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Messages - Isara

Pages: 1 ... 323334 3536 ... 72
Greece's, Spain's, Italy's, oh the list is so long. The Euro was meant to be dragged down to the dollar in the first place.

If Greece's economy is dragging down the Euro, then yes it does.

That's not what's happening, and it's not the fault of the whole of Greece. Certainly, political corruption and a number of Greeks are at fault. However, that doesn't give anyone the higher moral ground on raining severe policies on Greeks with that kind of excuse. If Greece has to pay its debtors -- the legitimate ones, and deal on corruption then it has to do it itself, not a committee that suggests some wild ideas and a corrupt government that is weaseling out even wilder ones.

I do agree that, at times, penalties and measures imposed on a country by global monetary agencies and regulators can seem extreme...but you guys (Greece) kind of put yourself into this mess with the extreme amount of unchecked spending on social programs.

So yeah, it's shitty now. But you can't just keep pushing it to the side and saying "More money please"

It's not my fault that some people are ignorant, and can't help acting as such with accusations and insults. If my initial comment was taken to the heart to that point then I can't say anything but apologize, but any follow up revolving around that then it is only legitimately met with some degree of defense.

Your petty insult, however as colorful it is it doesn't mean anything to me.

If you have a point that is, y'know, actually relevant I'd be willing to hear it, but I don't really know what you're trying to drive at hear. There's a difference between a friendly off-hand comment within the context of a broader discussion, and then coming into a thread and declaring all those who disagree with you to be ignorant, and all those who criticise the Greeks to be hateful.

Nonetheless, if those instances are examples of things which shouldn't be in Serious, I'm really at a loss regarding why you seem adamant on out-doing them. . .

The actions of the Greek government are filled with plenty of corruption even during the time austerity plans were being implemented and the severe economical signs were shown on people. The distrust that this caused, and also the way the banks have been behaving according to the government's tune are contributing factors to the current, disastrous situation.

If the Greek government weren't so profligate in the first instance, then the austerity measures wouldn't even be necessary. And that's still assuming any degree of proper austerity is being implemented, and it's assuming people are losing homes because of said austerity, as opposed to some other economic factor.

Yeah, tell that to the people whose homes, and jobs were taken due to the severe austerity measures. Athens is full of these people, and it's also the main reason Golden Dawn is the third party.

Also, yeah, austerity.

Greece as a deficit which is 12pc of GDP. If they're practicing austerity, it doesn't seem they're doing it very well.

Because this, and this or even this are all qualifying examples of what does and what doesn't belong in Serious.

Then you're utterly and totally complicit in the spreading of this stupidity, and you really ought to drop this 'holier-than-thou' attitude. It's infuriating when somebody patently unwilling to defend their position will nonetheless participate in a discussion only to defend their initial unwillingness and insult other users.

If you're just going to do that, you don't belong in Serious.

A political class that has the courage to argue, and fight austerity policies and the religious grasp in government affairs is a small, but huge change in Greece.

Just a friendly reminder to discuss the issue, and not to attack others.

OT: As I said in the other thread, it's not like any of the candidates in the election would have truly made a huge difference. We're essentially throwing darts at a board and seeing which one is the least shitty throw.

No, it was a loss in translation at the time of writing.

There's no "counter" because the argument doesn't exist. Nor it is part of my beliefs to argue, or reason with a cave troll. You may proceed to spread your ignorant narrow-view hate-speech all over the place.
Jesus fucking Christ I hope you aren't serious.

One thing is to provide proof to back an argument, and another to be witnessing stupidity spreading like wildfire. I don't feel like writing a long-winded explanation that the misconceptions of Greek socialism has created in this thread is purely based on assumptions that are fundamentally wrong. It's too much work, it feels like I'd have to start explaining everything from zero and it's too much work to actually get everyone to pace, and it's not something I am suitable to do.

Someone also accuses Greeks of randomly refusing to pay their debts. The country is suffering due to the austerity measures that are crazy, and forced onto a nation in a rush one after another meanwhile a corrupt government works strongly on shifting blames, and passing things under the table while swaying the media attention.

Does Greece have to support its social services? It does. Does Greece have to pay the debtors? Certainly so, but without an austerity plan that is literally drawing the blood from people. If you want to generalize on what socialism is, and how socialist democracy in Greece works and then insult Greeks and Greece based on half-assed assumptions that exclude any actual familiarity with the subjects then be my guest.

I'll be happy to be taken as the 'complete fucking idiot' because you, yourself, can't bother properly understanding and forming a view on an issue that is more than a couple of news articles and some random person youtube spitting whatever they came up with–– that its not your work.

unless you have actual proof, other than "because I said so" you will be considered a complete fucking idiot, and not be taken seriously on this forum. I hope you do realize this.

The Flood / Re: The Benny Hill theme makes anything funny
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:50:38 AM »
Press X to pay respects.

There's no "counter" because the argument doesn't exist. Nor it is part of my beliefs to argue, or reason with a cave troll. You may proceed to spread your ignorant narrow-view hate-speech all over the place.

If you have a genuine counter of more substance than calling me a troll, please share it.

I genuinely think this is the worst trolling attempt. Ever.

No, Greeks are terrible, as evidenced by the fact that they dumped the leaders that were un-fucking their economy in favor of more social benefits that they can't fucking afford.

This is terrible, you are all terrible, misinformed and ignorant.

The Flood / Re: help us escape
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:18:17 AM »


The Flood / Re: yee is evolving
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:11:54 AM »
You're not supposed to share your drugs like this.

The Flood / Re: Someone should make a gay romantic comedy
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:25:14 AM »
50 shades of Sep7agon

I'll use Greek words and make everything sound cool and military.

Apollon 152
Theta Scout Team
Eklekto Assault Weapon
Athenei smart combat field AI
Pirgos sentinel defense-point drone

Serious / Re: Socialists take control of Greece
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:12:11 AM »
Mr. Tsipras did the moves that Mr. Samaras dodged. Unlike New Democracy, the current government was formed quickly, and has many allies in foreign affairs, and internally. Greece's socialistic policies such as universal healthcare, retirement and so forth including state ran water, electricity and phone companies were part of Greece before the crisis.

If you expect the Greek economy to collapse overnight then please rethink on the subject. The approach is different, but the end result is that canceling the debt is not possible. However, a new government that might tackle onto the problems differently could hopefully achieve a different result from more established and corrupt parties.

A political class that is anti-austerity and is willing to fight (instead of shifting blames, and enrapturing money under the tables) against the more oppressive policies is certainly a step forward.

I also want to note that Syriza is up for the separation of state and church. That is something that holds Greece backwards, especially how the church is involved in the ministry of education. (Known as Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs) where indeed, Mr. Tsipras was the first PM that swore the oath without the church.

The Flood / Re: RPing should be a bannable offense
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:41:21 AM »
If we wanted to be off topic then we would call this #TheFlood.

The Flood / Re: Describe The Perfect Plan To Break into Mordor.
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:34:29 AM »
You see Ivan, you make plan, so you escape Gulag. You don't make plan to enter Gulag

- Validmir Vladimovich Vladimar

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon has been taken over.
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:28:25 AM »
May the blood of our enemies flow for this day of glory.

Was nice meeting you.

The Flood / Re: Who's voice would you rather have?
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:05:56 AM »

The Flood / The IGDA, and all its sub-organizations
« on: January 25, 2015, 02:13:48 AM »
Are shit. They can be butthurt now. I'll shower with their tears.

The Flood / Re: Brothers, it's time.
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:19:08 AM »
Could you please not litter with crap? Thank you.

The Flood / Re: So it turns out I'm eligible to vote in may
« on: January 24, 2015, 07:19:38 AM »
You big boy, you will vote now.

The Flood / Re: MFW seeing people pay for music in non-physical formats
« on: January 24, 2015, 06:04:25 AM »

Any questions?

The Flood / Re: Why did my thread get locked?
« on: January 24, 2015, 02:25:09 AM »
Want some extra cynicism in your cynicism?

Because Isara likes to pretend she's a mod sometimes.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Harass me as hard as you can
« on: January 24, 2015, 02:20:17 AM »
I don't need to try to make you feel like shit. Please, reconsider your attention-seeking through means that do not play on my evil side. Which is really, really evil.

Try to make me feel like shit :)

The Flood / Re: Do you still pirate music, movies, games, etc?
« on: January 24, 2015, 02:15:26 AM »
Yes, I do. I am a pirate of the seven interwebs. Yarr.

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