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Messages - Isara

Pages: 1 ... 252627 2829 ... 72
Septagon / Re: Cheat, fix this please.
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:10:51 PM »
I don't see it in Firefox.

This is a known issue, it's something to do with Firefox itself.

Septagon / Re: Avatar size
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:08:44 PM »
It's just a trade for a dynamic avatar size so it applies on multiple devices without us having to render different image sizes each time.

Yes it did. And it's now fixed, but the consequences of that glitch are restrictions on tall avatars. Yours is currently squished because it's more than 200px tall when it renders. Crop it a bit on the top and bottom and you should be fine.
Well, that is ridiculous. There was literally nothing wrong with the size of my avatar. Taller avatars look so much better on a forum than bland square ones.

The Flood / Re: I found B.Net's biggest retard
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:31:42 AM »
None of the given reasons have any logical basis to back up such a claim.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Japs on Sep7?
« on: February 24, 2015, 05:55:33 AM »
I don't like Japan, I just like anime and manga.

This is a serious question, our Japanese community only consists of like 3 users.

The Flood / Re: What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:06:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:55:32 PM »
You can break the law if you think it will make your life better. However, you risk facing consequences for doing such. It's better to get a permission, and keep the whole matter quiet. Never show or use your gun unless it's last resort. Keep the ammo and the gun separated.

The type you seem to be concerned about is more of a rampant idiot. If you look any threatening he won't come to make your day nasty. So you need the gun just as a deterrent. You should also carry a flashlight, and/or pepper spray. Also, if he manages to mug you from close then you risk that he steals your gun. That would make your situation really shitty.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more memes on sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 04:01:22 PM »

Gaming / Self-Saving Princess: Feminism and Post-Play Narrative Modding
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:20:44 PM »
This paper explores and investigates the myriad of ways that video game narratives get modded post-play for feminist purposes (intentionally and unintentionally).


I would like to know your thoughts, and discuss the paper. Before writing a reply with your thoughts, I would recommend to go through the whole paper. (It also has annotations at the end with sources)

The Flood / Question about Avatar
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:36:49 PM »
Why do you think Iroh is such a likeable character?

The Flood / Re: Let's separate this forum into two categories
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:24:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:11:56 AM »
No, it's in your reply, not your opinion.

For what? Having a different opinion than you? Careful--your hypocrisy's showing.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:10:34 AM »
Because I actually like them.

You are taking my posts too seriously.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:09:52 AM »
You're nuts.

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. I LOVE to hate anime.

It makes me REALLY fucking happy when I say something like, "I hate all anime"--because I DO--and some smart-ass fuck comes in and says, "But you have seen all anime, durrrrrr"

So hating one more anime just means
I am one step closer to proving those cocksuckers WRONG.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:08:40 AM »
Of course. If we let our personal feelings dictate what is welcome and what isn't welcome in the community then everything will be better. That's exactly what keeps a place with different people, holding different lives, experiences, tastes and choices in entertainment together; pointing people out of the door.

We need less.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:05:32 AM »
The issue is that what most people recommend is what they like based on assumptions. However, that's dislike. If you are so bent on hating something material as anime then you are just wasting your life.

I'm closed-minded? Oh, okay.

I had a cunt-ton of recommendations given to me by every single weeb here, chosen specifically to appease my tastes.
And I watched them all.

And guess what? I HATE them all.

Every. Single. One.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:00:00 AM »
So, what? You will call everyone stupid for not liking the same things as you, especially when you can't understand or even attempt to understand them because you can't be more open minded? Certainly, I am the stupid one here.

Was I unclear?

Anime is stupid and you're stupid for liking it. That's basically what I'm saying.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:54:22 AM »

I don't "dislike" anime.

All the questions you asked can be answered, quite simply, because they are all entertaining. And I can see why people might find those things entertaining. I can't fucking see why ANIME's entertaining.

You ever watch a cartoon, and it was so fucking stupid that you wanted to literally choke yourself?
Then you have no idea how much I "dislike" anime.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:47:44 AM »
Why people like video games? Why do people like cartoons? Why do people like comic books? Why do people like films? Why do people like music? There are similar answers for that question. If it escapes your mind then get out of the fortress of solitude and open it a little.

It's one thing to fail to understand why people like something, and another to dislike something.

Anime is so fucking stupid. Why anyone likes any of it, I will never, ever understand.

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:41:32 AM »
Kojima logic.

But "pain" and "end" aren't emotions. Pain is a sensation and end is word lol.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:29:38 AM »
And if you look on your left, you will notice River Weeb. Created by the tears of anime and manga haters.

The Flood / Re: Call me a gook, but I an't stop listening to this song
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:26:57 AM »
Hunter x Hunter has set some violins on fire.


Nintendo has seen competitors come, and go. It has developed a rather, conservative, but sometimes semi-innovative approach to its industry. Simply, it builds around concepts that people will always love, and establishes a solid grounding in a few names or franchises that prove to be worth the ground. Afterwards, it runs really heavy drills on potential titles to give them some grounding.

Unlike many games, Nintendo games are the most accessible ones out of any. Most of their games can be played by anyone. Afterwards, they make some titles to cater to specific groups. For example, having some Resident Evil titles, or Bayonetta 2.

Their conservative approach is a double edged sword. If done wrongly, Nintendo gets hurt then when done correctly, Nintendo gains some foundation. They also are quite aware of the markets and what cues to play to sway people into getting their titles and consoles. (Unlike the rest of the industry, that often forgets those cues and targets a specific market solely on the basis that it might have enough numbers to give a revenue. Not that Nintendo doesn't do this also, but it's more common outside of Nintendo)

nintendo will be our lord and savior

We all know how messed the game industry currently is, where big publishers push for unfinished titles, big studios come and go, and the indie market is over-saturated with many games that get cheaper, and cheaper or that exclusively rely on revenue caled freemium.

Let's suppose that the game industry collapses again. Sony goes bankrupt, Microsoft drastically lowers the budget for games on the Xbox One and instead focuses on making it an entertainment device, when EA, and Activision start selling assets and closing studios, meanwhile big studios run out of funds and fire human talent, and the indie industry sees a wash out of many aspiring game developers as freemium games choke the market.

What do you think would come out from such a dark time for gaming? Do you think that the game industry needs to collapse completely to have a renaissance, or that such an exaggerated scenario isn't needed for the game industry to improve?

The Flood / Re: The new season of JoJo Stardust Crusaders...
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:08:43 AM »
Yeah, I think the point was that she can be a trickster while she uses her cool attitude to pull off assassinations. Unless they go wrong, to which she just rages.

It seems to be the case. which true to the story's name is bizarre.
Very little can ruin this story I feel. The name of the game is being odd to odder degrees. so I just sit back and enjoy any strangeness.

Mariah's first reaction did take me aback a little, but it had a good effect of kickstarting the feeling of "She's the enemy" rather than just seeming like a bothersome trickster.

The Flood / Re: So was watching tv...
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:05:23 AM »
It's a French phrase that means "Such is life" or "That's life" it's used in English writing from time to time.

Please speak a language I understand.

The Flood / Re: An anime to watch: One Outs
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:01:45 AM »
It's a remark that most anime nowadays have degenerated to cater a certain audience. However, it's also slightly sarcastic. There are some good anime nowadays, too. (I am also displaying my thoughts, isn't that the point of writing besides discussion?)

Not sure what the thread's goal is... Unless it's to watch some sports anime. I don't think experiencing that at least once would kill anyone. Similarly to experiencing a sports game once.

Are you trying to promote this thread's goal?

Are you just displaying your thoughts in this thread?

Are you saying that because it doesn't have the kawaii element it's not good?

The Flood / Re: The new season of JoJo Stardust Crusaders...
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:56:56 AM »
Yeah, I think the formula is that they start as dumb as possibly they can be. (The targets of the enemy) and over time they develop skill to the point they outwit their enemy. Meanwhile, those who are not targets are either incapacitated or within a shell of stupidity. However, it's so stupid that it's funny, so it doesn't ruin the story.

Also Mariah's overreaction was so funny. I thought she would have been hit by the wires behind her as one danced so close as she was facing Joestar, but instead she got exactly between the two.

When Avdol started sliding down his body, I just knew where he'd end up.
What made it funnier for me was that these incredibly intelligent men that are always one step ahead couldn't see what was coming as the episode progressed.

The Flood / Re: The new season of JoJo Stardust Crusaders...
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:49:30 AM »
Yeah, and  the moment in my initial spoiler wasn't expected. I was drinking water at the time and I almost choked as that happened and Joestar yelled "OH MY GOD" as the kids showed up.

The latest episode... Well, RIP my sides.

I've heard the next fight with Jotaro and Polnareff is going to be weird, although I don't know in what way.
I still prefer Battle Tendency, but this part is definitely not letting anyone down.

Your offering of a great anime OST is accepted.

Kill yourself weeb
Hah, I get where that's from.

The Flood / Re: The new season of JoJo Stardust Crusaders...
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:48:38 AM »
That's why I opened a thread about it...?

In all seriousness, talk to Byrne, Tru, or Azure about that, they're keeping up with it.

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