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Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:10:53 AM »
Nihilistic thought is an unfortunate result of the pervasive and poisonous religious concept that life is worthless if if not lived in service of a god or carried on forever on the psyche of "deconverts".
It does seem to be the case. It just seems to be a painful thought, to hear for so long that there is a set order of things for your actions and then when questioning it, you see that it is not the case. I really wish it were a thought that I could easily overcome. I guess at the end of it I want a reward for my actions. It seems like religion can be one of the most effective forms of operant conditioning to be honest.

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:05:42 AM »
I think the problem OP is having is he is extending that to think that nothing matters even when your alive, that he's becoming a nihilist.
Honestly, I do identify as an nihilist now. It just seems to be the only viewpoint to me that makes sense. Perhaps I am just unable to live within the absurd.

It's something I hear a lot from atheists who were previously religious. They may have lost their beliefs but many still retain the idea deeply ingrained in them by religion that their lives need a higher purpose to matter.
For me, it is less a higher purpose and more the fact that time is limited. Really, when thinking about it, should I be wrong in all my beliefs and there is actually an afterlife and I get sent to a bad one, Hell or whatever else, I would truly prefer it over non-existence. At least then in Hell I can take what makes who I am, my consciousness, with me.

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:05:24 AM »
Sorry, I can't really relate. Death just doesn't scare me. It's like an off-switch to me. Nothing matters when you're dead because you're no longer extant to experience or comprehend it.
While I do wish this was a feeling I could have, I just can't. To me it seems like amassing a great deal of wealth, homes, cars, and so much more just to know it will all be destroyed soon after. All the work that seems to be put towards something is so pointless at end. You may not be able to comprehend your non-existence after the fact, but for the time being you know that it is something coming. The moment when all will be taken from you.

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:05:01 AM »
Maybe since I reverted to atheism at such a young age these kind of questions have never bothered me. 

When you say you have little to no impact, I feel as if you're looking for the wrong ways to have one.  I think it's obvious every single person won't become president or cure cancer but there are ways to leave an impact on those around you and your community.  Donating your time to helping the less fortunate and being more sociable (easier said than done) are ways to impact stranger's lives and better your community and yourself. 

You can live life to the fullest, get in shape, find something you're passionate about, build on it, etc.  Don't waste a bunch of time consistently or it'll stack up over the span of your life and lead to regret.
Perhaps I am looking at the wrong ways to have an impact, but it just seems like unless you do something like become president or cure cancer, the impact you have is a minor one and it is one that will not be attributed to you for long. Perhaps this is a selfish way to look at things, but I want to exist. I want to keep existing after death. I want to have an impact because that is the only feasible way to exist as of yet. Unfortunately things like prolonging consciousness through technology is something that I will probably not see within my lifetime.

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:04:32 AM »
Usually it goes Theist -> Deist -> 'Agnostic' (Used incorrectly) -> Agnostic Atheist (commonly just called Atheist)
I did the same actually.

After you get through that mess of thought though its a cakewalk. I don't really feel anything when thinking about nonexistence now. Other than a vague sense of wonder maybe. It won't matter since you won't be alive, so why worry about it. If anything it seems relaxing/peaceful. Mostly its just about coming to terms with reality and not needlessly fearing the inevitable.
I guess, it just seems to me that a good amount of the time since it is an inevitability, why not just go ahead and get to the finish line. With memories and consciousness being something you can not take with you after you die, there really is no difference between dying at this moment or the next.

It really is a twisted concept for me, at the very thought of this I have truly considered ending it, but at the same time I can't bring myself to do so for the same reason. By ending it, I do truly lose it all. I understand that it is something I cannot keep forever, but at the same time I want to hold onto it for as long as possible.

Thinking about the big picture of the universe and how we're all (alive or dead) essentially just atoms that are part of that universe is a cool thought, but keep in mind that to you it is the big picture that is meaningless. Its the small picture (your life) that has as much meaning as you choose to give it. 'Meaning' and 'purpose' are not some kind of objective truths. They are subjective ideas and relative at that.
The fact that it isn't objective just seems to be a problem with me. Perhaps I just prefer order laid out in front of me, possibly because I am unable to create my own sense of order.

Serious / Re: The concept of non-existence
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:04:08 AM »
Agreed. It's kind of an easy way to ensure structure or some sort of unified and accepted morality. It's not needed though. And yeah, in the incredibly grand scheme of things, there's no point in me waking up for work tomorrow, however, in the event that is my life, and in regards to how actions mean things on the small scale (be it to yourself or another) it does have meaning.
While I do agree that it is not a necessity, it just seems to be a difficult concept to grasp without it. Life may have a small meaning to yourself and those around you, it just seems to be such a small effect that within just a few years after your death, you'll hardly be more than a memory to those close to you.

And so your objective is not to change the world. Now stop worrying about leaving a name in the History books and enjoy yourself (within the limitations of the law, preferably. Don't go killing people for fun.)
I do try to enjoy myself, however the thought at times can become so overbearing that it does seem impossible. At least with being able to leave your name in the history books you're guaranteed some form of immortality for your actions.   

Serious / The concept of non-existence
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:17:25 PM »
What exactly are your feelings on it?

For me, this has been something that I've had a great deal of trouble with since becoming an atheist.Non-existence after death to me nullifies the point of doing anything. At least when I was still religious, I could coerce myself to adhering to set behaviors due to the benefit of a heaven.

A great deal of the time, I'll hear other atheists say that since this is the one shot you get, you need to make it worthwhile; that because there is no objective worth in life, you have to find your own subjective meaning. I just can't see it from that perspective. The way I see it, because in the grand scheme of things, you have so little impact that anything you do is nothing more than a waste.   

Yes, I do realize I am having an existential crisis, but it's been one that has been ongoing for over 3 years now. So, for those others who believe that the only thing we have to look forward to after death is worms eating our corpse, are you stuck within a similar mindset or do you believe in making your own meaning? Also, for those who had faced an existential crisis, what is it that brought you out of it?
I'm about to pass out, the thought just popped into my head again and I decided to go against my own norm and try to post something with discussion. I'll reply to people's posts tomorrow.

Add horse cock please.

Preferably inside, or around, a burning cross
A bunch of horse cock with a burning cross in the middle of it sounds pretty metal to be honest.

Add horse cock please.

The Flood / Re: Californians in the rain
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:09:29 PM »
Image be a no-show.

The Flood / Re: why the fuck is it so cold in my room
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:38:47 PM »
Don't you live in Florida? Stop being a pussy bitch.

The Flood / Re: So now Verby has apologised can he come back?
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:34:15 PM »
Autism is an inherent thing, just because he apologized it doesn't mean it's magically gone
Autism jokes are really over done. Well done you're able to make a joke about a neurodevelopment disorder. Here's a medal.

Don't have an autistic fit over it, jeez
>I calmly reply to his comment
>I'm supposedly having a fit
Okay then.........
Dude, stop having a fit. Calm down and breathe.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:24:45 PM »

The kicker is that the professor later gets hit , and subsequently dies, by a car driven by two pastors, who had planned on leaving on some trip days before but kept having mysterious car trouble. It was implied that the evil atheists death was providence of god.
This sounds like it should have been directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

The Flood / Re: So now Verby has apologised can he come back?
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:10:41 PM »
Apologies are just bullshit you say to get people off your back some. I highly doubt he was truly sincere.

The Flood / Re: So, as Lemon's ass slave now
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:57:31 PM »
Woah now.
When I get done with you, you're going to be ordering the large meals at McDonalds.
You're going to make me like Kinder?
I have a torture fetish, so yes.
But I don't want to be fat
I'll make a deal with you, I won't force you to get fat, but you'll have to blow Kinder every week to prevent yourself from becoming like him.

The Flood / Re: So, as Lemon's ass slave now
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:47:11 PM »
Woah now.
When I get done with you, you're going to be ordering the large meals at McDonalds.
You're going to make me like Kinder?
I have a torture fetish, so yes.

The Flood / Re: So, as Lemon's ass slave now
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:45:11 PM »
Woah now.
When I get done with you, you're going to be ordering the large meals at McDonalds.

I'm now under the conclusion you have a girl's name or you are a being that has transcended past the use of first names.
My name isn't rare in the slightest. The spelling is uncommon though.
Fuck you.

Did Prehistoric/Based Snake tell you?
No, I actually thought of the Jak and Daxter game and used the post on the first page.
Well... A promise is a promise.
Great, my first order as your ass slave is for you to get a tramp stamp saying Chips and Fries, with a tattoo on your left ass cheek of potato chips and french fries on your right.
Thanks baby, after your tattoos heal, we're going to bruise you up some more with whips and chains.

The Flood / So, as Lemon's ass slave now
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:41:41 PM »
He is going to conform to the American/ Belgium way of things.

Great, my first order as your ass slave is for you to get a tramp stamp saying Chips and Fries, with a tattoo on your left ass cheek of potato chips and french fries on your right.

I'm now under the conclusion you have a girl's name or you are a being that has transcended past the use of first names.
My name isn't rare in the slightest. The spelling is uncommon though.
Fuck you.

Did Prehistoric/Based Snake tell you?
No, I actually thought of the Jak and Daxter game and used the post on the first page.
Well... A promise is a promise.
Great, my first order as your ass slave is for you to get a tramp stamp saying Chips and Fries, with a tattoo on your left ass cheek of potato chips and french fries on your right.

It'll probably be translating Kinder to children. That just makes the post better.
Gatsby is a pedo?
Lovely... just what we need... more competition.
I know, well, at least if Gatsby is letting Kinder blow him, he''ll go for the ugly kids possibly.

I'm now under the conclusion you have a girl's name or you are a being that has transcended past the use of first names.
My name isn't rare in the slightest. The spelling is uncommon though.
Fuck you.

Did Prehistoric/Based Snake tell you?
No, I actually thought of the Jak and Daxter game and used the post on the first page.

It'll probably be translating Kinder to children. That just makes the post better.
Gatsby is a pedo?

I'm now under the conclusion you have a girl's name or you are a being that has transcended past the use of first names.
My name isn't rare in the slightest. The spelling is uncommon though.

It's a hidden message, translate it and see what it said.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you guys every post anything good?
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:25:44 PM »

Posting good shit now.
What are your feelings toward that song?
It's an awesome song about party butts.

I'm now under the conclusion you have a girl's name or you are a being that has transcended past the use of first names.




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