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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 304305306 307308 ... 394
The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 28, 2014, 01:47:20 AM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]
  The Sanghelli republic asks if these pirates are for hire.

They are interested, but it depends on the job and how much you're willing to pay.
. We would like you to secure supply lines for us, as well as scout for forerunner artifacts, you will be able to split supplies with us 50/50. And possibly get better weaponry with some more man power as well.

Tevek's pirates demand an upfront payment of a single CCS class battlecruiser to serve as their flagship and bi-monthly tribute to keep them working for you in addition.
well when I said you would be able to share 50% of our supplies I meant constantly. We will give you an SDV class corvette. As we have few CCS battlecruisers.

Tevek Fel would like to remind the Sangheli Republic that  scouting forerunner relics can be dangerous and that it's the lives of his men on the line and not yours. By refusing to grant him a CCS he can not garuntee the safety of forerunner facilities as his fleet of frigates and corvettes may not have the firepower to deal with some of the more powerful forerunner constructs that may be laying dormant.

He accepts the terms anyway and sends scouts out to search for forerunner facilities using some of the known, but unexplored locations of 6 possible forerunner artifacts. [to be completed page 5]

A small detachment of ships is also sent to patrol trade and supply lanes.
Under these circumstances, Sesa grants a CCS battle cruiser to tevek.

Tevek renames the CCS battlecruiser to Eye of Defiance and uses it both as his personal vessel and as the flagship of his fleet and joins the scouting fleet to personally lead it. More frigates and corvettes are put on patrolling as a result.

The scouts looking for a suitable world have found a cracked moon with large chunks missing from it in field of asteroids orbiting a gas giant being called Velous Prime among the candidates for hidden base construction. Seeing it as both an easily defensible position and a good place to hide construction is begun on a base that's embedded into the surface of the moon and has most of its actual structure beneath the surface to protect it from orbital bombardment. [Construction to be completed on page 7]

The remaining ships form up to raid backwater UNSC worlds for their shaw-fujikawa translight engines. With the UNSC still recovering from the great war and dealing with insurrections the raid fleet under the command of the newly appointed fleet master Zhur believes this raid to be an easy one. [to be completed on page 6]

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 11:10:40 PM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]
  The Sanghelli republic asks if these pirates are for hire.

They are interested, but it depends on the job and how much you're willing to pay.
. We would like you to secure supply lines for us, as well as scout for forerunner artifacts, you will be able to split supplies with us 50/50. And possibly get better weaponry with some more man power as well.

Tevek's pirates demand an upfront payment of a single CCS class battlecruiser to serve as their flagship and bi-monthly tribute to keep them working for you in addition.
well when I said you would be able to share 50% of our supplies I meant constantly. We will give you an SDV class corvette. As we have few CCS battlecruisers.

Tevek Fel would like to remind the Sangheli Republic that  scouting forerunner relics can be dangerous and that it's the lives of his men on the line and not yours. By refusing to grant him a CCS he can not garuntee the safety of forerunner facilities as his fleet of frigates and corvettes may not have the firepower to deal with some of the more powerful forerunner constructs that may be laying dormant.

He accepts the terms anyway and sends scouts out to search for forerunner facilities using some of the known, but unexplored locations of 6 possible forerunner artifacts. [to be completed page 5]

A small detachment of ships is also sent to patrol trade and supply lanes.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:14:25 PM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]
  The Sanghelli republic asks if these pirates are for hire.

They are interested, but it depends on the job and how much you're willing to pay.
. We would like you to secure supply lines for us, as well as scout for forerunner artifacts, you will be able to split supplies with us 50/50. And possibly get better weaponry with some more man power as well.

Tevek's pirates demand an upfront payment of a single CCS class battlecruiser to serve as their flagship and bi-monthly tribute to keep them working for you in addition.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 08:51:02 PM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]
  The Sanghelli republic asks if these pirates are for hire.

They are interested, but it depends on the job and how much you're willing to pay.

They were celebrating because the Emperor and Darth Vader had died. That doesn't mean they were part of the only fleet in the Empire's existence. Plus it was also the destruction of the new Death Star. The Empire's military command was shattered that day, giving people a chance to fight back and win

>command "shattered"
>Isard, Thrawn, Daala, and Palleon are still alive


The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:41:06 PM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]

The Flood / Re: Everyone vs Psychologist in a fist fight
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:22:22 PM »
But srsly, I'd just lose.

I might not be as frail as I was, buuut I'm hardly what you would call tough. Then again, I don't have any qualms about biting out throats and gouging out eyes e.e
Bring it flood, I'll see if I can quack any of you before I go down!
fite me

You'll fight Psy, but you won't fight me.
i'll fucking destroy you m8.
Come at me bro.
Dude bro dude. Like dude bro bro dude.


Gimme your address.
Like i said before.
123 Gofuckurself Dr.
Niggerville, Kentucky, Canada

Pussy wont give me his real address.
What about you?
Bet he won't

I'll pm it to you.

The Flood / Re: Everyone vs Psychologist in a fist fight
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:19:01 PM »
But srsly, I'd just lose.

I might not be as frail as I was, buuut I'm hardly what you would call tough. Then again, I don't have any qualms about biting out throats and gouging out eyes e.e
Bring it flood, I'll see if I can quack any of you before I go down!
fite me

You'll fight Psy, but you won't fight me.
i'll fucking destroy you m8.
Come at me bro.
Dude bro dude. Like dude bro bro dude.


Gimme your address.
Like i said before.
123 Gofuckurself Dr.
Niggerville, Kentucky, Canada

Pussy wont give me his real address.

The Flood / Re: Everyone vs Psychologist in a fist fight
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:16:29 PM »
But srsly, I'd just lose.

I might not be as frail as I was, buuut I'm hardly what you would call tough. Then again, I don't have any qualms about biting out throats and gouging out eyes e.e
Bring it flood, I'll see if I can quack any of you before I go down!
fite me

You'll fight Psy, but you won't fight me.
i'll fucking destroy you m8.
Come at me bro.
Dude bro dude. Like dude bro bro dude.


Gimme your address.

The Flood / Re: Everyone vs Psychologist in a fist fight
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:10:19 PM »
But srsly, I'd just lose.

I might not be as frail as I was, buuut I'm hardly what you would call tough. Then again, I don't have any qualms about biting out throats and gouging out eyes e.e
Bring it flood, I'll see if I can quack any of you before I go down!
fite me

You'll fight Psy, but you won't fight me.
fite me fgt


The Flood / Re: Everyone vs Psychologist in a fist fight
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:07:01 PM »
But srsly, I'd just lose.

I might not be as frail as I was, buuut I'm hardly what you would call tough. Then again, I don't have any qualms about biting out throats and gouging out eyes e.e
Bring it flood, I'll see if I can quack any of you before I go down!
fite me

You'll fight Psy, but you won't fight me.

The Flood / Re: Just so you know
« on: December 27, 2014, 02:26:29 PM »

I've been on for a couple hours now and I haven't even seen a single report.

The Flood / Re: Seattle
« on: December 27, 2014, 02:16:43 PM »
getting rained on is a favorite past time of the people of seattle

I wish California could get some of that rain

Nigga it's been raining.

Let me guess, you're in SoCal aren't you?

Gaming / Re: Best games you played in 2014?
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:03:49 AM »
I'm struggling to think of a good game that wasn't a port or remake that came out this year.

2014 was pretty shit. Its best games are pretty average.

News / Re: Polling on Moderation Style for Sep7agon.Net
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:02:03 AM »
Hybrid, and I agree with heavy emphasis on the 2 rules listed below. Personal Attacks and Graphic Content. People shouldn't have to worry about their personal beliefs or lives being attacked. And they shouldn't have to deal with harassment either.

Respect fellow members, or at least tolerate them publicly. Harassment and personal attacks are not tolerated in any manner on, and will be dealt with appropriately. This does not only include attacks regarding one's religious beliefs, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental capacity, but also extends to continued and unwanted bothersome behavior. The site staff will look at each case individually and determine the best course of action.

Look at this guys, Rocket claims to be against harassment, but has been harassing me in multiple threads today. Just making sure you all know who we hired as monitor :)

Thread noted. I'll be talking to Rocket about it next time we're on at the same time.

The Flood / Re: New Years Resolutions
« on: December 27, 2014, 04:42:45 AM »
Don't make them, don't see the point in them.

Things and stuff.

Time and space

Spacetime dictates the movement of matter, matter dictates the curvature of spacetime.

Scientists theorise there are up to 10 dimensions. If so, there could be 4,5,6D and so forth life on Earth we hasn't discovered an never will discover, but they can see us.


what if

wjat of like

what of like

what if like goats are like the fourth dimension or something?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 04:32:02 AM »
I choose the Swords of Sangheilios, or the group led by Vata 'Gajat or the NCA.

Actually, which insurrectionist group has been Taken?
Uhhh, kinda breaking the majority of the canon with this one.

We sort of just lumped all the non-Thel Covenant factions under one umbrella and resurrected the Heretics from Halo 2.


Don't get too mad at us

You fuckers.


So what time period is this? Are we taking into account ONI's attempted espionage of the Shadow of Intent or Bue Team fighting Didact at I03?

What about the research bases around I05 and I07?

Dude I don't even fucking know. It's like post Halo 3 pre halo 4 with some weird shit thrown in.

The Flood / Re: Hi, I'm drunk
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:27:44 AM »
I was at work.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 02:16:12 AM »
Kig-Yar Pirates fleet up and set out to raid nearby colonies for food, war supplies, and slaves.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 02:07:15 AM »
Before this gets too far, what exactly is the difference between Covenant separatists, the Covenant remnants, and the Heretics?

Does Thel Vadam count as a Heretic or a Separatist? Is Jul M'dama a separatist or part of the remnant?

According to this ( there's about five different Covenant factions. Is this what we're using or no?

If I'm the remnant am I playing as the brutes, the elites, or a mixture of both?
Thel is leader of the Separatists, they are not neutral between heretics and remnants. Remnants have a mixture of loyal Elites and Brutes to the original Covenant but led by Mdama.

But Mdama is the leader of The Storm which is a separate faction entirely.
Not in this game.

If this takes place post civil war though shouldn't the heretics be dead? They all kind of died when thell cut the cable and dropped their base into the gas giant.

:/ it just makes more sense to me to replace the heretics with the storm is all.
Like I said before, its based on the post-war era but I'm using pre-war elements for the purpose of this game.

And because the Flood is too dank.


Now about that Jackal pirate faction. :3
Too dank brah

Fine, fine! I'll add them but no going crazy mmkay?
Kind of hard to be crazy with what is probably the weakest faction.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:53:32 AM »
Before this gets too far, what exactly is the difference between Covenant separatists, the Covenant remnants, and the Heretics?

Does Thel Vadam count as a Heretic or a Separatist? Is Jul M'dama a separatist or part of the remnant?

According to this ( there's about five different Covenant factions. Is this what we're using or no?

If I'm the remnant am I playing as the brutes, the elites, or a mixture of both?
Thel is leader of the Separatists, they are not neutral between heretics and remnants. Remnants have a mixture of loyal Elites and Brutes to the original Covenant but led by Mdama.

But Mdama is the leader of The Storm which is a separate faction entirely.
Not in this game.

If this takes place post civil war though shouldn't the heretics be dead? They all kind of died when thell cut the cable and dropped their base into the gas giant.

:/ it just makes more sense to me to replace the heretics with the storm is all.
Like I said before, its based on the post-war era but I'm using pre-war elements for the purpose of this game.

And because the Flood is too dank.


Now about that Jackal pirate faction. :3
Too dank brah


The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:50:27 AM »
Before this gets too far, what exactly is the difference between Covenant separatists, the Covenant remnants, and the Heretics?

Does Thel Vadam count as a Heretic or a Separatist? Is Jul M'dama a separatist or part of the remnant?

According to this ( there's about five different Covenant factions. Is this what we're using or no?

If I'm the remnant am I playing as the brutes, the elites, or a mixture of both?
Thel is leader of the Separatists, they are not neutral between heretics and remnants. Remnants have a mixture of loyal Elites and Brutes to the original Covenant but led by Mdama.

But Mdama is the leader of The Storm which is a separate faction entirely.
Not in this game.

If this takes place post civil war though shouldn't the heretics be dead? They all kind of died when thell cut the cable and dropped their base into the gas giant.

:/ it just makes more sense to me to replace the heretics with the storm is all.
Like I said before, its based on the post-war era but I'm using pre-war elements for the purpose of this game.

And because the Flood is too dank.


Now about that Jackal pirate faction. :3

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:46:58 AM »
Before this gets too far, what exactly is the difference between Covenant separatists, the Covenant remnants, and the Heretics?

Does Thel Vadam count as a Heretic or a Separatist? Is Jul M'dama a separatist or part of the remnant?

According to this ( there's about five different Covenant factions. Is this what we're using or no?

If I'm the remnant am I playing as the brutes, the elites, or a mixture of both?
Thel is leader of the Separatists, they are not neutral between heretics and remnants. Remnants have a mixture of loyal Elites and Brutes to the original Covenant but led by Mdama.

But Mdama is the leader of The Storm which is a separate faction entirely.
Not in this game.

If this takes place post civil war though shouldn't the heretics be dead? They all kind of died when thell cut the cable and dropped their base into the gas giant.

:/ it just makes more sense to me to replace the heretics with the storm is all.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:37:21 AM »
Before this gets too far, what exactly is the difference between Covenant separatists, the Covenant remnants, and the Heretics?

Does Thel Vadam count as a Heretic or a Separatist? Is Jul M'dama a separatist or part of the remnant?

According to this ( there's about five different Covenant factions. Is this what we're using or no?

If I'm the remnant am I playing as the brutes, the elites, or a mixture of both?
Thel is leader of the Separatists, they are not neutral between heretics and remnants. Remnants have a mixture of loyal Elites and Brutes to the original Covenant but led by Mdama.

But Mdama is the leader of The Storm which is a separate faction entirely.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:33:25 AM »
>no Kig-Yar pirate clan faction

I am disappoint. 

Gaming / Re: SSB or Alpha Sapphire?
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:29:12 AM »
>decent fighter on the 3DS with a large roster
>a remake of the worst Pokemon gen

Those are your choices. And the correct one should be obvious.

>implying Gen IV isn't the worst

There's nothing wrong with old jew nose.
It's even worse than Jynx ._.

There's nothing wrong with old lady blackface either.
Stop lying.
There's nothing wrong with old lady blackface.


Report deleted.

The Flood / Re: >Demolishes the Japanese Army
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:56:29 PM »
Please tell me I wasn't the only one that felt atrocious for nuking people

Eventually it gets to the point where nuking cities is the only efficient way to break them.
Nah son. Armies of rocket trucks work wonders.

Or you can save time and money by just nuking them.
But fallout and pop loss.

Or are you some kind of non-puppet-empire faggot?

I give no shits about pop loss cause smaller cities cost less to control and fallout can be cleaned up in a couple turns.
If you weren't buying nukes every turn you could afford large pop puppet cities.
Cultre+science boosts are worth the standing army.

Or I could keep my giant army of giant fighting robots and nuke cities instead.
giant death robot a shit
Mech infantry spam > stupid robo toy

But they don't give their pilots cancer by being powered by uranium.
That's bad?

You can't be a chemo warrior unless you have cancer.

The Flood / Re: >Demolishes the Japanese Army
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:53:56 PM »
Please tell me I wasn't the only one that felt atrocious for nuking people

Eventually it gets to the point where nuking cities is the only efficient way to break them.
Nah son. Armies of rocket trucks work wonders.

Or you can save time and money by just nuking them.
But fallout and pop loss.

Or are you some kind of non-puppet-empire faggot?

I give no shits about pop loss cause smaller cities cost less to control and fallout can be cleaned up in a couple turns.
If you weren't buying nukes every turn you could afford large pop puppet cities.
Cultre+science boosts are worth the standing army.

Or I could keep my giant army of giant fighting robots and nuke cities instead.
giant death robot a shit
Mech infantry spam > stupid robo toy

But they don't give their pilots cancer by being powered by uranium.

Gaming / Re: SSB or Alpha Sapphire?
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:51:21 PM »
>decent fighter on the 3DS with a large roster
>a remake of the worst Pokemon gen

Those are your choices. And the correct one should be obvious.

>implying Gen IV isn't the worst

There's nothing wrong with old jew nose.
It's even worse than Jynx ._.

There's nothing wrong with old lady blackface either.
Stop lying.
There's nothing wrong with old lady blackface.


The Flood / Re: What other sites do you use?
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:35:15 PM »
You guys are clearly full of shit, I haven't seen a single porn site yet....

Ughhh fine.

I go to exhentai and trawl the place for reaction images. I've shared some with Latsu. You might have been in the Skype that night.
I saw a few of those involving anthropomorphic animals. It was fucking weird.

I think you mean they're fucking hilarious. It's a shame I don't get to use them often.

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