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Messages - SecondClass

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The Flood / Re: Tomorrow is March 8
« on: March 08, 2021, 06:07:11 AM »
the fuck is on march 8th?
International Women's Day, apparently. How lame!

The Flood / Re: join my group sociopaths united
« on: March 06, 2021, 10:35:47 PM »
Ok? Are you gonna link it or...?
Join today! End the reign of these "veteran" flood users!

I took this image nine years ago

TIme is relentless

The Flood / join my group sociopaths united
« on: March 06, 2021, 06:30:35 PM »
no prudes allowed

The Flood / Re: Welcome to Cockbuster
« on: February 23, 2021, 07:53:47 PM »
I need one each of the following films: Whisper in the Wind, To Each His Own, Put It Where It Doesn't Belong, My Pipes Need Cleaning, All Tit-Fucking Volume Eight, I Need Your Cock, Ass-Worshipping Rim Jobbers, My Cunt And Eight Shafts, Cum Clean, Cum-Gargling Naked Sluts, Cum Buns Three, Cumming In A Sock, Cum On Eileen, Huge Black Cocks With Pearly White Cum, Slam It Up My Too-Loose Ass, Ass Blasters In Outer Space, Blowjobs By Betsy, Sucking Cock And Cunt, Finger My Ass, Play With My Puss, Three On A Dildo, Girls Who Crave Cock, Girls Who Crave Cunt, Men Alone 2: The K.Y. Connection, Pink Pussy Lips, and All Holes Filled With Hard Cock.

Oh, and Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.

The Flood / Re: I work at a call center now
« on: February 20, 2021, 12:33:17 PM »
Gods be with yee. Customer service is always a fuckin' nightmare.
I love customer service what are you talking about

Any job I can sit a a desk all day and do no manual labor is a good job

How much do you get paid
I start at $13

I've never had a customer service job that didn't make me want to tie a noose and do a backflip off the chair. Guess it depends on the clientele. Only time people weren't total assholes was when I was painting houses, just picky, which is okay.

Guess we're opposites on that front. Couldn't pay me to sit round all day. Have to keep moving otherwise I'll start getting depressed. If you rolled an okay CS job, then count yourself lucky and hope it's not just a calm before the storm deal.
I'd say it's less about the clientele and more about the client. That is, some people are more tailored for customer service interaction, and some are more tailored for other things.

For example, I know a lot of people who work manual labor jobs, and love the exercise, being outside, etc. Me personally, I would absolutely despise any job where I had to exert myself all day. Some people have no tolerance for bullshit and wouldn't be able to put up an amicable front to annoying customers all day. I have no problem doing that, and in fact look forward to calls to kill time and let me do stuff.

It just depends on what the person is suited for. Sorry for not responding to your PMs btw, I'll get to them soon I just don't go on the internet as much as I used to.

The Flood / Re: I work at a call center now
« on: February 19, 2021, 09:31:05 AM »
did you say your bf is rich?

what does he do
He's well off not rich. His family is rich. We don't have to worry about going hungry or anything, they help us if we need it. His car was so crappy so we borrowed his mom's alternate car for example. And last week she just told us to keep it and transferred the insurance and everything over to him.

They're kinda like the "no handouts" kind of rich people and don't help us super excessively.  The car thing was the biggest thing they did. His sister also helped us get the house we currently live in.

The Flood / Re: I work at a call center now
« on: February 19, 2021, 06:54:18 AM »
Its a shit job but a shitty office job is miles better than any customer-facing retail.

Just please don't screw up by coming in to work high or with a post-trip hangover.
Yeah I have two computer monitors and my own little area that I can decorate, I feel like this is my first serious, adult job

Not planning on tripping during weekdays anymore. I def don't want to lose out on a second paycheck for me and my bf for doing almost nothing all day. 90% of calls are easy immediately fixable issues / answers

Thanks for your concern btw I appreciate you caring

The Flood / Re: I work at a call center now
« on: February 19, 2021, 05:14:46 AM »
Gods be with yee. Customer service is always a fuckin' nightmare.
I love customer service what are you talking about

Any job I can sit a a desk all day and do no manual labor is a good job

How much do you get paid
I start at $13

The Flood / Re: I work at a call center now
« on: February 18, 2021, 11:08:28 AM »
Do you get to work from home or do they make you go into the call center? If you're just answering the phone / looking stuff up on a computer, that seems like something that'd be great for remote work during this Covid bs.
No I go into work at a call center. You can work from home after you've been there long enough but I don't think I'm going to. I'd be too distracted to get things done.

Also no one in a 100 mile radius of here takes corona even remotely seriously. It's been business as usual since the virus started except sometimes people wear masks into grocery stores

The Flood / Re: I work at a call center now
« on: February 18, 2021, 09:20:08 AM »
So you do what other companies are smart enough to just pay a bunch of Indians pennies on the hour for.
I am customer support but I can't tell you what company for or I'll get doxxed

It's an AARP alternative, we supply seniors with benefits and stuff, like discounts for hotels, restaurants, prescriptions, etc

Very conservative environment + company but everyone is super friendly and the training is easy so far

The Flood / I work at a call center now
« on: February 18, 2021, 06:02:06 AM »
pretty impressive huh? Be careful of who you make fun of on

The Flood / Re: Wheres your DMs?
« on: February 09, 2021, 06:35:41 AM »

The Flood / Re: What adblocker should I use for youtube?
« on: February 06, 2021, 04:32:07 PM »
Youtube Premium

LOL this is worse for him than losing the election tbh. I hate getting banned so I can empathize with Trump here

The president is “ballistic,” a senior administration official said after Twitter permanently took down his account, citing the possibility that it would be used in the final 12 days of Trump’s presidency to incite violence. The official said Trump was “scrambling to figure out what his options are.”

So too was much of the political universe, which has become bleary-eyed obsessive about Twitter these past four years as Trump used the medium to fire advisers, sink legislative initiatives, encourage social duress and, lastly, praise the scores of MAGA faithful, just days after hundreds of them violently ransacked the Capitol.

In a statement issued by the White House, Trump said he’d been “negotiating with various other sites” while “we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future.” But aides did not reveal what plans were in the works. When Trump’s eldest son, Don Jr. offered up a URL to those hoping to keep tabs of his father’s whereabouts, it was a site that had been purchased in 2009 and, in recent years, a place where his books were sold.

Thank you based Trump

The Flood / Re: alex trebek's final jeopardy episode airs tomorrow night
« on: January 07, 2021, 07:51:10 PM »

>knowing both of these answers
>gay finger snap

This guy is my idol

Aw I wasn't on the holiday card

The Flood / Re: It's still 2020 btw
« on: December 31, 2020, 11:36:58 PM »
Yeah well in the real universe, you're a dude so
lmao I laughed ngl

The Flood / It's still 2020 btw
« on: December 31, 2020, 11:24:44 PM »
In the Hilda universe it's still 2020

The Flood / The merchants haggling over fish remind me I have what I wish
« on: December 30, 2020, 07:52:19 AM »
I'm grateful for this castle
And for everything we've got
Especially my family
We've all been through a lot
I know how fragile things can be
If I lost them, I'd lose me

They're my ocean, they're my shore
I wanna give them more
They're my home
My home
Bless this happiness we found
Bless this good and solid ground
Our home
Our home

Great song. IDC if you don't like Frozen or Disney, you have to admit these lyrics make you feel something

The Flood / Re: Happy holidays, Flood!
« on: December 22, 2020, 06:50:49 PM »
Aw I care about you too! Nice wholesome thread.

What are you up to for the holidays, Nick? Anything fun?

The Flood / Re: How do you pronounce lbs?
« on: December 18, 2020, 06:58:13 AM »
libs no joke

I also call fl oz "floral ounces" it just sounds right

The Flood / Re: secondclass
« on: December 17, 2020, 02:17:44 PM »
The first season was mainly worldbuilding and character development. In season 2, the creators were free to do a lot more because they already established their setting and how each character relates to each other.

I'm just glad they followed up on the plots and characters from season 1 while still developing new ones. In particular,  it was amazing to see Victoria Van Gale reappear. The entirety of episode 5 had me crying by the end honestly. I relate a lot to Hilda, and to see VVG there was just devastating. Victoria has always been a darker, "what-if" version of Hilda if she were to grow up and lack the ability to control herself and hold herself back from making bad decisions.

Victoria and Hilda both have a passion for ingenuity and progression. They both want to help out people without thinking of the consequences. They have the same curiosity and desire to explore the unexplored. They both crave adventure.

But Hilda usually sees that her actions hurt people, and fixes her mistakes. Victoria is what Hilda could turn into, easily, if she doesn't recognize when to stop.  That's what makes VVG such a good foil to Hilda, and why she's one of the best antagonists on the show.

But speaking of that, the true antagonist of the show is actually Hilda's mom. She's the one who directly stands in the way of Hilda (for good reason) and I just love that season 2 explored this critical plot fixture. Hilda wants to share her awesome, crazy world with her friends and family. But it's a dangerous world, and she knows that. She thinks she has it under control, though. The fact of the matter is, Hilda is selfish. She wants to do these dangerous things even though it makes people worry about her and oftentimes can put them in actual danger.

But at the same time, Hilda is bringing these amazing experiences to her loved ones, and they usually actually enjoy them. It's an interesting source of tension, and the conflict between those two characters drives the entire show IMO.

I also just adore the new Safety Patrol characters. Erik Alhberg is such a great addition to the show. I'm almost certain that Zapp Brannigan was the inspiration for Erik's character. They share so many traits - the unearned self-importance, delusions of grandeur,  and a flair for the dramatic. The biggest difference is that Erik is a bit more self-aware than Zapp and much less insecure.

I'm just glad that Gerda, his deputy, didn't end up taking the role of Kif lol. When she realized her boss was an asshole at the end I was so happy. Those two characters really boosted the show in my opinion.

But anyway, I'm glad to see another Hilda fan on this site! It's really such a good show, and really underrated.

The Flood / Re: Ask me stuff
« on: December 16, 2020, 10:22:39 PM »
I feel that. I've just had a pretty bad day today. I wish you could be able to use discord because it's easier for me to have a convo there. I don't like everyone being able to see what I'm saying if you get me. I can't talk as candidly as normal here.

The Flood / Re: I am Chakas. AMA
« on: December 15, 2020, 07:24:31 PM »
Why aren't you in my server - that's my question lol

The Flood / Re: Ask me stuff
« on: December 14, 2020, 10:37:46 PM »
God, that's awful, about the woman you saw. I won't say I can even relate to that, because I can't. That's like something you see in the movies. It makes me feel so privileged to hear this. Here's me, watching all this media, trying to goad myself into being thrilled/scared. Here's me, when that's not enough - using drugs to make that thrill more real. And it's not just the thrill - it's just that on my drug, everything is BIGGER. If you'd normally see something that would make you sad, it's heartbreaking and devastating on my drug. If you'd normally be enthralled by a storyline, you're addicted and engrossed and immersed to it on my drug. When something is good, it's SO good. When something is wrong, it feels like the world is ending.

And that's all self-imposed. I feel like a spoiled loser when I read posts like yours. It doesn't matter that I grew up in poverty, with an abusive stepfather and a deranged mother. I had a home. I had a roof. I had so many opportunities to help others in real life, and didn't. I used media and escapism to rectify myself. Online, I built communities, helped people, saved people. But no matter how much empathy I have for others, I always glorify myself first. I recognize that, and it really makes me sick sometimes. It's a coping device, because if I don't believe in myself no one will. I need to build myself up, I need to build my image up. I don't have delusions of grandeur - I know that I'm nothing special. But I need to convince myself and others around me otherwise.

I want to do more than just live. I don't wrestle with fears all the time. Normally I'm just trying to entertain myself and distract myself from the realities that face me. I'm in such a good position but I still feel like nothing. You haven't let me down. You're a much better person than I am. Your struggles have made you resilient, and even if they make you go a little crazy, as long as you have a foot in reality then I think you're fine. I care a lot about you, and I care a lot about everyone I've talked to.

I started as a Walter White type of person - manipulative, telling people bullshit to get what I want. Telling people lie after lie so I could chase the thrill of what made me happy. And only caring about myself.

Right now I'm more of a Hilda type of person - reckless to a fault, self-assured, selfish, and empathetic. I want to let people in on my amazing, dangerous world, I want to share it everyone. I feel like I have it all under control. Sometimes I slip up, but it's not out of malice. I fix my mistakes. I own up to my faults. I have the soul of an adventurer, and I want to see and experience more than what I have right now. But that's not always possible. That can hurt others. I know it can, and yet I do it anyway because I think that I have what it takes. And maybe I do.

I eventually want to be a Dale Cooper type of person -  a selfless, non-judgmental hero. A person who always talks straight to people, and can get away with it because there's nothing but pure love in their heart. I want to be the kind of person that others can rely on, that others can trust, and that others can genuinely like. Day to day life takes a lot out of me, but I'm seriously trying to be the best person that I can be in this fucked up world. I try to see the best in people, but I also have to be reasonable and pragmatic. I never want to give up on anyone. Everyone, always, can change and be redeemed.

I love you, whoever you are. I hope you find what you're looking for with this board. I'm here if you ever need to talk to me. I can't always guarantee a speedy response, but I won't ever leave you hanging.

The Flood / Re: Ask me stuff
« on: December 13, 2020, 10:16:51 PM »
You've been through a lot. Much more than I've been through.Your experiences are my fears, honestly. I just want to be safe, liked, and entertained. My biggest fear is being kidnapped and put into a cell for some sex slave dungeon for the rest of my life, where I haven't made enough connections beforehand to make people remember me or try to save me. If I don't make those connections now, if I don't make myself significant now, then I'll be just another sack of meat rotting away somewhere.

Human connections are all that matter in this world. I've used drugs to foster an ambiance of goodwill and humanity to everyone I've met. I don't do them that often these days. They were just training wheels, and now I'm good on my own.

All of this to say - people aren't just what you think of them. People will always surprise you, and they can change in miraculous ways.

The Flood / Re: "Your Honor" - new show with Bryan Cranston (it's SO good!)
« on: December 13, 2020, 12:04:09 PM »
i got an email from netflix saying theres a season 2 for hilda coming out soon

you were interested in that show, right? youre still keeping up with it?
Absolutely! That's why I had to get my Netflix back, actually. Season 2 drops tomorrow, it's going to be such a good monday

The Flood / Re: Just got done reading Avatar: The Search
« on: December 13, 2020, 11:15:03 AM »
ive always been pretty interested in the reading the books, but ive heard some can be kinda rare to find? is that true?

also i prefer my stuff physical, so digital is outta the question
You can buy the library editions on Amazon, that's what I have

The Flood / Re: Just got done reading Avatar: The Search
« on: December 13, 2020, 09:43:14 AM »
It's SO good!!! I love how the comics expand the Azula storyline. Also I'd love to see an Azula / Sokka ship ngl

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