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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 223224225 226227 ... 394
The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:02:45 AM »

The Flood / Re: So I heard that sea monkeys are just shrimp.
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:59:54 AM »
Byrne shrimp are not the same as shrimp shrimp.

Oh boy, nobody has ever posted this before.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:43:28 PM »
If Ashely isn't dead by the time you've finished all 3 games you've done something wrong.

Nah, I'd perma you pretty fast if you did that.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect: How did you deal with this problem
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:04:29 PM »
Ashley is a very pretty crater.

The Flood / Re: Why does Comms have such a hard on for the EU?
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:51:58 PM »

The two of you should really stop before you hurt yourselves. To quote Das, islands are defined as being subcontinental. This is first grade stuff here and from the example a certain someone provided I think the two of you are in need of revisiting it.

The Flood / Re: Why does Comms have such a hard on for the EU?
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:46:46 PM »
Funny because US citizens are literally made up (mostly) of nations of the EU.
EU nation were so hardcore, they came over to an island - fucked up all of the native people and set up their own system there. Later that system became the US.

>North America


Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Save System
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:59:35 PM »
It still baffles me why every game doesn't have a Skyrim/Fallout save system.

It's both a blessing and a curse. I find myself having to delete 100 save files sometimes by the end of a playthrough.

Gaming / Re: Selling my 2DS, who wants my Pokemon?
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:53:38 PM »
There were people who bought the 2DS?

The Flood / Re: I've been pretty MIA, missed me?
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:50:19 PM »
I still think you're an alt, but whatever.

Meh, I get that a lot.
You probably think I'm Elegiac but that's just a coincidence lol
No, you're either Kiyo or Raw Sugar/Foxy/Shadows.

None of the above.
How can you honestly know? Might be using proxies.

If they are they aren't using a known one. This account is legit man, you can calm your titties.

The Flood / Re: I've been pretty MIA, missed me?
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:09:46 PM »
I still think you're an alt, but whatever.

Meh, I get that a lot.
You probably think I'm Elegiac but that's just a coincidence lol
No, you're either Kiyo or Raw Sugar/Foxy/Shadows.

None of the above.

A less scrupulous person would accuse you of being prejudice against homosexuals for assuming that they're all a bunch of thirsty cock sluts that want to see everyones dicks.
They're still men.

Hey there Jay, I didn't know you signed up on Sep7. How's the journalism career going?

and his private life has been put on display for everybody to laugh and gawp at.
Then he shouldn't have been sending nude pics of himself to people. It's his own stupid fault since nobody told him to do that.
If a woman was sending naked pictures to her boyfriend and he shared them online, you and everyone else would blame him.

It's only because he didn't vote for an anti-discrimination bill that would have led to massive overreach that any of you blame him.

Victim blaming doesn't become okay just because the victim did some things you do not like.

There's a difference between sending them to your significant other and sending them to a bunch of random people who didn't even ask for or want them.
Are you implying that people who sign up for Grindr don't want to see dicks?

Because that's kind of the point of Grindr.

The point of Grindr is to find and date other homosexual men. Being on a dating website =/= wanting to see everyone on it naked. If they wanted dick pics they'd either ask or go on a porn website.

A less scrupulous person would accuse you of being prejudice against homosexuals for assuming that they're all a bunch of thirsty cock sluts that want to see everyones dicks.
It's possible I've misunderstood Grindr or you're misrepresenting it.

My understanding was that it was essentially a homosexual equivalent of Tinder, oriented more towards casual sex than dating. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong, and seding these pictures is uncool.

Still doesn't make it okay to share them.

It's basically just a dating/social app for gay men from what I've heard from those who have used it. Some people probably do exchange nudes on it, but the same thing happens over social media like facebook.

and his private life has been put on display for everybody to laugh and gawp at.
Then he shouldn't have been sending nude pics of himself to people. It's his own stupid fault since nobody told him to do that.
If a woman was sending naked pictures to her boyfriend and he shared them online, you and everyone else would blame him.

It's only because he didn't vote for an anti-discrimination bill that would have led to massive overreach that any of you blame him.

Victim blaming doesn't become okay just because the victim did some things you do not like.

There's a difference between sending them to your significant other and sending them to a bunch of random people who didn't even ask for or want them.
Are you implying that people who sign up for Grindr don't want to see dicks?

Because that's kind of the point of Grindr.

The point of Grindr is to find and date other homosexual men. Being on a dating website =/= wanting to see everyone on it naked. If they wanted dick pics they'd either ask or go on a porn website.

A less scrupulous person would accuse you of being prejudice against homosexuals for assuming that they're all a bunch of thirsty cock sluts that want to see everyones dicks.

There's a difference between sending them to your significant other and sending them to a bunch of random people who didn't even ask for or want them.
Is that supposed to excuse the person who outed him?

I'm saying that the analogy is poor because you can view the recipients as the victims in this case.

and his private life has been put on display for everybody to laugh and gawp at.
Then he shouldn't have been sending nude pics of himself to people. It's his own stupid fault since nobody told him to do that.
If a woman was sending naked pictures to her boyfriend and he shared them online, you and everyone else would blame him.

It's only because he didn't vote for an anti-discrimination bill that would have led to massive overreach that any of you blame him.

Victim blaming doesn't become okay just because the victim did some things you do not like.

There's a difference between sending them to your significant other and sending them to a bunch of random people who didn't even ask for or want them.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:57:51 AM »
>implying that US debt is relevant to anything
Yeah, the US owes everyone money. You are basically the jews of the world. Once your debt will get too big, you shall be purged in furnaces.

Not sure if trolling or just incredibly ignorant. 90% of the US debt is owed to its own citizens.

The Flood / Re: I want a girl with a short skirt
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:17:11 AM »
Nice fitting sweaters or jumpers.

Over sized shirts are also good.

The Flood / Re: I went to the gym today
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:59:21 AM »
Sweet Jesus this thread.

I hope some of you amazing bastards never change.

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:12:47 PM »
>yfw everything in the  awesome Justice League cartoon we all remember and loved was solved by just relying on Supes or MM to be their OP selves while Batman did nothing, Flash ran around some mooks, WW was busy being action girl fanservice and Hawkgirl was deciding if she wanted to be Batman or WW.

>everyone is useless except for two characters

Hey that sounds like DBZ.

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:37:51 PM »

oh wait nvm

Maybe if he wasn't a boring Gary-stu people would like him : )
gr8 b8 m8

Is it bait if it's true?

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:30:28 PM »

oh wait nvm

Maybe if he wasn't a boring Gary-stu people would like him : )

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:17:08 PM »
And then Superman shows you that western shit is basically the same thing.

It's almost as if you've never read a Superman comic.

It's almost as if you don't get that I'm making an equally dumb sweeping generalization in order to to trap hypocrites.

I already got Verbatim, but it's not like he's a hard one to catch.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:07:47 PM »
A baseball signed by Vida Blue.

A physical copy of Neverwinter Nights.

And a can of Halo 3 edition game fuel.
Vida Blue?

midget is a master baiter
its really depressing that "saying stupid shit and making people tell you why you're wrong" counts as trolling these days.

oh, old internet, wherefore art thou

lol I don't go to school currently because I have a job and work. And who the fuck ever said I was trolling? If you honestly believe those games aren't good despite their success, you're deluding yourself. There's a reason they're so popular.
im legitimately worried that you might be too stupid for your own good. please, consider continuing your education.

I know I've won the argument when my opposition falls back to petty insults rather than deconstructing the topic at hand. You know I'm right.
no, you didnt refute anything, you just kept repeating yourself and saying "no youre wrong" when i made my points. im done here. you're an idiot.

You're quitting because you literally can't prove me wrong. You made your points and I made mine, stating how those games are popular because they're good. This is a fact. If you can't handle that fact, then go ahead and stomp your little feet outta here like the child you are.
there's gotta be a screw loose in your head

The only screw that's loose is my dick in your mom lmao rekt your argument is now invalid

Also I've been meaning to ask

Are you a girl
im a boy.

Oh okay cuz Azumarill seems feminine to me
huge power azumarill is manly as fuck

azure is the female azu. i am the male azu. but im cuter so

Are you coming on to me?

Yeah, he wants to make out with you.

Still waiting for the Legend of Zelda mod to be finished for that game.

The Flood / Re: >there are people on this website right now
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:08:29 PM »
And then Superman shows you that western shit is basically the same thing.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:01:48 PM »
A Rhodesian Ridgeback

I have one.

The Flood / Re: >people giving AoU 6/10 reviews
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:57:44 AM »
is marvel impervious to criticism from you people

like really. they cant come up with a decent villain or a conflict that actually feels important. characterization is lost beyond basic interactions. it's a gilded turd. pretty to look at, nothing worthwhile underneath.
you liked ghost in the shell, guy

That has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of Marvel movies and does nothing to refute any of his claims.

Also considering that you dismiss entire artistic mediums based on rather superficial things you're not exactly in a position to go around dismissing other peoples opinions based on what they do and don't like. Just a heads up.

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