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Messages - Isara

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I just feel that coding this feature in is somewhat pointless when it appears to be a moderation issue.

This. True there's not many users that spam threads all day long but not having this is still encouraging their behavior. Telling them not to make these threads isn't going to stop them from making thread after thread. The only thing they have to do is make threads that have somewhat of a discussion value and just spam them. DZ is already doing that at times.

The Flood / Re: Just finished Berserk
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:17:01 AM »
My opinion about Berserk, contains spoilers
I didn't like Berserk anime that much as compared to the manga it skipped onto some details, and also it ends too early. Plus, the events after a point feel a little too forced to just make Guts literally steal the show. Griffith's personality was on the spot, but the development of his persona to what he becomes is not very well explained, and it leaves room for interpretation by the viewer.

I am going to skip through the rest of the side characters who play some role in the story to just talk about Casca that was a prominent character after Griffith and Guts. The development of her personality is too predictable; and by the current events she isn't anything but essentially a burden for Guts. It simply plays around on her being a woman as to why she's weak; she is aware of that and she works to keep competing despite whatever shortcomings she might have because she was attracted to Griffith.

I just wanted more out of Casca and Grifftih especially, but it feels like it was a letdown when it became clear that Casca would piratically just be a burden, and Griffith the reason for the main tragedy in the story. Somehow, Guts is able to retain his mind, but not Casca--what? Especially since Casca also was one who was exposed to battle, and the world's darkness much longer than Guts.

However, I don't mean that Casca should have been an "action girl" type and simply be magically mentally unscathed, but instead to have a more stand-out personality of her own without some choices that purposely defeat any independent development outside of relying to the male characters. We're talking about someone who has been into battle multiple times, and has earned the trust of their fellow soldiers. Do they really not deserve some independent personality besides some stupid cliches that are one too many times repeated in fantasy?

I think Griffith suffers of those cliches himself as the unbreakable, charismatic and handsome leader who falls from grace due to a single instance of defeat. Somehow, much worse than Casca as it feels way too forced that he is put into action to enact the events after the ritual. He's an interesting character who is slowly broken more to become the villain of the story, at which point he loses most of the interesting factors. (Hence why later on he returns in human form; otherwise it would just keep going and desaturated too much as a story)

Literally, the ritual felt like a session of sacrificing all the characters for the sake of Guts taking the show.

The Flood / Re: Sometimes I wish
« on: March 20, 2015, 09:48:10 AM »
Science is full of shitheads, just like sports. It's just that sports are directly tied to entertrainement, and that's where the big bucks come in. From people going to a stadium and buying team swag, to people who pay subscriptions to watch matches or people who make bets.

If you could think properly then you'd realize that you could use the money from taxing sports into fueling science further.

The Flood / Re: on today's episode of tumblr in action...
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:16:39 AM »
I think that it was referring more to how only men appear to be into getting pleasure out of rape fantasies instead of expressing outright disgust as a "proper" woman should. That's why it's using the period to identify with the disgust; it's aimed towards women to stir shit against men as a whole, another one of those dumb feminists that instead of tackling the issue, just throws oil into the fire.

I'd just point out, what is the usual reaction to a convicted rapist?

Warmth? Cordial conversations and inviting them into your house for a cup of tea?

Or disgust at them being a piece of shit?

I'd hazard a guess at most people going for the latter of the two, hell I could go and dig up that study about 'psychological purity of items' that shows people are uncomfortable touching objects that were recently touched by either murderers or rapists <.<

But no, raep is all okay because people make jokes about it. Same as murdering babies and turning them into salsa is halal because there are jokes about it.

Gaming / Re: Is Civ V worth getting into?
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:13:13 AM »
It's somewhat addicting.

I think a thread cap is pointless since there are only specific users who have a certain behavior.

I can punch you in the guts once a month to compensate. Oddly enough, the days you feel energetic.

Serious / Re: "All we ask is that Europe give Greece a chance"
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:52:57 AM »
Honestly, I think the much larger governments of Romania and Italy, also have deeper stories of corruption.

Not in the world, but in the EU. Or were you talking to Arm the Mod exclusively?

Serious / Re: "All we ask is that Europe give Greece a chance"
« on: March 20, 2015, 12:56:05 AM »
Greece isn't the most corrupt country, I think that the crisis simply amplified the underlying issues, and exposed them to the open.

it's literally impossible to be more corrupt than Brussels

The Flood / Re: How much life do you think Sep7agon has left?
« on: March 20, 2015, 12:41:29 AM »
Social media integration shouldn't be about turning everything into blinding white, and plaster social media icons all over the place with all their features. (Sadly, many websites choose to follow this idiotic pattern)  Instead, social media integration has to be about what it offers to the users in terms of enhancing their experience with a website.

Most of those features are pointless for the user. (Unless someone is a social media junkie, or badly needs to share a post) The only reason that you add a Twitter button, or a Facebook one is to generate traffic, and therefore use your users as a means of getting your rank higher in search results and to enhance the presence on the web.

Sep7agon isn't about that kind of exploitation, we have the website with some ads to keep the show running, and the true depth and importance of the website comes from the community, and people's efforts to make the content.

Now, would social media keep Sep7agon alive? I doubt so. Communities disappear over the years, despite their integration of social media tools. Putting a Twitter link, or icon might generate a couple of tweets, but unless you got something really interesting going on or a huge membership it doesn't really work.

Maybe some social media integration would help it stay alive.

Gaming / Re: How much did ign get paid...
« on: March 19, 2015, 05:24:03 PM »
To making the engine most likely, and not the title.

Activisions wasted 499 million that wasn't for the game where do Ya think it went m8

The Flood / Re: So the girl in front of me just took a snapchat of me
« on: March 19, 2015, 03:41:40 PM »
She took a photo of you without your permission, and you are thinking whether she wants sex? Stop thinking with your dick.

The Flood / Re: Combine 2 random words off the top of your head.
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:35:21 PM »
Tesla Coil.

The Flood / Re: You guys are invading my dreams
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:31:48 PM »
I think you need to PM Psy.

The Flood / Re: Describe your first sexual experience
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:22:10 PM »
I kinda feel like changing your name to Trashcan.

Back in '76. The cold war just started, I was 16, she was like half my age but way more experienced, we were in the back seat of a phone booth parked on the water tower in the football field at school watching some movie with Charlie Sheen's dad's dad in it, I'll never forget that night. She was my favorite ostrich.

The Flood / Re: What Drug is Sep7?
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:17:54 PM »
Sep7 + 420 = 720

The Flood / Re: Describe your first sexual experience
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:17:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ancient bone armor discovered in Sibera
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:02:18 PM »
The twist; it's human bones. He killed his enemies, and wore them as trophies, and protection.

The Flood / Re: applying for student loans and i wanna cry
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:57:37 PM »
Pure capitalism is fueling the cost of my studies. No debts.

Gaming / Re: Hideo Kojima to leave Konami :(
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:31:44 PM »
Ironically that sounds like what happens with Cipher and Militares Sans Frontieres.

Let's get one thing straight; the early 2000's were shit for home Linux users. Only recently some distros have been made, and work hard to cater towards home users, but where Linux excels (and where Microsoft also gets the majority of the monies) is the business sector.

That's why I want to avoid bringing Linux in the picture of home systems, because that's something that Linux, the Linux Foundation, groups revolving around free software and so forth haven't really sold the idea.1 Unlike Microsoft, who applied hard to sell its values through Windows.

However, I will agree that Office is probably the most well-polished line of products available of its kind. Open source alternatives and other ones have struggled and still do to compete with Office, and it's good that Microsoft also develops an OS X version of Office. (Would be even better that there would be one for some Linux distros, but many things would make it impossible from philosophical issues to practical, and technical ones)

I tried the linux game for a while back in the early 2000's. The driver support for basic things like wifi was a pain in the ass and everything had a high learning curve. I know package installation and driver support has gotten better since then, but the things I use the most just aren't available on linux - current MS office, current adobe products, most of my games...

1 Some have, but not until the recent years, and their success is only briefly discussed. The current events are stirring promising change, but we are far from there.

That's questionable, because they are not exactly the best, but certainly the only ones who are capable of spreading, and took the opportunity to do so. Microsoft isn't the best what an OS has to offer (nor any other OS for that matter; just for those who expect a lecture on Linux at this point) it's just that Windows is everywhere, and people might mistake that for being the case.

Microsoft is good at selling Windows. Windows 8 had its sales despite being shit wrapped with a pretty-looking box, and people still use it. Why? Because it's popular, because Microsoft devours violently its competition. There are also many technical matters, pros and cons that are better found by reading around the web. My conclusion, from experience, and at least the knowledge I posses is that Windows for all it may be, is not the best, nor anyone else is or deserves that title.

Certainly, however, Windows is just the most well-sold one, and it's the one that is marketed to everyone in a large scale and de facto computer manufacters love to put on their computers. (Because the users were educated to use Windows, from whatever source)

I don't entirely trust them either, but they have the best product on the market.

Interesting approach, but what does ensure that Microsoft won't implement something to differentiate between the people who used the "free" upgrade compared to people who are willing to give some sort of payment? That's not just the issue, what does ensure that all the various social connectivity that is integrated into Windows is truly private, not monitored and that there are tools in place to ensure what information about the user is used or shared?

Do you truly trust Microsoft? I don't, and this whole matter smells.

The Flood / Re: oi flood! 'elp me
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:30:15 PM »
Strange, the meaning of the word is also people with the same name. Not sure whether it's an outdated use in English.

Worst comes to worst, say it was your twin, homonymous sibling.

Did you mean Monozygotic? <_<

Homonymous is something to do with going blind I think.

The Flood / Re: oi flood! 'elp me
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:24:35 PM »
Worst comes to worst, say it was your twin, homonymous sibling.

Serious / Re: "All we ask is that Europe give Greece a chance"
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:50:50 PM »
That's the issue, the majority of Greece lives in Athens and the majority of Athens has not so much money anymore. How can people with little money pay the taxes of a government that they naturally hate, and that also would be more than eager to shake them for some cents just to throw in the black pit until the next few months when the payments are due.

No, it doesn't improve the situation, but it's not right for people to be treated like idiots by a democratically-elected government.

I am including the Government as well in this. My one aunt there (who is in her 80s) had to wait 2 years in line just to get a knee surgery just because she is poor, while all of the rich people simply bribed the doctors so they could get in front of line. Corruption in Greece is horrible, but refusing to pay taxes won't make the situation better at all.

Serious / Re: "All we ask is that Europe give Greece a chance"
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:44:10 PM »
What? First of all, members of the government were involved in tax-dodging, secondly, all Greeks that are paying taxes (that is most of Greece anyway) in the recent years have been choked with taxes. Secondly, why should the Greeks pay to save the Greek banks that in turn are doing nothing to improve the situation, or to pay for a corrupt government that basically destroyed any services it offered that were at least working to save its own ass?

It begs the question; do you really want to pay for a government that (a) has empty promises (b) is known to be corrupt (c) regardless will follow the measures from Troika and (d) the services will nonetheless get worse, no matter how much you pay. With all these conditions, do you really think that people who struggle to pay their personal debt will be also willing to pay any taxes that are also expensive? No! That's why it only got worse since the clever measures taken by the government by using the excuse that it was Troika's fault.

Because that's how it was since 2010 when they "improved" by simply forcing the small fish to pay. That's also something that the Tsipras government is setting in place to study, and investigate. (According to one of his parliamentary speeches post-elections)

Greece has a lot of reforms to do. The fact that many citizens were avoiding paying taxes to the Government is pretty much why Greece is in the shit it's in today.

They want a Socialist system, but they didn't want to pay any of the costs towards creating one.

I don't normally care about Batman, so don't misunderstand. However, I do read comics, and manga, and I love some stories. Some stories have dark tones, some are happy, some explore sinister things more so than others. That doesn't mean, nor gives anyone the right to force this kind of thing.

It's creativity, creativity is about sharing ideas, stories something unique. Seriously, this kind of thing just damages the feminist movement rather than improve anything for women or the idea of equality in general. The conflict that happens here is pointless, and just shows how people's stupidity has become empowered because a collective can simply use Twitter.

Here, this is for you, it's so dank that it will blind the dankest of your friends on Twitter.
Isara ranting about how #femnazis are ruining comics #lol

Hey, you know what is promoting rape culture? The fucking rapists in Africa who also get away with mutilation, slavery and whatever else. Not the damn Joker on the cover So, doing anything against some overzealous self-titled feminists will result in being blackmailed as a misogynist unless you give in?

There are real problems. There are real cases of rape, with victims of either gender who need help, support, there are laws that need to be looked upon, equality issues in business. All this sort of crap that goes on, and on, and yet the cover with the Joker should get that kind of hate.

This Boondock comic is now truer than ever

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