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Messages - Isara

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Serious / Re: Lol, Greece is still up to its shenanigans
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:23:24 PM »
Which is trying to but it's getting hit with the loan as if it were a whip at each instance its attempted to do so. So that's probably why they try to annoy Germany with this kind of thing. It might seem stupid, but since Greece is being hit with that then politically speaking it shouldn't just lower its head and take that whipping.

Because that's what the previous governments did, and not only they did that, but they also destroyed the country even further meanwhile the EU didn't care until they realized that it was a time bomb and managed to squeeze the most money and further dig a grave for Greece at the same time.

Right, which includes proving that Greece can actually be fiscally responsible.

Serious / Re: Lol, Greece is still up to its shenanigans
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:15:38 PM »
Yes, the European Union has to help Greece because it's supposed to be a union where single nation-states come together to solve issues and come into solutions for their problems. If the point of the union is to just give ammo to certain nations to further "discipline" weaker ones then it's not an union, and it shouldn't even exist.

The debt has to be cut so it's possible to pay it, or to make it something more viable than the retarded move of borrowing money to pay the loan that will just get worse and worse while the country's assets are sold off, or left to rot without even being used.

And even then since the member states were aware of what was going on with the corrupt Greek government why didn't they do anything? Isn't all of this really awkwardly convenient for certain bodies in the EU? It's clear politics, and the Greeks shouldn't be the ones cleaning after the internal fights of interest. Everyone should be doing that, and right now it's more than clear that they want to use the huge loan to reprimand Greece and make it act as an experimental puppet.

That has to end if truly in the union they want for Greece to move forward, and for the EU to actually be something more than what it currently is.

So the rest of the European Union should have to put up with Greece's shit because it's previous government thought it was a good idea to go fucking nuts when it could get credit at the same interest rate as Germany?

Your government failed, and the taxpayers are going to have to pick up the debt. Is that fair? Of course not, it's politics. But it's a hell of a lot better than any other country having to pick up the tab.

Serious / Re: Lol, Greece is still up to its shenanigans
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:06:53 PM »
Not sure what's the intent behind trolling Germany's government, but it seems fun enough. However, if the point was to show how ridiculously huge of a debt it is and that it needs to be cut where you can imagine if Germany had to pay that huge of an amount for war repatriations to Greece - that would be stupid then in the same way it's stupid for Greece to pay that huge debt, and therefore it must be cut to something that makes more sense and that is achievable.

Most of the Greek population does want for Germany to pay for the war, but let's be honest here, the years of New Democracy throwing blame on Germany and Germany placing blame on Greece for the economic issues doesn't really help to shape a generally positive image.

Why should the Greek taxpayer have to carry this enormous loan? Nobody should carry that much of a loan to pay, and it's as ridiculous as asking Germany to pay 279 Billion Euros for WW2.

The Flood / Re: Psychoanalysis Time!
« on: April 07, 2015, 11:57:53 AM »
I am curious at what you will find about me...

The Flood / Re: The hidden biases of Internet memes
« on: April 07, 2015, 11:48:49 AM »
No shit.

“These findings corroborate many of the observations made in [past] qualitative studies,” the researchers sum up, “in which the memetic sphere was described as dominated by young, white men.”

Serious / Re: The minimum wage
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:45:37 AM »
It's funny how owning your own apartment was all the rage as long French and German banks threw money in Greece causing the large debt. Now it's ironic where people have large homes, but not enough funds to afford them, and nobody can actually buy them (and hence the costs being low, and being sold off as cheap, if sold at all)

Note: I am not solely blaming outside economic forces for the current situation in Greece, just making an observation that even outside influences were not the most honest ones.

Relevant question: when you people say that minimum wage should be a livable wage, do you mean I should be able to be fully employed at the minimum wage, own my own apartment, live by myself, and not have my income subsidized by welfare/ebt?
Own your own apartment? No. You should be able to pay rent somewhere.

Serious / Re: The minimum wage
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:40:27 AM »
I think I'll be completely done with Greece in case Syriza works out a solution for the economy and people vote New Democracy or PASOK (or their bastard parties like Elia and Potami)

I wonder what's gonna happen to Nea Dimokratia in future elections, since PASOK has practically been wiped from the electoral map after trading the position of running the government with ND for the past 40 years.

Serious / Re: The minimum wage
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:39:26 AM »
Greece's workweek Is roughly 43 hours according to data, which is still the highest in Europe. Although, interestingly the productivity seems to be lower.

With US minimum wage, you'd have to work 60-hour workweeks just to afford rent in the area I live in. But I do have the distinction of living in the 2nd most expensive part of the country. It's probably a similar situation in Athens, whose situation with wages is probably why SYRIZA wants to raise minimum wage.

Did you vote for SYRIZA in the election last January?

Serious / Re: The minimum wage
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:37:15 AM »
I gave a blank vote. I figured at the time that Syriza wouldn't do anything, and that Samaras would set the country on fire and sell the ashes to Germany. Many people in my area voted Golden Dawn (roughly 30%) and then it was a disparity between New Democracy and Syriza. I also didn't feel like voiding my vote.

Did you vote for SYRIZA in the election last January?

Serious / Re: The minimum wage
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:32:04 AM »
Roughly 580 Euros / month. Rent can usually be covered between 200 Euros and 400 Euros, depending on the area where you live, but utilities in Greece are more expensive. So it's a give and take whether someone can just make it through the month or not at all.

Syriza wants to raise it to 750 Euros to just ensure that most people can survive with it.

What's minimum wage in Greece right now?

Serious / Re: The minimum wage
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:05:05 AM »
I would like the minimum wage to raise in Greece since its well below the cost of life. Simply, a full-time job with a minimum wage isn't enough to pay a whole rent in most cases, let alone utilities. (Although, compared to the US, Greece is a state waiting for bankruptcy, and youth unemployment is still around 50%, without factoring in the people who are currently enlisted in the army for their military service)

Edit: Also those who are employed are either doing their practice, or are paid minimum wage and working full time or part-time, and most often they are bar, coffee-shop related jobs or even restaurants in tourist areas. Most of the people who work in stores as clerks and so forth are around their 30's and above. (It was a running joke some time ago that if you had a Master's degree in the UK? Then you will land a fitting cashier job at a chain store and be paid slightly higher than the minimum wage)

It is, but I never got around adjusting it. I kinda felt it should be something different.

Gaming / Re: Hard to believe I uploaded this shit 2 years ago....
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:46:58 AM »
I like how the music gets angrier when your opinion is strained.

Gaming / Re: What was the first game you ever played?
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:45:07 AM »

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:40:02 AM »
There are college communists in Greece, since there are communist groups in public colleges. (It's quite well-known how parties try to sway people to their group in each college, I even had an invite from the KKE at some point when I had to go through the state system)

I didn't really care about them, so I never bothered with them. All I know is that if you support them then they exchange that with services. Like helping you study, or cheat to an exam (in college, yes) and other things. They also tend to be really combative pointlessly if you question Marxism/Leninism something that most of them loosely understand, since they probably support the communists out of need, rather than actually believing it.

They also enjoy being vengeful in case you try to go away from the group or backstab them. Often, they have fun wearing hoods and breaking stores and other things in Athens and some other towns in Greece. (That is something that the Anarchists also do, and they tend to clash one another, or different communists against different communists)

The Flood / Re: What's your Subway Sub?
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:32:48 AM »
There's a subway system in Athens, but no Subway there, as far I know.

So there's a Subway in Greece

The Flood / Re: What's your Subway Sub?
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:22:27 AM »
No Subway in Greece, since we only have one in the entire country.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:06:16 AM »
I never realized how well-written my posts are sometimes until now.

Terrible, simply terrible, and this is supposed to be funny? Fuck off, Oliver. Die in a car crash.
I'd rather believe that more deaths should be avoided on either side. The disease would be a good timing to come up with some sort of compromise for the exchange of medicines, and care. If they want to ditch a helping hand, and not turn their criminals to justice over dying for their beliefs then they can as well rot in the desert.

The Flood / Re: Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:03:53 AM »
That's why I largely care about search statistics of Sep7agon. New people will join when they find this place and that it's a fun place to be at. It's not that easy to go up in the rankings, though.

It's the same sort of thing on the site I admin, majority of the current members all joined right at the beginning, even 2 and a quarter years later

The Flood / Re: Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 06:29:13 AM »
It was removed for members some time ago. There was a short discussion about it, even.

Where is the user status page lurking at these days? You know, the one that says what people are currently doing. I can't find it anymore.

Gaming / Re: Spartan Sarah Palmer is Problematic
« on: April 07, 2015, 06:23:07 AM »
In Halo: CE it's somewhat hinted that Chief might be a cyborg, but I guess they dropped the idea as they went on.

When was Halo ever about a cyborg?

I'll sleep. I can sleep for 72 hours, done it before.

You are not wearing a straightjacket, however, you're allocated to a room and must stay within the Hospital for 72 hours.
Your room is a 3x3 meter space with a bed and a trolley.
You're told you'll be "evaluated" in the morning.

You are within a standard medical hospital.

What kind of hospital? Am I wearing a straitjacket?

The Flood / Re: Who is taking summer college classes?
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:58:18 PM »
Pffft. By the time it will be fixed I'll be out of college. Even if things start working out now.

Hopefully Greece gets their shit together and the economy gets better soon for your people.

The Flood / Re: Who is taking summer college classes?
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:43:07 PM »
Yeah, well, sucks to be me. I guess I won't be able to enjoy college by picking up classes that fascinate me. Just can't enjoy what I am to do up to a degree.

Something something Greeks have no money

The Flood / Re: What TV ad still sticks in your mind today?
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:34:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who is taking summer college classes?
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:08:29 PM »
I want to take a class, but I probably won't be able to.

Gaming / Re: Reach UI is best UI
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:02:50 PM »
The Halo: CE UI feels really pure, and raw. I think it's superior when it comes to that. Unlike the pretty Halo 3, Halo 4 and Halo 5 UI's, and the features introduced in Reach, ODST and 2, it's the only UI that feels more utilitarian. Halo Anniversary did a good job of updating it without breaking it.

Honestly for me, Halo CE had the best UI. Simple and awesome.

Gaming / Re: Reach UI is best UI
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:01:28 PM »
I think that the Halo: Reach UI was developed in an interesting time. Since it has both elements that current web design seems to enjoy, and some older ones. The transparency play was something I liked, especially since I've been playing with transparency in design in general for a long time.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 06, 2015, 02:07:12 PM »
Terrible, simply terrible, and this is supposed to be funny? Fuck off, Oliver. Die in a car crash.

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