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The Flood / Re: Greentext your experiences.
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:23:47 AM »
>be back at home depot
>need to build shower
>need pipes
>ask for plumbing shower
>lady asks what I need
>tell her pipes for shower
>she escorts me a sample shower
>grabs glue gun
>glues me in shower
>people are looking
>older employee
>walks up with broom
>melts glue
>opens door
>gets in shower
>glues shut
>asks me what i need
>tell him pipes
>he tightens his hand on the broom stick
>ravishes me
>with broom stick
>a crowd of onlookers gathers
>he loses broom stick
>grabs his debit card
>swipes between my cheeks
>crowd cheers
>asks me if he did a good job
>good job of checking my pipes
>checked my pipes
>exists shower
>credit card denied
>owe $27.39 for a broken broom
>came for pipes

>back to home depot
>older gentleman asks wut i need
>tell him need tractor
>john deer
>he takes me to tractors
>tells me to choose my favorite
>I choose one
>he'll be back
>he's back
>with a younger good looking male employee
>younger male hands me paperwork
>can't move my arms
>old man tied me to tractor
>he pulls down my pants
>hazes me
>announces on bull horn show is to start
>other people come watch
>puts tractor on 5th gear
>drives with me around store
>people follow
>jumps off tractor
>leaves me on
>hit the paint isle
>he runs to the wreck
>picks up paint brush
>paints a deer on my head
>tells me his name is john
>john deer. wut
>picks up his antlers
>ravishes me
>asks the crowd
>they are entertained
>they give john the thumbs up
>means finish me
>john looks me in the eyes
>ravishes me
>asked how i liked him johning my deer
>makes me sign paper work
>buy broken tractor
>ask to buy snickers
>not enough change
>cashier ravishes me
>i'm still wearing antlers

>home depot again
>more home
>more depot
>need to buy lightbulbs
>ask lightbulb employee
>he asks me if i've heard of new florescent lights
>takes me to them
>notice price tag
>3 times it drops
>tells me it's cleaner
>grab old 60watt bulbs
>looks me dead in the eye
>says NO
>pulls down my pants
>cuts open florescent light box
>inserts lightbulb into my anus
>punches me in the nose
>the lightbulb lights up
>tells me to buy more florescent
>pick them up off shelf
>turn around
>he's still there
>starts feeding me lightbulbs
>asks me to pay for the 476 lightbulbs he fed me
>tell him I have $20
>ravishes me
>takes old 60watt bulb
>shatters it
>shatters my dreams of being an electrician
>asks me if I want a home depot card
>will give me 5% cash back on lightbulb purchases
>my anus is bleeding
>liberty and justice for all

>home depot
>yes again
>ask for tile fixtures for new outhouse
>get shown catalogue
>notice tiles that I like
>they're called chocolate skies
>tell employee I want chocolate skies
>tells me to hold on one moment
>comes back
>escorts me to the tile samples
>shows me chocolate skies
>doesn't look like them
>tell him
>before I can change my mind he grabs me
>pushes me against wall
>try to move
>hands are sticky
>entire body is sticky
>he spackled me to the wall
>starts spackeling tiles to me
>calls over additional employees for assistance
>four black men make their way over
>he asks for them to put tiles on me
>they pick up the wall and lay it down
>they get on top of me
>sit on my face
>they eat tiles
>can't see anything
>feel my pants being removed
>original employee asks how I like my view
>tell him I can't see anything but black
>chocolate skies
>he asks if it's chocolate enough
>ravishes me
>pours cement on me
>i am encased with 4 chocolate colored men sitting on me
>they call it the statue of chocerty
>john meyer arrives
>plays song
>calls it chocolate skies
>oh say does that star spangled banner
>constitutional chocolate
>go to customer service
>ask for refund

The Flood / Greentext your experiences.
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:21:08 AM »
>be me, 21
>i went to home depot
>i asked the man for paint
>and he picked me up
>and then he brought me to the back
>and ravished me
>and then
>he leant down
>and he said
>"paint's on the house"
>and that was the last time i went to home depot for paint
>don't ask me about the time i asked for wood

>be at same home depot
>1 month later
>ask for wood
>employee asks if I need help
>sure he says
>he says sure
>brings me to lumber yard
>lumber yard is on isle 923
>isle 922 is bricks
>ask me about bricks later
>lumber yard
>asks for wood
>he says what kind
>turns around
>around we go
>he drops his pants
>ravishes me
>picks me up and looks at me
>says it was his pleasure
>only at chick fil a
>not chick fil a, home depot
>ravishes me again
>tells me to knock on wood

>go to home depot
>tell them i'm looking for lawn care
>get to garden section
>they ask how they can help me
>tell them I need to trim hedges
>tell me brb
>man comes back
>new stocky man comes too
>they say i need tools
>power tools
>for those hedges
>ask me to come with them to tool section
>there is not tool section
>they give me pruners
>drop their pants
>command me to prune
>ravished me
>asked me how i liked trimming the hedges
>old woman walks up to me
>she ravishes me
>garden section

The Flood / Re: Dubs decides who I PM and what to give them
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:18:25 AM »
Fine, Pm me a vocaroo of you using your best seductive voice talking about all the wonderful things you would do to me, letting me drip chocolate on you body and caress it with my tongue, you going to my dick and swallowing it all, and it has to be hot and 3 minutes at least.

The Flood / Re: I feel really shitty
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:30:16 AM »
Used to be getting baked, doing shrooms, ect. Now, fuck if I know, I'm just stuck in a perpetual state of boredom; the clean life sucks honestly.

Is life itself even worth it anymore?
You're asking a nihilist that, so....

But anyhow, while I truly do hate the finiteness of existence and fail to see any reason to follow through with the existential path of making your own reason, I just continue on. Fear of consciousness ending, wanting to keep hold of finite desires, ect. Can't say I see much else to it all.   

The Flood / Re: I feel really shitty
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:22:20 AM »
Used to be getting baked, doing shrooms, ect. Now, fuck if I know, I'm just stuck in a perpetual state of boredom; the clean life sucks honestly.

The Flood / Re: Dubs decides who I PM and what to give them
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:06:20 AM »
PM me pic of your asshole spread open with my name written on your butt.
Rerolling for this.

The Flood / Re: Dubs decides who I PM and what to give them
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:50:32 PM »
PM me pic of your asshole spread open with my name written on your butt.

The Flood / Re: >walk into mom's bedroom
« on: March 24, 2015, 10:21:23 PM »
mum...when did you become a filthy gook

*sips tea*
Where the fuck did you get gook from?
looks like a gook to me

*sips tea*

Are you high or just retarded?
Pretty sure he's retarded. She'd be hotter if she was a young gook though.

The Flood / Re: Sep7 illuminati exposed
« on: March 24, 2015, 09:17:03 PM »
Charge your phone nigga.

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:41:15 AM »

If I see anyone else they're going to go home with a bloody nose.

Hold on. Let me make myself clear.

Flee and Ging.

If I see anyone else that's FROM this website that is NOT my friend and is a total penis head,

BAM! right in the fucking nose. Bleeding.
Again. Lol. I mean, unless you are excluding me from this nose bleeding thing. Then I don't really care.

Do your see your name anywhere in my post? That means you would be going home with a nose bleed.

Or I would be depending on how strong you are.
If you got close enough to me irl, and it even seemed like you about to harm me in anyway. I would stab a hole in your neck and then proceed to pull my dick out forcibly fuck that hole, using you blood ass lube, until you bled out. kk?

....That's a really shitty way to die.
You misspelled hot.

The Flood / Re: Everyone here on this site is now my enemy
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:20:13 AM »
Your mom was an enemy of my dick.

*shoots and kills Z- Z-*

However the fuck you spell you name.
It's spelled "I love penis" because its delicious and nutritious.

That's disgusting.
Have you ever tried cum? It's good.

The Flood / Re: Everyone here on this site is now my enemy
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:16:03 AM »
Your mom was an enemy of my dick.

*shoots and kills Z- Z-*

However the fuck you spell you name.
It's spelled "I love penis" because its delicious and nutritious.

The Flood / Re: Everyone here on this site is now my enemy
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:12:14 AM »
Your mom was an enemy of my dick.

The Flood / Re: So I went to Europe, and it was awesome...with video!
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:08:48 AM »
We went to Germany
Did you bang 14 year olds?

The Flood / Re: Who is your daddy?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:05:26 AM »
Either some cheating ass whose fiance at the time said she would kill herself if he kept contact with me, possibly some coke head, or some fuck who got his dick wet during spring break in Daytona.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Monday & Tuesday)
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:18:34 AM »
Humid, and some rain today.
It'll go back to being extremely hot tomorrow
Huh, hardly has rained around here, planning go to the beach tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Monday & Tuesday)
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:43:50 PM »
1st get

So, how about that weather?

The Flood / Re: Space is cool!
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:36:53 PM »
I just want to go to space to be sentenced to death by snu snu.

« on: March 22, 2015, 05:25:58 PM »
I remember the amount of arrows that penetrated my anus before finally getting through. I still have nightmares.

The Flood / Re: I agree with Dolce and Gabbana on their IVF comments
« on: March 22, 2015, 05:19:03 PM »
I guess it's a good thing I roll both ways, though I can't say I really care if it is selfish either way, I want my genetic lineage to continue regardless of who I'm with. I'd be up for adoption as well when it comes to more kids, but want at least one kid of my own blood.

The Flood / Re: wut do I put as my personal message on my lock screen?
« on: March 22, 2015, 02:00:09 AM »
Sorry, but this screen is locked right now to prevent you from looking at my gay porn.

Nah, most of my past sucked ass.

The Flood / Re: Put your 2nd grade thinking caps on.
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:27:07 AM »
she has the body of a 12 year old boy.
That's a good thing though.

The Flood / Re: Put your 2nd grade thinking caps on.
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:18:50 AM »
How To Train Your Dragon

Is that a vote for Dragons? If you guys can think of other G or PG movies, let me know and I can re-check if I have them. Netflix may also be a possibility, but the winning physical movie I'll keep as a back up.
Nah, I'd rather go with Wall-E, though I have never seen Megamind or Over the Hedge.

The Flood / Re: Put your 2nd grade thinking caps on.
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:13:20 AM »
Wall E

Or the Incredibles for Helen ass
And that daughter of her's, Violet.

The Flood / Re: Put your 2nd grade thinking caps on.
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:12:33 AM »
How To Train Your Dragon


Kill her?

The Flood / Re: Why do we have 87 guests.
« on: March 22, 2015, 12:42:29 AM »
I just didn't give enough of a fuck to sign on earlier, been working on papers.

What kind of dumbass goes by herself when going to some stranger's house from an offer from Craigslist
I've thought about using Craigslist to hook up before, but the fact that every damn picture I see are ones I've seen from various /b/ threads before made me know those people are full of shit. The other people I've seen on there are really big, ugly, black people. :/

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