palette swaps too like a wooly world yoshi as a yoshi skin or Dry Bowser for Bowser?

Gaming / Bloodborne gets delayed
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:20:26 AM »
Just until the end of March. They claim they need the extra month to perfect the game but I think it's more along the lines with not wanting to compete with The Witcher 3, and not wanting to take sales away from The Order

Gaming / Why doesn't master chief collection have 4 player split screen
« on: November 11, 2014, 03:38:06 PM »
the Xbox one is easily capable of split screen for these old ass games. It's a fucking bullshit scam

Edit: I should point out I meant campaign, I hadn't tried multiplayer before posting this

Gaming / Xbox live down for downloads
« on: November 10, 2014, 09:51:50 PM »
tfw master chief collection isn't predownloaded on my roommates Xbox yet

Gaming / Anyone want to pokemon battle?
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:35:09 PM »
pretty bored and feel like battling. Anybody down for a match? Whatever rules you want although my team is set up for smogon OU.

FC Is 4914-5081-1067

The Flood / just saw Big Hero 6 AMA
« on: November 08, 2014, 06:43:01 PM »
 Fantastic film, laughed many times and even teared up. AMA

Gaming / Imagine if...
« on: November 07, 2014, 03:26:20 PM »
imagine if Mario had never been released, and a game company tried to release it today. Everyone would be like "what the fuck, an Italian plumber who shoots fireballs out of his hands and fights turtles? He rides dinosaurs and is somehow know a princess? What crackhead thought of this!?"

Gaming / Dragon age has multiplayer!?!?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:02:54 PM »
how did I miss this announcement?!?!? This just put this game on my radar. Anybody else planning on getting this (besides Lemon)? What do you think of the co-op mode

Gaming / Destiny "expansion"
« on: October 29, 2014, 10:12:07 AM »
1 strike on Xbox
1 raid
3 crucible maps
3 "story" missions
A new "character" at the tower

For $20? Are you fucking kidding me?

Gaming / 40 mins of Tomorrow Children gameplay
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:45:25 PM »

So I'm actually pretty excited for this weird ass game. The art, the concept, the creativity all seems really really cool. I signed up for the alpha and I have my fingers crossed I get in!

What do you guys think of this? The next minecraft, or will it fail? Something in between?

Gaming / please read this
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:12:20 AM »

Please read this sub thread. It's genuinely the dumbest argument for destiny I've ever read, mainly the guy talking about how paying 60 dollars was paying for advertising and to get the full game you had to buy a limited edition...

Yeah I was trolling but damn... He was stupid

Gaming / SSB4 mains
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:35:56 AM »
whos your main in the new smash bros? Right now I'm really liking bowser and greninja. bowser is just a beast and I find greninja just really fun to play as

Gaming / Assassins Creed gets heists before GTAV
« on: October 23, 2014, 03:15:24 PM »

Not sure how to link properly on sep7agon so you get this, hopefully it works

Anyways this is shaping up to be the best assassins creed game. Super excited for the 4 player co-op and customization

Gaming / Owning 2 current gen consoles?
« on: October 21, 2014, 03:32:47 PM »
I already have a ps4, and a PC that fulfills all my PC wants (minecraft and shitty Korean MMO's)

I much prefer consoles for reasons I won't get into right now, but do you guys think it's wort it to own both an Xbox one and PS4? I have good friends on each and like the exclusives of each about equally. Paying for ps+ and Xbox live wouldn't really be a problem.

Does anyone own a ps4 and Xbox one and doesn't regret it? Would i recommend I shoot for getting both?

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