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Messages - Isara

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The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 02:06:45 AM »
There are some, but they work on games that go mostly unnoticed compared to many other games, or with a specific audience. I'd probably move to a state depending on the job / company rather than preference. (They also don't really hire at all, but who knows what the future holds)

And... is there even a single game developer in Greece?

Also, which part of the US do you want to move to? There's a fuck-ton of different places to live here.

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 02:00:34 AM »
Yes, but because I am too lazy to switch over from my Google+ login, it will be lost in time. Which is for the best. The world moves on. (I don't care about it, that's why I am not using right now, nor I want to interact through, especially since I am here to make Sep7agon the welcoming place that should have been in the first place)

Did you ever have an account on

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:56:54 AM »
Software engineering has little future in Greece, especially for game development. My commitment is that alone, since I've decided not to stay here, and it's one of the most important decisions I do prefer over any other kind of compromise.

Sounds like you're just bored of living in your country and want to leave. It's sort of funny really. I feel the same way about the US the same way you feel about Greece. Hell, from my perspective it seems like all the interesting people I know are from Europe. If you want to move here, it'd be better if you do it sooner before you really establish roots in Greece and make commitments there or else you may never end up leaving the country. Life has a way of keeping you in the same spot forever unless you're careful.

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:53:35 AM »
Not really. Sorry for crushing your dreams.


do you love me the most?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:49:23 AM »
Something that many people in the US might not see is that compared to a country like Greece is that things are done differently. I understand the issues involved in living in the US, and I do prefer them over the issues you have when living in Greece.

Plus, in my life, all the interesting people seem to be from the US. The game industry is also in the US.

And what draws you to the US over other countries?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:44:17 AM »
Probably the US because it's more inspiring to go in the US than Germany. (The latter also doesn't appeal to me as much, like most other european countries)

Where would you move to from Greece, and why?

You should move to Germany. Berlin more specifically. Cause I'm gonna be there next year, yaaaay!! (and it'd be nice to know more people there) :D

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:43:05 AM »
Because they are dogs. You should be worried if they suddenly stopped.

How come the dogs in my neighborhood keep barking?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:42:18 AM »
The kind of humor you try to put in your posts isn't really successful with me.

Opinion of Jive Turkey

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:40:22 AM »
I probably will, but I am not quite there yet. My opinion of you is more or less neutral, as the majority of the people on Sep7agon. One or two posts are interesting, though.

Would you ever move away from Greece?

And looking at Val's post, what's your opinion of me?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:38:36 AM »
Anyone here is cool enough, but the issue is that we don't really play many games in common, or the games I play are mostly single-player. I don't feel like playing on the Xbox 360 since it requires a subscription, and on the PS3 the multiplayer games haven't been able to engage to me. There's also the issue of timezones and my own schedule, and latency.

Am I cool enough to play vidya with yet?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:36:02 AM »
Fruits mainly, kiwis, bananas, apples, oranges, watermelons.

What's your favorite type of food?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:35:14 AM »
I know what I got myself into, but I am not so bored as you may think.

On the subject of the anime board, I don't feel negative. Some time after the long-winded arguments we had, I think I was in the wrong, and somewhat annoying, but it made sense at the time. Sometimes, I think that some people will never forgive me for suggesting that, and that's alright.

do you know what you just got yourself into

how bored were you

there will never be an anime board--how does this make you feel

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:32:24 AM »
I think you are quite nice, and your posts sometimes are right on the spot with some threads.

Your opinion of me?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:30:20 AM »
I'd go with a border collie for a dog, an american shorthair cat and quetzal bird.

What type of breed  would you like from each of these three




The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:28:32 AM »
Since the new government I do have some hope that things will turn out for the best. Society was about to crash down beforehand and it was quite worrisome.

Are you in any way worried about the current state of affairs of your home country, considering all that's been going around in the news as of late?

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:25:24 AM »
Isara, I am also the one that works on the design, and development on Sep7agon. (The design you are using right now is primarily the first "big" outcome of my work)

Who the fuk are you

The Flood / Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:22:10 AM »
I'll be happy to talk about anything

The Flood / Re: Chinese cartoons has a ring to it
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:11:00 AM »
More like, JoJo's Socialist Adventure.

Gaming / Re: Bullshit things in games?
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:06:18 AM »
I don't know how the code works, so it's all speculation, but if I had to release the game quickly (it's also mentioned somewhere in a vidoc that the AI code for Halo CE was just a file with comments for a long time) then it seems easy to overlook that since Marines tend to stay around Chief wherever allowed to do so, they might want to stay around Chief like some sort of magnets. That's why the Marines get on the Warthog when you drive it up to them or to a range which they "engage" the Chief and approach him. (That also is when they send you messages like random gestures or say something to the Chief, and to each other) Probably, there's no reference to the Ghost, and Marines still behave that way, thinking that they can stay close to the Chief, or driving to the Chief, or maybe ignoring the Chief altogether.

It's also very well possible that it was intentional to encourage the player to use the vehicles.

So was the marine AI in Halo CE designed to accidentally run over Chief if they drive a Ghost?

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:50:06 AM »
I am not sure, everyone is likable here.

Gaming / Re: Bullshit things in games?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:44:52 AM »
Again, it's the illusion that it's smart. It's just more successful into giving that illusion. (You can check on any AI for game development textbook)

The AI in Starcraft 2 is pretty smart. They're even programmed to say "GG" if they're about to lose.

Gaming / Re: New Call of Duty teased
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:40:11 AM »
They can't come up with an original title, or just want to sell on the name of World at War, they just throw a 2 next to it. So, the misled masses will buy the game based on assumptions. Lol, Activision, rolling the industry.

Gaming / Re: Bullshit things in games?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:37:04 AM »
Well, what is to keep in mind is that in the game industry AI is trying to simulate intelligence. So it's all smoke and mirrors.

Shame about the AI intelligence though.

Gaming / Re: some Twitch accounts compromised.
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:33:37 AM »
We are writing to let you know that there may have been unauthorized access to some of your Twitch user account information, including possibly your Twitch username and associated email address, your password (which was cryptographically protected), the last IP address you logged in from, and any of the following if you provided it to us: first and last name, phone number, address, and date of birth.

For your protection, we have expired your password and stream keys. In addition, if you had connected your account to Twitter or YouTube, we have terminated this connection.

You will be prompted to create a new password the next time you attempt to log into your Twitch account. If applicable, you will also need to re-connect your account to Twitter and YouTube, and re-authenticate through Facebook, once you change your password. We also recommend that you change your password at any other website where you use the same or a similar password.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

The Twitch Team

Mine was one.
did you get the vanilla email or the "you got fucked up" email

Gaming / Re: some Twitch accounts compromised.
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:27:14 AM »
Yes, my account was in the list. That's also why you use unique passwords for each service. However, my password was a 32 character one. Whoever made the attack, just extracted the passwords without any issue.

The Flood / Re: do you talk differently in person compared to on here?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:24:54 AM »
Oh, but I am not shy. I just don't bother with people.

I met a girl that I've known online for 3 years in real life last year before our friendship ended. She was also the quiet type. And kinda awkward too, well we both were because it was the first and really only time we met face to face.

The Flood / Re: do you talk differently in person compared to on here?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:19:24 AM »

They say that the quiet type is very dangerous.... <_<

The Flood / Re: In 500 years what will change?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:17:18 AM »
Maybe in Europe it's another story.

The west coast was at prewar levels of societal cohesion within 80 years.

500 years and it would be like nuclear annihilation never happened.

The Flood / Re: In 500 years what will change?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:11:55 AM »
We'll be in a dark age due to the resource wars of 2077 that will destroy the world by culminating into an all-out nuclear war.

The Flood / Re: So Is RC Cola Actually A Gay Drink?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:09:03 AM »
Only if it makes you miss the taste of vanilla-flavour coca-cola.

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