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Messages - Isara

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Septagon / Re: Nice glitch Cheat
« on: March 14, 2015, 01:27:46 PM »
Sounds like some really, really weird script issue. The way the forum handles scripts is dirty in itself, so it wouldn't surprise me.

I've had it happen before on my iPhone. The plus sign for spoilers got replaced with the mobile ban icon and stuck around until I cleared my browsing cache and temp Internet stuff. I haven't been able to replicate it since, but it is a thing that happens on some mobile devices.

Gaming / Re: Sony has some bad policies when people get hacked, lol
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:55:14 AM »
Sigh, certainly Sony is going bad, even for Japanese standards.

Septagon / Re: Nice glitch Cheat
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:49:21 AM »
Not sure how you managed that, what steps did you take? Just opened Sep7agon at random and it happened?

The icons look horrible...

Less than Athens. The main population of Greece (about 50% of the country) lives in Athens. So everything skyrockets there. The rest of the country is better distributed, so unemployment isn't as dramatic simply because there aren't so many people concentrated in the same place like Athens.

Yeah, I've been reading about the covert police support for Golden Dawn. Is Northern Greece doing as bad as Athens in terms of poverty and unemployment? It probably is, but obviously asking somebody who lives there is a better idea than looking up statistics...

Where I live the Golden Dawn activity is lower. (Some gatherings, at best) Their main operations are in Athens. They usually hand out food and other basic supplies to people, and do similar things there. (As you are aware) Due to the major poverty, and most of the problems being in Athens. They also have a major support from many members of the police, or at least the rumor goes, officially it's all denied, but there's a recent history of questionable deeds by the police against foreigners or non-native Greeks who live in Greece.

Yeah, you probably know about Golden Dawn's presence far more than I do, on account of the fact that I'm living in the US for the time being.

How much Golden Dawn is there where you live? When I went to Greece last time, they were giving food handouts to Greek citizens in Athens. Too bad I left my Greek passport at home. Lol.

(Neo-Nazi food is still food by the way!!!)

It's interesting, people's interest in Russia in Greece (at least) has only a little favorable view of Russia. I think realistically-speaking, besides that threat being little more than a diplomatic tool. However, it's to note that previous governments weren't using this tool at all.

It also underlines a worrying trend which could be developing of closer relations between Russia and Greece, which wouldn't be good for the overall situation in Ukraine, or for relations between the EU and Russia--as well as the power bloc it is trying to establish around the Eurasian Economic Union.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 03:28:02 PM »
Took the quiz out of curiosity.


Not the entire Golden Dawn leadership was thrown in prison. Plus Golden Dawn's presence is still here, and quite active. The media just avoid reporting anything about it, but that's mostly because things have been worryingly quiet since the elections.

Also I love how greece is giving germany shit for being nazis 70 years ago...
At least the Greeks have enough class not to throw them all in prison like the Germans would.
You're dead wrong. The Greeks threw the entire Golden Dawn leadership in prison over a year ago.

Seriously, it doesn't. A greater political union that works should exist, otherwise you get the Eurozone's clash of state interests. ECB's measures would have made more sense if the EU was federal, or at least better than what it is now.

See people, this is why you don't have monetary unions.

It doesn't lead to anything good.

That's the issue, it feels like that money never came to Greece. That's because of the previous governments closing an eye while they handed the money to the banks, who in turn made it worse. That is also something that Germany, and Troika was aware of all along. Plus, why do you think bought those submarines from Germany shortly after getting some money?

It's a nasty story, all of it. Germany isn't innocent here.

By trying to extort billions out of Germany?

I mean this is what were saying here, it's madness. Germany has given Greece a shit ton of money already.

The plan to make Greece pay based on the growth seems better than what was going on before. I don't think it's a perfect, or excellent job, but it's a better one nonetheless from the previous governments that just felt to agree with whatever was thrown to them, and then proceeded to exploit that.

When you think the problem has been austerity and corruption, and then you turn around to find a party willing to increase spending and stand up to the fat cats over in the EU, of course you're going to feel like they're doing a good job. That doesn't make you correct, however.

Correction, I called his reaction stupid. Not Meta. Meta isn't stupid. Sorry if my wording was confusing.

How is it exaggerated? Greece is basically trying to get more money from Germany through extortion. 

What you're doing isn't discussing, you came in here and said he's being stupid/is stupid. I've gotten warnings for acting like that in Serious, so I don't see why you should be able to act like that.

That's what the current government is doing. At least, that's how it feels like in Greece.

And if there's anybody to blame for Greece doing THIS badly, it's your government. Greece has gotten enough bailouts. Time to get your shit together.

It's not an argument. I am merely stating my views and why they are this way. They are not based on research besides my own experiences and conclusions, and they do not have any empirical evidence (that I am aware of due to lack of research)

I'm sorry but, is this supposed to be a viable argument?

"I'm choosing this stance because I can't be arsed doing research and backing my argument up with empirical evidence" is basically what you just said minus the fluff.

Say whatever you want, but from my position, your view excludes the whole Greek side or interests. Being focused on selecting specifically sources to tailor your argument, whilst discarding any that could otherwise prove against it. Plus, you don't have any right to tell people to "gtfo" from the Serious board, or any thread, especially when someone doesn't agree with you.



I find his reaction exaggerated for having "gone absolutely fucking insane" and I merely stated what caught my attention when I first noticed the title with a remark that I found adequate. Plus, I do have a right to waltz in and discuss with people on the forums like anyone else, and it was nowhere near an insult.

Funny how all of a sudden they need reparations and the artifacts now when their economy is in the toilet.

While artifacts do belong to Greece and should be returned, Germany is already giving Greece a shit ton of money. 

This a retarded move by Greece, and you have no right to come waltzing in here to insult Meta because you're Greek.

Why, isn't everyone here biased then? I am the only one from Greece, and everyone else isn't. Coincidentally I am the only supporter of the actions that the new Greek government is taking, against most who just gets angry or their picture by the media instead of even considering the Greek position, and thoughts.

I just decided to side with the Greek position, because I do see that the new government has a fair chance of turning the country to the better for inside of Greece. I don't feel enough energy nor I have time to spend time and looking into solid evidence to back up the decisions that are currently being made, nor I think it's viable since I don't know much about economics to begin with.

However, what is said and what is done aligns with what I think it's the correct thing. So, my support stems from what I perceive as what's correct to do, instead of what was going on beforehand that left the country in disaster, deep corruption, and hiding the debt under a carpet for many years.

I do reject the image that Greece should be further punished. People's lives were crushed by the policies brought to Greece (or at least, the attitude of previous governments and influences from Germany) that I have seen how the country's underlying issues have just become widely open and evident thanks to the crisis, and it's despicable how they were abused to merely meet the money to pay, just to borrow more money shortly afterwards.

If anyone's bowing to wishes and demands here, it's probably Germany if anything. Stay biased though.

Septagon / Re: Report Sep7agon V2 Bugs or Issues here
« on: March 13, 2015, 02:38:53 PM »
That's actually what I am talking about, but it's still on an experimental stage, when I have something that can be applicable I'll show some versions of the header on both desktop and mobile and we can go from there.

Glad to see you're making progress on fixing your code. Any solutions for the mobile header?

Yeah, and just right there bow to Germany's wishes and accept whatever measures it wants to take for its own benefit. That's a great idea.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you, I fully expect a nice resounding 'Fuck you' from the krauts <_<

It's not just about the money; those artifacts were stolen during the nazi occupation of Greece, and do very well belong to the Greek people, not the German.
The demands, which also included the return of 8,500 archaeological treasures and artefacts in Germany, were met with incredulity in Berlin.

I do hope, however, that they are successful with the money, but I don't think that it's their objective. Plus, I bet Meta's reactions will get stupider as this thing goes on.

Gaming / Re: Describe your dream game...
« on: March 13, 2015, 09:33:25 AM »
I think it's everything about Final Fantasy XIV, but with VR support. Then I would die happy.

Septagon / Re: Report Sep7agon V2 Bugs or Issues here
« on: March 13, 2015, 09:12:16 AM »
I had some progress with some design ideas and solutions related to the header, but it's all still experimental. Some issues were simply addressed by doing things correctly.

You may proceed to burn your ID card and birth certificate. We'll use the ashes to make the *special* cocaine that we then sell to Michael Bay.

Septagon / Re: Report Sep7agon V2 Bugs or Issues here
« on: March 07, 2015, 02:57:55 AM »
Just a head's up; I am working on fixing the navbar and make it less clusterfuck-ish and broken. So, I didn't forget of the issues.

« on: March 07, 2015, 12:03:06 AM »
They were afraid someone would find out that the murderer was EA all along.

Serious / Re: Greece will probably leave the Eurozone
« on: March 06, 2015, 02:26:43 PM »
A united Europe should be better for the member states. That's why it should exist. If you don't want an European Union to exist then that's a completely different story.

Have you not been paying attention to anything I said?

You obviously haven't, since my entire issue is that it's a problem at the European level. . .

Which is why I don't want a European level to exist. So no problems can operate on that plane.

Serious / Re: Greece will probably leave the Eurozone
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:39:48 PM »
Or maybe should Europe wake the fuck up besides Britain playing the smartass? The problem doesn't exist in Greece and it's an issue at the European level. I don't think Greece has to fail because the Eurozone can't get its act together along with the central bank.

Greece is going in a better direction. Perhaps you can't see that, you aren't in Greece, you haven't been in Greece, and you haven't seen how the social level fell and how everything was affected by a really corrupt government that acted as a Yes-man to the ridiculous measures that were taken by the Troika.

It's worse precisely because malformed monetary policies are more dangerous and lead to more hardship.

What's worse, Greece entering Depression-level economic problems because it has mishandled the drachma. Or 19 countries entering Depression-level economic problems because the Euro has been mishandled by a central bank the individual members have little control over?

The Flood / Re: "Greek life is the greatest time of your life"
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:34:56 PM »
I do...

Well, it's not like you can even get frostbite in Greece even if you wanted to... It's so goddamn hot there. Unless you're far north. But who the fuck lives there?

The Flood / Re: "Greek life is the greatest time of your life"
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:31:37 PM »
I am quite sure when I say that there's no habit in Greece of going outside to get frostbite to show off your primal instincts to a bunch of equally-minded neanderthals.

The only Greek life is if you're living in Greece.

The Flood / Re: "Greek life is the greatest time of your life"
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:30:44 PM »
I see this person going places, not college, but places.

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