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The Flood / Re: guys help
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:06:22 AM »
It needs things like unsubstantiated claims that gets both parties angry, ad hominem, and text written without proper form of grammar.

The Flood / Re: 5 hours to kill at school. Halp.
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:38:33 AM »
You going to try to upshow Harris and Klebold? Just don't do it for a bitch reason like Elliot.

>tfw i don't get the reference
They're school shooters, it was a joke on your thread title.

The Flood / Re: 5 hours to kill at school. Halp.
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:36:37 AM »
You going to try to upshow Harris and Klebold? Just don't do it for a bitch reason like Elliot.

The Flood / Re: Ebola-Chan is online.
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:31:18 AM »
That won't work silly-nilly
It just did.
I'm still here hehe :)
but you didn't infect anybody bitch ass nagger
That's not very nice. You've just gained my love, piece of fracking punt shit :)
Well since you love me come over and have a taste of the hotdog.
Back off from my waifu punk.

The Flood / Re: I Want To Play That Game
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:27:09 AM »
My guess is they're going to play strip poker, sounds like a good wincest concept.

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:30:04 PM »
I do this in every bathroom I enter.

Septagon / Re: Just a small idea I had
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:23:27 PM »
If worse comes to worse, we can just have Sarah McLachlan do a commercial for us for donations instead.

The Flood / Re: fracking kek
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:21:50 PM »

"This is your child."



The Flood / Re: Leeeeeeet's play a fuuuuuuun game
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:30:59 PM »
Lol. Somebody volunteered to embrace me :D

The Flood / Re: Well Hello There
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:05:11 PM »
It's my waifu, how is my beautiful loli sickness?

The Flood / Re: fracking flu, suck my dick.
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:03:54 PM »
>having penis
Oh, I have a usb full of images to sate your thirst for that, but alas...

Guess I'll have to wait for anarchy.
fracking furfag
I prefer the term depraved, you'd be hard pressed to find something that don't get the blood a flowing.

The Flood / Re: fracking flu, suck my dick.
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:02:03 PM »
>having penis
Oh, I have a usb full of images to sate your thirst for that, but alas...

Guess I'll have to wait for anarchy.

The Flood / Re: Halowaypoint, it's been improved in a lot of ways.
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:57:21 PM »
Ten bucks says you're a reacharound.

The Flood / Re: fracking flu, suck my dick.
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:52:38 PM »
I would suck your dick, but I don't need a cold as well.

Also, Mucinex, the shit is the savior of all poor asses who can't afford health insurance or go to the doctor.

The Flood / Re: So Meta Cognition ended up dropping the saop.
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:36:30 PM »
he dropped the butter
Is that what they use for soap in Britain?
They also use it as toothpaste.

The Flood / Re: Social movement comparisons
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:32:36 PM »
OP be trying to hide his love for the cushion for the pushing. It's okay, we accept you.

The Flood / Re: what a steal
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:30:00 PM »
You can wear my ass down till it prolapses.

The Flood / Re: C:\\Users\ember_000>FRACK HER RIGHT IN THE CAT
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:23:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:38:11 PM »
so many pussies here. Some people here just need to grow dong and grow a backbone. if you get offended by trolls, then they've succeeded in their goal. I also find it funny when all the butthurts here claim to never be butthurt.

We need more carefree and chilled attitudes here.
To draw inspiration from the booty loving Cam, people here need to toke up more often.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:04:27 PM »
You're only adding to all the drama with this thread. You're an attention whore. You have to make your opinion known. You have to make your own thread. You want people to know that this is your take on it, and that you are important enough that people should care. The sad truth is no one should care. The only way to stop something to make it irrelevant, and this is the opposite of that. GG on you're thread though. You sure are making the problem stop.
Ignoring a problem, does not always solve the problem.
On the internet it mostly does. Especially forum drama.  And that is all it is, senseless forum drama. Not even harassment.
It would work, but only if everyone is willing to let it go. Although, certain users can't, that is why ignoring the problem wouldn't work here.

let it go.
If I may make a suggestion, I say we all break down in song.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:56:13 PM »
MFW I thought Officer Nasty would take off his mask and reveal that he's Gatsby..
If I take that mask off, will you die?
No, I would live
You're a big guy.
No, I'm just a small guy with a big heart

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:52:53 PM »
MFW I thought Officer Nasty would take off his mask and reveal that he's Gatsby..
If I take that mask off, will you die?
No, I would live
You're a big guy.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:46:08 PM »
MFW I thought Officer Nasty would take off his mask and reveal that he's Gatsby..
If I take that mask off, will you die?

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:45:33 PM »
Oh, trust me, if you all were 13 years old, I would treat you very differently.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy and Adsense
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:37:14 PM »
So either their automated system can pick up the context and determine if a phrase is explicit, or they have actual people sifting through some of it. Maybe both (probably both). In any case, we should take care to at least keep the thread titles safe for work.
Considering the crazy amount of guests we've had online at all times on a daily basis for months now..
To be fair, a good amount of them are probably people from Bnet, I lurked this place to watch the drama until replies got hidden.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy and Adsense
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:25:17 PM »
Just a question, adsense has a problem with the profanity being used correct, so I assume it scans for these keywords?

Do these words still register if alt codes were used in the middle of word, such as you would do to bypass the filter?

If it does not register, would it be feasible to create a word filter where instead of replacing the word, it adds the alt codes into them and makes it not be picked up by adsense instead?

The Flood / Re: hey flood
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:58:55 PM »
If by attention you mean sexual intercourse, then yes.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:57:54 PM »
Can't we just all find a penis and suck it?
Just saying, mine's free if you want it. I'm getting sick of hurting my back doing it myself.

The Flood / Re: [OFFICIAL] Anime feet thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:00:56 PM »
It gives us stuff to masturbate to.

Do you not like to masturbate?

The Flood / Re: [OFFICIAL] Anime feet thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:59:16 AM »
Them asses be phat.

You're my hero bro.

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