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Messages - LecomingBegend

Pages: 123 45 ... 11
The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman leaked trailer
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:09:36 PM »
I'm back

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:09:09 PM »
The Shining
The Thing
The House of the Devil
The Conjuring
Night of the Living Dead
Evil Dead 2
I feel like I am forgetting one more
Solid list
You're forgetting The Blair Witch Project tho
Never seen it. What I did see of it I didn't like.
It's not for all

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:08:34 PM »
the shining

just as a film--as a "horror" film, it's not really scary at all
but that's a good thing
The movie's fucking terrifying what are you on?

One of the handful of movies I can say gives me real anxiety as I watch it No jump scares, sure, but that is a good thing.
ikr Nicholson has mastered every genre

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 02:06:39 PM »
The Shining
The Thing
The House of the Devil
The Conjuring
Night of the Living Dead
Evil Dead 2
I feel like I am forgetting one more
Solid list
You're forgetting The Blair Witch Project tho

The Flood / Re: Sinister 2
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:53:45 PM »
As soon as a trailer reveals a monster, it's a mistake.
Not for Godzilla or King Kong
Yet for Horror movies I'd say this rule applies

I like the particular philosophy of Carpenter. The less you know, and the less you see of something, the more atmosphere, the more tense, the more unease you can build upon.

You can always show your creature. But fleeting glimpses create something special.

A morbid curiosity is generated to want to see what's so terrifying. Not knowing, what something is, but that it is inherently harmful to you, is terrifying.

Not seeing it in full, makes for great tension and immersion.
I generally agree, yet sometimes there are exceptions.
Amnesia The Dark Descent certainly abides by that rationale.

The Flood / Re: Sinister 2
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:42:52 PM »
As soon as a trailer reveals a monster, it's a mistake.
Not for Godzilla or King Kong
Yet for Horror movies I'd say this rule applies

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:39:57 PM »
The Woman in Black. This movie gave me the fucking willies. So damn atmospheric and creepy.
The Human Centipede. Say what you will about this movie, but it made me feel uncomfortable and gave me nightmares.
The Conjuring. Nuff said.

Awesomeness: 28 Days Later. The way it's shot makes it seem... real? I guess this could go in the scary bit too but whatever.
The Lost Boys. Back when vampires were cool. Has an awesome cast and a great soundtrack.
Sinister. I don't really know what to say, I loved the monster design. And the tapes were awesome and creepy.
28 Days Later was awesome Best zombie movie ever?
Yeah I loved it. Shame 28 Weeks was pants.
I was gone for months, I'm back forever tho. How you been?
Who are you do I know you
Floodian for 4+ years. Probably not I lurked for months at a time.

The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman leaked trailer
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:37:46 PM »
"Do you bleed?"

"You will"

Possible usurper to Baneposting?
Off topic: I'm back forever

The Flood / Re: Batman vs Superman leaked trailer
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:36:42 PM »
was that based neil degrasse memeson at 0:25
Off topic:I'm back forever Cheese Potato

The Flood / Re: What is your favorite book?
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:02:00 PM »
Dune Frank Herbert

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:48:44 AM »

Should just let a nigga be who he wants.
Don't try that guilt trippin' on me.

TFW I ask people to post foxes and they don't fucking post foxes... D:
Why? Would you be prone to feeling guilty? Ain't gotta bring a dude down. Concern yourself with yourself, and let a nigga be who he wants to be.
Well you make it sound like I'm bullying the poor sod.
I'm saying you shouldn't cramp styles even if you feel like your own style is cramped. Be open and free from the pettiness and there will be too much space to for cramped styles to begin with.
Open and free from pettiness?
Is that what your posts are when you're calling yourself a cunt for attention?
Hey we can't be perfect now. I get enough amusement out of it. It doesn't rile you doesn't it? =]
I'm back forever Demonic

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:45:41 AM »
I'm back. Don't expect anyone to care
Hey ♥

Why would people not care?
Good to see some more old blood

The nurse should be struck off, you don't refuse treatment to anyone especially over petty political beliefs.
this reminds me, hospitals in fringe areas in ISIL-controlled/contested territory are being given a lot of shit on the internet for treating ISIL fighters. i wonder where we should draw the line, if at all?
I don't think it's wrong for the doctors to treat ISIS fighters for a couple of reasons <.<

1. Doctors who refused to treat ISIS soldiers are going to be killed brutally by the comrades of the shithead that they dragged in for treatment, by treating the jihadi they can continue to treat more deserving patients/non-coms.
2. The last time medical professionals got involved in political conflicts (Finding bin laden) the wider impact doesn't justify their involvement. When you have red cross workers, DWB/MSFs being gunned down in the street for 'working with the CIA' it's an utter waste of human resource/life AND it hurts the innocents who they are there trying to help.

It'd be nice to just blow bubbles in their IV lines sure, but the bigger picture unfortunately requires treating them along with anyone else wounded in the fighting.
Off topic: I'm back forever!

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:42:40 AM »
I'm back. Don't expect anyone to care
Hey ♥

Why would people not care?
Canadian (TBlocks) & Sandtrap didn't even recognize me ;(

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:38:32 AM »

Should just let a nigga be who he wants.
Don't try that guilt trippin' on me.

TFW I ask people to post foxes and they don't fucking post foxes... D:
Why? Would you be prone to feeling guilty? Ain't gotta bring a dude down. Concern yourself with yourself, and let a nigga be who he wants to be.
Well you make it sound like I'm bullying the poor sod.
I'm saying you shouldn't cramp styles even if you feel like your own style is cramped. Be open and free from the pettiness and there will be too much space to for cramped styles to begin with.
Open and free from pettiness?
Is that what your posts are when you're calling yourself a cunt for attention?
Canadian I'm back
Miss me?
I don't really care who you are tbh.
I don't expect you to care

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:37:57 AM »

Should just let a nigga be who he wants.
Don't try that guilt trippin' on me.

TFW I ask people to post foxes and they don't fucking post foxes... D:
Why? Would you be prone to feeling guilty? Ain't gotta bring a dude down. Concern yourself with yourself, and let a nigga be who he wants to be.
Well you make it sound like I'm bullying the poor sod.
I'm saying you shouldn't cramp styles even if you feel like your own style is cramped. Be open and free from the pettiness and there will be too much space to for cramped styles to begin with.
Open and free from pettiness?
Is that what your posts are when you're calling yourself a cunt for attention?
Your posts do not mean much, especially when you try to defend Kiyo.
I'm back. Don't expect anyone to care

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:34:42 AM »

Should just let a nigga be who he wants.
Don't try that guilt trippin' on me.

TFW I ask people to post foxes and they don't fucking post foxes... D:
Why? Would you be prone to feeling guilty? Ain't gotta bring a dude down. Concern yourself with yourself, and let a nigga be who he wants to be.
Well you make it sound like I'm bullying the poor sod.
I'm saying you shouldn't cramp styles even if you feel like your own style is cramped. Be open and free from the pettiness and there will be too much space to for cramped styles to begin with.
Open and free from pettiness?
Is that what your posts are when you're calling yourself a cunt for attention?
Canadian I'm back
Miss me?

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:33:41 AM »

Should just let a nigga be who he wants.
Don't try that guilt trippin' on me.

TFW I ask people to post foxes and they don't fucking post foxes... D:
Why? Would you be prone to feeling guilty? Ain't gotta bring a dude down. Concern yourself with yourself, and let a nigga be who he wants to be.
Well you make it sound like I'm bullying the poor sod.
I'm saying you shouldn't cramp styles even if you feel like your own style is cramped. Be open and free from the pettiness and there will be too much space to for cramped styles to begin with.
Open and free from pettiness?
Is that what your posts are when you're calling yourself a cunt for attention?
>This post
>This post Author

I feel like I know you from somewhere

The Flood / Ads
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:32:07 AM »
Am I the only one getting ads in a banner above the topics?

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:30:28 AM »

Should just let a nigga be who he wants.
Don't try that guilt trippin' on me.

TFW I ask people to post foxes and they don't fucking post foxes... D:
Why? Would you be prone to feeling guilty? Ain't gotta bring a dude down. Concern yourself with yourself, and let a nigga be who he wants to be.
Well you make it sound like I'm bullying the poor sod.
I'm saying you shouldn't cramp styles even if you feel like your own style is cramped. Be open and free from the pettiness and there will be too much space to for cramped styles to begin with.
Open and free from pettiness?
Is that what your posts are when you're calling yourself a cunt for attention?
Canadian I'm back

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:25:03 AM »
I never particularily gathered the whole deal behind the fox trademark involving either of you.
Well back on bnet me and foxy liked to post foxes. Elegiac had a thing for me and tried to force the whole fox thing, it was really cringey and I had to tell him to stop. But he went crazy, skinned a few foxes irl to make a fox suit and became the false one, then he was called a dingo because he's an aussie and that made him go supernova and he went to skin a few more foxes and committed genocide against the dingos.

Sad state of affairs...

I've a sense of humor capable of making me laugh when I feel like absolute shit. And I just.....don't click on that deal of yours.
What do you mean?

I've a flexible sense of humor that goes so far and allows me to smile even when in a critical state or even make fun of myself and have a little fun despite the current situation.

That post up there, dramatically emphasized and spun up so flamboyantly. I get nothing from it. I just again, ask why.
Maybe it's personal with you? Maybe your mood's too low? Or maybe you just don't get it?

Maybe I don't see the need to poke fun of ele, as scatter-fucked as he can be. Then again, apparently you two have a history and I know I'm not aware of it.
Scatter-fucked? Christ... even when you people stick up for me you insult me and just generally don't understand me at all. Fine though, whatever. I don't have a problem with you anyway.

Everything she's saying is a complete fabrication. If it wasn't I would have picked out a truth from the bullshit and recognised it in one of my posts. I'm fair like that. I think she's drunk.

I posted foxes before she even joined, ditto those goodnight threads. I know this is all pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but I feel disrespected when all the people here that I treat well, try to get along with, and have a laugh with while we're all sitting on our asses at home, will just let me be consistently walked all over by assholes. Have the truth pissed on and turned into a slander against me.

Do I have to become an asshole in order to be treated with respect? I don't care. I won't do it. As I said earlier, I don't care where I am- the internet or real life- the type of behaviour and personality that she displays pains me. And it has from day one of her forcible insertion into poor old and the beginning of her harassment of me. A crush on kiyo? It's the biggest fucking joke.

There, that's that. I won't be coming back to this thread.
I respect you

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:13:09 AM »
I never particularily gathered the whole deal behind the fox trademark involving either of you.
I'm back Sandtrap

That would be fine and dandy if I could remember who you are. I know the name. But nothing else is ringing any bells.
Implying anyone knows me

I have a long memory. I can remember specific things that sometimes surprise people. But I mean that I don't remember you in sense that my memory is akin to that swiss cheese these days. There's gaps.

Your name rings a bell and I know that I know you. But there's nothing.
Implyong I never said anything worthwhile

It would be real handy if you gave me some context on yourself. Why, particularily recognize me and say something? Did I ever talk to you? Do anything nice?

I mean that I don't remember you because there's a fucking gap in my memory and head. Memory loss and displacement. Side effects from taking things, are entertaining.
You were a saint to me in a time of boredom

What in the fuck could I have possibly done that was entertaining? Especially, THAT entertaining? I must have rolled up a circus to your front door or some shit.
idk I remember u were awesome tho

The Flood / Re: Wat did I miss?
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:09:54 AM »
Kinder got perma'd
Dustbin is banned
Deci exploded multiple times
rocketman's not a mOD
comet is a mOD
LC is an Admin
Comms is back
Anarchy may or may not be coming back
What happened to Smiggles and/or BioSmiley?
BioSmiley left and Smiggles got cancer and left.

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:05:21 AM »
The Woman in Black. This movie gave me the fucking willies. So damn atmospheric and creepy.
The Human Centipede. Say what you will about this movie, but it made me feel uncomfortable and gave me nightmares.
The Conjuring. Nuff said.

Awesomeness: 28 Days Later. The way it's shot makes it seem... real? I guess this could go in the scary bit too but whatever.
The Lost Boys. Back when vampires were cool. Has an awesome cast and a great soundtrack.
Sinister. I don't really know what to say, I loved the monster design. And the tapes were awesome and creepy.
28 Days Later was awesome Best zombie movie ever?
Yeah I loved it. Shame 28 Weeks was pants.
I was gone for months, I'm back forever tho. How you been?

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:03:25 AM »
Huh. Interesting.
Have u seen it?
No but I might add it to my list alongside Antichrist (check my signature, even though I haven't actually seen it  :-[)
I almost never get scared, especially by movies
The simple thought of the word Repulsion brings chills

The Flood / Re: Your top Horror movies.
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:01:19 AM »
The Woman in Black. This movie gave me the fucking willies. So damn atmospheric and creepy.
The Human Centipede. Say what you will about this movie, but it made me feel uncomfortable and gave me nightmares.
The Conjuring. Nuff said.

Awesomeness: 28 Days Later. The way it's shot makes it seem... real? I guess this could go in the scary bit too but whatever.
The Lost Boys. Back when vampires were cool. Has an awesome cast and a great soundtrack.
Sinister. I don't really know what to say, I loved the monster design. And the tapes were awesome and creepy.
28 Days Later was awesome Best zombie movie ever?

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:59:57 AM »
I never particularily gathered the whole deal behind the fox trademark involving either of you.
I'm back Sandtrap

That would be fine and dandy if I could remember who you are. I know the name. But nothing else is ringing any bells.
Implying anyone knows me

I have a long memory. I can remember specific things that sometimes surprise people. But I mean that I don't remember you in sense that my memory is akin to that swiss cheese these days. There's gaps.

Your name rings a bell and I know that I know you. But there's nothing.
Implyong I never said anything worthwhile

It would be real handy if you gave me some context on yourself. Why, particularily recognize me and say something? Did I ever talk to you? Do anything nice?

I mean that I don't remember you because there's a fucking gap in my memory and head. Memory loss and displacement. Side effects from taking things, are entertaining.
You were a saint to me in a time of boredom

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:58:25 AM »
I never particularily gathered the whole deal behind the fox trademark involving either of you.
I'm back Sandtrap

That would be fine and dandy if I could remember who you are. I know the name. But nothing else is ringing any bells.
Implying anyone knows me

I have a long memory. I can remember specific things that sometimes surprise people. But I mean that I don't remember you in sense that my memory is akin to that swiss cheese these days. There's gaps.

Your name rings a bell and I know that I know you. But there's nothing.
Anything notable happen in the past few months?

You're seriously asking the wrong person. I don't know what day it is currently. I don't know what happened, past roughly seven days ago or so. Only little bits. Anything notable, here?

The big guy. You know the one was defensive about being heavy. Bingo. Kinder. He got ding dong bannu'd apparently.
Lemön told me, still can't believe it.

The Flood / Re: Wat did I miss?
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:56:17 AM »
Deci got raped
Implying that's something new

Pages: 123 45 ... 11