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Messages - Isara

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It feels like that to me. It feels like someone is trying to be a smartass with that cultural difference as an excuse. Where have they been hiding, under a rock? If they didn't want to live in a different culture then they can always move where their own culture is prevalent.

Part of moving into some place is to also accept the cultural differences, and not impose your own-- especially on private companies that have people who hold their own culture and beliefs. It would be a mistake to actually favor them in this situation, since student loans are a huge issue on their own.

Yet zero interest rate? Pfft. Yeah, and my culture involves backstabbing Machiavellisms (just look at the great history of the Athenian republic) does that mean it's OK for me to act like that?

Yes, it's a silly excuse, but she does come from a culture where loans with interest are pretty much taboo. It's not the same as calling on some arbitrary reason to be treated as a special snowflake.

Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:50:18 PM »
Greek culture did spread really far, especially in Middle East, but that was a really a long time ago. Perhaps some original ideas about republics came from Greece. Yet, many lessons are still valid today even from the stories from ancient Greece, and they also fueled the Roman Empire, the Byzantine one, and the current west society that was mainly affected by the Romans and the Byzatines (even after the split of the Empire)

So really, I'd give more credit to the Romans for actually making a power that established military outposts, roads, a common currency, language and culture. I also don't really think that the Byzantines are to be considered mainly Greek; at that point in time the region was heavily affected by Greek culture, and many different people spoke Greek since it was what English is today for us. Yet, they were still different people under Roman bureaucrats, with Greek culture.

When the renaissance came the remnants of the Byzantine Roman-Greek culture are what fed it. So, it's just shades of ancient west culture that fueled the west; not Greece or the Greek people exclusively. Republics or well, democracies, were also very dysfunctional, and still are today.

Yet, I think what makes us the West today is the industrial revolution. That changed people's minds, it formed many different ideologies of how the power of an industrial nation can be harnessed, just like the struggle of profiteering from colonies with precious spices or gold, and using the local populace as servants-- using machines and laborers changed the game completely.

By the early 1800's more rural nations such as China were centuries behind in society just because they didn't go through the industrial revolution that changed people's minds.

Roman culture was heavily influenced by Hellenistic culture but you're probably right for the most part.

Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:42:40 PM »
I think that the foundations from the renaissance come from Roman culture, and not the Greek one directly. Or at least, the fall of the Byzantine empire allowed the culture, and ideas to come in the west and trigger the Italian renaissance.

What about the foundations of contemporary Western society?

Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:58:28 PM »
By saying it, and some people will actually believe them.

Quote from: Not Comms Officer link=topic=35294.msg677467#msg677467 date =1429736094
How are they convincing people that there will be elections in June!?

Don't worry, the god of capitalism welcomes money from any religion and belief.

The Flood / Re: HOLY SHIT GUYS!
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:13:55 PM »

Gaming / Re: The most annoying characters in video games
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:12:09 PM »
This one doesn't talk, but meeting him is the most annoying experience in the game for many new players.


Serious / Re: DEA Head Leonhart Retiring in the Wake of Scandal
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:02:23 PM »
This is so wrong on so many levels.
DEA agents in Colombia had lots of sexy orgies with prostitutes paid for by the cartels

Speaking on the subject, wasn't there a research that criticized the effectiveness of women's groups, and received a mixed conclusion? (I can't recall its name) That being said, if the group is anti-white then it's certainly racist, but if the group is aimed to bring different "minorities" closer then that's another story.

I am putting minorities in quotes because, honestly, each different person who moves from their home country has their own reasons and experiences. Plus, black people are so many in the UK that I wouldn't call them a minority, but rather truly a part of the British population.

So many people from the Middle East nowadays live in the UK, and the UK is actually stupidly tolerant as far a democracy is concerned-- even this kind of stupid gathering in a university is tolerated, and let's not even start about all the issues with trials against those who are muslim. (That are too often way too lenient wherever their belief is comes in the picture)

If you truly want equality then you must strive for equality, further segregation does not lead to equality, but only further focus on issues than solutions. However, I think Mustafa and whoever supports her is mentally stupid to understand that they should be thankful that in the UK, at least, this kind of stuff is tolerated.

Also "queer anti-racist feminist killjoy" is such a terrible title.

Edit #2
‘if you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME.

I tried to go with Option 5 once, and they turn out to have lots of friends and hold grudges for a long time. So, I go with the first option and keep my issues to myself. Some transgendered people I know are really likable though, and not irritating types like the one that made me go for option 5.

It's also bad when their friends are all "omg what a bad person she is!" and are like peasants with pitchforks and fire ready to kill the village's witch. Which is ironic, coming from people that should be more open minded, and democratic in the first place.

Gaming / Re: Why can't people who leave games be shot and castrated?
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:42:55 AM »
Maybe the real issue is to understand on why would someone leave in the middle of an online game. Rage quit, impossible challenge, the game not being fun? The issue with online gameplay experience is that it depends heavily on the community. It might be unacceptable for people to leave a match, but a community that builds genuine hate around these people is also the same one that causes people to leave matches.

Maybe the problem lies with the games themselves. Games that revolve around some sort of competition are always bound to bring out the worst aspects from its players, including hypocrisy and a sense of superiority or minority depending on how successful the player is in the game.

Therefore someone will always leave from games that fundamentally build around some sort of competition, and even more so when the competition itself feels rigged, bad or unfair.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:33:45 AM »
What did he expect abortions to be like? A fair? Does he understand the implications of an unwanted or undesired pregnancy? Possibly not, noticing that he discards all those over the "shock" of actually looking at what a professional has to do.

Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:23:24 AM »
I think the current government is fighting two sides; the European one that applies pressure on the government to pass policies that fit the European agenda that would further condemn Greece into a black hole, and on the other hand the internal politics that are using every chance to twist each situation to make the government look bad.

The idea is that Greece shouldn't be forced into further austerity measures, and that the debt has to be something to be paid for; but in a way that it doesn't condemn the country. There's no "old ways" since the majority of the people involved in those ways are not in power.

My worry is that, however, as soon the economy starts working again then people's mentalities will switch back into those of the past, and might even vote again for those who caused the current situation. Syriza can work all it wants, but people's  mentality, and the mentality of the countries in the EU? That's something it might not achieve to change.

The current Greek government is trying, that's why I am hopeful for something to work out. That remains to be seen, however. New Democracy, PASOK and Potami have some people expecting that there will be elections in June, and they have been working too aggressively against the government in rather stupid ways.

I am not sure whether they went nuts and want to achieve power again just to sell the nation to Germany, or they have lost all sorts of credibility as diplomats and negotiators in the eyes of the rest of Europe. (Hence the current situation where Syriza is at power, and they are not)

Do you think that the Greek Government is seriously trying to reform so financial crisis will never hit Greece like this again, or do you think that they are just going to try to put off reforming and just get out of the immediate crisis, then go back to their old ways?

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:39:38 AM »
Honestly, whoever opposes modding is either an idiot, a troll or a copyright lawyer on steroids.

The Flood / Re: Anime in a nutshell
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:26:46 AM »
Desperate measures for saving the plot.


Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 22, 2015, 03:17:46 AM »
Yet there are no Apple stores in Greece, despite all the iPhone users and the macs around.


We will see about that part soon.

are being offered false hope by another profligate government.

Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:48:17 AM »
Honestly, I hear that too often wherever Greece is mentioned. This kind of anti-Greek propaganda should really stop. Just gives more credit to nationalist groups. Similarly to how some people mistook that Syriza's plan was not to pay the debt.

Pay your debts, gyro eating degenerate

Serious / Re: All anti-capitalists are Bolsheviks
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:44:54 AM »
I do agree with that, but what annoys me are the Marxists who do not really know anything about Marx.

Serious / Re: >Greece
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:34:49 AM »
Isn't this the serious board? Do you really think these are serious discussions and replies? They are not. I am not a mod, so take the call out with a pinch of salt, but I think this thread fails to meet the requirements to be in Serious at this rate.

So, on the actual subject; they are buying time for the negotiations. They have to do this, so it's required if they actually want to get somewhere and then at the same time the country doesn't go bankrupt. So, it's all a gamble with time, and negotiation skill. The government stated many times that it wants to pay the salaries, and pensions, plus the debts.

An Athens-based analyst told Reuters: "This is a pre-emptive move to ensure that they will be able to secure as much liquidity as possible because of the squeeze."

It's all a game of strategy, and I do hope that it ends up in favor of the debt being paid based on the development. Meanwhile, the other parties are having fun mocking the government at actually negotiating with the EU. (Especially PASOK and ND, who are also the "main" culprits behind the current situation)

"We all want Greece to succeed. The answer is in the hands of the Greek government."

Yeah, to succeed by further decimating the country to pay an impossible debt at this rate, and further condemning it just to keep afloat certain banks in the EU. Yeah, maybe the answer isn't just in the Greek government, maybe it can be found into not being a hypocrite and looking at how the whole EU neighborhood is a mess.

Serious / Re: Just your daily reminder that.
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:22:55 AM »
Greece can have a higher development index than the US, but it doesn't change that it still is 20 years behind.

Gaming / Re: ITT: we come up with shitty Halo 5 theories
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:17:23 AM »
The Chief becomes the new Didact to control the Forerunner machines and prevent them from destroying humanity.

Septagon / Re: Why can we report our own posts?
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:11:13 AM »
If you feel guilty about breaking the rules then you can confess your own misdoings. (Or it's just lazy coding by whoever wrote the report system-- those pesky if statements, how do they work?) There are some benefits to it, and I don't think it's an issue, really.

Gaming / Re: The ESA Claims Game Preservation is Hacking
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:33:09 AM »
ESA, you should never go full retard.

The Flood / Re: is anyone else like this
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:06:54 AM »
I'll reply to this thread later.

Why do people dislike Polygon?

The Flood / Re: Spartans never die
« on: April 15, 2015, 02:17:07 AM »
Yeah, that translation is accurate.

Reminds me of this:

"Stranger, tell the Spartans that here we lie, obedient to their laws."

I think they are inferior compared to some older anime.

I bet you all the people here who says SAO is shit likes SNK.

What if I say they're both shit?

Shingeki no Kyojin? I it suffers from other problems than SAO, but it does a good job to cover them up. Hence why people like it more. Sword Art Online didn't, and by the end many people are left with a bad taste because it took away what dragged them in the first part of the story.

It turned into a prolonged "Save the Princess" kind of cliché story, and that's a beaten horse. Meanwhile, many find that Shingeki no Kyojin is a little too complex, and it's kind of what might lead to an abrupt or nonsensical mess of an ending.

Using your characters as cannon fodder is also something that might  be getting a little old for the audience that might get behind Shingeki no Kyojin, and the manga changed its approach to the story, so it's all up in the air on how Shingeki no Kyojin will succeed compared to Sword Art Online

I bet you all the people here who says SAO is shit likes SNK.

Never, although I do have plenty of backup plans.

These are two different things. However, you can understand what is good or bad by looking at what made the show interesting for you.

I don't know what makes an anime bad or good.
Buuuuuuuuut I actually liked it.

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