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Messages - Isara

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The Flood / Re: What do you view as canon in Halo?
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:09:47 PM »
Vien's artwork.

The Flood / Re: >Feminists complaining about male violence
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:06:48 PM »
There have been situations in my life I have felt that there is clear inequality. However, if I speak up to these things, even in a mature manner then accusations of being a feminist, or trying to suppress men come to me upfront. Not just from men, but even from other women.

One such example is that during elementary school in Greece, you are forced to go to Church, and at the time, at least, where I lived you would risk getting expelled for not going. During school hours, we had to go to church in some occasions, once or twice per semester. What was the issue is that in the Orthodox religion, females have specific areas for them in a church, and also we weren't allowed to wear pants, but had to wear skirts.

I spoke up about it, and I was shot down by my friends. My parents understood, and from there and on, if the need was raised then I would have simply refused to go to church with the school. I was in elementary at the time. My father insisted to some extent as he is a man that loves his culture, before understanding the awkwardness of being forced into this.

You might think that this is silly-- after all, who doesn't like skirts? The issue is not about wearing skirts, but that the school itself, with the church; in Greece, the ministry of education is called Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and goes hand-to-hand with the Greek Orthodox Church. They wanted to put me in line, to fit their image of a woman that gives into their demands of an iconic feminine figure.

If people--society attempted with all their heart to twist your emotions, your personality, your preferences then wouldn't you fight back? If violence was used against you then wouldn't you be thirsty for vengeance? I am a human being, and I suffered because of a backwards-thinking society, that only recently made some improvements.

I don't want men or women to suffer from such imposed societal images, prospects, to be forced to wear certain clothing, to be put in a line where they have no freedoms, or their qualities are forced to be different based on traditions that do not belong in today's world.

If you believe that after all this I am some mad-hating mongrel like the silly bitches on tumblr then may it be so. However, I sleep at night knowing that I want to coexist with people, I try to tolerate what's possible to tolerate, and if I am pushed to the limit I will speak up, and even resort to the violence.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Zero tolerance for shame
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:13:27 PM »
I am considered as a pet for my Master in real life. I had a Mistress in the past. However, I am still virgin. Saying this out here, because there's no option for that kind of relationship.

The following text has been extracted from a journal found next to an unidentified corpse found after The Battle of #­gaming.

September, 30rd 2014

The supplies are running low. Rumor has, that the #Destiny army has broken into the main bunker. Maybe HQ is all dead. The radio has been dead for the last two days, and the last transmission with HQ was followed with the sound of alarms, panic and a promise of having priority in ammo supply.

Been sent into #­gaming during late 2010. 5th Platoon of the Bungie Army. We did our duty. Companionship was formed with the lads and the ladies, we talked about gaming and the community was strong. However, the change came, and with change... The Destiny army-- the 10th Platoon.

One morning of 9th September, I was out in patrol. Your typical patrol at the borders of #­gaming, where threads were mainly about the perspective of playing the latest game, or some cool mods, and how Steam Sales are the greatest thing.

Yet... All of a sudden, a Destiny member comes. I ask him to state his business. He replies with a bullet on the head of my companion. I ran away, to sound the alarm, but it was too late, an air blitz had striken, and thus The Battle of #­gaming had begun.


Now, the rumours were that the Ninjas had abandoned us. Left us for dead in the rabbles of the once prosperous streets of #­gaming. The busy sounds of gaming threads was suffocated, as the Destiny platoon piled up the corpses, and the so-called and branded traitors were marched into #Destiny, forever to be changed.

My rifle has one. A single. Bullet left. I know what'll do with it. If you happen to read this journal, whoever you are then let the world know that we have been betrayed. We have been attacked by surprise. The Flood's attempts were useful, but to no avail, and Off Topic only made the Ninjas angrier.

Farewell, I served the Bungie Army well.

[The page is followed with blood stains]

Gaming / Re: So... how about that video game journalist corruption
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:32:56 AM »
It's an awkward subject that affects also journalism outside the world of gaming. First of all, I understand that some people here would like to argue the term game journalism. That term is indeed correct, as a journalist who is dedicated in the game industry, who follows up leads, investigates and reports the latest occurrences, which may include reviews, or reporting the signs of a new IP, or the agreement between a developer and a publisher are effectively things that a journalist handles.

When it's too much though? When does having contacts, or being too friendly as a journalist with certain individuals can become an issue to one's profession? Well, there is a whole debate going on in the world of journalism about this subject, and it's a behemoth to tackle as there are many different perspectives, awkward cases that have destroyed entire careers and issues that come along with what goes on.

The game industry is no different. Sometimes, someone, might get too intimate, or maybe out of a desperate measure they might submit into such intrigues. What you must keep in mind when you write a review, and show it to the web is that this review will actually affect the said developer's future. So, it becomes actually challenging to attach a number to a video game based on criticism that is formed from one's personal opinion, and perspective that is described into a few, short paragraphs of importance. This again, is a whole issue on its own.

Now, about this situation, it's an awkward situation that was blown out of proportion by the unending, restless and unlimited supply of human stupidity. However, it all boils down to you; the reader. You decide what you want to read, and you decide by where you give your clicks, and money for a magazine.

If you have an issue with a certain magazine, website, or blog. What you must do is actually move forward and ignore it, don't read it, or grow up and accept the fact that there are different views, and situations where one may be corrupt are unavoidable, but they must be handled in a mature and professional mannerism.

Septagon / Re: Which words aren't censored?
« on: October 02, 2014, 04:52:11 AM »
DeeJ, DeeJ, yeah, Cheat, you forgot to add this to the list. Tsk... Tsk...

The Flood / Re: Best Classical composer?
« on: October 01, 2014, 11:58:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 01, 2014, 11:36:46 PM »
Police officers usually are trained in such a way to have a suspicious nature about pretty much everyone. From that innocent old lady, a school girl, a guy driving his car to the most threatening badass in town. Just, don't let it get to you. It's their job to check up on things if they think there's a lead. (At least, in Greece it works that way)

Gaming / Re: Is Bungie screwed for the next 10 years?
« on: October 01, 2014, 10:45:59 PM »
Instead, I want to show you that Destiny is actually a good game that suffers of specific issues that should have been handled better. Therefore, 9th October, I will publish an in-depth critical piece on the game to showcase my view. (I will post it on this forum)

Destiny is badly designed and the story is badly written.

The gunplay is its only saving grace.

News / Re: New Monitors
« on: October 01, 2014, 10:08:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: Tell Great High School/College Stories
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:58:29 PM »
If this thread stays afloat then I might share some more stories. (I don't want to say them all at once, that's not fun)

The Flood / Re: Tell Great High School/College Stories
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:48:34 PM »
My third language, actually. I also know Italian due to my family. English is also the primary language in my current university, and I find myself in communities where people speak English. Everything that I write in terms of short stories, and other texts is in English, and so forth. English feels more like my first language these days.

So is English your second language or what?

The Flood / Re: Tell Great High School/College Stories
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:45:00 PM »
We actually had some Serbians in my school. They were usually chill, except that guy which fought with that Albanian outside the school over a relationship intrigue.

Oh. What's your opinion on Serbians?

The Flood / Re: Tell Great High School/College Stories
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:43:34 PM »
It was all before that joke-- the event I described took place in October 2007, also in Greece you eat the gyros.

So they remove kebab? Or do they support kebab?

The Flood / Re: Tell Great High School/College Stories
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:41:16 PM »
Russians usually fought with the Albanians, Bulgarians, the guys from Kazakhstan, and the Georgians, and the Greeks. Actually, the Russians fought with everyone, even the other Russians! There were just two of them though. I think one of them graduated last year.

You gotta love them Russians.

The Flood / Re: Tell Great High School/College Stories
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:33:10 PM »
Alright, I'll say one of the less personally incriminating stories. (After all, stories of me putting a bitch in line and punching a guy are plain boring, right?)

Anyway, we were sitting in class during my first year of High School. First of all, at the time I wasn't a model student so to speak and my interests with more practical approaches with computers led me to wind up in a technical high school, where basically most people there, usually, are not that interested in school itself, but just getting through with the system, and then there were other delinquents.

So, what happened during the class, as it was nothing unusual. The math teacher was just showing some stuff on the board, I was in the front row, though, so I was taking my notes, and my classmate next to me on the same desk was texting some of her friends. (She just texted friends, and sometimes used to tease me in class, haven't seen her in a while though)

What happened during that moment was just a loud yell as two guys in the back had picked up a fight. The Russian delinquent who showed up that day, with an almost 2m, bulky guy that stared at him madly. What followed is that the Russian picked up his chair, and wanted to hit the guy, and the chair went on the edge of the window. Suddenly the math teacher halted completely as the chair fell down the window.

The school's principal was walking underneath, and it missed her for a few meters as a lot of the class had shifted to look at the window after the "bump" sound of the metallic chair crushing itself against the ground. The principal came in barging at a record time as we were in the second floor and it took her roughly ten seconds, her face was overly red like a tomato as she held the chair with a hand (She used to be a PE teacher and at her prime went into the olympics as a hammer thrower) and in a few moments she placed the chair inside the classroom which had gotten really quiet as it looked at her, and resumed her posture before saying "So, whoever did this, should come in my office during the break" and nodded at the teacher as she left.

I didn't do anything, but I felt my heart stop at the way she said that one line.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:22:52 PM »
Yes, I actually did. They are nice sprites, and relatively easy to learn. So it's a good start to learn from.

I'm guessing you used a Pokemon Trainers sprites? because that looks like a Pokemon Trainer 2 mei

Gaming / Re: Is Bungie screwed for the next 10 years?
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:12:02 PM »
Halo: Reach wasn't a bad game, nor Destiny is. You have quite a huge misconception about what people overall think about the game. The people who complain about Destiny and post jokeful threats such as "I will return the game!" is merely a vocal minority of a much larger player base.

If Bungie doesn't get more than $500 million back on sales, they're in trouble. I'm surprised they even managed to stay afloat after Halo Reach because Halo Reach had it's price dropped in less than a month, at least in my town. Not to mention they released a demo because it wasn't selling. Try to find a demo version of Halo 3 or Halo 3 ODST or hell even Halo 4, they don't exist.

Serious / Re: I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:05:43 PM »
I do live in a similar town where there's nothing to do, and the people are quite backwards thinking. So, I familiarize with that. What I want to do is to move out. Perhaps, you should consider moving out when you are done with your classes? Maybe it sounds a little reckless, but that kind of stagnation you have right now, is worse than failing.

You wouldn't burn a poster with Marty's signature... Right?

Ok but I'd rip out Marty's signature and keep that

If you don't want it that much then can you send it to me?

I'm going to burn my signed Destiny poster.

Honestly.... Too bad for them. I guess the reason we find ourselves here in the first place is that we disagree with them on such subjects.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:49:14 PM »
No, because what I am feeling is terrible memories of my long time dealing with a depression that almost exploded on my hands. I don't want to share them, nor they are important to share as some sort of forewarning of what might come. This kind of thing is different for each person, and each person has their way in, and out.

What helped my way out was meeting with my Mistress, and then recently with my Master. I did some work on my own, but it wasn't that much successful. What happened during those times is that I was able to give myself a different outlook and experiences on things, and make more effective decisions which mattered on my life. It also allowed me to effectively let a lot of weight down, and as a person who is anti-social, and is also introvert, speaking with family and friends is not something I am able to do.

My suggestion above is what I truthfully think you should do.

Don't feel as if you should hold back things, just say what you feel.

Gaming / Re: Food for Thought: Assassin's Creed III
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:37:48 PM »
That's not the wrong attitude, it's the prerequisite to write a review. However, it's different when you need to make a publication on the web, or a magazine. Where the length, and content matters, and an editor will expect you to meet those things.

To me how much depth I put on a review depends normally on how enthusiastic I am about what I'm reviewing, otherwise I just try to cover the important bits and analyze them.

Alright, and why is that so?
I thought Connor was a great character, and I loved the story in AC3.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:36:15 PM »
Let me begin by saying that I won't lecture you on your age and how I might perceive you in nasty ways, nor I want to say that because you are young you should do whatever you want without caring.

Your behavior openly says that you feel forced into your life, into being who you are, and doing what you are told. My suggestion for you, in all truthfulness is to reconsider your values, and what's important and what is not. Education is indeed important, but on similar grounds it destroyed college for me, and made me begin anew.

Gaming / Re: Food for Thought: Assassin's Creed III
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:23:17 PM »
There's a difference between writing a full document with criticism on a game, and a review to be given on a website. If I am to convey everything from my critical standpoint then I would probably remove things that aren't needed from the text. Instead in a review for a website or a magazine (which both deal with quite limited space) you must retain a few bits of everything that is important, but at the same time that explains your thoughts on those bits. So, I'd say that I actually prefer to be wholly in depth, even though the audience for this would be much smaller.

You could always just shorten a review by putting in the most important things that you think deserve attention in it. Its not really necessary to be extremely in depth, unless you want to that is.

Gaming / Re: Food for Thought: Assassin's Creed III
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:13:31 PM »
Maybe, but for games as large as Assassin's Creed it is quite the work. A whole in-depth critical piece that contains something about each chapter would be at least 5k words which would need to be edited, processed and checked again. Perhaps, if I could release them online and charge like $1 or $5 for each then that would make it worth all the effort for a full in-depth piece. (Always implying my quality is up to that)

I never played any of the Assassin's Creed games, but I have a feeling you would make a good in depth review on the game.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:11:13 PM »

One of my first attempts in spriting, based on some existing sprites, I drew the lines myself by looking at the original image. The character showcased is Officer Unlikely a Security Officer in a dystopian futuristic setting, at some point I wanted to make a game with that character, but I couldn't pin down a good game concept.

The Flood / Re: frack YOU CHEAT
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:08:43 PM »
DeeJ, DeeJ, DeeJ...

Yeah, Cheat, you missed this word.


Gaming / Re: Is Bungie screwed for the next 10 years?
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:01:09 PM »
They can always improve the situation with the second release, and it wouldn't be such a crazy situation where a franchise drastically improves with a sequel (or flops completely with one). A good example that comes by my head is the Terminator franchise, as the original movie was received much less than the success of its sequel, which sparked a bunch of sequels, and a whole series.

I think it's early to throw the towel, and think that Bungie's done for.

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